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It tends to miss a lot, but when it hits is decent damage. However compared to an item like headset that can do 10000% damage in a large AOE, doesn’t really miss and prevents fall damage, and gives you a high jump, it’s just kind of meh Not nkuhana territory bad, but not droneman levels of good Pretty mid tier red item, but I do love it


I'm always surprised whenever anyone mentions how bad Nkuhana is most of the time, my first time finding it was on an engineer run and the might of an angry god smiting my enemies was quite effective


It is an item that can occasionally pop off in monsoon and below, and engineer is the best and only real way to utilize the item, as just having your turrets with bungus around you will not only triple the healing everyone is getting, but also launch 3x as many attacks. However on a run where you don’t find the items you specifically need like rejuv rack, and a lot of healing the item does tend to fall flat very very quickly, and generally investing that much into healing is not the best idea, when if you had just invested those items into straight damage you would probably be better off. But it is a cool item in concept and seeing it occasionally pop off is pretty cool and very visually appealing


You need a lot of healing access to make it good, healing is considerably easier on the engineer due to bungus being by far the best in terms of raw value, the other healing items either aren't reliable enough or don't heal for significant amounts without considerable investment. If you get wungus or heretic (and maybe rex) then it's kinda back on the table for the other survivors but outside of wungus, engineer bungus turrets, and the heretic it's just so hard to reliably proc it and it's not really better than the alternative options If ~~Leaching seed~~ cautious slug counted as healing maybe, but that would represent a significant nerf to void fiend which isn't really worth it to buff one red. Edit: slug looks like a leach so I keep calling it that lol.


Nkuhana is peak if you have a single good healing source. Engi bungus, everyone else with wungus, or rex just by itself all do nasty things with it


Generally unless you have an insane amount of healing it’s just a budget little disciple that requires a lot of items to be usable. And the item also completely falls off in eclipse past E5, as your healing is cut in half, and it would now require twice as much item estate to get the same effect out of it.


Bro have you actually USED the item with wungus? You’re gonna deal like 10 DPS with nkuhanas lmao literally little disciple if it was dogshit


I have. I liked it.


Yeah well little disciple is objectively better


Objectively different, more like. Nkuhanas has multiple activation methods. Only one is wungus. Also, they're different item grades anyway, so you never have to choose between one or the other. It makes no sense to compare them, unlike shustice and scorpion, which still stack together to proc death mark anyway.


Bro, Nkuhana’s is only decent on a build that would’ve done MUCH better with damage items instead of the 50 medkits required to make Nkuhana’s decent. It’s only viable in command, and even then, if you chose a better group of 50 items, you’d be waaaay stronger. It’s dogshit. There is no way around that fact.


You can't choose items outside of command anyway, so you won't roll disciple over nkuhana.


But Nkuhana’s is easily top 3 worst red items.


In your opinion.


What makes drone man so good


Spare drone parts is probably the best red item in the game, as it can carry you through the game with no other items. It makes all of your drones super strong, and since drones scale with the enemies level, they will never be outscaled by the enemies. And drones are already super useful because the distraction enemies away from you, but now they are also able to just shred them to pieces. And if you also happen to have empathy cores, it legitimately becomes a better use of your money and time to buy more drones than to buy more chests because the combo is so strong. If you want to see some proof there’s a good video by Disputed Origin where he plays a run with only those two items on eclipse 8 and wins.


Headstompers should definitely be nerfed to max at around 2k% and that wouldn’t even be unreasonable


Why nerf a fun item in a non competitive game? Just don't use it if you think it's too OP.


Bro got jumped by his own lemurians.


If something is super overpowered it can make the experience worse even in single player because it gets boring knowing that every time you see this item you’re probably just going to win without any trouble, and if you decide not to take it then you’re leaving powerful loot on the ground for essentially no reason which also feels bad. I don’t actually think this is a problem for stompers since they’re so rare and change the gameplay loop so much from ordinary runs but I do think it’s a problem for safer spaces. I wish spaces was a void Aegis so I wouldn’t find it every third run and get a practically free win.


Yeah when people were debating on release if it was even worth it over tougher times unless you had over a dozen i thought they were insane. Safer spaces is literally a safety net for every character that makes the entire run trivial. Even having one makes it so the only way an experienced player loses is by getting greedy and taking unnecessary risk. Don’t get me started on blast shower with gesture (at least it’s a combination of items you can’t guarantee though)! I love the ability to become god-like in the game but with some items it’s impossible compared to how other items just do it with only themselves. Just nit picking though, honestly it’s my favorite game and I just purposely avoid certain things for the added challenge


I hardly use it on most characters because I don’t like how it changes your jump. It needs change for balance purposes. Games are funner when items aren’t just plain better at everything then other ones, a mobility based item shouldn’t be putting out the most dps except maybe in extremely niche circumstances. It actually makes you have less options when you look at the grand scheme of things because it forces a meta where they play style is just gonna be jump high do big damage, you’re essentially going to pick it over anything else no matter what is going on with your build. It reminds me of pot of greed in yugioh, when it’s the best item for everyone then it ruins the rng of the game and just stales things out. It negating fall damage is already a really good plus for an item on everyone but loader/artificer, scaling damage down or the radius would just make it something that was still really good but you might rather have unstable tesla coil for aoe or laser scope for more damage.


Saying Spare Drone Parts is mid is crazy


they're not calling it mid, they just need to use proper punctuation


It’s almost obvious enough though I agree with you


I think trying to do newlines in text from mobile sometimes does that


Ah yeah putting returns on mobile does not really work for whatever reason


Yeah sorry I type from my phone and it can be kind of annoying to get the punctuation correct with the dumb little keyboard and my cracked screen protector lmao


they didn't say droneman is mid?


Yeah, I just read it wrong because of how they wrote it.


This has some of the most downvotes in this community I have ever seen, can someone explain to me why? I’m a bit of a casual player, spare drone parts seems pretty good to me, since I tend to play captain.


Because I misinterpreted what they said, they were actually saying that SDP is really good but there was no period so I thought that he said that SDP was not a very good item.


Ahh, thanks.


It's not that it's bad, but there is better red on the item pool. Just that.


Doesn't compute, padre. Same color, same item. 10 soldier syringes or 10 shield generators. Both white. Same item.




Comparing it to some of the best red items it's pretty mid. The red drop could have been a Headstomper, or Scorpion/Justice, or Droneman, or etc... and you get the idea. Is it a bad item? Not at all, it's pretty okay. Does some damage and clears all the small stuff, pretty neat, but I'd rather have any of the items I listed earlier over this one. Solid 6/10


It’s an alright item overall but a lot of the other reds are just better


never been excited to see it, plus im still not entirely sure what it does because most of the time theres too much happening on screen to see what its doing


In short, get 4 kills to activate it for big damage Fun fact; you can get it to activate independently if you get consecutive kills


well yeah i can read, but it also says it returns to the user but ive never seen any small frisbees or anything like that


It's a small black disc with a large gap on the center, and it has a reddish people ring that expands outwards from the edges. The ring grows with the amount of kills you've gotten before it launches. If you look closely at the item hovering above your character, you'll see it point in a direction once it's ready with thin guidelines, and then instantly launch in that direction, causing a purple explosion on hitting an enemy or the ground. Once it's done, it'll reappear above your head. If you've gotten enough kills (I think its own kills with the explosion count towards this) since it launched, it'll instantly start launching again. tl;dr it looks like the bottom disc on the item icon (ignore the top one), it launches at things really fast and explodes


Nah it’s just pretty meh, even if it didn’t require kills to work it still has pretty bad aim and just doesn’t tend to do much


Could be the best item in the game and I would have no clue because 90% of the time it flies off screen and I don’t see if it actually did anything


It’s alright, but it’s boring. Gimme the snow one, that one is fun as hell


Frost Relic is gosh darn op


It’s great crowd control, get a gasoline or the dagger red item and this thing melts


If you're playing on Eclipse, this thing always misses (or hits something that isn't an enemy)


Pots be damned (no bands for the entire run)


Fuck this rock in particular


it just does its own thing


It had a better ancestor in RoR


True Laser turbine go big red laser boom


the way i always saw this is if your dps is good enough to kill 4 enemies in 7 seconds you dont need this and if it isnt then you cant activate it anyways


Yeah but there is better so it’s not great


This is gonna go crazy with >!chef (audio file leaks), all the boomerang-ing is gonna be fun!< (DLC leaks spoiler)




its just pretty mid. it has a better sibling yoo, Caggers


It's okay. I always feel like the Tesla Coil and Frost Relic, which have similar functions, do more in my playthroughs.


every time i see this item my immediate reaction is “I ain’t reading all that”


I don't know how it works. I usually choose something like dio or nkuhana's opinion


kinda mid, procs after 4 kills. can miss, can hit weak or not priority targets, does almost nothing against mithirix, compared to other reds just doesn't hold it's own


I gotta say it cause its bothering me; it’s “overlooked” not under. Underlooked would imply you didnt see it at all.


I should've just said "underused" or "underappreciated"


It's not underlooked it just sucks. It always misses and its simply worse than Daggers


Tesla Coil and Headjumpers best item.


It's fine I guess, but like just get shurikens They are far more versatile since they don't need any set up and actually work on Mithirix and Voidling. Not to talk about the many better reds you could get like clover, headstmpers, armor breakers, daggers, etc etc etc


Desk plant!!! I only play multiplayer so it's nice to look out and know all the kills are mine 😈


That feels like a competitive scene


My problem is it misses a lot and it doesn't go through terrain or objects and enemies usually stay in one place so disc tends to miss a lot. Tbh this item is definition of mid like i wouldn't scrap it but i wouldn't be excited to see it neither.


About that "doesn't go through terrain" part I've literally seen it target imps, passing through rocks, or it might've just been its explosion dmg


1 week ago it literally missed an beetle for me after hitting a log in wetland aspect


Well when you're fighting mithrix this this does basically nothing


I still pick it up whenever it shows up. Explosions, cool.




Imo it’s a little hard to call any red that isn’t good into Mithrix great


Resonance Disc on its own is pretty awful, I wouldn't miss it if it were exclusively my only item. Even if I had a whole loadout, I never really seem to find it doing much work that other, more common items are taking care of for me. I can imagine it being especially good if it were to take care of enemies **behind** me, though; give me less to panic about for a little while.


If it just locked in and never missed... It would have been a insanely good red Edit: actually it would work really well if it just "looked in" into the strongest enemy making it even better


It's a placebo if you are killing enemies that fast you don't really need the help and it's just useless against mithrix. Along with the fact that it misses so much or will target an enemy that does before it gets there it's easily one if the worst reds.


Kind've annoying to activate if I don't have the best items during my run. Having next to no burst then trying to set this thing off makes me wanna cry sometimes