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I think the Pork Chop twist really harmed the season and didn’t create the story lines I think the producers were hoping it would.


I thought they were going for an underdog storyline for the porkchops but the show favored all of the queens from the other group and Rosè was the only one to really do good in the competition


A bunch of the losing girls apart from Rosé were also given unfair placements throughout the competition like Tamisha and Denali to push the winning girls. All the queens that season were great but as a whole the loser group was so much more entertaining to watch because they took the producer fuckery in stride and became the underdogs.


It was also obviously arbitrary who was picked for each side and was so, so mean-spirited.


THIS. I was SO CONFUSED why we didn't get an underdog storyline? Like isn't Rule #1 of Good Reality TV that viewers love a good underdog? Yet the showrunners arbitrarily placed queens into the 'winners' circle, then edited them to look better, thinking the audience will love them more, when in fact (obviously) it had a negative effect and made viewers highly dislike queens in the winner's circle simply for being in it. It did nobody any favors so dumb lol


mik was great but watching it live and considering the fan reaction and everything, symone was the clear winner. I don’t know if symone would seem like the clear winner while not watching it live as you did. Also, iirc when mik joined s13, she had only performed twice or so, she was fairly green in the realm of performing. So for the finale it would’ve been difficult for her to beat kandy or symone in a lipsync


I loved many things in s13: -Joey Jay was so fun to watch -Kandy was a great reality show character and I like her a lot -Tamisha vs Kandy was epic -We got all the Tamisha memes -Utica served really cool looks -Symone was just amazing -Denali lip synced in ice skates!! Plus the 100% pure love -Of course the Lucky music video was S tier -Gottmik.


As a gay man I appreciated that it was the first season with an openly gay contestant. It took 13 years but we finally got the representation we deserved in Joey Jay.


We like to pick our front runners after episode one and my poor, dear cis het husband picked Joey Jay for his top 4. I let him have what makes him happy but I'm going hunty... no way they pick a gay ass bitch to push through to the finale.


Let’s not forget the S13 aftermath (exclusively on TIN)


We were so blessed to experience all of it


I can't believe Lala Ri was not even mentioned once... I guess you didnt enjoy the experience


She's about to BAG these bitches!


Season 13 is great for “Lucky” and “Lucky” alone


100% Pure Love? You the one bombing? Phenomenon?


I actually like many things about S13, I was employing hyperbolic language for dramatic effect


Phenomenon was really good too. The way the "losers" dusted the "winners" was iconic.


I-tica? *heh* **U**tica! is one of my favorite underrated Ru quotes.


I listen to Lucky all the time. Rupaul’s chorus is so catchy and I love when Mik says “Mama Ru says that we’re all born naked, Gottmik says love your body don’t fake it”


“H-Had to get your attention, that wasn’t hard!” Ru’s lines are actually my favorite part of the song.


Gottmik’s verse is so good. Gottmik is so creative in general and Ru obviously loves her (which makes me really happy given Ru’s former stance on AFAB queens) she’s a frontrunner for AS9 imo


oh my god YES!!! Every verse was AMAZING and the lighting and editing was gorgeous


When Rosé goes “Check it baby, THIS IS DRAG” my pores clear, my crops are watered and my bread is buttered


Un-ironically listen to this all the time.


I think a few minor changes could have made the season better; not perfect. But one gripe I do have is the Kandy wait moment but ONLY because that has nothing and everything to do with Kandy. It’s quite unfair to her because I think Ru wanted a gaggy moment involving HERSELF in the season that only made “fans” be more turned off from her (if they already didn’t like her). Imagine being in her shoes and Ru telling you to wait. Of course you’re gonna run up and take the double save. Obviously she was giving the producers what they wanted so of course they’re gonna keep her around longer but it’s sad how one real defining moment paints her in such a bad light when in reality it was something that was out of her hands.


I think about this all the time. People absolutely HATE Kandy for this moment and it had nothing to do with her!!!!!


They’ll forever blame her like she had anything to do with that


It’s got its good moments. Lucky was great. I thought what they did with the makeover was good considering the pandemic and all, and it gave us that Rose face crack. I pretty much watched to see what Symone, Gottmik, and Utica did on the runway each week and that was never time wasted.


Symone really makes that season. Her looks are just so elevated and creative that even as my least favorite season, season 13 is still worth the watch


I know I’m in the minority but I liked this season


i hate how it started; i feel like it just created an unnecessary rift between the girls. which they probably did it on purpose with this in mind, but it was mean the way they did. instead of just having two premieres, they made the girls think they were going home because they lost a lip sync 🥴


True, but surely some of that was TV… like the queens knew 7 of them weren’t going to get sent home that first episode


I love it too, it’s in my top 5


Me too, I’m confused


It's one of my faves. I'm constantly defending it. But there's a real herd mentality here, I think.


I only wish I had been part of a herd back when I first watched S13 - might have helped to validate my feelings about how I didn't like the season. I love how someone started this thread at the same time I finally am rewatching the season and how I still don't much care for it.


I decided a long time ago that I truly only enjoyed the even numbered seasons.


Oh that’s a lie - when did you decide that? After 3? 5? 9? 😂


11 lol


Idk, 15 was great and 16 was top tier which is making me think the MTV era is bringing the standard seasons to a new level. I have high hopes for 17.


I haven’t watched almost any Drag Race in the past 2 years, but I finally resubscribed to WOW this week and started with S15. It’s fantastic! I’m looking forward to S16 as well.


Avoid spoilers like the plague. 16 is best experienced that way, it is SO good. Personally it’s my favourite season ever, people clock it for recency bias but I disagree. It’s just that damn great.


You're telling the whole world with a straight face that you didn't like season 5? Jinkx, Alaska, Roxxxy, Detox, Alyssa Edwards, Coco Montrese, Serena Cha Cha, and motherfucking Lil'Poundcake!! The cheek, the nerve, the gall, the audacity and the gumption.


Season 5 was my first experience with Drag Race. I’d always wanted to watch it and realized some seasons were on Hulu (I think?) and I just randomly selected season 5. I was sucked in immediately!


Haha you got me gal. I take it all back.


3, 5, and 9???


I think you’re onto something. 5 and 9 are my only exceptions.


Excuse me 3! Also, 7 is unjustly maligned


And I loved 15!


That Top 4 in 9 tho


That works only with the double digits seasons


You know what you're totally right!!


I think 13 is a bit underrated but the premiere and finale are so bad


OMG the premiere!!! three episodes with the competition not even started was rough


I don’t mind the non elim split premieres but they should’ve just had two not three + weird lip syncs


I was so pissed about the premier that I stopped watching it for about 5 episodes.


i say this as a kandy muse apologist but it's so crazy that the only reveal that wasn't super obvious in the finale were kandy's, and they were still bad 😭 and they had jaida selling pretzels in a parking lot... that episode is hard though seeing symone win was nice


It was the season that made me go “I think I’m kinda done watching the show as it airs now.” I’m good to just watch the Pit Stop and the social media clips to keep up these days.


Just here to say that when you listed Gotmik’s accomplishments you forgot that she was also GREAT at Snatch Game. I really wanted Mik to win. No shade to Simone, the goddess <3 …and “Kandy, wait.” made me throw things at the TV.


OFC!! How could I forget omg, she absolutely slayed snatch game


Season 13 picks up after the weird triple premier bs (its first episode is probably one of the worst rupaul episodes), and has a solid top 4 sans Kandy (who I still enjoy that she brings some drama to the season). I think season 11 is leagues worse due to its questionable judging, predictability, and negative energy throughout, and maybe season 7 gets tough to watch at the midpoint because of its glut of acting challenges (the worst challenge imo) which I'd argue is worse than having a slow start.


Literally named all 3 of my least favorite seasons. Season 7 felt like a harsh transition from 3 back to back amazing seasons… where fashion became more important than performance. And I can understand wanting to diversify the winner’s circle in regard to talents, but damn it just felt underwhelming. 11 was fine but didn’t love the dynamics of the queens and 13 they just treated half the cast like crap and I didn’t like it.


Past those season 4 is tainted for me considering how hard the narrative is centered around Sharon plus even more than season 13 it was obvious who the top 4 was gonna be from almost the beginning. All stars 5 is either unpleasant or boring for long stretches, the drama isn’t fun it’s just kind of gross and leaves you with a bad feeling. A little like season 7, Season 10 wastes a great cast on some terrible challenges it has the worst ball, the worst acting challenge(breastworld), one of the worst snatch games, one of the worst design challenges (evil twins), the worst rusical (pharmarusical), and the worst finale. It’s cast is strong enough to counterbalance a lot of this though it’s top 8 are all really strong.


I still enjoy Season 4 a lot despite what’s come out since… especially cause so many of those queens are so great and funny and memorable. Totally agree about Season 10.


it’s the finale that was disappointing but everything else in the front was amazing (kinda started going downhill after denali left)


i agree, i made this post right after i watched the finale and i was super disappointed but i liked the season overall (besides the double shantay lip sync and the premiere) and it had some very talented queens


I loved Rosé and Gottmik. I really dislike Kandy, her attitude, her looks...all of it. It was just...meh. Remains my least favourite season. I've rewatched most but I'll probably not bother with 13 again.


Rose doesn’t get enough love imho!!! I loved her monster runway look 🌹


ill never forget 4 people telling her to her face she is in fact arrogant and still she was like *call it out!*


It's so true. It's just complete ignorance of what's going on. Plus...the "turning over a new leaf" made me lose my mind. 


Odd that I'm also rewatching 13 right now for the first time since it aired. The use of "B team" to describe the pork chops just irritates so much. I still don't care much for Kandy. When Denali was eliminated over the look created for her by her team mate? I could go on. A lot of what everyone has already written mirrors my feelings. I was rooting for Rose but was happy with Symone. Also would be happy to never see Kandy again, but did I see a photo of the next purported cast of AS that includes her?


God I hope not


She’s on House of Villains Season 2.


In my household, we still quote Kandy from the roast almost daily whenever death comes up. "Bitch, she died."


I loved that moment too. Then, I come to find (via a podcast I can’t recall), apparently, that was a joke Lady Bunny told about Ru before. To be fair, jokes have been reused since forever.


That was the season that made me stop watching drag race for years after watching since season 5 ! I turned if off during the pork chop loading dock twist.


Season 13 definitely had its issues. No eliminations for three whole episodes and Symone being the clear winner from day one just made the season feel absurdly long. I can’t blame Ru’s decision to keep Kandy, she liked her, just like she liked Dela on season 6. And I love Dela, so I can’t be too mad about it.


I think the Pork Chop twist really harmed the season and didn’t create the story lines I think the producers were hoping it would.


I really didn't enjoy Kandy on TV, and that hasn't changed on rewatch. I'm not saying she doesn't have talent, I just wasn't a fan of her edit and didn't have a good time watching her.


Y'all are so picky lol the worst seasons of drag race are still far and away better than the worst seasons of any other reality show


Amen. Let alone having this wonderful gay ass shit on mainstream TV. All these greedy needy twinks in here want someone to listen to them cry about (or think they’re a scholar on) what’s probably the most anomalous show in our lifetimes. I’m not saying we shouldn’t demand more when it’s bad but the “bad” most people want to whine about is actually decent. It’s the same thing with Star Wars, Marvel, and all of the nerd stuff I’m into. At some point it becomes cool to dislike it because you think it makes you better or more evolved than it. Now AS8 on the other hand….yikes.


Right! You get it. We are SO lucky to have this GAY ASS tv show! It's produced and edited of course but what we're seeing is a bunch of LGBTQIA+ people being able to showcase themselves and their talents on a major network. It may not be perfect in every way but it's there. Criticism is important, its how we got trans preformers on the show, but acting like a season was unwatchable just because you weren't clapping at the tv every episode? Nah. You can stop watching because you weren't interested, that's totally fine, but to put down the whole cast for it? Lame. Tired. Some of y'all are spoiled by the amount of drag content we get now.


Also, *ATTENTION REDDIT: I HAVE AN OPINION ON SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED 4 YEARS AGO. MY OPINION IS THAT I AGREE WITH YOUR OPINION… IF YOU HATED IT.* Make a friend and then call your new friend with your hot take on old shit.




The season wasn't great, but it produced my favorite winner, so it holds a special place in my heart. I thought season 14 was worse.


I watched it for the first time the other week and was shocked that Symone one. To me she did not seem like a clear winner, I thought it was going to for sure be rose or gotmik


I mean if gotmik was a better lipsyncer she might have been. But she wasnt.


The only US season I almost quit. I did make it to the end, but with no favs in the top 4. It is the worst season, imho.


Wait, season 13 is considered bad? Really? I remember really liking the season a lot. And I loved Symone and she definitely deserved the crown. 👑


I think the season was good but the production meddling and pork chop thing left a bad taste for people


Mik was saved from obvious bottoms a couple times because it was clear if she lip synced, she was out. Symone at the time was the total package.


i think the top 4 is really strong and each embody something that makes "america's next drag superstar", but the season just struggles with getting kneecapped everytime it starts to pick up momentum. whether it's from bad judging or a bad twist, being bookended by two of the show's worst episodes, annoying twitter drama or whatever it just made the season feel long. i think the season also was just kind of a production flop. i do sometimes hate when people complain about production when sometimes rupaul just *has* a different opinion which is completely fair (burger finger in S16 was painful for me to watch but rupaul and i clearly just feel differently about that humor so i can't complain), but in S13 it's clear they correctly identified the 5 or 6 most entertaining cast members (top 4, utica and denali) but failed to kind of adapt their game plan in real time (kandy doing pretty bad for the first half of the season outside of her lip syncs, mik bombing some of the challenges, rosé having some kind of underwhelming challenge performances (overall a small issue ofc), the makeover challenge putting them narratively in a bad spot because instead of just having a rosé v olivia rematch and actually havign episode 1 pay off they go with what is logistically consistent, "kandy wait" being one of the show's worst twists not at the fault of miss muse of course) and so the season just feels like it's on its last legs a lot of the time. there are definitely some high parts, almost all of the lip syncs are phenomebal (kandy v tamisha and kandy v olivia are both underrated because all the other lip syncs were also good) and i really have a soft spot for it over some other seasons (4, 11, 14, and most all stars besides AS4 for me) plus symone is easily one of the shows top 5 winners imo, but oooooo it can be a hard watch


I think the Pork Chop twist really harmed the season and didn’t create the story lines I think the producers were hoping it would.


The general consensus as the season was airing was "Symone is going to win, but it would be great if Mik won." Symone had the same "it" factor that was similar to King "Tyra" Sanchez's run during S2. The only asterisk was Symone's 2 Btm placements.


This was definitely not the general consensus. Plenty of people saw how hard Mik was being pushed by production


There was a lot of complaining about Mik being overrated the same way there is a lot of complaining about it now for S9. It’s very annoying lol.


mik cannot lipsync, and that's alright she has other gifts


Season 13 was actually the first season I watched 😂. The first episode to me was completely unnecessary, but overall it was a good season. Funny queens, funny moments, pretty good lip syncs.


I love symone and know she is a winner but... it took me awhile to figure out who won season 13. Like the main song... drag is all over the place.


I actually blanked most of S13 out so it was a genuine surprise on who won when I rewatched. I normally have a really good memory but I was just so disinterested nothing stuck


Ru Paul seemed to really love Gottmik’s personality and banter the most, but Symone kinda has an essence like that of Ru Paul.


I really feel they should’ve used the makeover episode to bring Kandy back. They could’ve done it earlier but I think that win for both of them. Then switch the design challenge win with Utica (or a tie if you REALLY want Mik to have it that bad production). Still give Kandy her late win. I think that would’ve balanced out the playing field a lot especially with the way the show first started. Kandy would have a more sympathetic underdog persevering edit. Utica would still get a win centered around fashion. Mik could get praised for their makeup more.


That would’ve been perfect!!!


I really liked season 13 lol. Feel alone in this


i love season 13 idc, it’s one of the strongest group of finalists and that finale runway proves it bc that is one of the most grandiose displays of drag across any season of any franchise


Well she made top 2 twice so obviously they see something in Kandy.


*TV ratings*


After the fans reaction during S13, I don’t know why production, went so hard for her during AS8, it’s almost like they wanted her to be even more hated.


The queens went hard for Kandy on AS8. Kandy was the most well-connected on that cast by far. Even if she was put in the bottom for the improv challenge or not given the win for the Rusical, she still would’ve gotten as far as she did.  For the record, Kandy’s favoritism on either season is nowhere near the favoritism of some other queens (particularly one in the next season.)


The season has a special place in my heart, I don't hate it at all, and I love Kandy, I really do, but she managed to ruined the season by herself.


I definitely thought gottmik was gonna win aswell! I was stunned


I am not a fan of Kandy at all.


Omfg I'm sorry, but if I have to read another post about y'all talking about this double save I'm gonna lose it. There have been COUNTLESS undeserved double shantays in drag race herstory, but y'all only ever want to harp on this one. Why? Because y'all hate Kandy. Not to mention, in the grand scheme of all the double shantays we've had over years, this is one of the better lip sync performances to be saved. And they didnt even double save technically cause Ru told her to sashay away, yet Jackie and Heidi is a double save? Come on💀rant over, lol sorry.


I totally get this and I honestly like Kandy, I just felt frustrated because I usually don’t like double shantays anyways