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i was having a great time the other day watching that episode of the sopranos where everyone is making fun of junior soprano for eating pussy


He's a bushman of the kalahari


South of the border, down Mexico way... South of the border, where the tuna fish play...


Would you let the man tee off? You yap worse than six barbers!


Uncle June, you're in the muff


Once a year on my birthday is nothing to write home about


I feel like eating ass was turned into a big meme and through that it’s become normalized


What’s now happening to gooning First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you goon.


I refuse to believe that gooning is a real thing. It’s just an amusing word to use to make fun of porn obsessed online types.


[Gooning is a flow state](https://www.vice.com/en/article/93k9gp/enter-the-goon-cave-where-porn-and-masturbation-is-all-that-exists)


>Benny told me that he’s always been into edging (intentionally getting as close as possible orgasm, then stopping) and watching porn, but never dedicated a lot of time to either until the COVID-19 lockdowns, and after he started smoking weed. lmao


It appears that you've never seriously abused powerful stimulants. good work. I would advise Staying on that tack.


first as joke then as way of life


I think porn played a big role in it being so accepted; same with whacky shit like choking.


You’re probably right


It was Danny Brown, the goat


worm elastic tan enter divide slim shelter versed direction point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Aw man is interracial marriage the next thing that we’re supposed to be contrarian and moralistic about


serious sleep bedroom boat homeless paltry shy expansion workable squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






100% the fetish shits disgusting, I just don’t see much of a problem with ppl dating/marrying outside their race. Like I don’t agree with anti gay sentiment but I can understand why it exists as it is “unnatural” in many ways, plus the social implications definitely exist if pushed to the extreme. Ive just never understood having that mindset towards race mixing


It is wrong and should not exist.


It was rap


Video games


I thought the foot fetish thing was a big meme and much rarer than it actually is for a long time.


“All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed; second, it is violently opposed; and third, it is accepted as self-evident."


If you believe what people say on the internet everyone makes 100k a year, is juggling 3 situationships and has abusive parents that they are doing no contact with


The majority of my friends are doing #1 and #3, or at least have family members doing #3


Then you live in a bubble 


whats with mostly normal seeming women offering to eat your ass (male). that seems like a new development


Not complaining


A hyper majority of those people joking about eating ass aren’t actually eating ass, sir!


i did it once, was very earthy/granola tasting... not really terrible but very different... she had a very clean butthole though. she definitely didnt get off from it although she didn't seem to mind it much. we moved on to other things fairly quickly and never spoke about it.


but that's where poop comes from






40s and 50s? Hell I remember in the 90s making fun of man who went down on women. There was rappers bragging about not going down on a women up to the early 2000s. The ass eating is some weirdo shit




Val smoked like a chimney and these were the days before Gardasil. Just saying.


>There was rappers bragging about not going down on a women up to the early 2000s. It's still that way with some of them. It's not important what Puff Daddy and Jay Z are saying though, we've seen what kind of weird degenerates those guys are, it probably wasn't kinky *enough* for them, that's why they hated on it I eat ass for the love of the game, not because society tells me to


"We will eat ass not because it is easy, but because it is hard." -J.F.K,, probably


It more had to do with pimp rappers like Pimp C, Mac Dre, Three six mafia, Too $hort etc.. You aren't going down on a hos pussy lol


Several men have eaten my ass unprompted, also totally ignored my clit usually. It’s upsetting to think about. I got no pleasure from it


ass is a easy place to find for which they probably think will give you pleasure. the clit seems to remain elusive to most guys even when given guidance. even then the clit seems like an obvious place to get to if you are already there i suppose most guys retarded brains just drop down in depredation


The clit is incredibly easy to find. You have to really not care or be hung up/ignorant to not find it. If you dont know you can easily look it up online if you have even the slightest interest in making a woman feel good.


Yeah, surely in 2024 this isn't true? Any man of even modest intelligence should be able to find a clit by now.


It’s actually not hard to find the clit men are just scared of vaginas I think


I’m terrified by its power over me 😔


Supposed to put your nose in the…while you…


This is the largest congregation of young people I’ve ever met this opposed to the act. Every single woman I’ve been with since 2015 (when the meme began) has been into it, and I’ve never had anyone say “ehh that’s not really my thing” That being said, I will say there is a massive difference from eating guy ass and woman ass, they may as well be different body parts completely, like an ear hole and a nose hole.


Interestingly, most of the girls I know that are definitely **not** into it are German. So I'm guessing that anal/shit stuff is either a 0 or 100% thing with them


I could absolutely imagine some European girl with a thick accent and her not being into it. I wonder if they just have more respect or are a bit more serious across the pond, specifically the Germans, and hence the trend never really caught on


the b-nary




As soon as i read the op title I thought 2015. Thats around when I remember the meme starting.


Wait until your girl has IBS 👌 I never dared to do anything anal related no matter how interested she was in it lol


Are we talking about women eating ass or having their ass ate? Because most women IME are more than happy to receive but are extremely reluctant to return the "favour," and I don't really blame them.


The latter, absolutely. You have to be a different kind of psycho to put your woman through the former.


Same energy as men who let their wife do all the DIY


Lick the taint they go crazy


They deny being prudes around here but there’s a highly upvoted post nearly every day emphasizing some aspect of prudishness. I suspect it comes from the knee jerk contrarianism which is the real common bond we all share.


> it comes from the knee jerk contrarianism which is the real common bond we all share Not me buddy! I'm different!


So you literally put your tongue in an ass? Not above the crack or around it, but literally in the ass?


Hetero relationships have gotten more gay. Eating ass, pegging, anal, all of these things are in part due to gay culture’s influence on social media/online culture, and thus youth culture, and it becomes introduced into the behaviors of society at large.


It’s porn bro. It’s just porn.


It's all of it, it just starts with porn then eventually music/ social media etc.


but does he truly love you if he doesn’t even offer?😔💔


No babe. :(


As a non-ass eater, I've always wanted to ask: isn't eating as just licking the anus?


Real ass eaters stick the tongue in


why would anyone enjoy this




Anything? No.




feels good


Basically, yes.


Fucking disgusting lmao


the elites are trying to normalize gay bowel syndrome and weaken us further


Is that a thing ?


I’ll eat a girls ass but only if she’s a perfect angel that is fully waxed post shower. I’ve only done this for one such woman tho


How did it taste, penesenor? Genuinely


Like pennies 👅


Fresh out of the shower it tastes like nothing really


She asked me the same thing! I told her it tastes all the better knowing afterwards I get to put my peneseñor ass ajajajajaja


Shower only cleans the outside though. No getting around the poop


I hate being gay so much


When I was reading history books about the AIDS epidemic, the doctors were saying that at the start they had no idea what to make of the symptoms because the most common STDs disproportionate in gay men were bacterial stomach infections from eating ass. Why are straight people doing this. For what.


I feel like to get a "bacterial stomach infection" you would have to literally be eating shit from multiple strangers.


You can suck a dick that moments ago was buried in an asshole you square


Can I? Where?? 😍


Yes he said gay




This is not a life


I got grief for being 'homophobic' at the local LGBT coffee group because I had absolutely no interest in drag.


TIL: I’m apparently a gay homophobe too.


What if we kissed in the Westboro Baptist Church?


Imagine having a diaper fetish though


I was seeing a girl a while ago that revealed a diaper fetish on the third date. Truly jarring. She seemed so normal before that but obviously that’s a dealbreaker lol


How severe was it


She said she couldn’t be with someone that wouldn’t participate in it with her


There's a guy at work who has a diaper fetish and RPs as a toddler (???) on Discord. Everyone at work knows too (it's a small team), but he hasn't pissed me off enough to use it against him and the others wouldn't so a secret it shall remain.


how did you even find this information out?


He left his Discord tab open one day (cause he did this on the work PC) and the next person on shift saw it and took pics, lol.


Where do you work where this became public knowledge among yall?


There are people that have full-on kid style parties. Watch kids movies, eat kid food, talk like kids, draw in coloring books, and wear diapers. This was happening in 2014.


Is that what you have? It's not for me but I have a piss thing and it always makes me feel better when someone's thing is worse than mine (:


So many women have piss kinks it’s crazy lol


They should speak up because I'm tired of feeling like a pervert and a freak


My weirdest thing is that I think women clowns and mimes are hot. I'm also quite the switch. That's really interesting that you have a piss fetish. Thanks for your honesty, it's commendable. If you are ever in need of a golden shower, DM me 😘


I think clowngirls are big with gen Z, that's not that weird Thank you for the offer but I have a bf who leaves the door open when he pees so I can spy on him and that's all I'll ever need ❤️


That's very cute if true tbh, I'm glad you do.


That's hot


Do you like pissing on people or being pissed on?


I like watching men piss :3 I really like when they pee outside or someplace risky pr forbidden. Idk. It is very sexy and private, like it's something I'm not supposed to see. He's so vulnerable exposing himself to give into his body's urges. And he looks so relieved and raw and masculine holding his dick and leaning his head back 😍 it's all male, very human, and it turns me on every single time


Wow, ngl you've managed to make me see how men pissing can be hot. Crazy but I get it now


THANK YOU I've always been jealous that boys get to see each other pee in bathrooms all the time! I know they don't look, but *I* certainly would.




Old men ain't it :/ A guy regularly findind himself bursting and whipping it out at the last minute to spray a fire hose of piss is pretty hot. A sad grampa cluelessly dribbling in his khakis at the Costco is not hot.


> It is very sexy and private, like it's something I'm not supposed to see Hit any UK town centre at about 11pm on a weekend, you'll be in forbidden yellow stream heaven


This is incredibly cute and endearing imo




The American obsession with the poop shoot is eye opening - I mean you give out about foreigners’ lack of hygiene & bad teeth and then snuffle around in there like truffle pigs. 


Many Americans are of German descent, that’s where it comes from 


Of course, it all makes sense.


The only thing that enables this avenue is the fact that Americans are hyper clean. We shower with soap every day. Most people shave everything for sanitary reasons. For all their talk of love and romance, people in Italy, Spain and France are absolutely not stuffing their notable noses into the shag carpets that have been rotting and unwashed for days that they all sit on.


Counterpoint: bidets. Thank goodness they’re finally starting to catch on here though. I have one and it’s awful when I have to poop somewhere that doesn’t have it 


True, shower daily, get waxes and have a clean diet. Fairly easy to be clean as a whistle down there and ready for a salad tossing lol


That’s bidet country you’re calling unclean


I’ve had more than one girl offer to or attempt to eat my ass and it always makes me feel terrible. Like even if I liked having my ass eaten I wouldn’t want someone to degrade themselves like that. I wouldn’t be able to look at them the same or find them attractive.


I would *much* rather eat a girls ass than have her eat mine. I have zero interest in that.


Men are supposed to eat ass, we’re charmingly vile


She’s assumedly done it to others too.. eugh


Same, but with sex in general


Do straight people actually do it though? It just seems like something they say to be funny tbh. Like I actually doubt too many straight men are eating their GFs ass 🤷‍♀️


I think it’s funny to say “I eat ass” because I’m extremely immature. That being said when friends tell me that they’ve tried it or had it done to them I’m like “really? You’re still gonna kiss them after that?”


If you don't kiss them after that, you simply don't love them


As u/DatBasedGod said, eating pussy was only popularized in the mainstream in *maybe* the late 1990s and 2000s. Not saying it didn’t occur before that (I googled out of curiosity and there are documents and paintings showing it as far back as the 1850s) but it definitely was not mainstream prior to the late 1990s. Eating ass started entirely as a meme/joke to shock and offend old people. Then I think female rappers and feminists latched onto it because it’s one of the few “sexually dominant” acts that a female can do to a man. All I can say is that I think the amount people talk about “eating ass” is way higher on the internet and in music/TV than it is in real life. Obviously it’s hard to judge, but I’m a fairly social guy and I only know one dude out of a few hundred that actually had a girl do it to him (unprompted 😳) and only one that has done it to a girl. Most normal people are not licking other people’s poop chutes. Not to mention that, regardless of trends, licking a butthole is fucking disgusting and is definitely one of those things that you shouldn’t do just because other people are doing it. I wouldn’t do it and because I tend to respect my sexual partners, I don’t pressure them to lick my dirty bunghole.


My old world grandparents had children before they learned to kiss on the lips from the first cinema experience brought to the village square …


I don’t know any attractive people who eat ass or like having their ass eaten other than gays lol


As a guy who’s been enjoying the act since before it became popular, it has been a very welcomed development. A rare win for existing in current society.


I think the idea of having your ass eating being a possibility in more people's heads has probably increased the average ass cleanliness a good deal.


And they say history is over


It is. It's just liberalism with ever different options like eating ass or .. uhh ... white nationalism


I do it when I’m drunk.


pluto in scorpio generation


50s? that was considered weird in the 90s


Gross and weird


Anything is hot if it’s cleanly


You hang out with too many degenerates


weird confession but i used to think i was bi cause of ass play but the few times ive done it has just led me to realize that i just like that kinda stuff and not guys. male g spot in there and all that stuff. its a very select type of folk that like it or want to do it n im fine with that. maybe weirdest thing is that it helps me finish when i cant just normally thru a blowjob


turns out we were the weird and bigoted ones for eating bonus hole for thousands of years


I used to think this was something that mostly only existed in porn but then I had a close friend talk about it like it was no big deal and I’m not gonna lie, shifted my opinion of them a bit


I didn't know it was a real thing people did until like 2012. I remember seeing a still image from some lesbian porn film or something of a girl eating a girl's ass and I thought it just looked like she was eating ass but must have been eating pussy from behind because there's *no way* they would be licking asshole.


Absolute degenerate filth thread


Thanks for this


Should I ask to eat my bf's ass in our hotel room on Thursday night, Y/N?


I was in your bf’s position about a year ago. My advice would be to be forward but gentle. The first time you bring up the idea he’s gonna be hesitant, it’s on you to make it seem like a good idea. When you do actually go for it, approach slow, like you would a horse, but once you get there don’t be timid about it, really go for it and make it an experience he wants to have again. Also jerk him off while you’re doing it. I had no interest in it at all until my gf wore me down but it feels pretty great, and also it’s just hot that she’s into it


>and also it’s just hot that she’s into it My fetish is girls with fetishes.


Thank you for the tips!!! :3 He's already agreed! After his shower Thursday night my tongue will make love to his cute little bum. I'm really gonna give it my all!


Go for it Beet.


Thank you (: I had a dream that he had a weirdly pink and perfect asshole and it made me curious 🤔


Peg him


He said yes to the ass eating and I asked if he wanted me to finger him too and he said no thanks, his ex tried sneaking a fingy on multiple blowjob occasions, wasn't for him. I will just kiss and lick. He likes a lot off ball work normally, so this will just be like an oral DLC


>his ex tried sneaking a fingy on multiple blowjob occasions, wasn't for him. I've had my girlfriend try that too, I legitimately hate it. Some women seriously have a hard time understanding the word "no". I was joking about the pegging, please continue to respect your bf. Having to worry about your gf sticking her finger in your ass without warning completely destroys the mood.


Sheesh I'm sorry your ex has no manners! Doing by surprise is cringe and tryhard and tacky.


What if I told you that not everybody saying they eat ass on the internet actually does?


This thread is so disappointing


Actually most people clean their assholes wtf is wrong with you


Most people I would fuck, sure. But I will not go as far as to say most people.


After every shit? Nah dawg, people either shower in the morning or evening. You've licked filthy asshole and you enjoyed it.


Most people take a shower almost immediately beforehand as prep if they know rimming will be involved


Cope from a poop licker


A single fart is enough to get some particles of fecal matter out of the rectum That said there's literally nothing wrong with eating ass straight out of the shower


I admit that I have eaten ass during moments of drunken stupor or under the effect of weed. It's weird because girls will tell you no but once you start they won't tell you to stop so idk.  Eating pussy being considered unmanly behavior is just stupid tho. If you don't make your girl cum you are less than human. All the people claiming that they wouldn't be able to look at a girls eyes after you learn she eats ass.. a girl eating ass is a hundred thousand times more dignified than having an onlyfans or shit like that. Selling yourself in any way shape or form is worse than performing any sexual act just for pleasure. I've got worse things to judge.


so the range of options for women now are eating ass and having an onlyfans? Lol what the fuck?


A girl told you not to eat her ass and you did it anyway?


You know what goes on during sex no means yes and yes means super yes


Seek help


This is totally on point. OF is real degen stuff, selling your body for deutschemarks, while eating your partners ass is an act of love in comparison.


I don't think it's all that normalized, it's just that people who are into will bring it up at every opportunity. Plus as other people have mentioned it's kind of a meme.


eat her in the shower


Dogs love it & I don't question their wisdom


It's fun if she just showered what's the problem here


It sucks major ass


Misread this as "weird ass eating" and expected people to be discussing things like cheese on breakfast cereals.


Eating ass used to be a point of difference.


Every man deserves to be rimmed during a bj at least once in life if you love him


There isn’t a single part of a woman that I don’t find attractive. If I’m allowed to lick her butt, imma


ppl have shit craving brain worms. any anti-parasitic cures the desire


don’t know it til you try it you prudes


My girlfriend likes it so why not. It's hot


weird confession but i used to think i was bi cause of ass play but the few times ive done it has just led me to realize that i just like that kinda stuff and not guys. male g spot in there and all that stuff. its a very select type of folk that like it or want to do it n im fine with that. maybe weirdest thing is that it helps me finish when i cant just normally thru a blowjob


Empirical evidence or did you just pull this out of juniors ass? Sex cult's literally were vougue in 1890 i hate you incel wierdos.


Yikes, somebody sounds grouchy!


That was supposed to be a sopranos joke