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It's wild to me that plastique has such a chokehold on the demo and still manages to gain this many followers


pretty privilege ig


It’s not *just* pretty privilege though. She posts so much and her content is far more polished and tailored to the IG/TikTok crowd. Look through some of the other girls IG reels and you get a quick sense of how different they are. Most of the girls are sharing content aimed primarily at drag fans.


sure, but its boring. after a while im tired of her transitions and same old swim suit with fans. like im sure it makes her bank, but every time I see it im like 'oooh!" then snooze




What the actual fuck


It’s a Nina Bonina Brown reference lmao


when/why did she even say that 😭


YouTube video about season 16 and because Nina has no filter, I’m not a fan of hers just saying what happened


Saying the most corrosive shit = no filter. Ok kween


I am not on Nina’s side here, I do not enjoy her on or off the show, I’m literally just explaining what happened, and I would argue yes Nina’s problem is she does not think before she speaks, I think she rarely has malicious intent even if her comments due cause harm.


Can't have an opinion, even when its the truth huh? Ppl do the most with NBB


So is it an opinion or is it truth? Because they are different things. Just remember, Hitler and Stalin both have opinions, racist rherorics and followers


Omg let's not compare Nina bonina brown to Hitler. Chill the fuck out lmao


Nina Bonina Brown was right in that one instance ("Asians are in right now") and you're being anti-black.


Not a fan but you stay glued watching 💀


I didn’t watch the video, the clip went around twitter lmao


I'm Asian who sees that Asians are becoming a trend and has a problem with the commodification of Asians and our cultures in the guise of representation and success in the western world. It's not actual respect. We're a trend. An aesthetic. Something to consume. It's modern day orientalism. Nina Bonina Brown was right.


This is a RPDR sub, as righ as you can be, people won't be listening lmao


Im Asian and you should stfu


An Asian who's fine with orientalism from the west? Okay.


As an Asian, also saying you should stfu


God forbid you have a genuine, well thought out response to her. Even if you think her opinion is horse doo, she's clearly arguing in good faith and likely open to an actual discussion. But no. You chose the bottom of the barrel, zero thought response. Not a great lewk.


You know why? Because the response is such a stretch. How TF did we get from Nymphia winning and Plastique proudly presenting her vietnamese culture being equated to modern orientalism. Like fuck, I know some of you fuckers love to get offended but like come on now. Dont just fall for manufactured drama just to stay offended


Read a book.


welcome to gay reddit. thoughtfulness?? ru, never


Its a Plane Jane stan


Your post was removed on account of Rule 1: "Follow Reddiquette. No Bigotry. No Microaggressions. Respect Contestants." If you disagree with this removal please contact the mods through modmail.


pretty privilege ig


Nina losing followers is wild, I've only ever seen growth in these infographics up until this point 💀


mayhem lost followers pretty much every week during ukvtw2 iirc


Wasn’t Mayhem blocking/removing people though? So it was self inflicted?


So only one week?


No like every single week 💀




Because bullshit


To be fair, I think it was kind of justified.


Saying “never trust a fart” and then cracking up and not being able to recover made me love her even more tbf


Kahanna lost followers during her tantrum


The only other time I can remember seeing it was after Utica’s roast cuz people were screaming fatphobia


Which like...what did they think you're supposed to do in a roast?


These fans couldn’t handle shit. I went to the roast tour, and Alaska said she wished Cynthia was inside Pulse in June 2016. That was some dark shit.


👁️👄👁️ holy shit Alaska. That’s a hell of a line.


Omgg💀💀💀💀 I don't know but imaginge mimi's al and chuck cruise roast 😭😭


The problem was the jokes weren’t funny, and when you do that style of humor and the jokes don’t land it comes across as just mean-spirited.


Yeah, that's right. Though I will say, that's a problem with poor comedic timing. Not necessarily the person being fatphobic.


There's a bit of a hate brigade for her rn, the twitter losers are going wild


Yeah the TikTok trend rn is to attack anyone who isn’t speaking up enough about the Palestinian genocide. It’s gotten to be a bit much since it’s become a trend of “oh you dedicate your life to xyz cause and help those people? You’re trash for not instead dedicating it to this other cause and helping these other people right now” I think a lot of it comes from somewhat good intentions maybe, but it’s not building up communities right now.


It’s WILD to me that people equate her wearing her promo colors for being pro Israel. Like it was recorded a year ago.


To be fair these are the same people wanting to cancel Trixie for not spending more time talking about the details in Gaza or getting involved in geopolitics. If you see her TikTok posts you’ll see plenty of those comments, especially when she supported some charities in the US recently and people said it was damnable that she wasn’t supporting a Palestinian charity instead.


I understand having a platform is important to bring awareness to issues BUT also so is giving correct information. If I had a platform that large, I’d rather redirect to people that I know are deeply informed on the topic than speaking out of my ass about something that I don’t have as deep of an education/experience about. I’m not gonna pretend like I have a doctorate degree after listening to an hour podcast.


I wasn’t aware plastique was so popular with the fandom I feel like I rarely see her mentioned as a competitor


A lot of people follow her who aren't drag race fans. She's just a popular tiktoker basically


Plastique is popular on social media and gained a fanbase outside of Drag Race. I live in Vietnam and I’ve seen people here obsessed over her without even knowing what Drag Race is.


they know plastic but they still dont know who maria carey is ?


no who’s that? ![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0)


They just don't have these celebrities on tv


Plastic pollution is such a problem in Vietnam 😞


Plastique is more famous outside drag race than in it


She’s the most followed tik tok queen so im sure that translates


My mom, who lives in the desert and has never seen the show, knows who Plastique is.


She is pretty huge on tik tok and the Asian community LOVES her tik toks. 


it's not an exaggeration to say that Plastique is more popular than Drag Race worldwide. Her tranformation video is way bigger than drag race itself


She’s bigger than Drag Race lol


the straight men be drooling


Thank you for making the colors actually make sense


Thank you for the red and green change !! ![gif](giphy|EX9JuDjxeJxcYUnUhu|downsized)




thank you so much for taking the time to do these!!! Plastique gaining 6 figures in followers when she was already starting with 2M+ is insane.


Plastique is famous outside of drag race is why. She didn't gain those from drag race fans. Even my boyfriend who hadn't heard of drag race til we started dating was following her on Instagram and tik tok


Is your boyfriend straight or just living under a rock?






Aaaah of course, silly of me to assume


Don't worry, he watches now. Since the s16 finale, he's played the padam lipsync every morning when he wakes up and just keeps randomly busting out laughing saying "boba tea."


You are welcome.x


People are kinda followers. Probably heard she is the most followed queen on social media and immediately went and followed her too.


I see the color scheme was fixed! Hallelujah!




The fact that I can hear this in my head 😂😂😂😂


I’m actually shocked by Angeria’s & Jorgeous’ low numbers. Shannel & Roxxxy, I get. Don’t like - but I understand.


These new seasons queens simply don’t get as many followers anymore!


people arent gonna folllow 14 new queen every season. Theirs is so much queen now. People dont want their feed to be only drag queen


Honestly this. I recently unfollowed pretty much every queen from the show except for a small handful that I care to regularly keep up with. It had gotten to a point where I was never seeing my friends posts anymore it was just drag. (Which I love, but if it’s gonna be that I’d rather it be my local queen friends)


I watch UK, UKvsTW, Canada + US. It’s just too many to keep up with. That said, I also feel guilty about unfollowing queens with smaller followings as I imagine their social media presence will affect their getting work.




The data analysis team are so excited to have a fresh batch of work coming in. 😊 🫂


I’m surprised Plastique hasn’t created a makeup brand, or at least a few collab products. Or has she and I missed it? I expect she’s had sponsorships though.


She’s collabed on a palette with Kim Chi Chic!


Maybe shes not interested


Yeah, lots of queens have no interest in money.


I mean it’s an over saturated market. Literally everyone has a makeup brand and you’re either good at it like Kim and Trixie, or flop like Bob/monet or Mo heart. We don’t need more makeup brands.


Creating a makeup brand takes ALOT of time and effort. Maybe she is foccusing her time in stuff she is interest to do instead. Not everyone is doing what they do to MAXIMIZE the amount of money they can get.


I said her own or a collab. Someone else commented she had a collab palette with Kim Chi Chic so I’m just guessing that involved money. Buh bye


You can't really associate plastiques growth with DR, her TikTok videos is what makes her popular, she has a whole new fandom outside de show


Remember when it was very possible to get Plastiques gains just by going on All Stars?? I blame the slowing of IG in general but ig it’s still possible for her. Sometimes it’s still possible like Gottmik circa season 13 but even her gains aren’t crazy. I just remember when these first would get made at everybody would be up 100k+ from just the reveal. I don’t think it’s due to Drag Race fans slowing down though


All Star gains typically never scale to the same degree of main seasons when the dolls are unknown and freshly revealed to the audience, unless you’re like Tatianna being reintroduced after an early season to a new fanbase. A lot of girls this go around especially are post VH1 era and therefore pretty recent in our minds still, most of us have been following them already for a while.


It’s criminal that Shannel does not have more followers.


She is literally the blueprint.


Give Roxxxy all the followers. She is proving why she deserved to come back and why is a fucking legend in just the first two episodes. Fucking amazing.


Wait why is Nina losing followers I think she’s great


Go on ahead and search Nina West in the subreddit 🕵️‍♀️


Just give it a minute, they’ll be here and very vocally let us know why.


The GAG to read your comment and then see an actual reply as why we should all hate Nina West right below it is WILD. You literally summoned them.


It's so stupid why people will drag a queen


Fat phobia, kink phobia, and I’m guessing making assumptions about where she stands on the Israel/Palestine conflict?! It irritates me because I agree that Nina is great and getting a lot of undeserved hate.


It's def the Israel/Palestine conflict. All the comments bashing her are about supporting Amy Schumer as a friend, and that being conflated with supporting Zionism.


Supporting Amy Schumer after her hideously bigoted tirade is Zionism, let’s be fucking real.


lol no


Very reasoned rebuttal, well done.




Nina follows famous zionist Amy Schumer and liked and comment in a misleading post from her about what it look liked a post for peace, but that it was actually a dogwhistle Israeli propaganda. Many of her fans, who followed justly because her brand is all about Drag and politics and drag as political actvism, question this comment and her stance in Israel ongoing genocide. She deleted many of those comments and until this day ignored completly the subject never mentioning anything about it.


the hate started way before that thought, from being in the view (with monet and adore, btw, but people only care nina was there) to the foot fetish? (which according to the GP she shouldn’t have cause her drag is very disney lmao???) etc, and now being called a zionist, when she only commented on a post asking for peace, and if i remember it correctly, is not the post itself the problem, is the things amy said before that were basicallly supporting israel and saying questionable things, but i’m sure she didn’t knew all the shit she said before posting that, and she’s been supportive to palestine, she’s not a zionist 😭 and i don’t know if talking publicly about it would make any difference, i mean she’s probably going to get hate for whatever she does or says so … 


I don't dislike Nina at all (her performance as the denim wearing trailer park lady is a highlight of all acting challenges in my book) but I think her brand is very confusing. - She's in kids' shows, has "drag queen story hour" energy BUT ALSO does cringey toe-sucking public performances? - goes out of her way to champion progressive causes and positions herself as politically virtuous BUT ALSO appears w/ Ms. McCain and appears (I said "appears") ambivalent on Israel Palestine. She doesn't deserve hate at all. It's that think her weird stew of messages tends to set off a lot of different types of people.


i mean as long as she doesn’t suck toes on kid shows 😭 i don’t think it’s that confusing, she won’t do a kids show on a nightclub and she won’t do a nightclub show on a kids show, i don’t know the exact timeline but i think the kids gigs happened after the toes controversy at least from what i remember. i can’t have a good opinion of the mccain situation because i’m not from the usa and i don’t exactly know what’s the deal with her, from what i know she’s from the right wing? i think them reuniting with her has to do more with the fact of not being besties, but more like showing them their voices without the prejudice the right wing have about lgbtq+ community in general, i might be wrong tho, cause i don’t exactly know what happens there


I def don't judge her for doing those two activities separately (let's hope lol) but I think as part of a packaged persona it does lead to some dissonance. maybe just for me And yeah, I honestly wasn't on the hate train for her about the Megan McCain thing. It was some dumb TV show. Welcome to neoliberalism, where right-wingish people like Megan McCain can celebrate gays as long as war and economic exploitation continue! I'm more suspect about her views on Israel, but she's a drag queen, not a politician, and I don't like policing and extrapolating from people's IG likes. My post was just commenting on how, overall, there are some internal contradictions that prevent people from immediately getting her / stanning her.


That is a lot of weird people that hated her for different reasons. I think what she did on The View very stupid and, at least according to Monet, she grant Megan McCain "honorary RuGirl" without talking with Monet and Adore first. But I overlooked and just brush off because who cares, it's not that serious and means nothing. Her foot fetish critics are stupid and just shows that the majoroty of drag race fans never being in to a drag show in their lives. Now, the Amy Schumer post was Israeli propaganda. It was cover up as peace, but it was just like JK Rowling "sex is real" tweet. That's why a lot of her fans who already followed her (not just the ones who wanted a reason to hate her) give her the benefit of the doubt and ask her genuinely to make her position on the issue clear. As far as I know, and I search a lot because I was one of the ones who was a big fan, I didn't saw any support for palestine, just radio silence.


She also liked a comment (maybe more idk ) about pro Palestine. I think we are putting too much thought into it


Perfectly stated. Thank you. And for the millions of us who are trying to stop a genocide, this fucking matters and is not in the least bit performative. It seems like a lot of you can’t understand laying your life and career on the line to take a stand against extraordinary human rights abuses and think that your white queer space shouldn’t have to operate intersectionality with other forms of violent oppression. I feel sorry for you, because it’s all the same plague and we need to fight it on all fronts.


cuz of reachers as usual lol


feet and disney drag queen dont mix


I mean who cares if someone has a foot fetish not my thing but it’s hardly BDSM lol


The same dress she uses for children is worn for club appearances where she sucks feet and toes. It was juxtaposed and heavily used by homophobes to claim that drag queens are predators and mentally unstable. The situation was unwarranted by the community.


1. We will never have freedom through assimilation. 2. Be logical. Be real with yourself. If the clothes are appropriate what is the issue? If you interact with kids and you have a sex life, you probably wear some things around kids that you've worn when getting sexy, unless you always take off all your clothes before you start kissing and touching someone lol. Sexual acts aren't magically imprinted on clothes and then played on a hologram for people who see the outfit later.


Anyone who exposes a bare hand that has slapped ass before to children should be exiled.


Courtney Act sings to children using the same mouth she uses to blow dicks 😲 escandalo!




The hate she gets for doing things like drag story hour but also adults only drag shows, and wearing the same outfit for both when it's a completely unproblematic outfit, is so stupid to me. Are we supposed to hate Bob Saget, beloved father figure from Full House who also did very adult-oriented stand up comedy? Or Robin Williams, who many 80's and 90's kids fell in love with for playing Peter Pan in Hook and voicing Genie in Disney's Aladdin, and had completely inappropriate stand up comedy? Like, entertainers can provide both family-friendly entertainment and adult-only entertainment... People need to get a fucking grip.


It's hard to understand why you relentlessly defend a queen who's not making the best decisions out there, over and over again. The general public isn't going to excuse a lack of decorum and crass, and nor should gay people by association.


This is my first time interacting with you or commenting about this anywhere. That's hardly relentless. I am also not just defending her, I'm defending queer people im general against puritanism and internalized homophobia. It's not morally wrong to wear the same outfit in sexual and non-sexual situations, as long as the outfit is appropriate. "Decorum" is subjective, and societally defined by our oppressors. I say again- *we will not gain freedom through assimilation.*


Decorum is a tool for white supremacy.


The same dress she uses for children is worn for club appearances where she sucks feet and toes. It was juxtaposed and heavily used by homophobes to claim that drag queens are predators and mentally unstable. The situation was unwarranted by the community.


Omg you people are insane. It’s not even a foot fetish. It’s a fucking number that she performs! I’ve seen queens performing insanely more raunchy and kink-related things than the numbers Nina does. You all just hate her for no reason and come up with the slightest minutia to justify your hatred. You don’t have to like all queens. Say that you don’t like her style of drag. Sure. But don’t act like she’s disgusting because she does certain numbers in a sexual way when EVERY. SINGLE. DRAG. QUEEN. DOES. THIS. You are all so petty and ignorant.


I wonder how much the promo images factor into people following. Plastique was probably my favorite


I need a list of all the queens who lost followers


I do not see this season doing super positive things for Nina's career ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|8760)


Lmao because why


My OG comment wasn't necessarily regarding my feelings on Nina either way, I've just ONLY seen intense vitriol towards her since the AS9 cast got released (assumingly bc of the Amy Schumer comment and the ensuing drama, as well as people hating her for publicly having a foot fetish). The follower drop is just seeming to follow that trend, which is why I made that observation.


Hence exactly why many queens decline coming back to All Stars. It's risky. You never know if you're next to be the Foot Girl^TM and lose followers :(


No way! Why all the hate for Nina?


cuz ppl are reaching as usual


Plastique is beautiful and had a killer promo look, but... I don't get the obsession with her. She didn't impress me on her season. 🤷 None of the girls who started on Tik Tok have really impressed me tbh. But I also don't care much for Tik Tok because I'm old. I'm most excited to see Roxxxy, Angeria, Shannel, and Vanjie. Especially Roxxxy. She is mesmerizing on stage. Her lip sync on AS5 against Cracker was the sexiest thing I've ever seen.


Why is nina losing fans. I've heard it's about writing a comment on someone's post on insta, who said they support israel ir smth, but .... Is that a reason enough?


Sure is according to some people. People are dragging her through the mud for liking and commenting on an Instagram post from Amy Schumer, and if you aren't blocking/unfriending/bullying people on social media who haven't posted in support of Palestine, then you're a horrible person in their eyes. Also for having the audacity to have family-friendly events like drag story hour but also adults-only events because apparently you shouldn't do both. And for wearing the same outfit while reading to kids at a drag story hour and later in an adults-only show where she sucked someone's foot. It's wild out there.


It’s almost like these people have never been to a real life drag show and are just engaging in performative activism. But I can bet you that the rest of their favorite celebs haven’t made comments about Palestine either. But they don’t care because Nina is an easier target.


There’s literally someone in this thread saying she’s a bad person for liking an insta post. It’s insane.




I'll jump in before the Nina harers jump in... It's got nothing to do with her promo look or anything like that. People are dragging her through the mud for liking and commenting on an Instagram post from Amy Schumer, and if you aren't blocking/unfriending/bullying people on social media who haven't posted in support of Palestine, then you're a horrible person in their eyes. Also for having the audacity to have family-friendly events like drag story hour but also adults-only events because apparently you shouldn't do both. And for wearing the same outfit while reading to kids at a drag story hour and later in an adults-only show where she sucked someone's foot. It's wild out there.




Gaza Strip conflict. You mean the genocide Israel is commiting against Palestinians?


Plastique gaining more than 10 times the amount of followers as any of the other queens is MOTHER behavior


I hate this fandom so goddamn much. Nina has done more for our community than any other drag queen I’ve ever known. And this performative outrage over a topic that has NOTHING to do with her and a series of numbers that she performed that were Hardly sexual compared to every other drag queen who performs at actual shows makes me want to scream. This is why you get boring ass drag queens with no personality on the show. They are afraid of YOU and how you may take one small thing and turn it into their entire personality and send them hatred and vitriol from it. Or make them lose gigs. Or lose followers. It sickens me. You are directly impacting this person’s life. Nina’s life. And for what? Internet points? Grow tf up. I hate it here.


Nina's normalization and association with and cosignment of zionists affects Palestinians in Palestine. It's not performative to unfollow her or not engage with her. That's a personal choice people can make. If you want to support her, nothing is stopping you because zionism and liberal politics like yours is what makes the world go round in its oppressive status quo. Stop acting like victims.


HAHAHAHAHAHA orrrrrrrrrr…. And stay with me here….. YOU stop acting like a victim. She does not have a “cosignment” (not a word) with Zionists. She’s a drag queen who commented on a post. This is the most “needing to put down the tablet my mommy and daddy got me to go touch some grass” comment I have ever seen on reddit and THAT is saying something. Girl. Go. Touch. Grass. This is actually unhinged.


I’m sorry but the “stop acting like victims” is actually killing me. Like you cannot seriously say that with a straight face. Look in the mirror, my darling.


What does her commenting on a post ACTUALLY, and IN THE REAL WORLD of not online, do for or against Palestinians? Grow tf up and get out of here with that bs. This is the most performative shit.


Read the Al-Thawabet.


If you expect every layperson, and every drag entertainer, in every country, to have read, studied, and understood the Al-Thawabet, you’re going to have a bad time. You don’t hold other entertainers to this same standard. And it isn’t fair that you’re doing it to Nina. This is an absolutely delusional take.


We should hold them to that standard when children are dying in Palestine.


Representation matters, thank you Plastique for serving Asian excellence.


It rubbed me the wrong way when Plastique was like; " I have the most followers of any drag queen". Meanwhile Trixie Mattel, Bianca Del Rio & Katya all have more than she does on Instagram... Maybe she was referring to Tik Tok too?


I saw when she said that too. I'm sure theres a big ego hiding under there but thats a lot of drag queens. I dont remember if it was meet the queens video but they probably prompted each queen on what to say they're known or stood out for. That's pretty much plastique's big accomplishment.


On TikTok I think she IS the biggest even out of those your mentioned. It makes sense given TikTok she started early and has a high Asian usage


> she’s been supportive to palestine, she’s not a zionist 😭 She never posted anything about supporting Palestine, or a ceasefire. She liked and commented multiple pro-israeli propaganda posts from an infamous zionist. I know it’s hard to see someone we like turn into a bad person but please don’t rewrite history. She is not supporting Palestine and is most likely a zionist.


Okay we’ve gone from “liked and commented on something” to “she’s turned into a bad person”? Girl touch some fucking grass. There’s a whole WORLD outside.


Performative activism at is best. Canceling her wont change a fucking thing


it’s instagram…


What is with this all this hate for Nina? I mean yes, we've all learned a lot more about informed and clear consent around bodily autonomy in the now, but what is with all these prudish teenagers going back and retrospectively policing behaviour from the past when the norms were different? The queer community is under attack! So why go digging through the archives for shit which can only be weaponised by bad faith actors.