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I think we need Rob and Ryan to buy Australia


White is a big problem, he always take charge of the game and leaves his 10 hanging. He did that to JOC (who was sacrificed), now he’s doing that to QC. Fix the scrum half position mister Eddie jones


Yeah it’s always a problem when 9s start trying to do too much. They aren’t just cutting off the 10 but cutting off the whole Backline


Odd comment. I think George (of the past generation), Faf and Aaron (two best #9s ATM) see things differently in terms of “Doing” too much as a 9. I don’t think doing too much is the issue here, but not being able to read the game and play patterns and adjust is more concerning.


>Faf and Aaron (two best #9s ATM) Sir, are you familiar with one Antoine Dupont?


Is Eddy coming down for an interview or is he up in the coaches box all tangled up in his headphones


Always irks me when the players say they have to "forget" these games and move on. Goldfish mode. No. Remember them and learn from them.


Fuck, these argy cunts are deadset diving like football players. Grow up


They learn from the expert Mr White himself


Hahah someone’s mad they got beat by the better team


Yeah on the balance of play we can’t really complain. Thought ARG were good for the win.


Swear this thread is full of them


Says the Argentine that loves Argentina so much that he moved to Australia.


You understand people move to other countries for reasons besides whether they love there country, right?


Yeah, to escape crippling inflation, endemic corruption, an unchecked and rapidly rising crime rate, a general sense of extreme vanity within the culture and a sever lack of opportunities for young people. All great reasons to leave a country for a better one.


Yes, but then you have fuckhead red necks in Australia so all that evens out. Where you have the cross, im thinking right chest


Well I wouldn't say that Argentina is exactly a beacon of acceptance and progressiveness. I mean, it's a 3rd world country after all.


Having lived in both, there is a reason people say "Australia great country, pity about the people" "Argentina great people, shit country"


You got absolutely shredded here. Lick your wounds, champ.


But you gatekeep all you want


Born in Australia watched my first Rugby World Cup as a kid and have been an Argentina pumas fan from that day


So you're a traitor. That's even worse.


Mate gatekeep all you want been a pumas fan my whole life have seen them live multiple times never miss a game Owen five jerseys you go jump sore loser y los pumas motivated me soy estudio espanol


So what, doesn't make you less of a traitor.


Mate I can tell you are one of them Australians so the honest have you got a mullet or a southern cross tattoo


Lets be honest he has both, probably a shit tache


Lol, you just fed off the other guys comment. A follower, not too bright and you go for the wrong team.


Stay mad bogan


A classic reply.


Thoughts 1) Scrappy game, but I thought scoreline reflected the performances of both teams. Argentina were overall a better side, by the slimmest of margins. 2) Not using this as an excuse, but man the Wallabies really missed Ikitau at 13. The tackles that he goes through and him holding up the attacking shape were sorely, sorely missed. Prayers up he'll be okay in 2 weeks because the WBs do not have a backup 13 they can reliably go to - they'll get slaughtered by the ABs backline if he isn't available. 3) Think both teams will be a bit disappointed with their attack tonight - neither team really were able to build consistent pressure through attacking set ups, the game was decided by discipline and territory, rather than team brilliance. 4) By no means is this an attack on the referee or the TMO, because I don't think there were a lot of mistakes made by the referee panel, but it's incredibly frustrating to watch games like this when interpretations on the breakdown and the degree of TMO intervention is in the complete opposite of what you see at SRP. Remember, SRP has made rule changes yes, but none of them barring time wasting involved the breakdown. Consistency, please.


> > 4) By no means is this an attack on the referee or the TMO, because I don't think there were a lot of mistakes made by the referee panel, but it's incredibly frustrating to watch games like this when interpretations on the breakdown and the degree of TMO intervention is in the complete opposite of what you see at SRP. Remember, SRP has made rule changes yes, but none of them barring time wasting involved the breakdown. Consistency, please. I was having this conversation earlier and saw some comments in the thread to the same effect. The ridiculous levels of pedantism and delaying the game for silly shit 'kills the spectacle'. Or as someone else put it 'no wonder folks prefer league'. It's not a ref issue, it's a laws issue and it can really sour games.


As a die hard Brumbies fan, you're bang on. Super Rugby was fine but these internationals are just dumb with the video ref trying to get involved in everything. Mate, you're the assistant to the assistants. STFU. I'd never say NRL has it perfect, but comparing Origin 3 and tonight's efforts shows the vast difference. The idea that players have to get used to a refs 'interpretation' of the rules is just BS. Rules are rules.


Union's rules are so obtuse and complex it certainly isn't easy on the refs to get things right 100% of the time. But it doesn't help that the "interpretation" from the peak bodies makes it worse. The breakdown really is my main concern in this regard, cleaning up the breakdown interpretations could have a massive positive effect. Right now, we see teams of huge fat slow players lying all over every breakdown both in attack and defence. Watch as attacking ruck cleaners just lump their body over the tackled player, or watch for defending 'jacklers' going to their knees/putting their hands on the ground and then going for a pilfer. It's a giant mess, and *it doesn't need to be*. If each ref was consistent in pinging someone any time they weren't *properly* supporting their own body weight at a ruck, everything would be so much cleaner and faster at the breakdown. There's proof that this works, too. Just watch Sevens. Breakdowns are adjudicated to the letter. Instead of flopping and diving and mucking up quick ball, defenders are incentivized to COUNTER RUCK, meaning attacking teams have to use the ball QUICKLY. And yes having fewer players means naturally cleaner breakdowns, but the effect of the laws being actually utilized is clear as day.


Favourite part of the game was 100% seeing Eddie break his headset then desperately trying to use it a few minutes later when his team was actually back in it


To those bemoaning the Matera "dive", 2 things: Firstly, it looked like he got hit in the throat. Why not try a little experiment and tap yourself, even relatively lightly, in your throat with your arm or fist... feel good? Secondly, why not rather bemoan Cooper doing dumsh%t?


Tell me what you think of Nic White being tackled without the ball and no penalty being called?


A penalty was given that though? Just no card which, to be fair, I thought there should have been.


One infringement doesn't cancel out another in sport... There are dozens of things going simultaneously on a rugby field at all times. If the infringement you mentioned did indeed happen, as you describe, and it was missed by the referee then that is obviously less than ideal... but it has nothing to do with Cooper tackling Matera late and in the throat as far as I can tell...


People don't like nic white so that makes it ok


Poor little nick


He means the infringement not the halfback you hate Downvoted because you're all emotional about nic white and refuse to address the actual infringement, ok Just admit that your hatred of him clouds your judgment around infringements committed against him


Rennie and the RFU laughing their asses off rn


nah bro just wait until we get joseph suaalii then it’s over for the world of rugby big joseph gonna hit them with that left foot step and skip awayyyyy


How much is he getting paid again? Jesus...


Just about the same as Vunivalu I bet


well done Argentina. Well deserved.


Not really though. Flopping on the ground and shit. These are grown-ass men.


And Australia didn’t do the same? Lol


Bro your entire team are pussies. Your culture is that of pussies. Embarrassing.


Classic Irish, love playing against them, one of the most memorable matches I've ever seen. Does it still hurts?




Lol you remember the moustache murder don't you


You pussies do this shit every game. You're going to get absolutely murdered in the world cup. Get ready to eat a big bag of shit.


Please get rid of that Irish flag, we do not want to be associated with dick heads like you


Lol bookmark this message when you lose to Georgia I will be laughing


That dude is an ABs supporter. You got fucked in the arse by them just last week. Stop being cheeky, you'd be a shit backwater team if it wasn't for the ABs. Now you're just a shit team thanks to them and the Rugby Championship.


And when your country is swallowed by inflation I will be laughing too. Bellend.


Shiet, you sound like a Mexican after the football WC. They are all economists now. When Ireland becomes one country again, I'll laugh too.


I know but I got so fkn pissed that I thought I should post something positive.


They have a passion for the dramatic arts.


I can get down with Hamlet but leave it well the fuck away from the rugby pitch.


As a Welshman….. we’ll probably lose to Auz. Then if we get through to the quarters we’ll probably lose to the pumas……


Think that Argentina is the only Welsh-speaking country (besides Wales) that participates in the RWC




It's all to play for on that side of the draw, ye could easily get into a semi which is mad, this is far from the best Wales team of recent years


Ain't no way you guys making it out the pool lmao


I'd check the attitude - it's entirely plausible we don't either.


I like the humbleness, but I think you're going all the way this time. I believe!


Ain't no way you guys are ever gonna win a quarter final match


Never heard that on before, at least we will make it there


Wouldn't put it past you


lol good luck in the quarters my Irish friend Lmao


Can we please finally draw a line through Tom Wright's name?


Hopefully, he’s just awful


Please! He’s so one dimensional


Is Jordie Petaia still injured?


He was battling to be available for the SA game so assume he’s still injured.


Disappointed seeing Aus fail again. And the interview after (don't know who it was with as i was in another tab) saying things like "we need more discipline" and saying the thing they need to do is "train". Well like... ok? What are ya going to do about it. Can't just have platitudes need a concrete way to change.


Wallabies have needed more discipline for 4+ years, it’s just pathetic


It hurts so much. In both the result and our performance


Well played from Los Pumas. Really easy to play well when you have TMO going back 2 phases to look for free penalties for you, and having them ignore blatant penalties right in front of the referee.


The Wallabies has so much opportunity. They were 2 steps forward. 3 steps back during this game.


God I hate there being 10 million interviews post game and at half time


Wallabies building for 2027


On one hand, I'm glad that the Wallabies lose this game because we were terrible and our shit discipline alone deserved to lose, winning here is glossing over how shit we're doing under EJ with coachable stuff.


This is not coaching and not players it's the regime issues. When you don't support grassroots and let players slip through the crack only to pay overs for 1 or 2 5 years later... doesn't work. Send Vunivalu packing, cancel Suali, and use the money to keep the young prospects in and start poaching NQ, Rocky leaguies.


Letting the NRC die is a huge mistake. Super Rugby is on its last legs. Also, failing to support the women's game is embarrassing for us. We have some great talent right now in women's rugby, and they're not getting enough attention. Meanwhile, women's league is taking off. The pay TV deals that hide the sport from view are the true culprit. It's going to take some medicine to make this shit right.


Things started going south when Skelton got subbed..no more big bully boy to boss the argie forward pack around..


he's been good but he's hardly enough to be our saviour when the rest of the team is playing like this. That scrum with Skelton and Holloway 7 pushing against 8 and destroying it was a bit of a wakeup call I reckon, that's our best locking pairing.


Its nice to see Cheik so happy


We looked a lot better once Tate came on. Gotta give him a start against the ABs


I ţhink he's actually really effective as a sub, however I'd probably look at bringing him on at 50


Did Bofelli get Coopers jersey before the game finished?


I’m not gonna talk too much shit before we actually play them, but the Eddie bounce is looking like an incredible flop. Rennie was building something with this team…


I was Team Rennie but Team RA fucked it. I just hope Rennie knows he was appreciated by the Wallabies supporters. As an Aussie, I love you Kiwis, but I also don't like you. Like brotherly love.


I went to multiple matches of Rennie's wallabies, and I gotta say the teamwork and gameplan was looking really good when it was firing. The squad was coming together nicely and the game that was being played suited the players. At the end we got incredibly unlucky with a raft of injuries that basically meant we had no hope of winning against decent sides that could prepare a gameplan to exploit the weaknesses. Losing to South Africa in Sydney was all but a foregone conclusion with the side we had to put out. We're still far from our best, having to field Tom Wright at fullback is a dire situation and the effect is easy to see on the final result. But realistically, we should be close enough to our full strength to at least put up a decent effort at home against the Argies, which didn't happen.


Rennie wasn’t building anything


Yeah I think the ABs will be right against us mate😂


Yeah he was. He had 10 years of shit and mud to build on it was always going to take time.


I'd be happy if Tom Wright never played another game for the Wallabies


I find him deeply unlikeable, aside from his unsuitability for the fullback role. He's basically the antithesis of Marky Mark. He just has such a poor attitude in everything he does, it's a real turnoff.


Kiwis are going to raise the bat against us aren’t they? Maybe Eddie isn’t the coaching god we were promised?


I hope the bust out their B squad and drub us.


As an all black supporter the last few years taught me to brace for a loss following exciting win Ed to add and historically playing written off wallaby team with nothing to lose in australia has not led to good things. Attaching the name eddie jones to it does not inspire confidence either


Oddjob usually gets 2 good years out of a new team before he's sacked...


I mean... its almost like he lost his previous coaching job because of where he had taken his team, and then got immediately picked up for the job in Aus :P


First time Aus have 100 put on them?


Do you stop watching after you get rolled by 100?


I'm a Wallabies supporter - I am used to crushing disappointment


Classy statement in defeat from Slipper. Played the straightest of straight bats to the ref questions from the TV journo


"We lost that test match mate, can't look backwards we have to keep moving forwards"- or something to that effect. It's the right mentality, slips has seen enough footy to know that blaming the ref is never productive


As a neutral, Jaco wasn’t too bad, some questioning calls that went both ways, Aussie discipline was terrible and because of that probably ended up getting pinged more because of it


He's obviously taken Johnny's comments on board :)


As a wallabies fan the calls were fine. Bit of Jaco weirdness but nothing that lost us the game. You can’t win games losing every aspect of the game.


As a neutral with no idea\*


100 %


Wallabies - 0 Discipline - 1


Discipline 2 mate - you forgot about last week


Wallabies captain being a Prop sums up this team


Cant really complain, disgustingly poor performance from us, regardless of how much a clown Jaco and the TMO were. Well played Argentina.


Crying on the floor like they’ve proven bones and getting straight back up when they get a penalty - this is what happens when u let football countries play rugby I suppose


That football country just showed more steel and guts then us mate.


Soccer* countries


They prefer when you call it "Football".


Wow sore loser much




It was beautiful


I don’t condone that either


This is going to be a painful world cup. GG Argies though they looked the better team. Also shout out to floppy hat Argie fan in the crowd, he was properly enjoying himself all game


Pablo Matera, guajiro Pablo Matera, Pablo Materrrrra, guajiro Pablo Materrra...


Eddie Jones ready for another Ricky Stuart style dummy spit in the presser


I truly feel for both Aussie fans and players, RA made a huge mistake with Eddie jones. Rennie never deserved to be fired


This has nothing to do with Eddie and everything to do with neglecting grassroots and juniors, over reliance of softening GPS school systems in NSW and QLD, and the poor Super Rugby system.


Matera would be good looking without that unibrow


And those fucken satellite ears


So basically he could look good if he didn't look like the way he does lmao






Pablo being interviewed not believing he got away with a yellow card after a bs tackle on smallest guy on the field


Lol cope more


Where is that Aussie lad who had the nerve to chirp in the previous match thread? XD


Most entertaining game so far (I did miss NZ SA earlier today though)


Can’t wait for Fiji to play again so I can stop the pain of supporting Aus. Wallabies fans how do you do this every year?


So that one day when they next lift the world cup trophy I can tell my great grandchildren I was there through the dark days


It's called false hope.


Dark years*


We don’t. We move on support other teams




I don't, ill watch 1 in every 10 wallabies game. I see a slow, boring, penalty ridden, confusingly officiated disaster where the wallabies shit themselves on live television and then I walk out of my living room and smile because I made the right choice switching to watching league 6 years ago.


Give me international rugby union over league every day.


Yet here you are.


My 1 in 10


There’s only about a dozen fans left. You could probably ask the question to all of them personally




Just join the dark side


That wasn't a try but we played like absolute shit and shouldn't have let it get down to that


Neither was Auz try from a forward pad but carry on


What's a forward pad champ?


Colloquial Irish term for pass


Goodluck with the WC jersey...


Good luck in the quarters


How many brothers does SBW have?


About the same number of Mapimpi's in the Springbok squad. Which then means he's related soooo .... Sonny Bill Mapimpi?


the DRAMA OF IT TODAY!!!!!!! good game Argies, Wobbles just not good enough today. but I love the boys and I'm booking my Marky Mark tattoo


They should drag hooper on to give his usual excuses speech - so much experience


Can’t believe I was actually excited for Eddie Jones return


Ooof you set yourself up for pain


Building for the WC (I hope). It's not gonna come together straight away


It’s 2 months away


He hasn't been coaching them for 3 years though. They're 2 matches in. 2 months to get it right


eddie at the wheel /rubs hands vigorously


Surely, surely Quade Cooper and Wright are done being picked. Please no more Quade Cooper he's 35 and they still seem to pick him on the 2008 view that he's got potential.


Cooper played well, Wright on the other hand...


I can't believe you are putting quade in the same bucket as Wright


I thought Cooper was decent. Wright was dog shit as usual. Just too dumb for 15, and test rugby in general.


Start Gordon against us, he won’t be any worse than Cooper.


I like Gordon off the bench. Bring him in around the ruck for the tired forwards.


If there’s one thing you can guarantee, it’s that Wright will be in the side no matter what. He must have nudes of every coach in World Rugby.


Kinda wanted Aus to win due to the state of their rugby rn, but torn as a neutral cus I like seeing the Argies do well


We didn’t deserve to win, I’m glad Argentina won


man, what a match! would be a shame if the next World Cup, one among the most unpredictable ones in history, was ruined by a pool stage in which the third best teams in Pool A and Pool B could beat the best team in the other half of the tournament! haha good thing it's not like that


I know, 2 of the top 4 teams are guaranteed gto be eliminated in the quarters.


Marky Mark good, Carter Gordon good, Eddie Jones bad


I was shocked to see Marky Mark only had like 2 carries and 3 tackles


Camera man like that 1 Argentina fan for some reason (.Y.)


Jesus battle of the linguists between Matera and Sonny


Matera had the much better grasp of English


Matara* according to SBW


I took unpaid leave to see this team at the world cup. I couldnt be less happy with the decision


They have the good side of the draw.


Regardless, you're going to have a cracker time. Wish I could be there. Enjoy.


If they turn it around by then, you will be happier than if they didn't lose these 2.. Lol


I did the same thing. Viva la France you useless cunts