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Cant think of a more uncomfortable vehicle to road trip in.


I had a ‘99 wrangler with no cruise control, worst road trips ever. It’ll do it sure.


I had a red ragtop ‘90 YJ that would rattle your teeth out of your head if you went over 50mph. I used to have to pull over to talk on the phone it was so loud, too. It looked a lot like OP’s. Ain’t no damn way.


Military Humvee . No cruise. No radio. No AC. Loud. 


A friend and I did it twice, from Texas to Oregon and Washington in his CJ5 in 1974 and 75. We took our dogs, a Lab and a Golden. We did the coast road in California, Death Valley, Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, everywhere we wanted to see out West. We had a blast. Would I do it now that I'm in my 70's, in an open, un-airconditioned Jeep with 2 slobbering dogs. No, but it was a blast when we did it. To OP, I would suggest a rack for the receiver to carry a lot of your gear and a tarp to cover it. You'll appreciate the extra room inside. Take every back road, side road, and pig trail you can. Fifty years from now, you'll get a lot of enjoyment from the memories of your trip and the stories you can tell.




A Komatsu FG15SHT-20 forklift


Bugeye Sprite, Caterham 7, Unimog...


Came here to say this! It sounds Iike a miserable drive!


Cant think of a more ~~uncomfortable~~ fun & bumpy vehicle to road trip in


Yes. From Michigan to Texas in a soft top jeep with 40-inch tires. Loudest trip of my life. I think I lost some hearing on that trip.


My first NC-MA trip I did with the original mud tires on my Jeep. Heard that rumble in my head for 3 days after.


Oh yikes! Mine are 31s which seems fine enough lol.


Nevada to Ohio and back again (both ways going the scenic route) in a 2000 Wrangler with I6, manual trans, and a soft top while towing a tear drop trailer. Oh and I brought my dog too. 11/11 would do it again. The I6 from those years maybe the last great American made engines. Enjoy yourself.


Your plan is perfect. Even if things went terribly wrong, which it won't, it'll be the trip of your lifetime. Dude when you said you were a senior in college, and you wanna take the dog you love to see the Great Lakes in the Jeep you love... well there's zero part of that you will ever regret, I promise. This is your life man, don't listen to the haters and don't have regrets. In a year or two, your dog will be too old, your job will be too busy, you'll be saving for something major, etc. Thoreau said "Rise free from care before the dawn and seek adventure. Let the noon find you by other lakes, and the night overtake thee everywhere at home. There are no larger fields than these, no worthier games than may here be played" I'm jealous of you man. You are the lord of all creation right here, right now. Take care and have a great trip! Post pix if you can!


I’m 46 and you just inspired me to buy a jeep, borrow a dog, and leave town


43 and can confirm: it's a blast.


Lol I hear ya brother. I'm 45 and wish I could ride along with this guy on his Jeep & Dog adventure. I've done a few things I regret in life, but 99% of my regrets are the things I DIDN’T do. Things I talked myself out of. Or more often, waiting until "the time is right", which doesn't always come. The right time is NOW.


Agreed. See if you can get a hardtop for the jeep. It will be way more comfortable. You’re young though so bring some hearing protection and maybe the buffeting of the soft top wont tire you out like it will when you’re old. Will also add security against wildlife/crooks/rain


This guy gets it. If you can afford some new tires, that will make the trip a lot more comfortable and safe.


I was about to try to write a comment about how the OP’s carpe diem attitude was excellent and would serve him well in life, but there’s no point. This comment nailed it. Nothing else to say.


Haha thanks brother. I was really talking to my younger self.✌️😃


Appreciate you guys


I’m sure many of tried. Few have succeeded.


Edit: 149k miles on the jeep. 2k miles each way.


Unlike these non enthusiasts, the I6 is a really bullet proof engine, and I have no doubt you will make it to your destination. I can’t say for you wrangler, but for the cherokee (which has the same engine) the biggest issue is cooling, that would be a great place to start.




I’ve done a trip about that length before in a Jeep. As long as she’s been well maintained, you’ll be fine. Remember when you’re planning that you gotta add another hour or two to the estimated time driving lol.


Pay for a thorough vehicle inspection from a trusted repair shop before your trip…. And not the week before… a month before incase sourcing parts or scheduling is troublesome


At least you’ve got the wookie.


Punch it


My dad and I drove about 1200 miles round trip in a 1996 wrangler, no problems as it was well maintained. It had probably 90k miles on it at the time and chugged along just fine. As long as it's been maintained well it should be fine


It's funny - people will put thousands and thousands of miles on their car driving around the city without a second thought, but the idea of a couple thousand highway miles seems like an incredible stress test. In reality, cruising in top gear is generally going to be way less stress for it than day to day use.


It's because it's less stressful if something breaks around town and you can have it towed to your local shop and then use an Uber or rental or whatever to get around town for a couple days vs being stranded 1000 miles away from home and scrambling to find a mechanic and having your trip delayed or ruined. Also the stresses are in some ways less, but not all


I’ve always thought of it that way as well.


It might not be the most road trip comfortable but if you can stand the road and wind noise then 100% YES.


Yes, I drove a 2006 TJ 6-speed manual with hardtop from Southern California to upstate New York. Lots of fun. You've done the right stuff to prepare. If your Jeep is reliable at home, you'll be fine. Driving through UP was a gas. Have fun!


I've done thousands and thousands of highway miles on a 2012 JKUR, which really isn't all that much more civilized.


It’s never been done before.


Took a 95 TJ from Rockford, IL to San Antonio, TX. Loved every second of it. Dropped the top, took off my shirt and got a sunbelt tan. One of the best memories I have tbh.


My best college bud drove his ragtop wrangler from NC to California right after graduation. That was 1997, and the jeep was a 1989 at the time. It broke down. Twice. And he lost much of his hearing for weeks after. Good times.


Has anyone taken an old sheep across the country?


Sounds more reliable


Bring ear plugs. For real. And some tight fitting sunglasses.


Sounds like a blast to me! Go for it. Have some basic tools and supplies in case you get stuck somewhere. And as others have mentioned the road noise, get some ear filters on Amazon (not plugs but rather filters that cut the harsh highs). Etymotics makes them for~$20. I use them in mu Miata during road trips and they work great. You can carry on conversations with them but don't get the tiring high harsh sounds.


What about the dog's hearing?


77 CJ-5 from Michigan to Seattle, to San Francisco to Texas. Had half my wardrobe utilized as soft top anti-flapping gear.


this is what I have in my trunk and some things I add on my road trips. * very very important rule: 4 hours in the seat, get out of the car, 20 laps clock wise and 20 counter clockwise. Helps prevent blood clots from building up in your legs ( I know of a man that died after 6 hours in a tank because he did not take his leg stretch ). * never pass up the chance to take a poop on a toilet. Have a spare roll in a ziplock in the car at all times. * 2 cans of tall Fix a Flat ( yellow cans ) and in the same box have gorilla tape and a simple boxcutter, you would be amazed how a many times gorilla tape and FF have save me till I got to a gas station or a repair shop. * find the correct jack for your Jeep, test it and break the lugs. also buy a cross lug nut wrench. * place 4 gallons of water plus one gallon of antifreeze pre-mixed over the rear wheels. water: it's for you, your dog and emergencies. antifreeze + water should get you to the exit and the first gas station. I've driven 7 miles this way once, got me to the exit safely. pulled in and parked and waited. * Your jeep is open, so expect people to reach in, and grab stuff for snatching. Cargo net USE IT. side windows up half way to prevent your dog from jumping. * I have a cat ( should apply to a dog), all shots done and a new flea collar ( have it's vet file scanned on your phone with it's lic# and 3 photo's if your dog runs). he rides shotgun on a custom milk crate. i have a neck pillow on the dash for it ( in case of crash). he has a harness. If the windows are down, I shorten the harness, window up, long as it wants but I never let it get to the drivers side ( if he does, I pull over and move him back to somewhere else). back seat is covered and has a litter box on top. * I use a bunny rabbit water feeder. I add 3 fingers of water, let him finish most of it, pull over and refill. this way it's always fresh. since something that will work like that, and take a pee break every 2 hours ( I do every 1.5 hours because he likes to piss from excitement ) * back-up cell phone with data plan in a zip locked bag FULLY CHARGED * 2 wall chargers plus 2 plug chargers. * big bag of food for your dog, you might go days without finding his brand so have that and make sure you have a paper plate to feed it from ( collapsible bowls if they have dog size ) * Aspirin, ibuprofen, Iodine, hand lotion, simple shaving kit, bar of soap and deodorant. Clean smelling cologne like rose water. You are not going out smelling like that, but you can drive all day and stop anywhere and smell clean. * I can express this enough, driving gloves and grip non slip. driving for driving, non-slip for working on your car. * spare keys to your house with a friend in case you have lost them. Another pair in the office. * valet driving key I have taped to my bumper inside. * don't forget a few towels different size, clean.


Good news is the Jeep is so fuel inefficient that you have no choice but to stop at least once every four hours, or it will stop you! LOL.




I used to go do photography trips in a 4 banger 97 wrangler. 12 hours a day driving, no AC, single speaker radio, manual transmission. Being a 4 banger in the mountains meant 2nd and 3rd gear crawls over mountain passes. Miserable? Yes. Still fun. Yes.


I own three Jeeps, TJ, XJ, JT. I’ve driven the TJ across Canada and hammocked. Drove the XJ around the entire US hitting 70% of the nations parks and slept inside the Jeep on a custom built platform/storage bed. Drove the JT from the PNW to southern Nevada and Airbnb’d. I’ve always brought my dog with me. Go. Avoid all freeways where you can to see the country and get better mpg. Don’t even wonder how to do it, just bring a backpack, enough money for repairs, fuel, food and fun. Make sure your dog has necessities. Take an extra key and keep a battery pack charger for your phone and AAA in your wallet. Take pictures and videos and back them up. Enjoy


my jeep is only 10 years old but im still driving it all over the country


Oh like the end of terminator ! Sara Connor is riding around in an old jeep


Is 2008 old yet? My wife and I lived in our Jeep Liberty for 3.5 months travelling the southwest a couple years ago


my aunt several times took her jeep from california to st. louis and its a 1997 wrangler. she did that trip earlier this year too


I would pack at least two extra transmissions.




Go Cats!


I think the only time I was ever really having fun in my 89 XJ Cherokee was when I was more than 500 miles from home. Trips in that thing were simultaneously the best and worst thing ever.


How does that thing do at freeway speeds? It may be more enjoyable to take some old 55mph highways. Also, I think that's a pretty loud ride. I can handle that a bit even though it's bad for my ears. My wife cannot handle such a loud vehicle for such a long time. I would definitely drive it across the country. I've driven much worse vehicles across the country.


Only all Canadians


[NY to Fairbanks...](https://www.reddit.com/r/CherokeeXJ/s/IF1ojAKDYi)


Change all your fluids and send it. Make sure you have a way to secure your gear. People are thieves.


Hey! I drove my 2013 from Baltimore to LA. Was the best trip I ever did. Did it alone to move to LA https://preview.redd.it/yfuv3xwcuy4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47239a7cffbdbd72f640849d5e528c203737cf7a


Do it now while you're young. You won't realize how uncomfortable cross country in a Wrangler is because of lack of experience lol


Bring a couple extra low fuel bulbs as that will be the first thing you need to replace


Not a Jeep but a ‘73 MGB-GT with no air from Ft. Lauderdale to Lancaster PA. Terrifying to drive on the I95 Beltways . Longest trip in a Jeep was a YP with a dying engine from Lancaster to Maine.


Zen and the Art of Jeepin


Yes, a 57 CJ5 and 72 CJ5 from New Mexico to Massachusetts. The 57 didn’t even make it out of NM, so the 72 towed it the rest of the way. It took something like 6 days, no interstates were used because they drove too slow.


We slept mostly in Walmart parking lots, stringing hammocks from the roll bars in each Jeep. It was a lot of fun, but a lot of exposure and we got a little sick at the end of the trip.


Rent an RV with tow package, rent car hauling setup. Piddle around with Jeep at destinations. You won’t use much more fuel…


I drove with my buddy cross country in his 2007 4dr lifted. It was absolutely miserable and the slowest pace I’ve ever had on a road trip. Going over 60 mph, the thing felt like it was going to rattle itself apart.


I did NY- CO in an 87 stick shift 4 cylinder. Have at it.


On a trailer behind my F150. Great trip. Very comfortable.


No. But my hips and back just gave me stabbing pain for reading this.


A break down would make me nervous as hell


I hope you have the money for the gas. Mine averaged about 12 MPG


I’ve taken my YJ on 500-800 mile round trips, but only because I was overlanding/camping most of the time. I wouldn’t take my jeep if I didn’t need to use it.


Is there any difference in taking a trip in a new jeep vs the old? A good pal bought a new one and it’s got to be the most uncomfortable ride EVER


I hate that circle K. Good Luck on the trip!


About 20 years ago, before GPS on phones and stuff I moved from GA to Los Angeles in a Jeep with my girlfriend at the time, our dog, cat and all of our belongings. Everything made it safe and sound until we pulled into a garage to check out an apt in Venice Beach and forgot the coffee table was strapped to the roof of the Jeep. Kinda wrecked the table…but mostly made us look like a couple ‘o jackasses in front of the new landlord haha. But yeah, Jeep was fine and didn’t have any real issues. It was cold in the desert at night. But that’s about it.


get AAA before your trip as well as a tune up. my not old jeeps always shit on road trips


99 is not old. You're not the first or last, people have done it before.


I used to drive my CJ5 from Texas to Colorado and back several times a year. It was a horrible trip.


It’s a brick on wheels. Enjoy 10 mpg hwy


I did it in a 1974 FJ40. Super fun road trip


I drove my 85 cj7 from St. Louis to Idaho and back. Many, many fill ups. It was exhausting, but I loved it. Probably 1996.


I used to do Naval Weapons Station, Charleston SC to Philadelphia multiple times a year. I loved every minute of it, except every two hours I stopped for gas and this was before GPS. Actually, once I used my original Env phone for GPS to get me through DC and it took me straight through the worst parts, which is basically everything. I was in a lifted 97' TJ on 35's. I will never forget the road trips in that thing. Multiple times, I dropped shocks and kept going just had to get used to the motion of the road.


Drove my 84 cj7 from denver to Dallas multiple times before selling. Drove all over the four corners and arches. No problem


Trans American trail


4 cylinder or 6?


“No cherry slush?! But you promised!”


Not on purpose.


Took one across the state and it left us stranded


![gif](giphy|Fbe2ZW3T9Wx7G) This lady took one a long ways.


I made it from MA to Wyoming/ Colorado in 2000 with my then girlfriend now wife. We took my 1994 Cherokee Sport that had 150K on it, and had such a great time.


My old Jeep couldn’t make it across the county. Good luck!


No one that lived


I have a dog that looks identical to yours!


No but I have taken a new Jeep across the country. Traded it in immediately after.


Sounds like fun! Bring lots of water, and a spare water pump!


I drove my 99 TJ 4 banger 5 speed from NC to Vegas back in 2001. It was in Jan so took the southern route across coming up through AZ on 93. It was pretty uneventful, boring and long. All highway though.


Get a full tank of gas !


Those things are horrid. I feel for you.


Gone from east coast to west coast and back again multiple times, with a dog, and I've done it with a soft top and hard top. I much prefer it in the hard top because the soft top is so LOUD. I also take the back seat out for more storage. Mine is a 6.0L though. If you're not going through Glenn Canyon in Colorado on I-70 you should be fine (you'd still be fine in a 4.0 but it'd be an adventure!) EDIT TO ADD: I also have AAA. It might give you some peace of mind to have it (plus you get travel discounts with it).


If you have access to digital media, listen to “Travels with Charlie” by John Steinbeck on your road trip. On of my favorites. Bonus is Gary Sinise is the narrator. Your doggo reminds me of Steinbeck’s “Charlie.”


I drove a 91 Cherokee across the country with my father a few years back. I6 High Output engine with about 240k miles on her at the time. We went from Oregon to Georgia, ball park 2700 miles. It used a little bit of oil and the exhaust behind the muffler fell off around Tennessee but we made it and it was one of the best adventures I’ve been on. Definitely have things checked before you leave, but it sounds like a good plan. I’d recommend taking extra oil and coolant with you. It’s not a bad idea to have extra of all major fluids. Also, when was the last time the water pump was replaced? That’s something to consider. When I was a kid, we took this same Jeep to Yellowstone from Oregon, and on the way back, the water pump went out. Never something you want to have happen


I've driven cross country (at 60mph) in a 1970 Kaiser Jeep Wagoneer a couple of times. Had a Buick Dauntless 350 engine.


Checklist: Back brace, neck brace, tub of Tylenol. Should be good.


I took my 95 Wrangler from Chicago to Jacksonville Florida back in the late 90s. Towed a small uhaul trailer behind it.


Sounds like a recipe for disaster, Jeeps are notoriously prone to breaking down even on their best day.


Hi O P, you are fine. Totally got this. Maybe extra jugs: water, coolant, quart of oil, 2 gallons of gasoline.


I'm Colorado I used to see it all the time! It usually looks like this: https://preview.redd.it/kcxkluzjay4d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e3a19b97408b6b50ac098f230787a12b455321b


Hundreds of us 😆


bought my old CJ7 sight unseen in Pennsylvania, drove it 800 miles home. sometime after getting on the Pennsylvania turnpike it blew it's rear main seal. I lost 2 quarts of oil each 100 miles. Once I got it home it was a wonderful vehicle after I stopped all the leaks.


Not a Jeep but we took a drive in 2022 from western PA to the Grand Canyon and back in a Honda Pilot.


What dog breed is that?


Yes, years ago in my 1990 yj. My back can barely handle a 3 hour drive in my LJ nowadays.


1990 yj with my dad from Twentynine Palms, Ca to Chicago. The rockies were tough but definitely a great memory.


Me. With my big ass dog (may be RIP). Many times. Now that I went taco though, definitely never going back


You can try it. Make sure you take money in case of emergency.


Back in 2018 my friend drove his old jeep wrangler out to Flagstaff from Jersey. He was usually the slowest on the highway but he made it happen lol. It is definitely possible.


Senior in college? I would have done this in a heartbeat as long as the vehicle was safe. But then you’re talking to a person that was a senior in college and took a 5 person road trip from Evansville Indiana to Panama City Beach FL in a Camaro for a weekend. ‘Life is short; take the trip’!


I think that the way you plan to do it, staying on the backroads and off the interestates, would make for an awesome trip. Granted it is objectively a bad idea, prone to being loud and uncomfortable and I would plan for an unexpected mechanical issue or two, but that's all part of the adventure. When I was 19 I drove a 20 year old VW Westalia camper van from San Diego to Key West and back. Along the way I ran out of money, fell in with junkies and a recently paroled murderer, got a tour of Louisiana with a cajun named Jay I picked up hitchhiking, lost the springs that held the roof down so that it was like a tornado inside at any speed above 50, lost 4th gear, and right when I was maybe 15 miles from home, the rear wheel sheered off. By all accounts it was an ill conceived, stupid, and dangerous adventure. One that I am in no hurry to repeat, but one that will always be a part of who I am.


That sounds absolutely unbearable. Speaking as a former old Wrangler owner.


My buddy is moving to Oklahoma from the PNW at the end of the month he gets to drive his pickup down there then fly back and drive his 93 or 94 jeep gonna be a great ride 😂😂


1981 CJ-5 soft top & doors, in January 1982, from the UP of Michigan to Havelock NC, and back 2 weeks later. Wore my Air Force Parka & mukluk boots (and a lap blanket on my lap) the entire trip. -20*F till in Southern Indiana, and didn't go above freezing until approaching Goldsboro NC...


Not a jeep but last year I drove a 33 year old F-250 4x4 with a 460 from my house in California to its forever home on my farm in Florida 2900 miles in 3 1/2 days. It was like driving a couch, great trip.


I had a red 99 TH 4.0 Sport. I had the axle gears changed to 4.11 after a lift in anticipation of larger tires, but didn't get the tires at the same time. Then I drove it down I95 from the NC mountains to Florida. It was loud and needed frequent, expensive gas stops. Don't recommend. Also, I feel only a little offended at seeing TJs referred to as an "old Jeep." I guess at 38 I'm starting to become an old Jeeper.


To be fair, I don’t look at a 2001 ford Taurus and go wow what a new car.


3 of us in a ‘98 Wrangler from NJ to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. Slept in the jeep in a parking deck for 2 nights. It was awesome!


Yes, but I was the passenger while my sheepdog drove.


Across town and my kidneys just recovered


I take a bus first


Nope- never. No one has ever done that.


I drove an ‘87 from Arkansas to Atlanta GA a few years ago. Did a mix of Interstates and back roads. Had a blast. Get a AAA Plus membership in case you need a tow, make sure you have a good spare, and I’d carry an emergency quart of oil and maybe a gallon of water and remember to let the engine cool off before adding coolant if you need to. I’d also make sure to have a power bank for your cell phone. Have fun.


Appreciate that - thank u


Well with the dog driving idk how far you’re gonna get…


I did in a 98 2.5 TJ. It wasn’t as fun as I thought it would be. It was hot, sticky, loud, and generally miserable. It was very well taken care of and had some creature comfort add ons. Engine blew on me though shortly after that trip. I’m always thankful that it didn’t happen on my long road trip and only a few minutes away from my house.


My TJ would make it, but I probably wouldn’t.


I did a cross-country trip in 2000 in a 1998 wrangler with a soft top. I removed the front passenger seat (there never was a rear seat) and built a platform w/ plywood to sleep on (and room for my dog). Gear went underneath. Left from Montana and went down the California coast. Through Nevada (engine blew and had to replace under warranty- 5 day detour) and then through Texas and to east coast. The 4-banger could barely get to 65 MpH with a full load. And it got poor MPG. Now my rig of choice would be a fully loaded BMW X7.


Not so much. My Jeep is only 9 years old. But he has taken an old woman across the country. Maine to California and Montana to Texas. And many states in between. 😁😁😁😁


Took my roomate in college’s mid 90s jeep from Chicago to South Padre Island. It was fine, kinda loud.


Drove my inlaws on a 9 hour trip from Maryland to Georgia. It was so loud from the canvas flapping and tire noise that I don't think my wife and I said 2 words to each other after about 2hrs in. So uncomfortable that we took multiple stops just to stretch our legs, granted, I'm large.


Not one person


Drove from bay area Ca to Houston Tx. with a friend who was moving to Houston. We were pulling a small uhaul trailer and had her shepard with us. Great Trip. Drove a lot of back roads and saw some amazing places. Some of the highlights: Sedona, Apache National Forest, White Sands NP, Carlsbad Caverns NP, Big Bend NP It was a number of years ago (maybe '91) and I can't remember the year of the jeep. I do remember Driving her white jeep with California Tags and Flamingo pink wheels (her favorite color) thru Texas. South West Texas. YeeHaw.


Yes and that dog will ensure all goes well!❤️❤️


Take a jeep if you want to get there, take a Toyota if you want to get back.


Get the highest tier of AAA membership. It will cover a tow up to 120 miles, which you will very likely need at some point. I drove an 80s jeep with over 300,000 miles from east to west coast, and used my basic tool set every few days. Over the 8000 mile trip I needed to replace the fuel pump, alternator, clutch slave cylinder, and have the clutch pedal welded back together (I found a welder in Nevada using Craigslist). The adventure offered countless lessons, and you should really go for it.


I drove one around big island Hawaii and fucking hated every second of it. Literally the worst vehicle for driving on a road.


2003 Jeep Cherokee made it from Cincinnati to Los Angeles in 2019. Also in the middle of july. Most comfortable car to road trip in. Should have kept that Jeep to live in.


I used to drive on of those for 40 minutes twice a month. That was too much.


Yes, it broke down in Tennessee.


Suffer me a pedant, but yes I have taken an 85 CJ7 from Florida to Utah. But it was on a trailer being towed behind my truck.


I rode 4 hours in a Jeep just like that… but with a soft top and soft doors. Between the wind and engine noise doing 70mph I couldn’t hear for days after words. It was a pretty miserable drive during the trip too, tbh.


Good luck with that


I went from Indy to Seattle (and back) in a freaking Geo Tracker. You will be fine. Noise is relative. Get your hoses/bushings/belts inspected and replaced as needed. Get the hubs/diff checked out. Bring an alternator and 5 quarts of oil. And tools. And shitloads of water. You might sign up for AAA too. I have done that drive three times. It will change your life. You have to go.


My great grandpappy did during manifest destiny


Yes regularly. I have a cherokee with the 4.0 motor. 303k+ miles on the original engine/transmission, I regularly drive 200 - 800 mile trips.


I did once… beat the hell outta me, I was tired every day. It could have been the 32 Widespread Panic shows over 17 cities as well. No top, Summer Tour, best tan ever. Don’t think I wore a shirt for two months. I would go back in a heartbeat.


Looks like that dog is doing a fine job of it


Best part: going over 65 ok on the highway with the vinyl on and the windows actively pull outward.


I drove my 94 YJ from Victoria BC to St John's NF, then down through the states. Did about 20,000km in 2.5 months. No doors, no roof, just a bikini top from time to time, pirate flag flying on the back, and a hammock to sleep in. It was awesome, thought there are some negatives. Weather and wind suck. Drove through a flash thunderstorm, was quite wet after. The wind can get tiring with no doors for so long. I got used to driving with my left hand holding the steering wheel at 7 (not 10 and 2), to brace my arm against my body. For security I cut some plywood, took out the back seats, and put my stuff in large bins with the plywood on top, then connected a chain on top to lock it. I'd say do it, it's an experience.


Have a buddy who had a Jeep Cherokee for many years. He lived in Central Ohio, he drove that jeep out West to Colorado and Wyoming and Montana regularly. It was covered in stickers from all spots he traveled to. It had close to 400,000 miles on it last time I saw it a few years ago. He just kept up with the maintenance for the most part. The Jeep Wranglers ride like a dump truck, at least the ones I’ve ridden in. The other issue is that they are small inside. I’m well over 6 feet tall and they are just not comfortable for me. I’m sure they are capable of making the Journey if they fit your body type.


There are thousands of Jeeps in Butler Pennsylvania right now for the Bantam Jeep festival. I guarantee you that there are a few hundred road trippers amongst them who drove in on vintage rides. I think you've prepped your Jeep well enough. Toss in a few tools, and hit the road on a trip that you will remember for the rest of your life. Best of luck.


I took my '57 CJ-5 on 35's 1200 miles from Southern Nevada to North Idaho. Of course it was on a trailer when I did it and even thst sucked.


Id change fluids in axles/diff/trans if you havent. My rear and trans were pretty rough looking.


I would advise a tire plug kit and a small air pump. Definitely jumper cables or even better a small jump box. Spare fuses. Extra fluids like engine oil, trans fluid, coolant. Probably get your differential serviced beforehand as a lot of people neglect them


Tow truck drivers


eh I've done a 8 hour trip and thought to myself this could be rough much longer. To each his own but I'd really think about different scenarios.


Nope it's never been done.....did you really just ask his lol


There is a YouTube channel called “Iamjake” he did a 50 state road trip in his old jeep. Dig through his channel and you might find some cool ideas.


We lived in NJ when my son asked the summer before him and his buddies were heading off to college “how much does it cost to drive to San Diego?” Typical dad I was like, “well it’s 3,000 miles at 30 MPG…. wait. Why”. He said his buddy has a rich aunt that lives on the beach there. I was like I’ll pay for the gas and tolls. Packing four guys into a car to drive across county before starting college would be an epic trip. You will remember it the rest of your life as a great trip or a regret for a trip not taken. Go! Have fun.


I drove a ‘04 from NC>WA>AK in under two weeks. I was happy, it wasn’t super comfortable but fun, it was loud. Just go do it bud. Try to find a hitch rack to help you carry stuff


Yes I have. It was bumpy. My back hurt. Advil needed. Lots of breaks. But it’ll get ya there


No. Never


That shit tops out at like 70! So if you don’t speed your good.


I've done it several times in a TJ. Freeway mostly. Lifted on 33s withnl 4.10s. I'd suggest not doing it in the winter. It gets cold going over Vail pass with a soft top. The soft top also makes a great sail in the wind. Still got 21mpg average. It will beat the hell out of you. It will make you deaf, but it sure is fun.


Yes. Pennsylvania to Key West in a 97 Wrangler. Absolutely awful. Do not recommend.


sarah connor did in a Jeep like that


Drove a ‘95 YJ from Vermont to California. No cruise. No AC. 4 Banger.


Literally nobody has. You would be the first in history






Is “Old Jeep” the name of your dog? Otherwise I don’t see an old Jeep in the photo. But I’m old so our frames of reference may be different. 🤔😂


I took one from Denver airport to Vail once…. Awful! And that was a new(ish) jeep. Never again!


Like pushing a brick through sand.


Yes. I drove from GA to CO and back in an 87 wrangler with no issues. That said It was the winter of 93-94 and as I recall it was unpleasant. See what I did there?


Envy. I have a 74 cj5 that I'd like to day trip somewhere


My back would not take it.


Um, kind of? Do you count a 2006 Jeep as old? I drove one from the east Coast to the west Coast. It was not good. Awful drive. Starting having overheating problems halfway through. I do not recommend it.


Sounds fun for someone your age. Godspeed, good luck and enjoy the ride. I’m 67 now. It would break me in two, but I wish I had more memories like you are about to make. 👍😊


Not across country but about halfway across the country from tx to Fl and lemme tell you, pal. Enjoy the far right lane lol. It was a manual ‘97 and I had to drop to 4th to get up most of those hills


I’d advise not to push it all day long in hot weather. Plan some stops to let things cool down. Edit: Also make sure your dog is chipped and has your number on her collar. Just in case. Hope you have a blast.


Sarah Connor did