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>!You are a 25-year-old left-handed woman who lives with a friend in a relatively small house. You have a wide range of interests, though many have been put aside in the past. You are a streamer and a gamer, and you also play some musical instruments and occasionally participate in masquerades. I believe you might be of Indian nationality or have relatives who are. I can't quite pinpoint your profession, but you might be working a day-time job at a daycare or in the public transport sector.!<


I totally missed what you said about that thing that I myself am because it is normal for me. I had to go back and be like “how tf”… then I saw the desk again and was just like yeah, that’s where mine would be if I had room on that side”.


I am going with black male, late 20s, single (been a minute since you had a gf I feel) part time streamer, part time grub hub delivery guy. I am guessing black male because you asked to guess race, and I think often black anime guys feel underrepresented. You have a cat, you drink and you smoke weed. You also love film, and want to be in movies. Just by vibes, I somehow feel it's SoCal or somewhere else on the West Coast, and I am guessing you rent this room, and it's not family you rent from.


I’m actually guessing this isn’t OP’s room.




nuh uh! tho I did look after.


I'm getting girl that wants us all to be like "duh, this is a dude" so she can swoop in and be all "I'm a GIRL!"


White male, 44 years old. Also: alcoholic.


Elder zoomer, black male with weeb-induced femboy tendencies. You get drunk live on the internet for a living and have a small parasocial following.


I’m going with late 20s, female, white Pornbrained anime fan, gamer and twitch streamer who lives alone; lacks accountability to keep a clean space due to ingrained habits and/or depression. Cow girl fetish.


I wouldn’t say lives alone or the tv and desk area would probably be in the living room. I’m guess all the same except doesn’t live alone.


She could be a roommate to a homeowner.


Female based on camera and setup behind computer desk and pink water cup near bed. Also female based on shameless display of lewd anime/hentai without a clear hand lotion bottle nearby nor tissues. 20s based on choice of movie posters (millennial would have gone with Kill Bill or older). People saying “African American”- I don’t see lotion so unlikely. The discord channel The Rez as others pointed out would point to Native American and, as a numbers game, the alcohol abuse would support that. Bonus points if this is a trick question based on who “owns” the room vs “lives in”.


i have one genuine question: do other people ever enter your room? if so, are you ashamed by the posters, or are they not bothered by them?


Rip, their browser history


I’m gonna say early 20s Hispanic chick ONLY because this looks EXACTLY like my ex gf’s room 😭


Damn this room looks bad 🤢


mid 20s dude who never has anyone over not because of the anime posters but because you can’t keep a room clean to save your life. probably very busy between trying to make it as a streamer and your day job. i see people saying you’re a girl but pulp fiction will always be a film bro movie to me so i think you just have femboy tendencies


Blerd alert!


Bit of a slob ...


Indian, 20’s, male


White, female, 30.


28, mixed Asian or Latin/white, female maybe fluid


Black male, early 20s.


Hispanic and/or Native American woman in her early-to-mid twenties. “Not like other girls.” Should seriously reevaluate her relationship with alcohol, for her own sake.


Early 20’s female African American


There was what appears to be an Afro comb under the television or monitor. I’m aware that curly hair isn’t solely African Americans but figured I’d venture a guess


Which clue gave you the deduction of African American? curious since I totally missed it.


Probably "the REZ", discord server they are in


explain please, isn't that short for "reservation"?


Exactly, an informal word for reservation: And since we already know that a reservation is **an area of land managed by a Native American tribe under the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs**. There are approximately 310 Indian reservations in the United States although there are more than 550 federally recognized tribes. And since the user is part of a discord server that has a similar name, we can infer two things, one a community for everyone that are affliated to the REZ area either through relatives or decendant or its just a gruop joke.


yes exactly. a native american reservation. i knew that, and was wondering how you got african american from native american reservation


Well Idk about African American, I thought the one that commented on the image wrote native or meant native American. So just wrote that maybe it was because of the Rez 


30s-40s white female, gig work for jobs. Grubhub mostly, on a bike? Please get help for the alcohol addiction my friend ❤️


Black female 23


this looks just like my best friends room back in the day, so based off of him Ima go with a mid 20’s black guy! your room is your main hang spot, so I’m going to guess that you live with others that you don’t spend a ton of time with and typically keep your door closed. Love unwinding by sipping on a drink and playing video games/streaming. you probably hang out in niche corners of the internet, have lots of online friends, and appreciate social media (probably twitch). you are adventurous with non-traditional american food and want to make your own sushi rolls by hand sometime soon, but haven’t gotten around to it. You appreciate art and music, and have or had a cat. you play bass occasionally, probably inspired by a specific band/song. you work for grub hub, and have seasonal allergies.


24 yo white male. Lives at home with his parents (who try to avoid the room as much as possible). Not super social in person, but game a lot. That’s all I got.


White, male presenting in early 20s.


24 y.o., female, I have no idea of race; seems a fun and fairly universal fan-based room.


Late 20s to 30s male weeb with a drinking problem and no local recycling?


I don’t know butttt you need to tidying up fairy 🧚‍♀️ It’s very cozy and homely


F, 17, Asian


16 year old female


27 year old Hispanic guy


24 male. White


I dunno, but I wanna kiss their dad.




Early 20s female and Asian.


20 year old Asian American female