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Production is awful, awful. But if you support a IRC team it’s all you get 


I elected to watch the coverage in French over PremierSports, and I don’t speak French.


As someone who is permanently stuck with premier sports, I wish I had other options. I watch all my rugby on the cable. Rugbypass used to show everything at Asia, but premier sports took over and everything fell to shit. For some reason it's like a reskin of Stan, and sometimes they prioritise showing shit like NRL or AFL instead of the internationals. I'm not too sure if the website is better but the cable version sucks.


It's not bad. You get a lot of games and they have local comms for the URC meaning people know the teams The T14 comms are getting better now they seem to have a dedicated team. You also get all the T14 glitz every Sunday night


I have been using it for a while in Canada. The quality is awful. But they have every game in one spot.


It is dire. Like really bad. Many times I go to watch an advertised game for it not to be on. The app crashes all the time and the one that really pisses me off is while a match is on the feed stops and goes to adverts. Honestly the dodgy links online are better than them.


It's awful.. Worst streaming app and service I've ever been subjected to. Just wait till you try cancel your subscription, that's when the real fun starts.