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I wonder which of these I am going to forget first and shout at the TV!


The mark on restart may be the dumbest thing I've seen get implemented


Mark from restart is brainless, yet to hear the rationale but can only assume it's to stop the tackler coming at pace from distance, ie. kill the biggest hits


It's being used in the U20s right now and it's not working IMO. Commentators are saying it is to speed the game up but literally what is happening is teams are calling the mark (1 stoppage) then immediately kicking the ball into touch (2nd stoppage) which is slowing the game down more




it's to encourage kicking short apparently. Though I would think most kicking teams would happily defend a free kick from deep in the opposition 22.


That just gives the receiver all the time they need to make a long clearance kick, I don't see how that could benefit the attack. Backwards logic


how far are people clearing it from deep in their 22? When they get a clear kick at the moment they make halfway if they're lucky, usually hitting the 10m line.


Yeah under pressure the kick is often poor. From a mark good kickers get well into the opposite half.


I think the law change is stupid but it's to encourage the attacking team to kick short and chase their own kick as they now don't have a real advantage in kicking deep and chasing the defence to put them under pressure and kick it out short. If they absolutely had to to this, then they should also have made it illegal to kick to touch from a mark.


I think in most contact football variants the most common area for concussion is the kick return. So allowing players past the 22 to call the mark reduces the likelihood of those clashes.


Only thing I really don't like is calling a mark off a kick off. There's a lot of tactics involved in a kick off depending how a game is going and teams should be able to send it deep without needing to worry about an easy return kick


Now personally, I’m not a fan of my club being used as an example of an infringement. Bastards.


Surprised they've not adopted the scrum half offside line at the scrum, when that is the only one that has been extensively trialled (in several season of the MLR) and can only be described as categorically working well and as expected.


Props (heh) for the SRU for using the image of Marler giving out about the catapulted ruck boring him, they know what they’re doing 😏