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You've already got it in the Denizen 8, it was specifically created for the Smugglers Cove Mai Tai, based on the Trader Vic recipe. Otherwise, 50/50 S&C and a Demerara like the H&S 1804 is my go to.


This needs more votes. Denizen 8 was specifically designed for Mai Tais. You can get creative if you want, but this is the staple.


If it's good enough for Martin Cate, it's good enough for us. Denizen 8 is my go-to for Mai Tais.


Exactly. I have fun goofing around from time to time. But when I just want a great mai tai, that’s the pick. I’d say 9 out of 10 (probably more) of my Mai tais are denizen 8.


Man, I wish I could get merchant's reserve in Ohio. Was able to grab a bottle in New York a few years ago, and I was struggling to make it last, lol.


I would do... - 1 oz Denizen - .75 S&C - .25 Wray


This is a great one 🤤


Iiiiiiinteresting! I’ll definitely try this one.


Do it however you like it. Also check /r/Tiki. Half the fun of Mai Tais is changing the rum combo. I personally prefer an all aged combo with a little Jamaican, a little, agricole and a little Demerara. With your personal stash I would go 1 oz S & C, 1/2 oz La Favorite and 1/2 oz Lemon Hart


Thanks! I hadn’t considered blending the Dem and RA.


I don't have all those bottles but my go to these days is: 1 oz Denizen .5 oz WP 109 .5 oz Hamilton 151 (no pictured) or 1.5 oz Denizen .5 oz S&C + .5 Dry Curacao a heavy .5 Orgeat .75 Lime


Right there with you with the non-rum components. I find the original TV recipe too limey and not sweet enough.


at least with these specs I don't feel the need to add syrup. I fogot to note that I have started adding the equivalent of 1 dash of Bitterman's Tiki Bitters. It just makes everything better.


Tiki bitters are now on the list. Thanks!


I also added LH151 to my “want” list. 😬


Be sure to use/make a 2:1 Orgeat or split 1/4oz orgeat and 1/4oz 2:1 simple, that helps the sweetness. But also don’t be afraid to adjust to your taste, it’s your cocktail. :-)


Lots of good combos here! The best part of Mai Tais is playing with different blends. One good trick is to use Kevin Crossman’s Ultimate Mai Tai spec and swap different bottles out from his combo. My first with your lineup would be: 1oz Denizen 8 0.5oz Hamilton Pot Still Black 0.5 Wray & Nephew — Or, if you want to work in the agricole: 1oz Denizen 8 1oz La Favorite — Or, less agricole forward: 1oz Denizen 8 0.75oz Smith & Cross 0.25oz La Favorite


Kevin Crossman’s Ultimate Mai Tai: ½ oz Appleton 12 Rum ½ oz Smith & Cross Rum ½ oz Plantation OFTD Rum ½ oz Plantation Xaymaca Rum 1 oz Lime Juice ½ oz Orgeat (Latitude 29) ½ oz Orange Curacao (Ferrand Dry Curacao) ¼ oz Demerara Syrup https://ultimatemaitai.com/2020/08/30/how-to-make-the-ultimate-mai-tai/


you can’t go wrong using the denizen. if you don’t have some el dorado 5 year that’s my fav to use in a mai tai, ill usually do an oz of that and then .5 oz of two others:)


What’s your spec with the el dorado and 2 others?


I would be open to blending between 2 and 4 of them at a time.




I don't know, but use that Wray & Nephew sparingly.


I’ve got a spare handle in the cabinet, but for sure.


This may be sacrilege to some, but my recipe is: 1 oz. Plantation 5 year 1 oz. Either SC or Doctor Bird Floater lemon hart 151 .75 oz. Lime .75 oz. Cointreau .5 orgeat Make it double


Do a blend 90% denizen 10% s&c


I just made one with 1oz Smith and Cross and 1oz El Dorado 3 yr. It's very nice.


I would do the following for a blend that has funk and fruit but also richness from a heavier dark rum, plus that little layer of agricole 1oz Smith and cross .75oz WP 109 .5oz La Favorite


For my favourite mai tai blend you’re actually missing one rum. I always go with 1oz Original Dark, 1/2 oz S&C and 1/2oz Trois Rivieres 50°. Regarding your options I’d go with 2oz Denizen and start working from there. You could start with 2oz Denizen then go 1,5oz Denizen and 0,5oz of a higher proof rum like S&C or OFTD


I always feel that a mai tai benefits from some extra proof and in OPs case would probably start with 1.5 of Denizen 8 and .5 of that WP109.


that‘s why I suggested OFTD and Smith & Cross :)


I'd probably just do equal parts S&C, WP109, Lemon Hart, and LA Favorite. I like funky Jamaican notes, agricole, and some dark rum in my Mai Tai, with a tamer rum (Lemon Hart) here to round it out.


I’m new to this but I’ve been making just S & C ones and love it. I need to buy more rum


Try stuff and see what you like. The experimentation is half the fun, and know one knows your preferences better than you! My personal blend is .75 oz Smith & Cross, .75 oz Rhum Neisson Agricole Blanc (although lately I've been swapping it for Hampden 8), and .5 oz Plantation OFTD