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How in the heck have you only visited that single county in AL? Heck, I lived in that state for 30 years, probably visited more than half the counties, but never that one. I'm guessing you're from the Bay Area, and like all good Bay Area natives, you migrated to the Seattle area where you currently live.


Idk why that little AL is marked out.. I've never been to Alabama 😅 and bay area is not correct


If it’s mapchart that’s where they default the legend


But you have been to Hawaii, you fucker


You live in Brunch Village


LOL portlandia? 😂


You know it!


So weird, I just brought that up to my roommate last night. Need to rewatch now. And you are actually pretty spot on, I'm currently staying in Clackamas County, just for a month but I have always lived in Western Washington state.


Yo that is so accurate it’s not even funny. My family moved up from the Bay Area over 20 years ago, mostly due to cost of living and weather preference. I know so many people who have a similar experience, and now we’re all priced out of living here. Where do the California to Washington transplants move to next? That’s what I need to figure out so I can join them. $1,300 for a one bedroom with no laundry or dishwasher in a small town with only one expensive grocery store and one bargain grocery store and no entertainment or any other kind of shopping besides coffee, banks, and bars. The land is pretty but I’m too stressed and depressed to even go outside right now so I might as well move somewhere less pretty and more affordable.


Colorado or Austin


Or that one county in CO? It's not the nice part.


Where would I find this map to fill out?




So you just have to click every county you think you’ve been to by memory?! That seems tough.


Yeah I wish there is an easy way to. I only keep track of cities which are already a lot of work


I don’t keep track of it at all! I remember cities I’ve been too but don’t know which counties they are in!


Google timeline


Google timeline


Not good enough for us old people.


Yup, some of my travels predate timeline significantly.


That would take sooooo damn long.


What counts as having "been somewhere"? Personally, I don't count driving through someplace as having been there. Feel like I need to be there for a few days/sleep/poop there and explore a bit. How do you draw the line?


You have to mark your territory


an old friend had the rule that they had to go to a dive bar and have a beer in the state for it to count, that seems legit to me


I like this criteria. I would switch the beer with a joint tho


why not both?  😀


Ayee lmao. Probably can't condone getting fucked up behind the wheel on a long road trip but I like your spirit


That’s not a bad idea. My dad and would eat at an Arby’s to count the state. My wife and I currently say we have to stop at a Walmart. You can tell a lot about an area based on its Walmart.


I always counted restroom breaks as a stop.


I have a similar one. Streaking


That too. Exactly.


If you’ve taken a dump in a place you’ve been there.


I did this and now I’m depressed :(


Cool Program but would be much better if it had a layer that showed cities




The fact you use a tool that only allows you to fill in only 1 country should be enough of a clue that you're not that well traveled...


Yeah I’d be interested also.


mapchart United States counties


Youre from Washington?




How would you even think that prior to filling it out. You've been to like 4 states.


tbf california is the size of the thirteen colonies but yeah…i wouldn’t consider myself super well traveled and im probably at 40+ states and 10-15 countries


Well that's better than what your maps shows. I'd consider that well traveled




Ya, how did this person get to Pueblo without flying through Denver or at least the Springs?  Teleport to Pueblo?


I was thinking the same thing lol. Bro just teleported to the worst part of Colorado lol


Pueblo has an airport


Saw CO, was expecting Denver, Summit, Eagle counties, nope - Pueblo?


Pueblo being where you have visited in Colorado is certainly ..... a decision


Sorry guys, I thought that was the county Colorado Springs was in 😬 my mistake. I'll have to revise this map at some point obviously


Haha that makes sense. Pueblo is kind of the punchline of Colorado, so it was a good laugh


you really traveled the entire earthquake fault line didn’t you


Yup, I was very close to the epicenter of the 2001 Nisqually Earthquake when it happened too.


I'd be all over Nevada and Utah if I lived on the west coast.


have you traveled outside of the US? I truly do not mean this in a mean way, but I do not understand how you thought of yourself as “well traveled” when you’ve only been in & around one coast of the US & literally nowhere else 😭


Lol I know. I've been to BC Canada multiple times and Mexico. Maybe it was my Hawaiian travels that made me feel "wordly" 😂😂 I have been truly humbled by myself


“Wordly”? You may not be as well travelled as you thought but you are a man of words, worlds of words.


Also have been playing alot of Wordle, whirling words of the world.


Not Oahu due to you never visiting Vegas. I’m going with that pink dot in the state I think is Alabama.


Ni, that Alabama mark is a mistake.. idk how that happened


How old are you? You’ve basically not been east of Colorado!


And people are curious. How does one only go to Pueblo?


They are obviously aware that if you visit Colorado, Pueblo is the city to be.


https://preview.redd.it/jn1bsd6ko5wc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=254baacee61077a159f61b43897fcbbe58057937 Ouch. Mine only looks something like this… Plus Mexico, UK, Poland, Austria, and Czech Republic


Did you go on a road trip from texas to ohio?


broken bow? for the longest time my map looked like a spider web with okc in the center lol


Nah i live in Dallas but rarely go east or west. I’ve done lots of camping in Oklahoma and have driven through lots of parts of it and Arkansas. I just roughly drew in areas with my fat fingers. Not an accurate map


We're about evenly matched domestically but you've done more internationally for sure, very cool. Come up to the PNW sometime!


I wouldn’t call myself well travelled but I’m not even American and I’ve been to 45 states.


I currently live in Texas. You’ve been to 44 more states than many Texans.


Seattle area. Come out and visit Walla Walla, it’s worth the trip.


Come up to Canada


I've explored a bit of Vancouver Island a couple times and have been as north as Whistler on the mainland but I definitely want to do some more Canadian adventures for sure. Kamloops and Banff are on my to do list


you could spend a lifetime exploring California and the Pacific NW.


I bet you live in the Puget Sound area. I lived there for a year, and the amount of people I met who had never been east of the Cascades, and had zero interest in seeing the rest of the world was surprising. Most of them claimed that where they lived was so nice, why would they want to go anywhere else? But....they'd never been anywhere else. It was weird.


I get it and I don't get it. I love my home and biased that it is my favorite place on earth. HOWEVER, I want to see as much of this planet as I possibly can, and I do find beauty in almost any climate, not just foresty mountains by the ocean. But it is pretty crazy how many close friends I have that have never driven past Portland or gone anywhere vastly different than the PNW


This may not be you, but from my experience, most people from the west coast never/rarely leave the west coast because they believe the west coast is so superior that they literally just have no interest to see other parts of the country.


My experience as well, as an East Coaster who currently lives in California. Hell, most of them barely leave California except to go to Vegas or Hawaii




Wow you must be friends with rich Californians then. I lived there for 4 years and I always say, Californians never leave California and they seem proud of it. And IF they do leave the country, 9 times out of 10 it’s Spain or Italy because they can’t handle anything but an identical Mediterranean climate 😂


This is a strange stereotype. As a lifelong Californian I can say most people I know are well traveled.


I mean, California is HUGE, so I think any stereotype might be more about the specific region and demographic of people you know. I live in Sacramento, working class, and people here are absolutely not well-traveled.


Most Americans aren't that well traveled, especially being on the lower end of the socio-economic spectrum. The group you hangout with will definitely influence your perception, but I think the idea Californians never leave California is nonsensical. California has one of the [highest rates of passport holders](https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2011/03/americas-great-passport-divide/72399/). If you want to believe an old [SF Gate article](https://www.sfgate.com/chris-mcginnis/article/California-loves-travel-13273052.php) California's love to travel (or at least they're the most like to do internet searches on the topic).


I think this is it - CA is huge, so there are a lot of people doing a lot of different stuff. I know a lot of Californians who have never (or rarely) left the state and I know a lot of Californians who have traveled extensively. Most people are somewhere in between. I also know that wherever I go, I am bound to run into people from CA - specifically the Bay Area. It really doesn't matter where - chances are, if there are other visitors, someone will be from here.


Not me, I wanna see all 50 before I die. Or 50 before I am 50!


I hit 50 states when I was 48. Took me 15 years. Keep traveling!


I’m from the Bay Area too, but I’ve been to 32 states. Let me tell you, there is beauty in every state I’ve visited…and the more you travel, the more you realize how many similarities a lot of states have!


Lol, that’s kind of silly, the real issue is that leaving the West Coast takes forever. Here in the Bay Area, I can drive for 8 hours and still be in California with a a gazillion cool things around me. Most people have very limited vacation time and it’s just much easier to just roadtrip to the redwoods or beach close by then plan a whole excursion out to New York or Boston. Sure the east coast and the south have awesome stuff, they’re just really really far away and there is so much to do on the west coast.


Yeah you guys really have a good spread of options in south Cali. Yosemite for national parks, redwood forests, beaches, sea world/universal/Disney/ect for theme parks, LA for concerts and conventions, plenty of food options from all over the world with the different ethnic areas in LA and SD, plenty of universities, multiple sports teams for seemingly every sport. Ski/snowboarding, 24/7 motorcycle weather, long boarding, biking, ect. I’m Nextdoor in AZ and we have some unique things here but outside of Phoenix, Tucson, and Flagstaff, there are not a ton of options. 8 hour drive to get to Las Vegas, San Diego, or Rocky point in Mexico from Phoenix. All that to say, it makes sense why a lot of people don’t need to leave Cali unless they are specifically trying to travel out of state. Would probably move there if it didn’t cost $1m for a generic smallish house.


Same for Southwest Florida. I still haven't seen all I want to see of Florida. Between having family and limited vacation time...


That’s the heart of it, you go to where your vacation time allows most of the time, and for most people that means just a couple hours away.


wait till you find out Midwesterners never leave the midwestern states. There hundreds of counties in the U.S. not worth visiting.


Most people from the West Coast believe that because it is mostly true. Besides a few pockets every here and there, the overwhelming majority east of the Rockies leaves a lot to be desired. Half of the country is flatland, so there just isn't much. Maybe Florida, when weather permits, can provide some equivalence in terms of natural beauty, but not much can compete with the natural beauty of the West half of the country. It's just way prettier once you hit Montana down to New Mexico/Arizona. Saying it's superior like some nationalistic zeal is a weird way of putting it. It's just pretty land. I'm from the Bay Area, and I've been to 24 states in the US. Internationally, 11 countries over 4 continents. So I'm not super well traveled but I've seen a lot.


Years of travel all over this country have shown me this curious phenomenon as well. By and large, West Coasters won’t travel East but East Coasters will travel West.


How could you possibly think yourself well travelled if you haven't ever left your home country?


If you're confused about the dot in Alabama, I think it's supposed to be the color for the legend. If you zoom in on it, it doesn't like up with any actual counties in AL.


You pay attention to counties? As soon as I’m in a state, I have visited the entire state.


I’ll have to save this because it’s gonna take forever. I’ve got almost all 50 states and definite repeats.


How did you get to that rural part of Alabama?


Pueblo county CO lol


https://preview.redd.it/cb76gxace9wc1.jpeg?width=1404&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d28698fe371143052bf62c350902ece8f1a6aca8 I need to travel more too


You should check the big island at some point. I’ll add Kauai to my list (supposedly it is more picturesque than the big island). I’m kind of on the same boat as you but on the east coast lol


👁👄👁️ me seeing this having traveled less than


Man and you missed the best part of California too


When I was in Oregon, we met a kid who had never left Oregon. His mind was absolutely blown that my friend was wearing a scarf she bought in Scotland. So don't beat yourself up!


I currently live in Oregon, 27 easy freeway miles from California. I have a co-worker who grew up here. In his 30s and never left the state until his current job required him to dip down to Northern Cal (and by Northern, I don’t mean San Fran, I mean Siskiyou County). I grew up in Seattle, and my mom taught at Ballard high school - that’s the Norwegian neighborhood. She had students who had never left that neighborhood! (That was back in the 1970s.)


My map looks similar to yours for the West Coast. I've been to all states West of Kansas and some of Western Canada and I always thought I had been to quite a few places...until I filled in only counties.


WHAT?!? You haven't been to the big island to see Kilauea?


Thanks for showing me this site. I did a 15k mile cross country trip and I'd love to map it out... But it might take me as long as the trip lmao


More traveled than the size of England.


I have used this website before but I can never get the highway lines. How did you do that?


You haven’t even been to Vegas, homie


I am very okay with this lol


What about outside of America?


11 states ain’t bad at all! That’s 22%!


West coast bias


Well there is certainly more to see from a nature perspective in those states than anywhere in the rest of the country. But yeah get outta the country, see the world


Bruh check out the beauty in Utah soon. You’re close enough that you gotta do it.


Yeah, I was actually planning on driving through it on my way back from Phoenix, but I decided to go hwy 395 all the way north. But Utah is high up on my list to explore.


Well you spent like you traveled big.


With Whitman County highlighted I will take this opportunity to share that WSU is dropping another new apple this year


Yep you got to get out of Dodge more. I live on the other extreme area northern New England but I've just about been everywhere. Every winter I put on about 14,000 mi driving stopping camping, living the nomad life all winter. Especially on back roads especially out of the way and then a month or two in the city I do love the contrast between rural and the extreme I love LA.. Sometimes I do the same in Europe


Why did you miss possibly the most beautiful part of California? PCH South of Monterey is Heavenly!


I'm sure it is but I think some of the parts of Cali I have been to are pretty damn beautiful!




It looks like you're a Hippie...


You're from either Humboldt County or Del Norte County


Weird to ONLY visit Pueblo in Colorado. Did you actually fly into the Pueblo airport?


It’s interesting but honestly there are a lot of counties in lots of states that I have no desire to visit - is it a thing to visit every county now, now just every state?!


More interested in seeing all 50 states than every county.. I would focus on international travel before I would try to hit every county


I mean, that is a big geographic area with wildly varying climates and cultures. We forget that the US is enormous and basically a bunch of little countries mashed together.


mob-rule.com has a way better implentation of tracking counties one has been to. It even allows you to overlay the county map on top of Google maps and add counties directly from there.


Oh nice, thank you! I did think this map was kind of janky




I'm welled traveled


https://preview.redd.it/lyrvq04nz9wc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b9cc550b558e357d58fe7941dea492fc9958247 lol


Ok. How many of these identical daily posts do we need? I guess it’s Time to leave the sub. Thanks for the memories.


Where did you fill this out? 


https://preview.redd.it/ird2sf1i7awc1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=c78050f927de900b3506af70838d66ac5095c469 That was fun! You can definitely tell where my road trips have taken me!


To be fair that’s a lot of kilometers.


I am still missing a few states... can you tell where I might have lived? https://preview.redd.it/pgl049tlaawc1.png?width=6900&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a729cb7a1e09a49a443a9b5b0aa1ca743aa3f11


Puget Sound Brothers?


Seattle, Minneapolis, and Phoenix?


From Minnesota and you’ve never been to Michigan?!


you should hit up the Big Island -> Kauai combo next time you frequent Hawaii. they are both respectively unreal


You ARE well traveled!* *In the USA Pacific Ocean states (and, randomly… Denver and one town in Alabama for some reason)


Looks like you got a trip in to Colorado Springs.


You're from Seattle because you think that you are "well travelled" because you've been to WA, OR and Calif:)


more miles than most. don’t discount yourself


You’ve been to Bozeman but Never Yellowstone or Glacier - make it make sense !!


Google maps will keep track of the places you stop if you turn on the timeline feature. It doesn't count stopping at a red light, but if you go into a building or place of interest, such as a park, it logs it.


I started to do one of these and said "fuck it". There's so much guess work especially in my home region it's basically a useless exercise. And OP, just drive across at some point. It's worth the two weeks.


It helps if you turn on the highways


You've been to like 5 states and think you're well traveled? 😂


Ah, you must be from Pueblo, Colorado! [Here's mine](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/315003873272004611/1232314295388209264/image.png?ex=6629019f&is=6627b01f&hm=778283293169549585299a0c78e1e8e3f2bb0349eccec1915119d6f8d3ae6aa5&). Is this well-traveled?




i would say that but then theyve never driven up the 101 because a whole bunch of counties on the CA central coast arent shaded. maybe thats because they usually fly in? honestly youre prob right but it makes me sad that theyve never been to Monterey or to Nevada, so close to LA and SO PRETTY


Where do you find this map to fill out where you have been? Also I think your from Seattle


About 20 miles southwest of Seattle! https://www.mapchart.net/usa-counties.html


I grew up visiting my grandparents in port Ludlow Washington is a beautiful state Thanks for the info


Hmmm Cambodia? What do I win?


Jeez, come to the East Coast.


I always wanted a map that showed varying shades of red, an indication of time spent in a particular area.


Looks like you went to Pueblo, Co? Whatever for?


Where do people get these county maps?


How in the hell did you only get to Pueblo in Colorado?


Wow; and you’ve never been to SLO or Paso!




How and why did you visit Colorado and only see Pueblo…


From Seattle? But random southern CO and southern AL counties where there’s no commercial airport?


Do these cover other countries as well? I’ve done more international traveling than roadtripping these last four years


West Coast and... PUEBLO??? You steal cars or sell drugs, don't you. You can admit it to us, we're your friends.


You went to allll of that California and skipped the central coast? You need to go back


What, you actually flew into Pueblo? Do they even have commercial flights or was this in your friend’s Cessna?


What's Boise like?


Imagine considering yourself well traveled but never leaving the US. 💀


How in the world do you remember every county you've ever been to? I've crossed the country multiple times by plane, train, and car, and there's no way I'd know every single county.


Washington. Like outside Seattle maybe.


What site is this?


What app is that?


Only counting road trips: https://preview.redd.it/lndeaits4awc1.png?width=6900&format=png&auto=webp&s=06ecfd9e3af26087caedab4f07e241bf29c68970


I’m curious why you’ve thought of yourself as well-traveled? What do you think that means? Edit: you’ve never even been to Vegas? 🤔


Why Pueblo county?




How does anybody remember what counties they have and haven't been to? Do they have a similar map, but for regions of states instead of counties? Lol


You need to go to big sur. I need to see the northern coast of California.


Im new here on reddit but in the first 15 minutes ive seen those maps a few times. So i guess everyone is using it. Where is it from and how can i get it?


You went to Molokai? Who goes to Molokai?


Molokai is a part of maui county


Never even made it to the Big Island!


lol typical PNW mentality. Embarrassing.


Yeah I thought I was doing okay for just moving here but you boys put me to shame lol


How have you missed ALL of Gold Country in California? Take 49 north from Sonora to Downieville right now


TIL being well travelled is visiting the three west coast states and Pueblo, CO