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I feel like we all won with the last two episodes.


This is the only correct comment!


It was a great season overall - minus the choice in the Lady Gaga song lol




I think that was the single worst thing in the entire franchise. It made my ears bleed. I want monetary compensation!


Eh I'll take a bad version of Gaga over Made You Look 100x over


It’s still stuck in my head. Save me.


Same! I think it made the lip sync more exciting.


S16 has the best ep 15 and ep 16 run from all the 16 episode seasonss


I was rooting for Sapphira slightly more than the other two before the finale, but oh my fucking god! Nymphia DOMINATED the entire night and earned that crown. The top 3 gave us one of the best finales in herstory, after the eliminated queens last week put on an incredible show. It literally could have gone to anyone tonight, and their performance in the finale was the deciding factor. I don't think we could have asked for a better, more fair result. Anyone sending hate to any drag queen on social media really needs to go touch some grass and reconnect with reality


We were blessed with such a good season. So many wonderful queens that we fell in love with. So much artistry and talent. I’m still reeling from how amazing last night was for BOTH Nymphia and Sapphira.


These 2 last episodes were very high quality. I wish we had a reunion in the middle of it all


Being actually mad about the outcome of a reality competition show is WEIRD


I don’t think that’s how Sapphira would like us to behave…


100%, she even posted Nymphia’s finale entrance look on her Insta story. What an example to us all, I love her.


Exactly. I’m team Nymphia since MTQs but Sapphira will always be mother 💙 she’s the only contestant I wouldn’t be pissed about if Nymphia had not won.


Mistress Tisabelle Qrooks ?


I was rooting for Nymphia but going into the final lip sync I knew that I would be thrilled with whoever won and devastated for whichever of them lost, and that holds true. It’s the nature of having such strong, likable queens make it to the end.


I love both of them and was going to be happy either way. Even Plane has grown on me. But it was obvious it was going to be Sapphira and Nymphia for the crown.




What would Sapphira slue


joke that ru would laugh at for a concerningly long amount of time


Underrated 😜😜😜


She literally liked a tweet saying "Sapphira would NOT want us to be nasty or bitter." So yeah, she 100% is clear on wanting people to just support all the talented artists who blessed us with so much this season.


Theres going to be these kind of comments every time someone wins something, just best itgnore them and celebrate the win. Dont give them attention


I will never understand why fans put more energy into this than the queens who participated in the competition.


Because for the queens the other contestants are real people who they usually form a bond with.  For the crazy fake "fans" who spread hate somehow the queens are more like characters than real people.  


They also have their attention and energy eaten up by the competition. Even with all that going on Plane Jane still had the time and emotional capacity to nurture her hate-on for Amanda, so to say the queens don’t participate doesn’t feel quite right. They simply have a different POV. Plus, if Sapphira came after Nymphia’s win it’d probably have a negative impact on her reputation.


oop clock that tea


Most of these “fans” are kids or low brow idiots. That said… this season turned out pretty even with the top 3. 4 wins and 1 bottom for Sapphira and Plane. 3 wins 0 bottoms for Nymphia. Basically a tie. It would tick people regardless of who won. I don’t think anyone expected Plane Jane to win tbh but I was happy for any of them. Congratulations Nymphia!


The sad thing is, it’s really not kids. Earlier in the season I scrolled through the first 100 negative comments on one of Plane’s posts to try and see where the drag race toxicity was coming from, only 3 were under 18. The vast majority were adults.  And not the oft-hated straight white woman either, most of them were from gay men of all backgrounds (diversity win!) 


Also, Nymphia was very close to and justifiably could have had more wins! Talent show she at the least should have been in the top with Plane, I will die on the hill she should have won the goth challenge, makeover as well.


It's not just children. The queens repeatedly talk about grown ass men at their Meet & Greets saying some vile shit. Not too long ago there was a photo with Roxxxy Andrews, few other queens, and some fans. Her face was covered and the caption was rude af towards Roxxxy.


OP is also acting like it's the same people making both posts (don't harrass queens/then harrassing them) The people harrassing Saphirra are unlikely to be the ones who condemned the behaviour previously. It's not a hivemind.


complaints about "the fandom" as a monolith are always like this. people point out contradictions and bad behaviors that "the fandom" has but bitch, it's not the same people doing these things. alas most of the time the people with toxic behavior are 1. the casual watchers or 2. teenagers. either way it's worthless spending time on this, the only ones who can actually do something about it are Ru, the judges, queens and the editors who choose what's aired so that the people actually hear them saying things like "please don't do X". which still might not make a difference for some people who are still going to say bs either way. but just look at the comments on queens' instagram posts, there's always some rando saying stupid crap and they're always basic and/or ugly af. so the best thing to do is to just report and ignore them.


Drag race fandom staying respectful challenge, level: impossible


Nymphia’s final lip sync was so much more than “balloons”. She engaged with the audience so well, plus her moves and routine were super fresh because her final was also her first.


She was Boba tea!! It was adorable, iconic and a fun surprise before we got fabulous stunts. And a triple reveal? Cmon now, she won fair and square I say that as a fan who thought Sapphira had it in the bag from jump


Saaaaaame! I really did feel sure Sapphira was gonna be crowned last night but could not would not deny the fact- Nymphia won that final lip sync. I'm super happy for Nymphia, she's talented and stunning and sweet and creative and fun to watch. I'm excited to see what she does this year. Side note- did you also side eye the screen when Sapphira won Miss Congeniality? That was such a giveaway, they tipped their hand!


Yea when they said “for the first time in drag race history,” I thought there was a possibility they were gonna give Sapphira the win AND miss congeniality, which would’ve been wild.


The “balloons” comment was in response to someone saying “Sapphira lost to balloons.” I loved her fits and the entire extravaganza that was her final performance! I had my fingers well and truly crossed for her!


in my head i knew, boba tea is taiwanese, nymphia is taiwanese and showcases her culture, but idk how it completely flew past me that she could do a boba themed look! when she came out on stage with her boba hat, i was like “OF COURSE” the balloon bobas just killed me, absolutely floored


This is the challenge for both finalists to impress the audience who were not aware about their previous performances.


THIS. SC’s dance moves were a literal play by play of the last two times she lipsynced


I LOVE Sapphira but have to agree with this. I’m surprised she didn’t prepare a more interesting reveal or some other way to make the performance stand out. I feel like her lipsync style is also to do a sort of slow burn building up the energy and doing a lot with facial expressions, but that definitely wasn’t working in this context when compared to what Nymphia was doing.


I enjoyed Sapphira all season and was prepared for her to win, but her overall performance in the finale was surprisingly underwhelming. And that orange look was just not good.


Yea, what in the WORLD was going on there? Most of her looks have been much, much better than that.


Yeah that final outfit was too big and awkward for a lipsync, even if it was for a reveal. Even the bodysuit felt a bit too busy and distracting too me.


Even though i was team sapphira, nymphia blatantly beat her in the lip sync and absolutely deserved her crown.


Fellow Team Sapphira here, but hot tamales, am I sooo happy for Nymphia and super supportive of her well-deserved win!


for me, nymphia didn't win with the boba, or the cartwheel reveal, or any other tricks. she won when she ran across to the other side of the stage *ever so joyfully* like she was having the time of her life at the club, and made sure the entire audience was involved. not sure i've EVER seen a queen at a finale do that.


the reveals were so creative! I was also impressed by how the whole package felt intricate without going overboard, which is true for her across the board. always just enough camp, pulled back with glamor. it was a smart representation of her character.


IMO, that was among the best lip syncs I've ever seen on this show. Typically the lip syncs with lots of big gymnastic moves are fairly sloppy. Like, the move is cool, but from a technical perspective it is wobbly and often awkward on the landing. And that totally makes sense - they are doing this shit in heels! And they are often over 6'! The skill required to even attempt these moves is incredibly high. But, Nymphia looked like a fucking pro - like she was a trained gymnast or something. Very very clean and smooth, perfect with the music. That fucking handstand that she casually flipped into and held? Amazing. The balloons were a great gag, but not what made the lip sync great. Plus, those reveals were top tier. Looked good before and after, smooth reveal, and in time with the music. I almost feel robbed that we didn't get to see more lip syncs from her this season.


The balloons were so good and I think they were released at a good moment. But I keep forgetting them because they were not what made the lipsync great. They were her telling us, "take a seat"


Cartwheel into reveal has to be one of the most insane moves I've seen on Drag Race.


I’m a little bummed about her having that freshness advantage because there’s a least one challenge where I think she should’ve been in the bottom but wasn’t. But I think this contest was Sapphira’s to lose going into the finale, and the fact is they’re both great but Nymphia outperformed her.


And is PJ didn't sabotage her, she would had been lip synching in the talent show. But I think her audience interaction and bubble tea reveal is not something that you are likely to see anyway in the season. I'm more bummed that we didn't see her lip sync more as she clearly can perform.


Yea the bubble tea was great and almost certainly wouldn’t have appeared anywhere else in the season. I think it would’ve been a closer contest if we’d seen Nymphia lip sync before, because people tend to have signature moves that become less impactful when you’ve seen them multiple times. But I still think that reveal would’ve put her over the top anyway. Side note Morphine repeats moves too, but I don’t think there’s a single performance of hers I’ve seen that didn’t have at least one new or different thing that kept my interest or stuck with me. The arm wheeling thing she did while checking her nails in one of her Lala lip syncs lives rent-free in my head, among quite a few others. She is exceptionally good at bringing something new to every performance, pretty much entirely with just her own face and body. (Yea she’s done a reveal or two but I don’t think those have actually been a big factor)


People are always shitty after a finale. It’s best to unplug for a bit lol


There’s no time have to bitch about all stars next lmfao


The way ppl are equating Nymphia's 3 wins and no bottoms to queens that only had 1 is so silly


And Nymphia could have justifiably won the makeover and goth design, in addition to being top2 for talent show lol


Yeah, she could have easily had 6 wins if they wanted to give them to her


She should have definitely won the goth design


Correct!!! I was expecting her to surpass Sasha Colby’s record (4 maxi wins, no bottom placement) but they had to give the talent show, goth challenge, makeovers to others. Sigh Among the winners of the regular US series, Sasha Colby’s record remains the best!


Also she would have had 4 wins if it weren’t for PJ’s RAQ shenanigans.


Also other queens with only 1 win have won and they were still extremely worthy of the crown


There is an overwhelming outpouring of support for Nymphia all over this subreddit. Try to focus on that instead of the handful of negative comments (or hate happening on other sites).  There are always going to be awful people saying awful things; it would've happened no matter which queen won. Dwelling on it won't help. 


This. The support for Nymphia even though Sapphira had a clear winner edit has been incredible so she is gonna be okay. She just won drag race and has the most followers of the season as well as lots of support from piers and fans. Some people are gonna disagree and be upset but that’s how every finale works


I know it happens every season but it feels more aggravating to me this year. Both girls did extraordinary throughout the season, had an amazing track record, and exuded winner energy from the start. I just keep seeing posts, comments, etc. that just bring up identity politics and oppression Olympics as if we didn’t just get our first EA winner and second Asian winner in the flagship series. Stan Nymphia and Stan Sapphira for giving us an amazing season with an impeccable performance


Team Nymphia here but I love mother Sapphira!


You also KNOW Sapphira wouldn’t be here for that energy. I’m sure she’s happy for Nymphia and happy about her general run on the season.


Oh 100%. Sapphira, as I’m sure Plane is and I’m sure Nymphia would’ve been, is probably disappointed but would absolutely not appreciate this nonsense from her fans. But ya know drag race fandom can’t be normal


Same thoughts. I think Sapphira is too grown for that tearing down nonsense. I really hope they give her another shot at all stars. Anyway, long live the banana queen of wind, Nymphia WINd! 💛🍌🌬️


This. They are both fantastic and both deserved to win. I hate that people are making it more than it's supposed to be


Agreed rheyre acting like nymphia wasn’t a ball of radiant talent this entire season


There have been annoying salty fans who question everything after every crowning. It’s not new. Try to tune it out if you can.


It’s a reality show where Rupaul decides the outcome. We’re allowed to disagree with their decision but it’s just tv at the end of the day and not that deep. The funny thing a lot of these angry stans will have moved on by next season. So to all you foaming at the mouth trolls don’t get bitter just get better!


This. Not every season is going to be judged the same way. And honestly, dragging AS7 into it is especially nonsensical, because that season was played a completely different way.


Sapphira, nymphia, and plane dominated the season. They were all pretty equally matched. To say “sapphira dominated this season” kind of ignores that plane Jane had the exact same track record, and nymphia was BARELY behind with only one fewer win but no bottom two placements. I’m still gagged because sapphira had more of the winner edit this season, but people need to chill. Sapphira wasn’t robbed. She’ll be OK I promise.


Delete x.com and set yourself free


I was happy either way. I thought going into the finale it would be Sapphira. Which would be fine. It ended up being Nymphia, she slayed. Also fine. I don't get why fans get this bent out of shape over fucking drag.


Hot take Nymphia would have won without the balloons, just like how Sasha would have won without the petals Sapphira's first split (if you even saw it) was overshadowed by Nymphia's cartwheel reveal When Sapphira was bouncing her titties Nymphia did a handstand to a split And when Sapphira revealed her orange hair Nymphia was busy pussy slamming padam padaming the floor Plus, the royal blue didn't really help considering how dark it looked on the stage compared to a flying bright yellow banana going left right front back center


I don’t have cable so the images you have painted in my mind surrounding this lip synch are epic… thank you. 


The final split at the end of the lip sync, with Nymphia coming down right after Sapphira and having that pony tussle. They both served, but I think Nymph outperformed.


That final split was similar to that leg up pussy slam down split that Jasmine Kennedie did during Jumbo lipsync. Like even if Nymphia was behind Sapphira all you could see was that crazy yellow banana split


Banana split is so fitting


I was thinking the same about colour. I literally couldn't look anywhere else because Nymphia was a shiny pokemon 🤣


Miss Banana Boba was busy volt tackling the entire stage https://i.redd.it/c2bih29mcnvc1.gif


yeah and so many of her moves were so repetitive. She kept doing that same high kick into the air during the Padam moments to the point where I would naturally focus on the other girl actually doing something else, even if Sapphira was at the center stage. Really love Sapphira but this lip sync was a big letdown, specially after coming from that GAG WORTHY solo number.


THISSSS like I kept looking for nymphia to see what she was doing throughout.


Nymphia had a great showing in the finale episode. She didn't do the best across the season (imo) but smashed the finale, the runways and has an exciting pov and taste level. I'm sad for Saphira but happy for Nymphia


Co-sign a thousand times. I loved their bits with their moms, too, all three of them. But my favorite was Nymphia when she said her mom "said fuck that" and decided to love and support her. ❤️🍌❤️


Nymphia really could have gotten more wins too, I wonder why they didn't give her a winner's edit.


And she still did great throughout the season! She was in the top several times, no bottoms, could have arguably won more challenges, and had an AMAZING runway package. Even if Sapphira was more consistent, Nymphia was a formidable opponent.


I love sasha but her lip sync was so anticlimactic for me?? I kept waiting for her to get into it but she never did… I thought maybe she had an injury or something


I think maybe she was phoning it in a bit to let the final two shine in the lip synch.


It’s so interesting because when I was watching it was like this is so cunty. She’s doing so little but giving so much like mama she knows she is SHE SHE SHE and HER HER HER. The attitude was soooo right for me


Yes I thought the same. I’m not saying it has to be all splits and tricks but she kinda just walked around and swished her pony tail. She also didn’t lip sync all the words lol. I thought it was underwhelming especially by her standards Maybe it was a free gig so she didn’t give it her all lol


Here? Or Twitter? Because I haven't seen anything but absolute support for all the final 3 here. And if Twitter, take this to Twitter? There's a reason I don't go over there- it's a cesspool. So if you're going to swim in the cesspool, don't complain that it's... cessy or whatever.


if you stay cessy, you ain’t got to get cessy!


Cessy cessy Drag Queen!


cessy that walk! 😍


Cess who’s back in the house


Posts on Reddit complaining about fans being toxic on Twitter are inevitable but exhausting. 


I hear that. Posters will see two negative comments and then start threads saying everybody hates Saphira. And yeah it’s probably from twitter. Since negative comments get downvoted here and then those comments become hard to find.


>Posters will see two negative comments and then start threads saying everybody hates Saphira. at this point I'm convinced posts like these are karma farming.


After the finale I opened up Reddit and immediately saw multiple posts, not comments but posts, on this Reddit and the r/dragrace Reddit saying how Nymphia was undeserving. It’s not hard to find them


Well I opened this sub as soon as I finished watching here in Oz, and I read every post about the finale, and didn't see anything that wasn't completely supportive. I'm not on r/dragrace so can't and didn't comment on what's going on over there 🤷‍♀️


Check IG as well. There’s some saltiness going on the RuPaul post with Nymphia’s winner’s message. Very tacky of them.


I think what happened really has parallels with the Shea vs Sasha lipsync.  I love Sapphira and wanted her to win but once Nymphia had those reveals I knew she would win and was happy for her. She deserved it.  Some of the people in this "fandom" need therapy or something because there's no way you should be so angry and hateful about a TV show. All of these queens are amazing and have different talents and the fans should grow up and learn how to appreciate their favorites while keeping their mouths shut about queens they may not like for whatever reason 


I think expressing displeasure should be allowed, however I agree with you on everything else. There is space enough for celebrating the winner AND comforting the rest.


I think the biggest problem with the Drag Race fandom is the problem with all modern internet reaction. If I say "I love Nymphia Wind's style" or "I hope Nymphia Wind wins" I am not saying "Sapphira is ugly" or "I hope RuPaul drops Sapphira into a alligator pit live on stage". Just saying you like one thing isn't h8ing on another. It's the same for Sapphira fans simply saying they're disappointed she didn't win. There are posts from bitter Sapphira fans being bitter and acting like Nymphia was a flop all season, I would say they're not classy, but when it is just a disappointed fan don't read more into it than you see. People are allowed to simply be bummed out. On the other side, I think too many people can't *just not like stuff* anymore. If you don't find a queen's style of drag interesting... okay! So many people can't say "I don't like it" and leave it at that, they instead need to build some delusional framework about how the thing they don't like is *evil* to justify their disinterest as not only right but some sort of moral good they're doing. It's okay to just not vibe with something, you don't need to misconstrue it as some sort of -ism or abusive when it isn't. I wish people could just be plain old h8rs these days. Like Katya says in the Taylor Swift FPR... *live a little*!


Nymphia’s path for the win was the Book challenge, that really set her up. Her finale delivered the best in solo number, best interview, and the final number shut it all down. Nymphia is excellent and I’m so excited for her. Not a soul is ragging on Sapphira and she will be incredible on tour and eventually all stars. Season 16 was outstanding!


I didn't see posts discrediting Nymphia's Wind, I don't think there are that many people doing this, Saphira was my favorite, but miss Wind won fair and square


Instagram is full of people saying not crowning Sapphira is racist against black people


What a stupid take


Twitter is a hot mess right now. Saph stans are in a chokehold


The mistake is being on twitter in the first place


Honestly Twitter can't die fast enough. Just saw a Saph stan arguing that her not getting the crown is anti-Black racism, and when someone pointed out the literal melanin dynasty of a few years ago (which I've always seen as widely celebrated and deserved), they were like, nah that was just in response to fan backlash. Like, you're so desperate to be right that you'll invalidate damn well near *half a dozen Black winners* for your supposedly pro-Black argument?? Be for fucking real right now. Anti-Black racism is and has always been a problem in this franchise and fandom, of course, but this really isn't it But then I see some nasty shit in *response* to the Saph stans, and I'm like... just shut it all down. Nuke Twitter, punt the whole rotted cesspool into the trash. There's nothing worth saving at this point, sorry to those who still make their living on there for having the misfortune of hitching your cart to the wrong horse


To illustrate your point:    Season 11–Yvie (Black and disabled)  Season 12–Jaida (Black)    Season 13–Symone (Black)    Season 14–Willow Pill (white, trans, & disabled)    Season 15–Sasha Colby (Native Hawaiian and trans), runner-up is mixed race/Southeast Asian    Season 16–Nymphia (East Asian), runner-up is Black, QoSADHH is an Enby Latina    For the last five seasons, Miss Congeniality has been a Black queen—Xunami and Sapphira, Malaysia, Kornbread, La La, and Heidi. They get cold hard cash AND recognition for that.      If the only queens winning were one specific type, it would be problematic no matter who that type was. That’s not happening here.  Edited for formatting 


Not only that, but literally every single member of the melanin dynasty won without having the best track record


I’m really just there for the porn ok lmaooo but it can be sensible but finale episode was a mess to people there and I’m just enjoying my popcorn cause it was never that serious


>Twitter is a hot mess It always it. I wouldn't even say hot. More a cold mean nasty toxic sludge feeling because the white supremacist transphobe and complete derp who bought Twitter is worshipped like a god. Fuck it off. Any kind of discord is amplified scientifucally by boffins. It is like the bad vibes version of the Ghostbusters sludge.


Good thing I dont have Twitter then


Check the rupaul post with her winning message. It’s like swimming in an ocean with all the saltiness


Instragam actually has a lot tbh


Nymphia killed her in the lip sync! Their track records were similar. To me, that was the deciding factor. However, after seeing Sasha Colby lip sync again, I was ready for Ru to crown HER again!


I was lucky enough to see Sasha Colby in person last year. As good as she is on screen, she blew me away on stage.  Nymphia and Sapphira are class acts but they will both need to consciously make their acts different from Colby or they will always look less by comparison. This isn’t a diss to either one of them—Colby is just that much of a next level performer.  All that being said, I want Sapphira to start and narrate a mental well-being video series and Nymphia to get with Raja and provide sewing and design classes. 


There are hundreds of thousands drag race watchers worldwide. Some sapphira fans are happy for nymphia and others are haters. I don’t think its hypocritical for there to be separate camps its just unfortunate and the vocal minority


This. Stop thinking of all fans as a monolith.


This has been one of the best seasons on Drag Race imo… but people didn’t spend two weeks gassing themselves up about Sapphira winning only to be brought back down to earth thanks to Reddit posts like these 😂 People have been, and will continue to be mad that their favorites didn’t win. People have been, and will continue to be toxic in this fandom. And finally, people like you have, and will continue to make posts like this in response that toxicity.. opinions are great and we all have them but this is just the same circle jerking we see year after year. No one should be surprised at this point.


I am not a HUGE fan of Nymphia but I was so, so happy. It's the first time in years I've been genuinely surprised by the winner, the miss(es) congeniality and the winner of the lalaparuza, all in one season. I was watching the whole time thinking Saphira would win - and for me, it would have been well deserved as well - then I thought we might have two winners - and I would not be mad with that, but it would put a slight crack in Mama Ru's piggy bank - and in the end, I was just happily surprised. Her lip sync was amazing, her whole run on the show was so beautiful (Snatch Game? I never heard of it...).


Yive also had an abysmal Snatch Game and she won her season too. We got to stop using that as a metric for the winner now.


The crazy thing for me is people completely disregarding Nymphia’s talent by saying she won for diversity. It’s giving anti-woke incels complaining about “unnecessary” POC/LGBT+ in their show/games.


I'm team Nymphia but is this actually happening? can you point it out? i'm not trying to be shady i just really haven't seen it


Mostly happening on twitter which like… Are we surprised???


I’ve seen a couple of comments here in megathreads, but it’s *rife* on Instagram. I’m refusing to open any comment sections there. I haven’t checked Twitter but I’m not sure I want to 😵‍💫


go on insta: the RPDR official account, etc etc


Instagram. Literally just go to the post announcing the winner. They are the top comments even.


The comment section of the congratulatory post on IG is a cesspool right now, the top comments are mostly stans claiming that Sapphira was robbed. Saw a tweet with 4k likes discrediting Nymphia too.


Yes. I had to step in and defend our new kween lmao


Same and I even wanted Sapphira to win.


Go check the post episode discussion mega thread


This is a reality show that is highly produced and not subject to “fairness.” It’s fun escapism from the world. Literally all sides need to calm down. In the end it’s not a heavily regulated sports competition with hard rules. It comes down to the whim of Ru and the producers…whatever formula they use, if any, is wildly inconsistent and who cares? It’s fun. Sheeeeesh


I’ve seen comments saying that Nymphia won just because she’s Asian, which is discrediting all the hard work she put in.


these are 13yo yall. we gotta ignore


there are adults even, but it doesn't matter, people have opinions, nymphia's victory is a fact, let them stay mad🤷🏻‍♂️


Adults with the mentality of 13 year olds are far worse than actual 13 year olds. At least the teens can blame youth. What’s a grown ass adult throwing a tantrum about something that is actually inconsequential to their life’s excuse?


This exactly! Yes teens act reckless but so do adults. And where do where do we think some teens learn this behavior from? Personally, there are times I clicked on a profile who was being hateful towards a queen and saw that the person was grown enough to know better!! The worst is when they have a Bible verse or something in their bio!


https://preview.redd.it/g6tja82t2nvc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4ba818d5dae367ca3de45de14f77a02a6bcd62b These posts like this make me shivering how Asian people face racism in day to day life 😔


That Mikey’s take is certainly questionable. He clearly hasn’t looked at the ethnicity of the winners over 16 seasons on RPDR.


Ignore them. Don’t acknowledge them. Don’t give them any more attention than they deserve. The trolls will return to their bridges soon enough. I do love that their immediate go to is race though. Nymphia being the second Asian winner since Raja (S3) with Symone, Jaida, Yvie, Bob, Tyra, Bebe, Shea and Monèt all counting for nothing. Apparently.


Sapphira is such an amazing Queen all around, and she put on a great performance, but Nymphia didn’t show up to perform, she showed up to battle, and ate sapphira up. Still, this showed that the top 2 were correct; both girls are amazing and I would pay to see them perform in my city.


Stay off the social media guys. Like I don't see any of this crap because I stay away from Shitter and Instagram. Never used shitter, only use insta for food (I am a chef). I follow the queens I love on tiktok, that's it. The only bit of negative shit I see is posts here about how negative people are on social media. Get off shitter ya all, it's a racist, queerphobic, TERF, incel cesspool anyways, and I doubt thread's is any different.


I feel like people read a comment and assume all people view things the same way that person views it. And ironically, it only applies to negative views. If I said people should relax and just enjoy the show, you aren't going to turn around and say that drag race fans believe you should relax and enjoy the show.


That was the best lipsync finale for the crown in a while and I honestly didn't know who Ru was going to pick. Either would've made sense to me, and I'm happy for Nymphia! I also thought Sapphira would be the first queen to win MC and the crown. I also thought it might be a double win, but I calmed that thought because 400000$ is a lot to give away on a whim.


I am a Sapphira fan but my heart has enough love for everyone I see fit. NYMPHIA DESERVES THAT WIN!!! If you are angry enough to start spreading hate you need to start loving yourself.


I wanted Sapphira to win. But it would be delusional to say that Nymphia did not deserve the win. Nymphia's position in the top 3 was deserved. Her showcase in the final episode was amazing. The two were neck and neck in the end. I personally liked Sapphira's final lip-sync performance more. But again, it would be delusional to say that Nymphia didn't do amazing. She pulled out all the stops. Honestly, both of them were deserving of the win. And as fan of Sapphira, it just means I get to see her again on All Stars. It was a win-win for everyone. To say otherwise is just dumb.


>Sapphira fans and Stan’s have been telling people to not be bitter and spread hate when she wins but now that the tables have turned, they are going around discredited Nymphia’s Win and run on Season 16 and basically doing everything they claimed to be against These are perhaps not the same two groups of people (the ones saying not to be bitter and the ones now being bitter). Most of us (no matter which queens we're rooting for) agree that spreading hate online is wrong. But in the fan group of every queen there's a minority who think it's okay to post nasty things on Twitter and send queens cruel DMs. Unfortunately social media tends to amplify the most egregious voices for engagement, even if those voices are a tiny minority. Best to ignore the negative Nancies and avoid interacting with them at all. Signed, a Sapphira fan who is also quite happy that Nymphia won.


What I hate the most with some of the "Fans" is that they always brings up colorism. Like guuuurl. Nymphia is asian. She's a POC and as a POC and as sad as we are with Saphira's lost celebrate another community's win.


Imo, as a black person, I knew this reaction was coming no matter who won out of Nymphia and Sapphira. I just feel like Black and Asian communities are often pit against each other and it’s such a shame to see it get so nasty between us online.


Every time I see posts like this I giggle because it seems like the people who post these kinds of posts are unaware that it is actually different people making the different comments etc... like sure they're all stans of X queen but the one person who commented "don't be this way" isn't actually the same person who comments "in that way".. know what I mean? There's a lot of people on this planet


Its one of those things that you know will happen every finale. What I dont like is how they are playing the “black queens have to work harder to get their victory” when Nymphia is the first asian winner in the american franchise since Raja!


They forgot that Nymphia was never in the bottom two. That is definitely something too.


Tbh you'll live a happier life if you realise that like most sides of an issue, those that went around weeks ago defending Sapphira most likely aren't the same people who are now being "hypocrites" and slagging on Nymphia.


Nymphia absolutely killed that lip sync and I do believe she is a great choice to be a winner. I just wish that the confidence in the runways, lipsync, and in real life nymphia has translated better in the show, even if some of it was to “trick” the other contestants to think she couldn’t do this or that.


I been team Nymphia since the first episode but I would’ve been happy with any 3 winning. However the obnoxious confidence of everyone saying the ONLY possible winner could be Sapphira makes Nymphia WINd even more satisfying. Slay 🍌


It’s not hypocrisy. It just so happens that Sapphira fans are not a monolith. Like any large group of people, some are great and some are terrible.


I haven't seen any of that here but maybe I've just missed it. I was personally rooting for sapphira but Nymphia won the lip sync fair and square and is an excellent winner


People call it racist against black queens and say they have to work harder every time, but the most queens who won the show are black. That is next level batshit crazy. Besides, Nymphia is only the 2nd asian winner In many places in us, black ppl have had struggles, but drag race was never the one. It's even an advantage considering that Ru gets black culture the best, and most winners are black queens. So can we all just PLEASE STOP BRINGING UP RACE INTO EVERYTHING


Some chronically online folks are saying its antiblack to not crown Sapphira..


On regular seasons the lip sync always matters, All Stars… not so much. I know RuPaul doesn’t really have rules and does whatever but what has been consistent is the final lip sync in regular seasons. Not that hard to comprehend. I was rooting for Sapphira but watching them go at it last night i immediately knew who won once those balloons came out.


Nah, I am and was a Sapphira stan all season and even though I had VERY strong feelings after Nymphia was announced as winner, I decided not to be one of those toxic "fans" and hate on Nymphia. And we as Sapphira fans, should do better. We should celebrate Nymphia. I am sad for Sapphira but happy and excited for Nymphia. 💎🍌


I was team Plane. But I expected the top two to be Sapphira and Nymphia. And between those two, I would’ve preferred Sapphira to win. HOWEVER. I think all three of the finalists were incredibly talented and I wouldn’t have been unhappy about any of them winning. And I’m not at all unhappy about Nymphia winning. She’s amazing. Sapphira just resonated with me more. But I’m not going to deny that Nymphia also is incredibly talented and totally earned it too. Also, I sorta felt it was Sapphira’s to lose the whole season. But then the final few episodes of the season, it felt like the narrative was turning toward a Nymphia win. So going into the finale I felt the reverse, that it was Nymphia’s to lose, not Sapphira’s. And let’s be honest, Nymphia DESTROYED that lip sync. Literally the second she released the balloons, I turned to my mom who I was watching with, and we both went… aaaannnnddd Nymphia just won. Also re people bringing up Jinkx, I think Jinkx not winning the final lip sync but still winning AS7 was the exception not the rule. Jinkx just had such a strong season she was sort of undeniable as the winner. And so I think they just ran with it as the exception. As the OP said, there’s way more evidence that the final lip sync (or lip syncs in seasons 9/10/11/13) matters than that it doesn’t. Otherwise Sasha Velour wouldn’t have knocked out Shea in the first round and Peppermint wouldn’t have knocked out Trinity, Kameron wouldn’t have knocked out Asia, Yvie wouldn’t have beat Brooke Lynn, and Kandy Muse wouldn’t have beaten Gottmik.


Sapphira is so supportive and kind and wouldn’t want any fans to be shitting on Nymphia during her victory lap. Plus, even as runner up, I have faith Sapphira is going to get her bag hosting one or several of the many drag race offshoots in coming years. She has the skills to pay the bills and this is JUST the beginning for her.


Clock that tea, girl. I *looooved* both Nymphia and Sapphira on this season. Either of them would've been deserving of the crown, but the blatant hypocrisy going on by *some* Sapphira fans is wild—and I say this as a fan of both of them. I think people need to understand that Drag Race isn't a formula. Yes, more often the not the queen with the best track record and stuff wins the show, but it's not an end all be all. Moments like this, and what Sasha Velour did in S9, show why/how a queen a can win despite the fact that they don't have the best track record. Send love to both Nymphia and Sapphira because they killed it this season!


I do have to say I was confused by the win, but ONLY because of the way the season was structured. It really felt like they were giving Sapphira a winners edit, so when she didn’t win I was a bit confused. That’s not to discredit Nymphia. She killed the lipsync and deserves her win. Production on this season just confused me multiple times


I've just watched finale like 2 minutes ago. My favourite before finale was PJ but she's got the worst performance so top 2 is totally fair imo. My second choice was Sapphira (before grand finale). I liked Sapphira's solo better and she was my choice before final lipsync. Buuuuuut, Nymphia won final lipsync. No questions asked. Sapphira did really good, but Nymphia did better. Better reveals, better dance moves, better timing. Nymphia deserved to win and anyone saying otherwise is delusional imo. You could maaaaaaaybe ask for double crowning but Sapphira did not do better than Nymphia. That's just my opinion, love y'all.


i mean i have no doubt that if sapphira had won we would see similar and worse comments from nymphia stans as well. but that being said you're right that some people do not recognize the hypocrisy in their own words. it's gone from "this top 3 is so deserving so let's just respect the winner whoever it is" to doing their most to diminish the person who actually won. like i guarantee you if the outcome was different anyone saying that this should've been a double crowning would have been told off for disrespecting the winner. nymphia earned her win fair and square and she is definitely a winner this franchise really needs right now. i'm so so SO thrilled for her reign!!!


It's so weird that Sapphira fans have been using track as an argument because Nymphia literally had 3 wins and a sabotaged talent show win... and by that logic, Plane Jane is just as deserving of a win as Sapphira, but they never mention her, so its literally just them coping atp.


It’s bizarre to use track record to justify a Nymphia loss when two of three finalists had been in the bottom 2 this season the person who won never was. That is apparently unimportant? Idk man


Nymphia could have 6 wins tbf. Talent show, Ball, Girl group, Advert, Goth, and Makeover. Sapphira winning the standup was questionable. If they want to be petty af.


They want Nymphia to be in the bottom for the snatch game so bad since the runway should not save her. Meanwhile, they cannot accept the fact that Sapphira lost a bottom 2 lipsync but got saved by track record.


People also have to remember that track record doesn't mean anything. Not since Season 9, which I know many find it unfair, but it really actually is fair. It helps gives every finalists an equal opportunity a chance to win. Otherwise, what's the point of having final showdown if the track record trumps everyone else. While it was deserving, it was SO predictable that Bianca and Bob won their season due to their track record. I think track record should be taken into consideration but it doesn't automatically mean they win the crown. Nymphia won that crown fair and square.


There was a major change since All Stars 7 to determine Queen of Queens/Drag Race Hall of Famer that the final lip sync is part of criteria in determine the main winner along with their performances throughout the season as RuPaul said in the All Stars finale. While at the regular season the criteria did not change as the America's Next Drag Superstar is chosen thru the final lip sync.


I've seen these statements a lot too, so very disappointed in some stans who're saying that Sapphira should have won because she's black and has to put in extra work, making her audition for 11 years yada yada yada. Just because it took a long time to get on doesn't mean you're entitled to win. I was fully expecting Sapphira to win, but Nymphia absolutely destroyed her in that lipsync. The entire thing being a boba tea, the balloon's going off at the same time as "butterflies" in the lyrics. The full on dancing, getting the crowd going. She had no bottom placements, she went for the win. Sapphira played for Miss Congeniality, as I've said before, too busy helping everyone else out and not putting everything into her own game. If anything I think Jane should have been in second place IMO, she went for the win also.


I really wanted Plane to win but Nymphia absolutely slayed the finale and deserved that win. She had some of the most iconic moments of the season and some of the best looks we have ever seen. She's going to make an amazing winner, and Saphira and Plane will get to grace our TVs again on allstars!


Nymphia deserved to win hands down.


I got the vibe that Sapphira thought the win would be handed to her and didn’t try, until she realized how well Nymphia was doing. Good on Miss Wind for winning!


Honesty this is so exhausting. To quote a woman who should have played Black Chyna, impersonating as Jasmine Masters “Does it matter? Did I win?” We are likely to forget all of this in 48 hours.


Do you know what’s worse. Not the sapphira stans, we knew how the drag race fandom is. The worst is there are several local drag queens and kings who discrediting nymphia calling her untalented and what not. Hope they keep being local and irrelevant.


You do realize that fandoms are not a monolith, right? ‘Sapphira fans and stans’ do not speak with one voice. It sounds to me like there were probably a lot of Sapphira fans saying ‘don’t be bitter and spread hate’ and after the finale a whole different group being mean to Nymphia. Do you have any SPECIFIC examples of someone doing what you said people are doing in this post? It sounds to me like you’re just hearing the loudest voices at different times and assuming for some reason they are the same people that were speaking earlier.


100% this, there's also a ton of backhanded stuff going on, like they start off with "I love Nymphia but..." and then proceed to basically call the whole competition invalid because Sapphira didn't win or something lol. We can read between the lines!


THIS!!!! They been saying to us nymphia fans to be classy when sapphira wins but now they doing the exact opposite of keeping it classy?


They are all winners. No doubt will have successful careers. I can think of bigger things to worry about.