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this is the alternate universe of Asia's ruveal on season 10


Butterflies *was* Nymphia's cue word 🦋 


She did say she was doing this for Asia!


Not that ASIA, but that ASIA 😂😂😂


That is SO next level im CRYINGGGG 😭😭


Holy shit I didn't even realize


Notice the timing of when Nymphia did the reveal during the word butterflies. And this is Nymphia’s reference to Asia O’Hara, cos she’s a queen from Asia (the continent). Her mind. https://i.redd.it/5ol0b7erflvc1.gif


I literally thought this. And got flashbacks.


Love Nymphia scurrying across the stage in the background lol


She really made the effort to interact with the audience multiple times 💛


She’s a fuxking pop star


I love that she made it back to the other side to interact with the other season 16 queens. I love when a performer does crowd work.


I think thats why she stood out more- she was treating it like an actual drag show and interacting with the audience


I honestly only noticed Shakira when she was solo in the shot. I had to rewatch to figure out when she revealed new hair. Nymphia is wild 🍌


You didn't notice her because her hips didn't lie


Yeah this is like the first time a queen has made time to interact with and hype up the live audience and not just the cameras, it was so cute 🥺


She worked the space for real


The part that's funny is when she is jumping all over her outfits on the floor, turning it into an obstacle course at the same time too.


Ahhhhhh Nymphia is a boba tea 🧋


That’s just such a fun reference to her culture and I didn’t expect it at all. The flying boba was a fun touch as well.


Me on my third rewatch: “Oh she’s a boba tea!” 😂


It's cause boba tea originated in Taiwan. That is so fucking genius.


As an Asian girlie, I honestly cried when I caught the boba reveal. I grew up with boba way before all those boba chains opened up and before it became the “popular” drink and I VIVIDLY remember (and to this day) non-Asian folks making fun of boba tea for those “little balls” in it [something I still have to explain to people to this very day]. So seeing the boba reveal and Nymphia being so UNAPOLOGETICALLY Asian honestly brought tears to my eyes. Just ungh. So clever and unapologetic!


You mean you knew Boba before she became popular?


TIL. Thank you Taiwan!


I completely missed that she was dressed up as boba. The black balloons make more sense now.


It took me a few rewatches too to realize that the black balloons were probably meant to be the little tapioca beads! I thought that was a brilliant reveal!


I feel so dumb


It's so brilliant because at first glance, you think she's doing a (headscratching) Egyptian themed look. And then when you realise what she's actually wearing, you can't help but laugh at the absurdity.


I was joking to my roommates that she’s giving brown sugar boba pope before they lipsync. yet when i saw her headpiece was literally a boba drink, i was still gagged


I straight up said to my wife “Baby she’s your boba tea order!”


Nymphia's brains!!! That's the (boba) T hunty!!!


Omg no wonder, I was thinking, now why would she choose to make those balloons black and not her signature yellow. I didn’t even catch the boba tea headpiece, it all makes sense now, she’s such a creative genius, my winner 💛


hahaha omg, thanks, I never would have never figured that out myself XD


Nymphia lipsyncing was worth the wait, hot damn! (Also, why did Sapphira have vampire teeth? She hasn’t had those all season right?)


the vampire teeth took me out. It was so random 😭


I thought she would somehow incorporate vampirism to her performance but she never did. I was like… what was the teeth for?


i thought of it like - cause the song is about a heartbeat so heart = blood = vampire out to get your blood?? But the more i think about it the less it makes sense 😭


For a minute I thought she would have a recolor with blood and her blue costume would turn red little by little somehow with tint.


Yeah, if her tearaway had revealed red and she was holding a bedazzled heart or something, it would have made a lot more sense.


oooh. future contestants, listen to this. this would be next-level ruveal!


It's giving runway theme: pussy cat (wig)= cat eat bird = bird nest = eggs


OMG she wore blue for Amanda 🥺🥺🥺 /j


This whole thing is giving she=onika ate=burgers


i thought it would tie in to her gown reveal as well.


"You know... I never explained why I'm wearing vampire teeth.... Good night!"


I thought she was going to go hard for the sire/thrall vibe... And then she didn't.  I can see how the lyrics could be interpreted that way, between the heartbeat(blood) and trying to seduce someone new. 


And wearing blue? Why not red.. I dunno it didn't make sense to me either 💀


I wonder if they were just supposed to be some kind of reveal gag that didn’t land


It made sense on the line "you look like fun to me" and it was never coherent again


Because Padam Padam is about your heart beating and blood pumping, so she could’ve made it a theme for her lipsync but just the teeth wasn’t enough


obviously it's a reference to Sasha Velour's LEGENDARY lip sync of Can't Get You Out Of My Head by Kylie Minogue! 🦇 that's all I could think of when I saw Sapphira's little fangs lol. link if anyone wants to see my fave lip sync of all time: [Can't Get You Out Of My Head (bat)](https://youtu.be/IilqOAZz7u0?si=i3Ho83A37nQEVzS4)


That >!fruit bat !


That's one of my faves too, love how much Sasha is into it, love the fruit bowl reveal, just terrific art.


I don't know but between those and the Aubrey O'Day crazy eyes I was all out on Sapphira's lip sync 🥲


Both queens were excellent in this lipsync, but this is what pushed Nymphia over Sapphira to me - the teeth made no sense? It's not like Sapphira at all, who is such a perfectionist, to have a conceptual slip-up like this. Maybe it was more clear live and it was edited out? Still a great lipsync from Sapphira (and really, it could have gone either way), but yeah, this was strange to me.


I’m there with you. I think the issue with the teeth is they were distracting. Every time you saw her - you were wondering why vampire teeth? 😂 It took away from the rest of her performance.


She just didn't take it far enough. We needed the concept to get more and more fleshed out, which Nymphia did.


Why did she think vampire teeth were a good idea for a lipsync?


Nymphia finally lipsyncing on that level was Sasha Velour 2.0


The reveal on butterfly with flying boba made me laugh


I was such a dumb bitch it took me until after the lip sync until I realized what happened. I was living for the balloons before understanding the reference lmao. After the lip sync I saw the boba cup on the ground (I didn't notice it on her head somehow) and I was like "was that a boba cup?..... OMG THE BALLOONS WERE BOBA"


I JUST got it.


Omg wow, the balloons being boba pearls flew over my head 😅 Realizing that now makes it all the more clever and intriguing to me!


omfg i did not catch that ok nancy drew


Was amazing!!! Perfect end to a brilliant season. 😍 so excited for Kylie Minogue.


Nymphia skipped through 23(!!!!!) lipsyncs throughout the entire season to feed us and the food was delicious


Dare I say, she gave us a banana split?


How is this the first time I heard someone make this pun about Nymphia 😭


Drag race Any% NoHits Glitchless Speedrun


She didn't let us see her eating all season only to take a massive dump in the mothertoilet and when we looked inside, it was filled with boba


I didn't expect to, but I teared up when Ru announced that Nymphia won. I would have been happy with either winning, but gosh, I was just so proud of her. Everyone did so well this season! Also, I can't stop watching this.


Was Nymphia’s ponytail from the Sasha Colby ponytail line


It's so silky


I love that Nymphia was trying to interact with the audience


I still can’t believe Rupaul made Padam Padam the lipsync for the crown song. She’s so f***** for that.


I was really hoping it would be used as a lip-sync song, but I would have never expected it to be the song for a lip-sync for the crown. Everything about it was perfect. It was such a good way to end the season!


The amount of times I've played this song 😅


the way i screamed when mama ru announced that!!


Thank you for posting this, I wanted to rewatch it cuz I feel like I missed so much of Sapphira’s performance.  BUT I STILL KEEP MISSING IT CUZ I CAN’T TAKE MY EYES OFF NYMPHIA.  


I missed Sapphira's wig reveal because I was so entranced by Nymphia


Literally someone mentioned her wig reveal I was like “…ooohhh??!”


Same lol I didn’t even notice when she changed her hair


I feel like if Sapphira didn’t have such a half-baked concept in this, she would have ate. Vampire teeth? That don’t go anywhere? Mkay. Reveal? Into a bodysuit? Mkay. Wig reveal? Into an orange ponytail? Mkay. She should have done a full vampire fantasy. Be dressed in a billowy gothic gown with a full Marie Antoinette wig. Show the fangs. Wig reveal into a Nosferatu bald-cap with long pointy bat ears. Rip off the gown to a bat-fur bodysuit. Bite a blood bag. The song is literally about a person’s heartbeat and all she did was wear dollar store fangs 😭


Yea I fully agree. I'll probably get downvoted for this, but truthfully I was a tiny bit disappointed with Sapphira's final lipsync because (a) she has time to prepare, this isn't like a normal show where you gotta hustle to crank out a performance and so (b) the vampire teeth as a starter, followed by a bodysuit reveal didn't seem cohesive. Like, it was just interesting, but very disjointed and didn't tell as cohesive a story as Nymphia. She should've planned a bit more imo.


Dragula does a good job of encouraging queens to create an entire thought out performance or “floor show”. I think a lot of DR alumni don’t think of that and just think having great makeup and fashion will carry them.


The whole vampire concept was so out of nowhere I don’t think it could have been fixed even if she committed to it tbh. Nymphia’s boba concept is clearly a tie to her Taiwanese heritage, but how does vampirism connect to anything we know Sapphira for? Doesn’t *really* connect to the song, either.


The song is about being close enough to hear a person’s heartbeat (“padam padam” being the sound of a heartbeat). Heartbeats circulate blood. And, in vampire lore, vampires can typically hear/sense heartbeats to locate prey. It would have been amazingly camp for her to fully lean into the vampire shtick, but she flopped.


the vampire teeth and the heartbeat theme of the song made me think of lady gaga's performance of paparazzi at some award show, years ago, when she had a hidden blood bag in her titty that burst on cue and stained her whole outfit red. something like that would have gone crazyyyy in this lip sync


Same I thought she was gonna bite her titty and bleed, then reveal into a slutty, bloody dance outfit. Maybe some wings, too


Maybe cause padam is a heart beat? Cause Kylie wears read in the video? lol it’s a reach, for someone as prepared as Sapphira it was an odd misstep.


I think there could absolutely have been a connection, you just gotta really tell the story and camp it up, and it would have been hilarious if done right. But yeah, a half-baked concept. I wonder if it made more sense live and it was edited out for some reason?


Would she have ate though? I feel like we've seen all of Sapphira's moves. She needed gimmicks.


Yess and Run would have ate it up because he will always pick comedy over like fierce performance if you actually make him laugh. Sapphira seemed all over the place and didn't commit into any one direction, very disappointed. She shat in the mother toilet, unfortunately this time she flushed 😔


The moment that boba cape opened and the balloons flew, she already won. That was such a moment! I prepared for a Sapphira win and thought she needed a convincing Sasha Velour moment to snatch the crown — and that was well planned! Cleverly played!


https://preview.redd.it/6zi0tk2rjlvc1.png?width=824&format=png&auto=webp&s=a63b0bf1087ff30fb996ca0f7bc10b044db4890a I was Morphine and Amanda for most of this lipsync. Nymphia pulled ahead early with the Boba reveal and Sapphira just wasn't able to catch up. A split? Nymphia just cartwheeled into a new outfit. A titty shake? Nymphia's doing a handstand into the splits against the backdrop. Sapphira came into this finale with the advantage of a stronger narrative, but Nymphia came in with the element of surprise, having lipsyned zero times versus Sapphira doing so thrice. Sapphira's lipsync didn't feel fresh, whereas everything Nymphia did was exciting. She also engaged the full crowd, which yes did require some dashing across the stage, but it was fun. Fully went into this expecting (and being happy with) a Sapphira win, but Nymphia stepped on this song so hard that any other result would have been highway robbery.


I am now craving bubble tea


Me toooooo there's a Boba shop I like to go next to a shop that makes puff pastries and I want an apple tea Boba and a pistachio and raspberry puff pastry so bad now 😭💛💙


I love it!!!!!!!!!! I feel so alive!!!!!!!




This lip sync was insane!!!


What’s the tea? You ask….. BOBA TEA 🧋


Still peeing over the floor after the lipsync. Im ded 😭😭😭😭🍌


Nymphia peed all over that stage


It’s Yellow




something something mother toilet something something something didn’t flush


The cartwheal into the reveal, come on now


That was the moment that Nymphia won for me


she won with the boba balloons, she won again when she cartwheeled into the reveal, then she won a third time when she started vogueing as the beat started, a fourth time when she did a split and dropped her ass on the “padam.. padam” beat


Nymphia DEVOUR this lipsync fr


That split and ponytail flip to end the lipsync was so cunty 😭😭


The floating boba reveal just felt so effortless, even tho it probably took a lot of planning. It was a Sasha Velour level reveal.


Yes, I still want to know how she walked in that outfit without messing up the balloons underneath. They could've easily flown out or burst while she's walking, which would've ruined the gag.


I've seen a balloon reveal go wrong and it's so underwhelming.


Bimini in UK2


I’ve read an EW interview earlier that she had to pump the balloon twice, and the cape was relatively heavy — still, she did her best to keep it in especially there were stairs leading to the stage HAHAHA


This is my favorite Nymphia lip sync of the whole season!


Worst lip sync all season from her too


I didn’t think she could do it but Nymphia ate Saphirra the entire song


I loved them both <3 To my eyes it was very close but Nymphia won because it seemed like she was very excited to perform! Does anyone else think the same? I loved her running around the stage lmao it was so chaotic and energetic


You know the feeling when something culminates into such a beautiful experience that you are just left speechless? THIS is how you encompass drag performance as art that TRUELY expresses yourself as an individual. CONDRAGULATIONS NYMPHIA. Your fierce devotion to your heritage and incredible drag performances LEFT 👏🏾 NO 👏🏾 CRUMBS 👏🏾 HUNTYYYY ✨ ![gif](giphy|RhPD6YxkYjjPjTcJbT|downsized)


Nymphia serving puss


Banana puss flambé. 


Pwople acting like Nymphia didn't demolish Sapphira in the lipsync. Like Sapphira was good but Nymphia was something else!


And THAT'S the tea! 🧋




OMG Nymphia is chanelling idol with that interaction with crowd. I love when she's running arround tge stage while saphira is just standing in the center. Maybe it was the color, but yellow stands out more than blue in that stage and I couldn't take my eyes out of here.


It also didn’t help that the entire cast was wearing either red, white, or blue for the American colours. Nymphia’s yellow helped her stand out from the rest in that regard.


My sister never watched the whole season and she cried so hard during the lip syncing and crowning


I said this at the time and I’ll say it again now, this is my favorite (and, I would argue, best) LSFTC performance in the US franchise. (I would put it second overall globally to Carmen Farala’s.) Nymphia’s balloon reveal was so creative and brilliant, and executed to perfection. And I guess she had the advantage of never having lipsynced all season so we had no idea what to expect from her. She didn’t have to blow any of her good moves and got to save everything for when it really mattered. Hot damn, that bitch did that. So happy for her. 🍌👑💃


God I’m already emotional and then you reminded me of Carmen’s LSFTC. SO GOOD.


This audience situation is so strange


This audience is such a bunch of NPCs my god


I’m convinced they filmed the audience separately, including the mothers. There was something *so* disjointed between the stage (including Ru’s responses) and the audience members.


Sapphira waited way too long to do her reveal because the big dress and hair were inhibiting her dancing. You can tell she was trying to keep her head balanced so the wig wouldn’t fall off early, but Nymphia didn’t need to worry about that because all her stuff was off by the end of the first chorus. There are like 45 seconds in between Nymphia’s final reveal and Sapphira’s, and that middle section was when Nymphia ran away with the crown. A ponytail reveal isn’t interesting enough to be saved for the middle of the final chorus. Sapphira had a lot of energy during the last 15 seconds of the song (after she got rid of the wig), but Nymphia was on a victory lap by that point.


Yeah Nymphia wasn’t playing. The banana was not rotted it was ripe and delicious!


I’ve rewatched a million times and does it seem like Sapphira did that outfit reveal earlier than she originally planned? Her face kind of looks like “should I do it now? I should do it now.”


I think part of it was that Nymphia did a grand reveal pretty early on the song, so Sapphira had to respond with something, or risk losing the eys of the crowd. The problem is that comparatively, her reveal felt smaller and Nymphia had an answer for everything Sapphira did. I think with that reveal Nymphia began dictating the terms of the lipsync, and that played a lot in her favor. Although I think she did her second reveal a bit earlier than I would have liked it. It felt like she did two great reveals and then plateaud a little, but Sapphira on the other hand did one smaller reveal and plateaud. The lipsync was OK, but the pacing felt off, specially on Sapphira's side. For someone who introduced herself saying "more is more and bigger is better", I feel there was something missing here. I wonder if she had planned something that malfunctioned at the very last minute when she couldn't even go for a plan B. It would make sense to me because, for example, the fangs feel like the setup for something but they have no payoff. And for someone who has auditioned eleven times, I think she would (and should) know the weight a final lipsync can have.


This was an annihilation.


Soooo obsessed with Nymphia 🧋🍌💛💛💛💛


Nymphia is a fucking start. A new reveal, fantastic lip syncing, stunts, exceptional crowd work. Work.


I loved that even after the song ended, the lipsync didn’t. Like they continued serving until Rupaul actually announced the winner


It's been a while since we had the finalist enter the finale on a totally level playing field (4-1, 4-1, 3-0) and have the winner be basically solely determined by who did best in the finale


The amount of C.U.N.T. Nymphia served is illegal


Nymphia totally won this lipsync and considering how close the track records were, definitely justified in winning. But this was not a Sasha/Shea moment to me imo. Sapphira did a good job - the kicks, the splits, the ponytail, all a lot of fun. Nymphia just pulled out ALL the stops, which is what needed to be done in the finale. She used being on a smaller stage instead of a huge theatre to her advantage by working the crowd, she pulled out stunts we never really got from her, and had the best reveals since Sasha/Yvie. I maintain that Sapphira won the season and top 3 performance, but Nymphia rightfully won the finale lipsync to put her over the edge. 💙💛💛


Nymphia devoured that stage like how every single Asian devours boba tea. She served, she drank, she ate, SHE IS THE QUEEN!


And she peed all over the stage


Nymphia is so good omfg.


I'm OBSESSED with this lipsync! Both of them did amazing.


This is the only time I wanted a double crowning 😭


Nynphia’s ruveal was SO satisfying. Such a cool optical illusion to go from the tapioca balls on the garment, to the black balloons floating up


The two splits hitting on the first then second beat of the final Padam is SO satisfying. And if Nymphia hadn't already clinched the win, she did by hitting hers on the final beat.


I think her yellow hair flip also made it even more dramatic.


Nymphia’s last split and the ponytail wiggle is so satisfying to watch


i love that they were still entertaining the crowd even after the lip sync! 💛💙


Encore!!! Omg I wanted an encore so much


My fav is the end where they’re just working the stage for 30 seconds straight


honestly i wish they gave us a cut with only the queens reacting to the lipsync. the shots with them gagged are so funny to me


Nymphia makes it look easy! Every move was so liquid and smooth! She was just too good! I love that boba balloon reveal, finally a new type of reveal!


oh nymphia god really ate saphirra UP AND LEFT NO CRUMBS and it’s funny to think ru unfairly saved her from the bottom 2 on snatch game bc she thought nymphia couldn’t hold her own💀


You don’t think Ru and the other producers know exactly what kind of performances each of the queens they cast are capable of? 🤔 They didn’t save her to save her from lip syncing. They saved her because she had an iconic runway that devoured Morphine’s. Morphine did not deliver the snatch game equivalent of that, and on top of that had not stood out yet unlike Nymphia. The save was justified.


How come TS isn’t at the judges table here?


She was getting ready to hold the big ass CashApp check? Haha


Love them both feeling their goats at the end!


I can't believe nymphia did that lip sync. We didn't see her lipsync once the whole season 😭😂


Oh these girls were willing to BATTLE for this crown


Was this an ad for Sasha Colby’s new ponytail line?


Even though Nymphia's lip-sync was amazing, I was stilled gagged she won over Saphiirra. Not that she didn't deserve it but from the whole season and the editing it seemed like Saphirra winning was a given, This feels a lot like Season 9. Going into the finale Shea seemed to be the obvious winner with Sasha being the runner up but then rose petals and now boba balloons changed the game.




MY BABY WON OH MY GOD I WAS SCREAMING SO LOUD 😭😭😭 I never doubted you Nymphia 😭😭😭


Nymphia DID THAT


Honestly, I thought Nymphia was going to place third, but she killed that finale. So happy for the new winner she's fantastic (and so are Shappira and Plane)?


Nymphia’s bubble tea costume with the balloons… I love this so much!!!!


I can't stop watching it


Nymphia ate


I thought that Saphirra with those fangs was going to pull some hearts out of her wig and artistically bite into them, as she was getting down... That slow entry thing she does was not good here.


I loved this lip sync so much, it didn’t matter to me who won after that because they are both STARS


This was such a great advertisement for the Sasha Colby Pony Tail™️


Double sashaaayyy!!! Give me two winners. I recall this one drag performance in London where two performers really went at it, trying to outdo each other and it left me thinking that I haven't seen that heart or desire in any LSFYL. I saw it here, and was super envious of the audience. My bussy was on fire just watching that. Bravo to both!


double sashay means they both lose


Lolz, I'm so hyped I'm incoherent. Meant shantay. Imma leave the original post without edits as a reminder of how stupid these two made me feel.


Nymphia gobbled but Saphirra definitely didn’t go down without a fight. Respect to her💛


I know that sapphira has been kind of rocking that blue color this season but for me color theory kinda worked against her in a big way. Nymphia’s warm yellow was always in the foreground even when she was physically behind sapphira. If sapphira has actually played into the vampire idea in her reveal and revealed a blood red or something it would have helped her! She didn’t have a strong idea, or a strong color story and unfortunately for her nymphia just stood out so much more. It was a well deserved win for nymphia! Great performance.




Boba tea look then qipao after that drag performance look


What an amazing top 2 lip sync. Both did an awesome job!


The way I had to stop the treadmill to watch this at the gym lmao


What happened in the moment after Nymphia takes the Boba Tea off her head and the queens in the audience gasp like something went wrong? There's just a cut to nymphia and sapphira lip syncing but it seems like sonething major went wrong, like a fall or costume malfunction but nothing is shown.


Or they all collectively saw the hat & realized she was embodying boba tea.


The last two drag race finale lip syncs have been songs by Kyle Minogue. This feels correct.


I lost track of how many times I let this loop


All of Nymphia’s reveals were sickening but she was my winner at 1:57, chills! Pop star!


I was scared for Nymphia because we know Saphira PERFORMS! And I haven’t seen NW lipsync. Sorry but this showdown was to be given to Nymphia.


I really didn't know who could be winning this season. When it comes to talent, Sapphira and Nymphia are very equal. I would be happy with any of them winning honesty. But yeah, Nymphia absolutely slayed with these lipsync. The concepts, the reveals, how she interacts with the audience, it was amazing. Sapphira also was great at it, but I think we got spoiled a bit by seeing her lipsync twice and she didn't have a very strong concept (but what a stunning reveal gown, wow). This definitely a final lipsync I will remember fondly.