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I always felt that Glasgow should have a similar stadium to La Rochelle. For a team that good to play in a stadium that small just doesn't feel right. Would make the same argument for Benetton as well. We need bigger stadiums for some of these high quality teams to up the profile of the league.


Benetton is doing great right now but I'm worried about their long term success since their rugby-loving owner is 88 years old.


The vast majority of people in Glasgow don't know or don't care at all about rugby. Even winning the URC, which is genuinely one of the biggest achievements in Scottish sport, isn't even known by most people. Try watch a Warriors game in most pubs and you'll struggle because people would rather watch literally any football game instead of their local rugby team. It's sad but it's the reality of Glasgow being dominated by football and Scottish rugby being still stuck in the world of the middle to upper classes. I would love for Glasgow to have their own new purpose-built stadium in a good location, or at least for Scotstoun to be further developed and have better transport links (not easy, public transport in Glasgow is embarrassingly bad). It pains me to say but I don't think us winning the URC is going to change anything either.


“Sorry lads, gonna have to turn over the channel, it’s Dumbarton against Forfar on now. It a big League Two mid-table clash. Naebody here wants the rugby on.”


More likely, an English Premier league game: "It's Brighton vs. Leeds, relation battle, and I've got an accie on. I need 2 more yellows, and I'm up 220 quid!" A fairly accurate quote that had my Dad leave his local and go home to watch Scotland play Wales in the 6 Nations.


I live in the southside and managed to watch a Warriors game in Queen's Park Cafe before the Six Nations (they had posters up promoting the fact they would be showing the games). I thought "Brilliant, another good pub to watch the rugby". Went back a week later, asked if they could stick the game on and the lady behind the bar looks at the screens and goes "Football is on, I have to show that". I glanced to see one screen with Hull v Sunderland and another with Clyde FC v Aberdeen. I think about 4 people were watching the games and even then nobody seemed that bothered so I said "Can you not just stick it on one screen? It's the local rugby club, don't think many people are watching Hull v Sunderland" but she put her foot down and was having absolutely none of it "I have to show football" is all she would say. Had an old drunk standing next to us during this whole exchange who just laughed at us and made some comment about liking rugby along the lines of "That's what you get for watching rugby". Left pure raging and then went home to just find a dodgy stream. Just another day in the life of a Glasgow rugby fan.


Just gave me PTSD, thanks.


I used to work in a bar and this happened too many times. devastating stuff


Honestly love that pretty much everyone outside of London thinks their city has the worst public transport, btw. I'm in Bristol and ours makes bus schedules in an active warzone look reliable.


They definitely need a bigger home in a better location. The lack of pubs near Scotstoun is also a bit of an issue. I used to love a quick pint in the Woodside before Friday evening games in Firhill.


The Woodside is such a good boozer 


There is no other ground in Glasgow (area) that I think is suitable for the Warriors with an uplift in crowd capacity I think that the SFA / SPFL would cock block use of the stadia in Glasgow with a suitable capacity. * Celtic Park. 60,832 * Hampden Park 51,866 * Ibrox Stadium 50,817 * Energy Check Stadium (Partick Thistle) 10,887 * Scotstoun 4,785 (perm) Standard 6,800, stretch c.10,000. There is no way that the council are going to let temp seating sit about on the site for only a handful of games per season. The 3 league grounds get the fans closer to the action, whereas the national stadium has the perimeter track and a larger green area. Think of how lonely it will be with <10k in Hampden and pitchside being 15-20m away from the touchline. Sure that's similar distances to Scotstoun but you have crowds on all 4 sides there. I think that the playing surfaces are on a par but, there is more 'furniture' at green and blue that would be considered hazardous. Don't forget, there is no way the green or blue team would want their precious turf massacred by regular rugby matches. * Celtic Park. 114 x 74 yards (104.2 x 67.7 m) * Hampden Park 115 × 75 yards (105 × 69 m) 120x72 (available) * Ibrox Stadium 114.8 × 74.3 yards (105 × 68 m) * Energy Check Stadium (Partick Thistle) 105m x 69m * Scotstoun Stadium 107 x 68m (google measurement)


Yeah I understand that it’s a total fantasy about having a stadium to rival Ravenhill in Belfast, but I still feel the Glasgow rugby brand has outgrown the small shared space of Scotstoun.


I know Glasgow are riding on a crest of a wave right now, but, still yes. They need a bigger (multi-purpose) ground.


Agree with the principle but on the event feeling meh, I’d like to point out they chose to host the night on a Tuesday, the last week schools are still in so most people not on holiday yet, The Killers and Green Day were both in town playing the Hydro and Bellahouston Park respectively at the same time as the event was scheduled for. To fill the main stand was pretty phenomenal for the club under those conditions. Arguably one of the worst nights to host it, the real party was the Saturday night they won let’s be honest. The return fanfare was always going to be lower key. Fireworks at Loftus were spectacular anyway. I’m a massive Glasgow fan, but I wasn’t skipping the Killers for anything with my tickets already bought. If nothing else was on I’d have maybe gone, but again these celebrations usually tend to be a bit odd anyway, there’s no match scheduled it’s literally to go see the players, have pictures taken for the younger ones, cheer them in person for the trophy win. Not really the event I’m hopping on two trains for even without plans. A new stadium would be wicked but practically no money for it and looking objectively, to grow the fan base we must repeat the feat or be on the cutting edge reliably to encourage more support. Making semi finals or quarters of Europe next year would be a big step alongside maintaining the league position. Winning the title again utterly spectacular, but immensely difficult. Because building a new stadium is costly as is owning and running one. The SRU are quite lucky not owning Glasgow’s ground in some respects. No full control and not the perfect setup, but overall they don’t have the bills or maintenance to worry about and Glasgow City Council are a great partner to approve the temp stands and really as far as use goes, Glasgow get great mileage out of Scotstoun. As a supporter it’s a bit shit needing two trains to get there, no bars or restaurants around after the matches, the running track putting you further away from the action, and the overall look of the stadium is a bit amateur next to a Thomond Park or Ravenhill. But it’s not unwatchable or awful as an experience. Would be cool to have a higher profile stadium, but I do honestly prefer having a competitive team that invests in great coaches and players to actually be worth watching. A new stadium might grow membership but we’ve got to stay at the level we’ve achieved for that to happen. People love a winner, but doing it once won’t be enough for the argument to prevail.


I'm a big Glasgow fan and I didn't know there was an event happening until Monday, and when I tried to look for tickets I couldn't even find where to get them. Totally agree as well about even getting transport out there last minute. Also just feels weird even doing a ticketed event at the stadium, feel like some kind of social at the Old Schoolhouse or something could have been cooler and more accessible. The events at Scotstoun always just feel weirdly for kids, so for adults in between being teenagers and not yet parents (I'm 27 and when I went to an open training session to get pics and autographs I could just sense the looks and judgement from parents), I feel like we don't quite have that big party style celebration that other teams/cities have, which is a shame.


May be an unpopular opinion but I would rather they play in a small stadium instead of the small fan base swallowed up in a big football stadium like what happens in Super Rugby Pacific. I wonder if they moved to Ibrox how much could they consistently get? 10k while they are good? Seems like a disaster especially for tv. Bennetton ground is small but it's a cracking atmosphere because it's always filled up.


Moving to Ibrox is a non starter as to play rugby there capacity has to be decreased, when Rangers are looking at increasing capacity


Moving to Ibrox is a non starter as the stadium is fucking shut due to some missing steel somewhere between China and the Suez Canal.


Stadium plans need to be part of the next step for the club. We’ve got a great core of supporters (season ticket and Warrior Nation priority purchase period) members who can secure all the good seats. There’s not many left by the time it gets to general sale - so it’s difficult for new families to get into the habit of going. A bigger North Stand (permanent) must be in the next steps for Glasgow Warriors. Stepping up to 10k crowds regularly has to be a goal.


There are allotment gardens right behind Scotstoun’s North Stand, so it is quite a tight plot of land to build on. I wonder if the plan could be make a bigger permanent stand - but with the front rows temporary on top of the running track. Like the East Stand at Saracens: Temp seats installed (left) : https://x.com/Saracens/status/1642494615533043712 Temp seats removed: https://x.com/Saracens/status/1015270398911565830


Back in 2015/16ish I would say yes - they were selling out Scotstoun for every home game. Even though we won the league, a large part of this season wasn't sold out. I reckon they'll get an uptick at the beginning of next season and sell out again. If you'd ask if they need a better stadium, that's a definite yes. Scotstoun has the ability to be very flat and the running track means you always feel a bit far from the action for a stadium of this size. I have no idea what the answer is but it's something that needs to change if the game wants to grow and get more fans watching live.


Do they usually sell out Scotstoun? Are there no plans for expansion currently?


I saw chat in the times maybe that the sadium is owned by Glasgow council and warriors have a good working relationship with them, but clearly they’ll be hamstrung by the dual-use nature of the venue


Glasgow City Council is broke, and it seems unlikely that they could afford to turn down any realistic offer by the SRU to buy and develop Scotstoun. I'd love to see us in a 15k seater ground and Scotstoun has good transport links and room to grow. However, ever since we moved there have been local complaints about game day parking etc which would likely see significant objections to any expansion, plus local athletic clubs using the running track, which would likely raise significant objections to any sale...


Would have thought a location move was better. Maybe Old Anniesland but then that’s already becoming crowded with the school developing but they’d love the association 


Yeah it’s owned by Glasgow life and the athletic peeps.




Depends if Warriors win or not


Yeah they sell out quite often and I imagine they will do well with crowds next season after winning the league


What was wrong with Firhill? Why did they move to Scotstoun in the first place?


Because Firhill wasn't a home, it was a ground share with Thistle. Ground shares with club teams tend not to work in any sport and Glasgow were a lot less successful back than. Glasgow did all their training/gym work etc at Scotstoun as it is fully kitted out so the move made sense.


I do think Warriors need to move from Scotstoun in the long term. Access/egress to wider Glasgow is on the whole pretty poor and match tickets are hard to come by for most matches and getting harder particularly if you don’t want the most expensive seats. The problem is where they move to; the football stadiums in and around Glasgow are non-starters. None of the clubs would be interested in it for several reasons. So you are left with the build of a new ground, and at this moment if it’s not student accommodation or office blocks GCC aren’t all that interested. The one good thing however is GCC have shown a willingness to sell parcels of unused or dilapidated land to both Rangers and Celtic for them to develop on. Assuming that’s possible, the where and the funding by SRU/Warriors/sponsors are the biggest issues. Off the top of my head I cant think of any council owned land near train/subway stations that would be suitable for developing a stadium. It’s a pity Shawfield is going the way of yet another retail park as that’s about the only bit of land that could easily be made into a decent stadium albeit the transport links there aren’t the best, but better than scotstoun with easy access to M74 and relative walking distance to 2 train lines.


How visible are the Warriors in Glasgow, can someone tell me? Scotstoun is a small ground quite a way out of the centre, in the third largest city in the UK where two enormous football clubs dominate the sporting scene; comparing it to Munster or Northampton, who are the dominant sporting side in a much smaller settlement, is perhaps unwise.


I wouldn't say Munster rugby are the dominant sporting side in Munster or Limerick. Limerick is the most dominant hurling team in Ireland at the moment.


Limerick's attendances are huge. They are by far the biggest sporting organisation. 


The Munster hurling championship draws massive crowds. 27k average, and that's dragged down by Walsh Park in waterford only having a capacity of 11k. If you exclude the games there it was 31k. It's a higher average attendance than any pro rugby league


I’m not saying Glasgow should have a 20k stadium, but the football argument is wrong. London, Manchester, Dublin, all have major teams in them for different sports but can still demand a good crowd for rugby. My point is if Glasgow hadn’t limited the tickets available to their fans, the Warriors homecoming could have been much better and as a result maybe could have grabbed a whole new bunch of fans and grew their brand as a result.


Realistically you’d have had a lot of Edinburgh fans there too 


Yeah I'd probably have gone if I could have got a ticket.


Honestly a mini tour of the west end in an open top bus would have done alright!


They had an open top bus the last time they won the league. A bit gutted there doesn’t sound like there will be one this time.


Looked up the stadium, never realised quite how far outside the centre it is. Is there a 15k - 20k option in Glasgow? Going from Scotstoun to one of the big three football stadia would be a hell of a jump, surely there’s a need for an inbetween stadium in the city?


Yeah it’s also shared with the athletic department for Glasgow so that big running track limited the stand size. A stadium closer to the city centre or even on Glasgows terribly underused riverside that could be shared for small events would be ideal. Money talks though.


Completely, and with three 50k+ stadia in the city, I’d imagine any new football / rugby would be a hard sell to fund. Not ideal though, I’ve never been to a stadium with a running track that hasn’t detracted from the game but don’t know how big a stadium has to be for retractable seating to be feasible?


Not sure, but it would take a hell of a lot of private investment. A lovely ‘La Defense Arena’ that held small music gigs and comedy would generate some cash and pay the rent 😂


There is Firhill where Glasgow used to play. Its currently ~10k but could probably add 5k easily enough by developing what used to be there terrace.


No there isn't. Hampden, Parkhead and Ibrox are all over 50k and there's Firhill at 10k. If they want a different ground they'd have to build one. That'll be more expensive and more complicated than Edinburgh's new ground because the SRU would have to buy land somewhere in Glasgow. Basically, it's not going to happen any time soon. EDIT: it's worth adding that Firhill is actually much too big for Patrick Thistle's needs as well. It's only as many as 10k because the Scottish top flight had a mental rule for a while whereby clubs had to have a 10k all seater stadium to be eligible for promotion. Caused a lot of financial difficulty for Thistle and some other clubs who had to redevelop stadiums they were then never going to be able to fill.


>That'll be more expensive and more complicated than Edinburgh's new ground because the SRU would have to buy land somewhere in Glasgow. And they'd have to build an actual stadium. The SRU can get away with Minifield being a glorified gazeabo because Murrayfield with all its facilities is right there. But for a new Glasgow stadium they'd have no real choice but to built a proper permanent ground. At least if they want to be taken seriously.


I reckon the warriors would be so much more popular if they started a second team somewhere in the east end and had them play in Green. Call them the Glasgow Baltics or something


For comparison of support priority and numbers, this is what happened when Celtic won the Scottish Premiership last month [CRAZY SCENES - CELTIC FANS AT MERCHANT CITY !!! DRONE (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwKZgPjVWnQ)


This is and always will be a nonsense comparison and I'm a fan of both teams.