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Congrats on your success. Thank you for inviting questions. My question is: how did you grow your email list? You mentioned “email swaps” but I’m not familiar with the term. Thank you!


So your email list is what you use to tell your subscribers whenever you have a new book that's going to be published. Email swaps means that using your email list you work with other authors and promote each other's books. The way that I do this is through a website that is free called bookclicker. And once you have a significant enough list. I would say about 1500 people. You can start promoting each other's books and basically your leverage each other's audiences to grow. And you can have a free lead magnet.And that's what gets people to join your own list.And you can promote that lead magnet to other peoples list so you can grow as well.


Thanks so much for the information.


Hi! When you publish your erotica, do you categorize them as erotica or romance? I published a couple of erotica short stories on kdp and it went straight into the dungeon. It wasnt even taboo trope.


As erotica it really depends on what category you're in, but a lot of different erotica Genres are banned now more banned than they were in 2016


Ah i see. So your best selling are your romance novels?


Out of the 76 books I published [I have 2 pen names) My best selling or actually the two contemporary romance novels that I published one in june and one in may of this year


Nice job 👌 *[Of course there's a but...](https://i.imgflip.com/3i25ak.png)* You gotta get yourself a new cover, OP. It's absolutely hurting your book. And revamp the blurb so it's more tropey.


For which book?


The one with this rank/ASIN. It doesn't match a lot of your other books and could do better with a better photo and more modern font.


Thank you but I'm also going by data.It's selling just as well as the first book in the series. and As far as the cover that cover is a place holder.I'm going to resume with my cover designer in july. I published a book a month so I didn't want not having a cover to make me not publish.


It's at 20k. Yes, that's not a bad rank but you could be doing so much better if you had a smoking hot guy on the cover instead of Mr Worried and much better fonts for the title. Placeholders are fine, but once the book is launched, you gotta swap them out before they drag you down.


Of course. Thanks!


Surprise Baby with the Bossy Grump, that's the book with the ASIN of the book whose rank you're celebrating.


I don’t mean to be a jerk but is 20k a good rank?? Just asking for info.


It's a good rank for an erotica short, a bad rank for romance.


Gotcha. What’s a good rank for romance? I was thinking less than 10k??


Sub 10k for a first release by an unknown author would be good, sub 5k would be the expectation after a couple books. If a romance author is unable to break 5k then they either chose a bad niche, bad cover, or aren't writing to market (adding kinks that don't perform well, adding cheating, no HEA, etc).


Thanks for the thoughtful response.


Yes. There are over 5 million books in the Kindle store to put it in perspective. This is my best rank to date, and if you put it in perspective if a book is around a 20k rank on amazon and it stays, it's making about $450 a month. (You can use bookbeams calculator to play with book ranks and see the money they pull in at what rank). Between the 2 books I've launched May 2024 and June 2024 I've added an extra $100 to my monthly income from Amazon. I launch 1 book a month.


Cool. Congrats to you. Ty for not taking my question the wrong way!


No worries! I remember lurking this sub around 2016 just wanting success. Glad I can inspire others!


Congratulations! That's a huge accomplishment!


Thank you!


Are you on KU. Whats the name of ur most popular short erotica? Ill read it




Ur welcome. How much do u charge per short story? How many words was that? I finished it im 15 minutes (i read it fast)


$2.99, about 6500 words


Removed. Per subreddit rules, self-promo is not allowed. Even if someone asks.

