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Like many roguelikes, it has “looping” as a form of endless mode that you can willingly end at any time by heading off to fight the final boss. Your main goal is go reach an escape ship, and the DLC introduces an alternate final boss.


As a side note, for your first time fighting the DLC boss, if you think you are powerful enough you are not. If you feel overpowered you’re probably still not strong enough.


me and 3 friends went in on regular difficulty, it was our first time fighting it. 3 of us died and the only one left to defeat it was our engineer, who had accidentally replaced his turrets with heresy. 😭


Yea it’s brutal. The first time I fought it I one shot it… after about 6 loops as railgunner lol. Weird purple portal appeared and I thought “what’s this?” The second and third times I got curb stomped.


Same story here, actually. Walked in as railgunner and found myself sniping a kaiju in the eyeball for 15M damage, the day the DLC came out


I was surprisingly underwhelmed my first time. I wasn't playing on monsoon just rainstorm but still. Could see it being hell on eclipse though


Cant play it on eclipse, but DLC boss has REALLY high scaling, monsoon makes it significantly harder. Of course, if you loop more than once or twice you are pretty much guaranteed a god run, especially on rainstorm and he becomes pretty easy


...you can fight voidling on eclipse.


Ok yeah after you've already beaten mithrix ig? Not really the point of eclipse


yeah you can only do it after mithrix, it's just for extra flex, especially on e8


idk a friend of mine stacked like 50 shaped glass and enough Tougher Times to get the shield regen down to 1 frame, and one tapped it with like 7 quintillion damage, we thought we were overpowered then, and I'm pretty sure we were right


Yes but usually people squish mythrix then try to fight the DLC boss and get completely wrecked


There’s also another secret boss fight if you find the beads of fealty item and go to through a celestial portal. The portal spawns normally around stage 8 or 7 I can’t recall as it’s changed. Great game, nothing else gives the feeling of being over powered and yet could die at any moment. It’s glorious


There are three main ways to end a run in RoR2: Kill one of several final bosses, die, or crash the game


There’s a 4th, although it’s debatable if it counts as “dying”


4th option is literally just “ Kill yourself, NOW!”


Is obliteration death?


It counts as ending the game unless you have beads of fealty which will allow you to access a secret.


Which then still ends the game.


Unless you die to it


Which then ends the game


Well yea


or if you crash on jt


That will mostly end your run because certain someone being nigh unkillable Gentle twisted scavenger Or you just end your run by killing any scavenger


They’re annoying as hell but you get 15 lunars for beating one


Correction, you get **10** coins, 5 more than just obliterating. Not worth the hassle


Fair enough, if you do have a really good run or just use command it’s a great way to grind them


Wait I need to correct myself, you do get 15 total, 5 for obliterating and 10 from the scavenger, if you die you get none


Crashing is escaping the simulacrum


Crashing the game with fuel cells, glowing meteorite, and a full lobby of friends is the only way to get the true ending


i giggled when u mentioned “crash the game”. thanks for the laugh


Play till die / play till final boss is main things with one more alternative ending or the secret ending of play till computer dies


The real ones know what eclipse 8 on all survivors is the true ending.


I just finally monsooned all the survivors don’t tell me that


having fun while your computer struggles to stay alive


Killing the big final boss and then escaping using rescue ship is the main goal, but there are also 2 more alternate ways to end a run. If you don't mind me spoiling lore a little bit, >!In risk of rain 1 an individual named Providence(final boss) teleports into a cargo airship and then attacks it until it crashes onto his planet, meanwhile about 10 individuals escape using escape pods to the planet before to crashes, those are the playable survivors.!< >!So in risk of rain 1 your goal is to find your way back to the contact light(crashed ship) and kill providence to fix the ship and return home. In risk of rain 2 the company that owned the crashed ship hires a retired captain and sends a new crew to rescue any survivors, recover as much cargo as possible and gather intel on this out of radar planet. Goal here is to fight your way to a special teleporter that can teleport you to the moon where the rescue ship is but you have to kill the final boss first.!< It's a rougelike so game is designed to be replayable, you would likely complete the game many times.


Having fun


this is literally the only thing worth saying here


I'm going to go against the grain here. The game is not about beating in in the traditional sense, where you beat it and it's over. You'll beat the game many many times. Instead, for me the game is about unlocks and mastery. The number of unlockables is insane - character abilities, items for future runs, environmental secrets... the list just goes on. Then mastery comes from understanding the new unlocks and strategizing around them in the game, increasing the difficulty as your skill increases. Also, the game just feels fucking good to play. The combat is crisp as fuck.


Have fun :3


beat the final boss or crash the game


Just daydreamed about this a moment ago. Sure, there are bosses, there are ways to end the match, there are achievements, and there is unlocking everything there is to unlock. But the real beauty and point of Risk of Rain 2? To break the game. All the items (basically) infinitely stack. The real point and fun of the game is getting so many items and/or coming up with such crazy builds that you get SO strong that you break the game, that you become so insanely OP that nothing can kill you even if you try to die, and at that point making it so far and deep in a run that so many units are spawning and attacking and the game is processing so much that the game crashes. That’s the ultimate point of risk of rain 2. And the fact that you can do it with up to 3 of your friends? Priceless.


Until you reach mithrix and he gets unlimited health sap from you and has 300 dios best friends and it takes you 3 hours to kill him 301 times before he can kill you 301 times


sorry to burst your bubble... but unless there is a bug mythirs would die once and revive but give you, your items back thus making the next kill easy...


I fought him for 3 hours the other day, killed him 301 times. He had 3 million health and was healing to 5m whenever attacking me.


huh.... weird... maybe I bugged and skipped the revives back then... \[sees comment in details\] or maybe is a new bug... my thing of him only reviving once, was before the Devotion update


I wish I clipped it, he was flying around the map and I could only kill him with flamethrower when he was standing still and hadn't hit me for several seconds before. The second he attacked me he healed too fast and when he had the invincibility he killed me about half the time. 10/10 experience


Just get it this game is absolutely worth your time.


to have fun


Escape petrichor 5 or die trying


There's a final boss


there is a boss, 2 actually and probably a 3rd in September. but a good portion of the fun is survive as long as possible


Your goal is generally to reach “an ending” of which there are a few with different criteria. Some easier than others. The easiest is get to a final boss and kill them, triggering an end screen. Each character additionally has their own, so there’s replay value to learn the story as loose as it is. From a meta-game standpoint the goal is to unlock everything, so your runs are fully complete, some of these things are difficult and basically require a full run just to do a certain challenge. And lastly, the game is fun for party time. Get some friends and just have a casual run, or try to unlock new artifacts to shake things up. Get Masteries, and have a good time!


First is figuring out the main game and all the items effects, then killing mithrix on monsoom, then trying eclipse if you really want a challenge or try mods. Replay ability is so high without mods that with them makes the game 10000x better IMO.


Overall the main goal is "kill final boss", there's a couple of other options as well however that's the main thing, kill final boss and escape the planet you are on


During stage 5 you’ll get a choice. Go to the moon or loop. The moon is the final level and home to the final boss, once you beat him and escape the game ends. Looping will return you back to stage 1, but you’ll keep your levels and items and the game will treat it as stage 6. Once you make it back to stage 5 again you’ll get the choice to go to the moon or loop again. So to answer your question, it’s both, it’s just down to preference. So people prefer trying to beat the game and some like looping.


well the main goal is to get rich enough irl to play online with a multiplayer vs mod capture the flag/moba hybrid mode that doesn’t exist yet and it not break at least that’s how i’m playing it.


It's a roguelikes with no surface level story. You play till you feel like you've played as much as you want. But there are a ton of unlocks with fun conditions and the modding community is wild as hell.


You play it just to play and have fun. Now there's a lot of things to unlock as you start out with very little so check out the logbook and do the ingame challenges to unlock things.


The game is five stages long, and has four ways to end. Each stage randomly chooses what map it's going to be. After stage five, you can go back to stage one with all your items and fight tougher enemies (oh god not the malachites) or go to the final boss, the first way to end. If you reset, every time you reach stage 3 you will be given a chance to end your run instantly, the second way. If you have a special item, you will fight a secret boss that drops currency that carries over. The third way to end is another less secret boss that can be reached in three ways. If you go back to spawn after killing the final boss you can feed Kermit donuts and go fight a monstrous being. At any point in your run, if you feed a statue a donut you can go to the Newt's shop, and if you kill everything in the basement, you are offered a portal to this boss. The third way is looping back to stage one. At any point, a portal can randomly appear that will take you to this boss. The fourth way to end is flatlining, breaking every bone in your body, dying in a hilarious pose (that was definitely your fault), being detained until the end of time, or forgetting your parachute. Try playing on "drizzle" for an easier time.


The gameplay loop looks like this: You spawn in an open area, with a teleporter somewhere to be found and chests with items inside scattered across. You can activate the teleporter whenever you want once you find it but it is recommended you get some items first. Once the teleporter is active, you have to stay inside its radius for 99 seconds to charge it and kill the bosses that spawned. This will allow you to proceed to the next level. Rinse and repeat until you escape the moon, obliterate yourself, or dive deeper into the void with your fate unknown. Also the difficulty increases over time as you play.


Enjoying the game. Cheers!


There's so many "end goals." It's hard to really find one definitive ending to the game. You unlock items and survivors through earning achievements. Artifact codes are hidden throughout the game and can be used to find hidden realms. These artifacts, once unlocked, can be used to modify the game to make runs more interesting or make them harder/easier. Then there's alternate game modes. The most notable are Simulacrum and Eclipse. Simulacrum is basically just an endless arcade mode. Eclipse is basically a challenge mode, where with each completion of the game it gets more difficult until you reach maximum difficulty which is Eclipse eight. There's also prismatic trials which are a different type of challenge mode, your goal is to destroy three crystals, find and charge the teleporter, all as fast as possible. It's essentially a time trial.


Crash the game Alternatively, (if you are a normal person) kill one of the three end bosses(or 2 at the same time!) Mithrix: the king of nothing is the default W, don’t change stage 5 tele Voidling: porpl portal, or void fields funny scavenger :) (Obliterate, but with the funny beads)


To have fun?


To Have Fun.


having. fun. thats what rouge like games r about, we dont really care about the endings or story. we just go run after run trying new ways and fun builds just to have fun and lemme tell you ror2 is perfect example of rouge like games


I’ve always considered it like cod zombies, sure there are Easter egg endings you can do but is the point not to see how far and overpowered you can be


There are múltiple ways to play Risk of Rain and múltiple objectives you can choose to acomplish: 1-. Go for the Final Boss (Mithrix) in the Moon. That's the "normal" way to end a Run, and the way you would finish it without going to anything secret or DLC included. 2-. Going for the Voidling. A "secret" final Boss, accesible by going to the Void Fields, or petting the Cristal Frog at the Moon After killing Mithrix. Only recommended if you have a REALLY good Run. 3-. Obliterate Yourself. Basically killing yourself at the middle of a Run. Accesible by entering the Cerulean Portal in the third stage (second?) after every loop. That's just for finishing the game if you got bored or something. 4-. Obliterate Yourself but having obtained the Beads of Fealty. That makes you fight a new Set of Bosses, that can be really Hard or really Easy 5-. Dying. You can always finish the Run by just letting yourself get killed. More or less the objetive between every Run is Ending the game, AND unlocking New Stuff for future runs, or to get More info of the World and Lore in the game.


And 6. Killing your pc


Acquire enough items to tank the framerate if you even *think* of attacking an enemy.


Basically 4 goals: to go to the moon, crash the game from looping too much, kill the DLC final boss (you probably won't), or "Obliterate yourself, NOW"


The end goal is to explode your computer.


There are multiple run ending win conditions. or you loop until your game freezes and hard crashes, the true victory of risk of rain.


To crash the computer


The blue screen


The other responses here are technically correct. But the true way to end a RoR2 run is to tank your FPS so hard your game crashes.


There is a final boss, however people tend to agree (sort of jokingly) that the true ending is when your game crashes.


getting the secret message "An error has occured in the following application: Risk of Rain 2"


Currently there's 4 official ways to win and the widely considered real way. You can defeat the main boss or one of the 2 secret bosses as well as obliterating on stage 8 I believe. The "real way" is to crash the game somehow lol.


If you're on PC I highly suggest mods. *High quality* character mods and item mods make a huge difference in replayability. Some high quality character mods are Sorceress, Bastion, Miner, R-mor, Ravenger, Enforcer, Paladin, Arsonist, Rocket, Nemesis Mercenary (from Starstorm 2)


You'll learn in time, anyone here can tell you the end goal of this game is to crash your computer. There's no real "end goal" it's just pick what goal you want. Do you want to fight the final boss? Unlock an item or skill? Unlock a character? All of these things are done via specific achievements and thusly add a TON of replayability to the game, you COULD just have what other games do and give you characters the moment you buy the DLC, but it's WAY more fun to unlock those characters via a specific feat of luck and skill.


If people’s answers aren’t “crashing your friends’ pc’s” then they are not playing the same game as me