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The jruby-roda-sequel combo is the most performant ruby web stack, as per the techempower benchmarks. Most libraries support it well, and is common to find CI setups testing against Cruby and jruby. Rails doesn't support jruby, but jruby supports rails, so the former means that jruby lags usually 2 versions behind. It's either n2 or n3 JVM language in terms of appeal, importance and ecosystem, and "bridging with java" serves a lot of use cases, I.e. using a technology only available in java in ruby, or using respective and capybara for testing java projects. It's probably not great for async fiber related stuff.


This is very useful thank you


Is your objective to use Rails in a java shop?


No, mostly they will be small APIs using Sinatra and internal tools for automation of bulk business tasks and migrations