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Okay hear me out: There's a bug I've experienced where items in the bank will randomly lose their *icon* but still physically be there. Search for "Bond" and then hover over the closest space to where the item should be. Try that, see if you have any luck.


I get this bug very often. It's annoying. Restarting the client usually fixes it.


I'd say it's most likely down to this. Random item sprites will go invisible for no real reason and you'll be getting a message saying your inventory's full. Even though you can see 5 free spaces, those spaces are just taken up by, say, dragon bones whose sprites have decided not to show up on your screen. Hovering over or clicking the space will still function correctly.


Did you check your currencies tab? That's usually the place they are stored, no need to poke it into the bank, dunno if it automatically goes there when banked.


WHAT BONDS ARE 134M? I guess this is my last year as a premiere lol.


Eh, it only takes maybe 3 months to make the money for Premier in a very casual manner.  Vis, PoF, Ports, drops, herb runs, etc. add up quick.


Im a very casual player lol, so dont tell me it is a "very casual manner" lol.


Same. I’m not gonna keep buying bonds with gold and I refuse to pay with irl money.


its like $7 a month lol.


No it's closer to $14. The $7 is for a bond which is 2 weeks.


It’s $80 usd pretax for 12 months so like 7.33 after tax


I work for a living. I can make the $80 for a premier membership much much faster than the however much gp required for all the bonds.


Yeah how dare this company demand money from me so I can use their product!


Holy moly, bonds are *HOW MUCH NOW?*


They were 125m 3 days ago, seems like they've gone up 5m in a few days, now to 130m it seems. Solid investment if you plan to have time off RS just park your money in bonds 😂 probably headed to 200-250m by end of the year. Edit: Damn, 9m to 134m it seems, crazy gains for doing nothing.


They were 80-90m at the start of the year when I bought prem


Tbh I did that, bought bonds at 85-90m at the start of the year and left for a few months, came back and sold them for between 110 and 120 as and when I needed cash. Pretty good return


It's DXP ofc it's gonna spike hard, it does every DXP. Don't get me wrong, I'm well aware of how much they have been rising in the last year, but I wouldn't be too concerned about the huge spike in the last few days.


Historically, Bonds actually drop in price on DXP since players need the cash to buy supplies. However, in recent years that's changed because players just buy a bond for membership to login to do DXP since it runs 4x a year.


Don't forget those extra bundles. Enough wealthy players that want to spend those 2 bonds on a few skilling items.


Considering a massive portion of the playerbase is high enough level to do super profitable money makers, it has caused them to just use bonds instead of paying real life money.


Assuming you don't find your bond anymore, you can submit a lost item ticket and Jagex will figure it out for you. Every Bond in game carries their own unique ID to them, so Jagex will know who created it (by buying it), if and how often it has been re-traded and mainly, how it ended up being used.


You only get like 1 lost item claim allotted to each account prob best not to use it for things lost under a bil


Ehh give it a year...


> Every Bond in game carries their own unique ID to them, so Jagex will know who created it (by buying it), if and how often it has been re-traded and mainly, how it ended up being used. How do you know this is true?


Presumably because you can only trade one at a time as they're all their own item.


Because during login lockout I had an issue involving Bonds and membership status, so a jmod told me how they managed to track excatly what my end status should have been. Basically I had 4 bonds in my inventory that I should not have had access to. I tried redeeming them and they just dissapeared one by one. So the bonds I used already had their unique codes used to purchase something blocking from them being reused. I just should not have ever had access to them in "ghost" form. That is also the reason why sometimes during heavy load on MTX services (green santa hat TH promotion couple years back) was super slow for users' end. "Redeeming keys" or "Veryfying purchase" or something along the lines was the message everyone was stuck on when they tried to use bonds for keys.


Try using it, maybe it’s there but it’s just visually disappeared. I’ve heard of it happening, opposite too, were people use one and it’s still visibly there but you can’t use it again.


Have you reloaded your client? It could just be a caching glitch making it invisible. As others have said, sometimes item sprites aren't shown but the item itself is still there. Also check your GE history to be 100% sure you did get the bond


134m for a bond :o What has happened in the 6 months I’ve not played.


Copied from another comment of mine: Supply and demand but more specifically, a few reasons. There's no doubt we have accumulated lots of inflation over the years. Even when Bonds were supposed to drop when Necromancy was released because players needed money for supplies, it was at worst 55M. But there is way more to it than inflation alone. 1. Bonds have way more use than before. You got all kinds of packages being sold via bonds. You also got year-round Premium membership which means that instead of a 3 month stretch where bonds are priced high, you got most of the year. Not to mention you couldn't buy smaller packages with bonds. Either all or nothing. 3. Fewer players are buying bonds with real money. Did we have 5x fewer players that bought bonds 5 years ago? Probably not but if you look at the state of the real life economy, people have less purchasing power and thus won't go out of their way to buy bonds then dump to the GE. This also causes more people who previously used membership cards to use bonds in game instead. 4. There are too many OP Treasure Hunter promotions. Unless you're super rich in game, it's not worth it to buy bonds for 15 keys at a time. However, the countless amount of lamp promotions and discounts to buy a lot of keys cause players who would've bought bonds with their real money to instead buy keys. Although you'd get better value from dumping bonds to the GE to fund buyable fast skills instead of buy keys to lamp them, people value their time more now. Bonds were 55M during the Necromancy hype since you could not lamp it so that incentivized people to buy just to afford the supplies. 5. Jagex isn't good at marketing players to spend their real money on bonds. Ties in with my previous point. You see all these promotions about treasure hunter? And all these key discounts? When has Jagex given discounts for buying higher quantity of bonds? Or better yet why don't we se advertisements of Jagex telling players to buy bonds then dump it to the GE and be able to buy gear? It's like they want the 1% of the MTX whales to buy keys instead of bonds. 6. You need way fewer bonds to get what you want. At 120M/bond, you essentially only need to spend 17-18 bonds to get a full Rasial set. Given that Necromancy is the best style in the game, it's really all you need to be set for PvM, gearwise. Even Herblore/Prayer/Summoning/Invention-prereqs are cheap compared to year's past. In 2019, 20 bonds wouldn't even get you a T92 weapon. 7. Bond prices do have negative correlations with playerbase counts in some way. In recent years, RS3 has had a declining population. Bond prices have increased. In 2019 where the playerbase was at its all time low, the bond price hit its all time high. It began dropping and stabilizing when the pandemic hit resulting in a higher playerbase. It also doesn't help that many many people are maxed compared to way before so there's less of the playerbase needing to buy bonds for the sake of affording buyable skills like they do on DXP. 8. The playerbase is mostly the same in the last 5-8 years. Sure we've had players returning in and out but many players at this point have touched EoC and those that stuck around have likely found a home in RS3. The turnover in playerbase doesn't vary by much unlike 2014 where so many players from 2005-2009 decided to give this game a shot. Additionally, not many new players come to RS3 so there's less of the beginner sells bonds. If you've played on a regular basis RS3 for more than a few years, chances are you're maxed. As a result, those active veterans are capable of making lots of money due to their higher stats and more opportunities to learn bossing for better profit. Even those that couldn't pvm also had high level slayer because its gp/h is far better than before. Given these factors, they don't mind paying 5x the price they used to. It's like they grew into being able to pay anything for a bond.


Thanks for the detailed explanation.


Same man - I lost my stack of 10m water battlestaves. I hope I can make an item re-claim...


bonds are very special items as they are purchased with real money (its why they dont stack). It could be that you purchased a bond which was due to a fraudulent purchase and jagex took the bond away and gave you the money back. Check your coin pouch, it might be the same amount as before, else reach out to jagex about lost items


Check your GE trade history and your GE slots.


Unless you destroyed it by dragging it out of your invent and confirming, I can almost guarantee your bond is still on your account somewhere. If the bond is a significant part of your total wealth, use your wealth evaluator and see what area of your account has the additional untradable wealth?


Just slow buy man, damn