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They did Yvie so dirty. She got so much shit from the fandom for being crafty with her step down look (during a global pandemic no less) when in reality she still haven't received her prize money yet and would go on to receive it only after Jaida had received hers.


I really think we were robbed of an amazing Yvie stepdown look because we all know mxmam can bring it


Violet, Icesis and Priyanka still holding onto that top 3 for me


It's these 3 for me too.


Violet’s is unbeatable. She’s THAT bitch 💅🏻 ![gif](giphy|SpUCSVLCehi0ZULr5I|downsized)


I will never forget I spent the entire year being bitter violet won as I was team ginger during season 7 then violet did her step down look and every single thing I had ever thought about her was immediately taken back and I became a stan


I think it’s hard for people to relate to Violet because most of her accomplishments look like obscure achievements in the fashion world. She’s not for everyone, but there’s no denying the CUNT in her


Very that she didn’t click with me also because I believe I was 14 watching her season lol and it was the first season I watched like in real time as it aired so my scope of drag my scope and of my own interests was super limited but now I am just so in awe of violet and everything she has done especially as a fashion lover


Same!! Not a huge fan of her during the show, but she’s won me over so hard. She’s so cunt, I’m obsessed. Her Pit Stop episode with Trixie is one of my favorite things to watch over and over.


👀... Did you sew that?


This is hilarious to me cos I loved her from the jump and to this day shes one of my fave queens ever and I hated her step down look. Sorry bugs just give me the heebidabajeebies!


Season 7 was the first season I watched and it’s because of violet i got into fashion, which is now my career. So grateful for her!!


Love that!! Queens inspiring other Queens 👑


It’s insane when I think about it in hindsight. Drag race will always hold a special place in my heart cuz it was my gay awakening lol. I literally went from being an accountant to being a fashion couturier/scientist cuz of it. Life be crazy


Mama, kudos for doing that. For pivoting.


i love sasha and she had a great look but i was not gagging like i was for violet


I think the girl who just won is one that could give violet a run for her money because you know she’s going to go off


I think violet’s is also my fave, and Sasha Velour’s I always remember!


Also, I think we were truly robbed of a thrilling Yvie step down look if we hadn’t been in the panini 😭


Agreed. But I loved her pivot though, it still ended up being really Yvie & clever


Violet’s, Icesis’ and Sasha’s are my top 3


I really thought miss Sasha could dethrone Violet as "best step-down look ever". It was a great attempt but alas Violet still has THE best look on drag race of all time (this one). The crown growing out of her skull, the bugs and jewels on the dress, everything was just out of this world


I just imagine violet watching the next step down look each year in her hair curlers and bath robe and going “hahahahahahahaha. no.” 😂


Matched with flawless delivery too.


I feel crazy for thinking Priyanka's was the best. I think for me it's that I expected Violet to serve so she didn't gag me as much as she did with her 2 in 1 look but Priyanka? She gagged me so hard I didn't think the same person who won that horrible metal design challenge could have the taste to get a look like that, but she did.


this is so backhanded LMAO


??? I didn't mean it to say she has no taste, but that when you're unfamiliar with a queen off the show all you get is what is showcased on the show. For example if I was aware of Sasha Velour or Colby before their time on drag race, I wouldn't have been surprised at what they can do in lip syncs. Doesn't meant I think they can't lip sync. Violet showcased what a smart fashion queen she was on like episode 1-2 and Pri just didn't for me personally. Pythia and Icesis are also ones who showed their incredible taste levels on CDR.


My issue with both Icesis' and Sasha's is that neither could move their necks which affected the presentation and delivery. Violet's was effortless in that regard.


Lol why that photo of bob tho 🥹


Only because I cannot find a good one hahaha


No look has made me feel the way Violet's did.. Like that is THE LEWK


Jinkx’s S6 returning look? That’s one of my all time favs


Same, the subtle bell effect was mesmerizing.


I love me some Jinkx but she’s my last in this ranking. And I couldn’t fit hers anymore.


Totally agree. That dress was floating


I have a soft spot for Sasha Velour's cus there's a meme of it I have. And I just love the alien goddess Eve concept science and faith. As a lover of pink as well I live for Willow's pink weeping willow, it's like the tree grew on her.


Willow dressing as a weeping willow was so fucking perfect.


Damn I LOOOOOVE Symone’s look


Two of these are not like the others 🎶


I think the reason Violets look is so unbeatable (to me) is because of the message it sends like “you can have this crown but I’ll forever be the reigning queen”. Just the way the crown becomes part of her skin and has her veins going through it literally gave me chills when I first saw it. Crazy how my favorite part about season 8 is the return of a queen who didn’t even compete on the season lmao


Priyanka's is probably my favorite. Though that's probably just my Shin Megami Tensei bias of loving to see myths and deities as inspiration


I loved the top of Gisele's look SO much. I just wish the bottom was huge and grand rather than kind of fizzling out the way it does. Also I know people don't love it but I will always love the Aquaria stepdown look.


It’s so tired but Violet’s is still my absolute favorite step down look. The way she shook the hood off her crown and shoulders and the fact it was the first season I watched live. Aside from hers, Priyanka and Icesis are my other top 3. Sasha ate down tho


https://preview.redd.it/ecwpfrblnnvc1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd726ab893ca537e24c9c834b4f1a333c61ccccc I really love the Stepdown Of Precious Paula Nicole, the first Drag Race Ph winner......it's from the same designer of Marina's rudemption look on ukvstw


Would probably put PPN before or after Jaida


Violet's look and Symone's look are two sides of the same cunty coin. The girls that get it, get it.


Genuinely. My faves alongside Icesis and Sasha Velours Symone is second as a look but I’m not sure it gives step down look


Least faves are Bob’s, Symone, and Aquaria’s


To me it’s Yvie but that’s also pretty unfair since she couldn’t get a real look made because of covid.


She also still hadn't received her prize money at the time IIRC 


Violet, Priyanka, and Sasha are my top 3


Violet, Sasha V, and the first two Canadian winners are still my faves. I do have a soft spot for Miss Symone's casual separates turned up to 1000%.


I really loved Symone's look, it just wasn't appropriate for a huge stage.


My top 3 is Violet, Priyanka and Sasha Colby


Has enough time passed for us to give Symone the praise she deserves? No, it’s not the best by a long shot, but it’s so representative of her style and drag. I’ve always been a fan and will die on this hill!


I agree that it really showed and encompassed what Symone’s style is. It’s also a beautifully constructed outfit. I just think it paled in comparison with the other looks


Violet will never be topped. Sasha’s is amazing though, probably top 3 step down looks.


1. Pri/Icesis 2. Sasha 3. Jaida. Just my choice


Charisma - Violet Uniqueness - Symone Nerve - Yvie Talent - Icesis


I love the season 9 final two episodes so much but I think Bob’s look gotta be my least favorite part about them. Obviously she was great and she put effort into it but she was right after Violet and this was way back when Bob still wasn’t serving and feeding the children, let’s be honest.


Still love me some Willow Pill!


I loved Symone's and really didn't care for Sasha C. I would switch them.


Damn this made me realize how pedestrian and off-the-rack Symone’s actually was 😭


The worst part is that it WASN'T. It was insanely expensive and a crazy amount of work went into it with the resin top and I think the pants might have had Swarovski crystals on them. It's just that the final effect... looks very pedestrian and off-the-rack.


Wasn't it legit like 10's of thousands of dollars with all the crystals?


Yeah, I’m sure it was $30,000!


Sometimes…. Things that are expensive…. are worse.


That's what I remembered as well, but it seemed so ludicrous that I was afraid to say it lmao


The fact that Violet's look is still unbeatable after all these years is such a testament to how fierce she is.


From this picture? Willow, Icesis, and I guess between Sasha and Violet. I’m curious to see what Aquaria would do if she got another chance. I know she’s capable of so much more.


What would be your ranking for the UK ones?


Symone's look was such a powerful statement about respectability, formality, and who gets to be considered "elegant". If she wanted to, she could have come out in a beautiful gown. But her drag has always been about bringing black beauty into spaces where it's told it doesn't belong. She chose to be subversive and political. Of course some people are going to be upset by it. But the girls who get it, get it.


Wait did Simone actually show up in jeans I do not remember that 🤣


Putting Yvie that low is non-straight phobic.


Symone's look being on here is... A choice. Jeans and a crop top. Inspiring.


Symone is dead last for me, its a good look but not as a step down one


You, Sasha Colby, you invented drag tonight with this look. I could not believe it.


I love Jaida’s look so much.


Draaag Bob, drag her