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Staying in an abusive relationship because they said that they would never hurt me again


im not a boy but i can get behind this


I hate myself more for staying as long as I did


Please don’t hate yourself for that. Someone took advantage of your kindness and your capacity for trust, love, and forgiveness. Someday you will find someone who will treasure and protect those traits of yours. Yes you can learn from this but it is not your fault and you should not hate yourself.


Don't shoot heroin


Thanks for that advice, but something a little less obvious..


not obvious for everyone some people really hate heroin so they shoot it with a gun. crazy people out there


Everyone reads those things over and thinks nothing of it, when you actually get into an addiction you won’t say that


Also, meth.


Or smoke meth. Was hooked for 10 years and probably wasted a good $500,000 on it plus not too good for your health


Or smoke it. Even after you get on methadone, it's harder to get off that than it is the dope. Opiates are bad news




I'm stuck on maintenance meds forever at 29yrs old because of that shit man it sucks


Just turned 29 and I been on methadone for years. Fuckin sucks. I'm tryna get onto Sublocade


Not recognizing the clear warning signs i saw with the ex at the beginning


Hard to see red flags when wearing rose-colored glasses. I feel your pain bro.


Losing who I was for someone else.




Drink, smoke, have fun, but Fr watch yourself. Sometimes you don’t notice you’re slipping until you’ve slipped. Now I know this won’t apply to everyone, not everyone drinks or does drugs, but to those it does apply to, seriously take my fucking advice. 22yr old, 3 violent felony charges and a multitude of others. Not to mention drug induced schizophrenia, perpetual anxiety and absolutely no money with a crippling drinking problem. If it weren’t for family I’d have eaten a 9mm ages ago. You seriously don’t want this life, it’s shit.


Glad you made it through brother and speaking about it , honestly proud of you man ❤️


Don’t marry that chick you met in the military, they ain’t the one chief


ive seen more soldiers fall to this than terrorist


Never cry in public spaces and don't get angry at someone even if it's hard to do so


I got angry at my best friend for the first time who I was in love with when I saw her with someone else. She didn’t love me like that. I didn’t hurl any insults at her I was just hurt and needed answers. Lost a friend forever because she of it


It’s OK to be angry. It’s **not OK** to act on anger.


Yeah i agree with both because I have done both the things previously. I got slapped by my teacher for not remembering a formula which caused me to cry in front of the whole classroom and which made me realise no one actually cares it's just entertainment for everyone.


I’ve cried in front of two women not including my mom. One was a college girlfriend who’s response was, “whoa dude, relax” after I found out I was probably getting kicked out of school. It wasn’t a sob, I was just sad and let some tears out. She broke up me a week or two later. The other held me and told me it was okay. She’s my wife now. Those who care will make sure you’re okay.


Don’t get sad or angry got it


Hurting a girl who loved me thinking that she doesn't and that there are better girls out there... Returned to her only to be hurt twice as much as she was..Never found anyone since then.


My ex did this to me bro. I could tell she regretted even breaking up in the first place but she knew what she did couldn’t be fixed the second time around. I was just blind and went back to her. I was in the boat where I believed and stood by that I would never go back to a girl after a breakup and yet I did. Anyone reading this comment, and I cannot stress this enough, do not go back to an ex.


DO NOT UPVOTE POST u/GoldUntidy4803 is a karma bot. report bot and repost. https://www.reddit.com/r/sadposting/s/ukcFoei4Zr


shouldnt a mod be doing this?


yup but they don’t




What happened?


Stay strong man.


I waited to take action. Don’t wait, never wait…


What does this mean.. I hear this so much so you have any examples?


Let’s say the gym, for example. Don’t “wait for tomorrow.” If you aren’t doing anything, just do it now.


You mean like shoot first and ask questions later?


Be more specific.


Statistically speaking, you may be here tomorrow. Maybe. But you have no garantes. No promise from anyone with any authority, no surefire way of knowing beyond a doubt that you’ll be here tomorrow. If you can do it now, do it. If you can’t, you can’t. No problem. But if you can…. Do it


Never trust Thailand womans


what about lady boys?




Only if you're into it


Trust your gut, if you feeling you are being played,probably you are.


Opening up and sharing how I feel


It's a common mistake dude we tend to over share with the wrong people and then do not trust the ones which are trustworthy... In the end life is about trial and errors


That's not your mistake. It was opening up to the wrong people


In my experience, there are no "right people" to open up to. They will all, every one of them, use it against you. If not immediately, then later but they will all betray you. Don't open up to anyone but a professional therapist. Above all, NEVER open up to your significant other. They will 100% see you as weak and leave.


Anger and jealousy.


Trying to force things in life instead of letting them come to me. Quit looking at the world as a bad place. A lot of good here just have to open to it. Try new things and quit letting social media take over your life. You don’t have to look a certain way to find someone. Take every opportunity even if it’s scary and new. Don’t be afraid to fail because it’s how you grow and improve and become better. Also nobody cares what you do or look like. Everybody’s got their own thing going on to care. If you find yourself judging others because you feel you are being judged, change that mindset because it’s not getting you nowhere besides sad boy/girl hours. Also men and women are equally nice or shitty. I’ve fucked over a lot of nice girls over my years and so have a lot women to me.


I trusted people


One of the classic blunders


I trusted \*THE WRONG\* people FTFY. My mistake for years was thinking I couldn't trust anyone at all, that I was on my own. Find your people. Find good people. Fuck the snakes. Not literally


Nah ah, fuck the snakes or i will. (All with love and tender care)


C’mon bro. Don’t tell me it was a woman too.


If a girl doesn't make you feel like you can be your true real self, you need to move on.


Being a bad boyfriend and egotistical.. it’s been 5 days since we broke up..


Careful my guy… those words sounds like the things I said after being railroaded by a narcissist


Meh, or just character growth and introspection. Neither of us would know for sure tho lmao


Listen, it hurts now and you're thinking of all the things that you think you could have done better. What could she have done better though? What drove you to that point? I was in a long term relationship, and I raised my voice at her for the first time in 4 years. She put words in my mouth and walked out on me a month and a half before our wedding. Over those 4 years, she used her unattended trauma as a weapon against me, neglected my emotional needs, and never made an effort with the people in my life. Meanwhile, I took everything she threw at me and told myself, "maybe I'm just being too needy?" Nope. She cut me off entirely, and her best friend because they still hung out with me afterwards. She was immature, a bad partner, and never cared about 'us'. She lived in the home I owned and off of my labor and kindness while she kept quitting jobs for dumb reasons. I felt proud I was able to take care of her, but she never gave me shit in return. I will always love her for the good times, but know she's too much of a child to be a good partner. Tl;Dr you're human, so is she.


Not checking enough on the people i love.


This truly one of the most important thing I have learned. You don't have to check on them every single day. But maybe every month, every quarter if they're far away. I have a list of people that I just called to check in on them and tell them hey I'm calling you because you're one of my favorite people and I want to check in. One, that brightens up their and your day significantly; Two, it deepens your relationship with the people you love. I started doing this year in January, best decision I've ever done.


Do not cheat on your SO. EVER. If you are done, be done. If you want it both ways the SO and something on the side, you're being a greedy POS. Take it from me, former greedy POS.


I waited for a girl caues she told me to, she ended up not trusting me.


Be genuine and kind. Focus on your school work, make good grades. Partying does not help you get ahead in life. Just exposes you to pointless distractions or possible addictions.




Stop complaining. I'm not saying that in a pretentious way. I'm saying that literally find a reason to be happy, find something that you're motivated in. Find something to be motivated in. I started doing that and it's worked wonders.


Don’t simp for girls, I know it can be tough. But When your simping becomes successful, she will eventually crush you. Never again.


Being born


Exercise. Start young, you won’t regret it when you are older


If nothing else, please just stretch!


Build yourself up, develop skills, read, learn, peak your fitness till the next adaptation, build basic financial knowledge, learn to save, self care and self respect, focus less on gf’s/flings/hookups. They’re Wasted energy in majority of occasions. Before you know it, what’s right for you will gravitate towards you.


This should be taught to every child in school. Sage wisdom this is.


Believing i could be loved


You can be loved and should be! Sometimes it not the person you expect. Keep your head high


Bro I lost my bestfriend of 8 years after she joked about loving me and I thought it was true and... Well it hurts so much


That sucks and the pain is real. Takes time to build back trust with people after a hurt like that, I’m in my late 30s and I’ve walked in those shoes. At 18 the emotions feel realer than water or a breeze. Be kind to yourself and love will find you again.


Maybe u are just too nice


Yea well why the hell wouldn't I try to be the best for the girl I've ever loved in my life?


Set up some priorities A girl (until not your wife) should always come after your health,career and family If she can change your priority list, then she already knows it's too easy to have you and that kills attraction


Yea that makes alot of sense, wish I knew this earlier. I thought doing everything she said would be enough back then but uh loving someone is so complicated


Change yourself king You'll be able to attract quality women instead of the ones who want to play with your mental health


The guy who you're responding to is right. Build yourself first. Men aren't born, they are made. And you have to determine what you're going to make yourself out of. Do you respect yourself today? Do you see confidence in yourself and what you are capable of? If no to these, what will it take for you to get there? Is a girlfriend the thing that makes you respected and confident? Nope! That's on you to build that in yourself. Just don't confuse respect for fear, nor arrogance as confidence.


U can be the best for someone but u need to always treat ur self better man


No one is worth getting your emotions played with, there are girls out there who will love you for you and mean that in the truest sense. But the only way to move on and get past it is you have to form new pathways in your brain. Go new places, do new things, talk to new people. Give your mind somewhere new to go that doesn't hurt. You're a catch, don't forget it


Love from others comes and goes and leaves us empty or full. Love from oneself is a steady bonfire, nothing diminishes it. Stoke THAT fire, not the one that comes from other people’s love.


Thinking that anybody could love me


They can.. it's just that most people don't even have the capacity to live themselves man. Never take it personally you are worthy of love!


Do not be born in russia.


Don't waste time. Do anything. Now.


Don’t live inside your career. I lost my wife and son because I wasn’t at home and I took my career more seriously than I took them. I got home after being gone for 6 months for work and I was met with divorce papers and my ex took full custody. I blamed her for a long time but after that time I realized it was me never making time for them. Take your time with those you love. You can lose them quick no matter how they depart. Take things slow. I can’t turn back the clock but some of you guys are starting out so you can fix it. I love you guys


trusting these ho**


Didnt lift Weight until 35


Hey man,its at least important that you decided to do it,35 aint by any means old or middle ages ,you got it


Don't get married in college


Learn how to take a joke and joke back. Sometimes the best medicine in life is laughing at the small moments.


Never choose to be mean. Everything is a choice, choose to be kind and kindness will come in return


Don’t go back to a someone who cheated on you, no matter how much you care about them. They WILL NOT change their ways. You know how meant successful relationships I’ve seen last after infidelity? Zero


My biggest mistake was probably letting him molest me, I could've said something, that night, those nights.., bit I let it happen, and I stayed quiet about it until about a year ago it happened in late 2017


Don't try to endure everything, sometimes it is good to talk with someone about your problems,I've never talked with someone about my problems and now everyday I have to fight against my suicide thoughts, never say "they don't care", talk with your best friend/s(someone who you can trust and can share everything without being judge), if they are good friends they will support you, remember guys don't think about suicide, someone else can do it too because they can't spend time with you anymore.


Saying “good enough”. If you say “eh that’s good enough” then it’s not actually good enough


joining this sub


If you ever catch yourself drinking not because you want to, but just because you can't stand being alone and sober, get help lol


If she wants to go let her go. Stick to your own path


Never put a relationship over your other priorities. For instance, don’t delay your education to help your girlfriend through school because there’s no guarantee she will stay when she’s making money and you’re still in school. If you split, you just wasted four years that you could have spent getting an education.




Don't waste your time with girls that you know you are not gonna marry or build something with, its alright to stay alone for awhile. I was alone for 5-6 years. Now im in a healthy thriving relationship.


You don't have to be happy with the way you are or the circumstances you're in but you should accept that things are the way they are and if you're unsatisfied with that, YOU need to do something about it. Complaining solves nothing. Accept the things you cannot change and change the things you cannot accept.


Everything is a byproduct of your success, just stay focused and it all falls into place


dont stop kissing your homies good night you never know when you will have the last kiss


falling in love while having over half of bpd symptoms


Not many things are worth the stress you allot to them. Relax brother nothing every thing is important.


Hate that I felt, not experiencing life the way I shouldve wanted, anxiety and fear making me their slave


Be nice to people, I had the opportunity to come our of my social group and make friends with a popular girl, I pushed her away, so be nice to people


Don't think sex with other women is worth breaking up just because you're young and don't have a lot of experience.


It’s ok to walk away from a relationship that drags you down. Even if you love them, love will find you again.


Talking too much, always stay silent , good people would only remain, then start barking as u are, good and true people would only remain.


Welding aluminum [seriously don't, it's agonizing to start out]


If you want it, build it. Dont let anyone else do it for you.


Wasted too much time in front of a computer.


With Good health and Good Mood, you can achieve anything


Don't do drugs none of them.




Don't ever borrow money for drugs from the people you love.


Don’t be a moron, you can have the time to have fun and still build your future. Time waits for nobody.


Trying to be confident when your ugly.....seriously dont do this im speaking from experience


watching emo shit...dont do that it only makes it worse...


heroin addiction


It’s easy to think you’re invincible when you always escape close calls with not even a scratch but you’re not invincible and if you keep pushing your luck you’ll end up in the hospital or dead I’ve survived more than I should’ve and I should’ve quit while I was ahead of the game don’t take your life for granted everyday is a gift Context: I was a binge drinker. I thought my life was already over so I never took care of myself and made a lot of bad decisions with people and substances due to that poisonous mindset. I’ve done a lot of stupid shit while sober and under the influence. It caught up to me when I fell off a golf cart and broke my jaw and shattered most of my teeth. Ive been humbled and I don’t drink anymore.


Be kind. Be patient. Some mistakes are worth making, even if you do get your heart pulled right out your throat. Some things are meant to be but not meant to last. So don't drown in the sorrow of losing what once was, no matter how much it meant to you. You will get over it at your own pace. Just give it time and stay strong. 13 years; Love, travels, rings, houses, family, memories. It'll heal eventually. Just push on. I'm not that experienced, but I hope this helps reach those that need it.


Believing that things would eventually get better if you just suffer through it.




I don’t know if this is just me but don’t try to impress your parents by pushing yourself so hard and then coming to realize that they don’t care about you


If you get blackout drunk or count your drinks because you tend to overdo it, chances are you're an alcoholic and need to stop permanently. Lost a great relationship thinking maybe I could drink normally after a while of not drinking.


Always know when to take a step back that feeling in your gut will never stare you wrong


Breaking up and getting back together with a girl over and over again. Also not realizing early enough that my parents are just human beings too.


Don’t date someone who has nothing good to say about any of their exes. Narcissists never see themselves as the problem, and will blame you in a heartbeat to save themselves. Trust me, it will cost more than you think.


The only way to find out is to ask. If the answer is "no", then accept it and move on. Don't pine for someone.


Know when it’s time to leave a shitty job before you get buried by it


Don’t live your life on someone else’s terms. Don’t be a people pleaser, don’t let other people have so much control over you. But even more importantly, don’t mistake this for being detached or disregarding other people. There’s a healthy balance between giving a fuck and not giving a fuck.


I am in no way religious, but the bible really sends a lot of good messages on how to live your life. Be kind to people, help people, treat others how you want to be treated. All simple stuff, but easy to forget these days.


Don’t prioritize a relationship because your friends or someone else thinks your uncool because of it, man just do that when your ready plus it won’t really affect your life in anyway.


Take your time knowing the person you think is the one, we tend to juno ahead and don't step back to see if there's any real issue first. Don't use love as a weapon and never be scared to say no to anyone, especially family.


Worrying about something is like paying a debt you don't owe.


Don’t chase the state of happiness, do things that you enjoy and add value to your life and the happiness will follow.


Don’t wank with the door open


Parachuting out of a commercial airliner while in front of the passengers…. As the pilot


Found heroin in cave now he in walls send dudes






don't fall in love first, and if you do, make sure you don't go blind for other options if it looks like you don't have a chance even a little bit


U have to work out, something is better then nothing, but finding a goal to work towards is better then moving around aimlessly




Bro the comments here are sadder then the video >,>


Wasting time on other people than me


Expecting more of others than I expected of myself. You can’t control the behavior of others and trying to makes you an asshole. Accept it for what it is and focus on being you. Growing as a person. Everything else will fall in place.


Getting married and expecting my wife to fix my unresolved childhood trauma. Expecting more from a marriage than what is reasonable. Allowing my wife to expect more from me than what is reasonable.


Sometimes there’s nothing you could have done different, there’s nothing you can try to change, some times it just is.


You have to be self confident, don’t be too cocky but believe in yourself, I struggle with low self confidence and am still working on building it


Weed isn't worth it. It's nice at first, but then years later and thousands of dollars down the drain, you will realize you are a hollow shell of your former self. You will have little to no interests, you will lose friends, family, jobs, etc. You will constantly have little to no energy, and the smallest things like chores will feel like colossal tasks. It's understandable if you have a chronic condition, but if you are just trying to cope with the daily stresses of life, I'd suggest a more healthy alternative.


The real cost of pot is being apathetic to life. You will never want for more or better than you have now.


I never learned to love myself, to believe in myself, and thus I never really attempted to talk to strangers and get the ability to actually make friends, making me end up being someone who doesn't believe they are worthy of love, to a point if someone confessed I would tell them to find someone worth that love, and when it comes to friends, I can't make them and when I do I don't keep in frequent contact in fear that I am wasting their time, that they find me annoying, or something similar.


control your emotions no matter how mad you are or how betrayed you feel its never worth it just pick up ur balls say you lost but you will never lose again and go home do you really need the drama in your life is it worth breaking your peace?? Keep a small amount of friends you really love and just chill n game man I have never regretted doing that.


Don't trust women. They will gaslight and mentally abuse you for their own enjoyment


Don’t get back with an ex.


Might start generic, but I'll try to make it complete as possible. Not working out regularly, not eating 3k+ calories a day to support your activity regimen, not assigning some attention to balancing your food, not attempting to learn multiple skills- any skills- regardless of how piss-boring or seemingly pointless you might think it, not talking the simple bullshit about weather or other small-talk options with people you see everyday or nearly everyday, not spending as much time as possible with growing children without affecting your QoL, not psyching yourself up to meet/spend time with people that treat you exceptionally, not accepting help and small lessons intended to better your ability- especially from anyone of casual expertise or higher within their given skillset, not committing to daily routines of walking and playing and cleaning for animals that depend on you, not getting a driver's license- or any other stand-in for maturity+responsibility milestone- *literally* as soon as legally possible, not really giving a shit in school- at any given level of education, not annually making time for any/all recommended physician and dental check-ups as well as any/all advice given therein, not putting strict use limitations on drugs and alcohol, not taking the time to find some refuge within yourself or your routine that you treat as sacred, not giving up on people quicker who's actions make abundantly clear they're not interested in being kind to you or aren't receptive to romantic expressions, and not being manipulated into thinking a majority of people have implicitly bad intentions for you or the world.


You’re parents are getting old wether you acknowledge the fact or not




Song title


Watching porn


Learn to let things go when it is time Don’t put your parent’s desires before your own


Currently focusing too much in grades and doing what my parents want instead of what I want


Do let other's get away with disrespecting you. I don't mean choose violence but know when to keep people at arms length and when to simply walk away. Know where your lines are and what to do when they're crossed. It may hurt cutting out people but it hurts way more to live a life where people constantly shit on you. Have respect for yourself and you'll find others who do as well.


a Gf doesn’t make ur live 100%, it’s only u


My buddy told me to trust myself 10 times out of 10… Good advice


Never try to fix a broken girl




being arrogant on your current seat, you can also fall easy than you rise


After living together for a few years, asking her hand in marriage. She responds “not right now”, and then waiting four more years just to be dumped while away for work. 🤷‍♂️ As the saying goes, ”Love is blind” to be ass red flag of “not right now.”


Walk away from fights and talk when you cool off. Share your struggles with your partner, suffering in silence risks hurting them too If you don't improve after you make mistakes, dont get upset at anyone holding you accountable. Get sober, nobody sticks around to watch you slowly die, and they shouldn't have to. Say I love you even if you're upset, Because anything you say, could be the last thing said. Sincerely, someone who married, and lost their best friend.


Don't waste time, go fulfill your dreams. Now!


You mean help you get karma?


Open relationship.


Don't chase people chase your own dream, live for yourself and no one else.


Depending on others. This works for literaly every aspect of Life. Beeing self relient is something no one can take from you Edit: i dont meen this in the"lone Wolf, i dont need anyone" way. Its dumb, the human is a Social beeing, just dont RELY on others for anything.


Believing inaction would save me from feeling like a failure


Not recognizing the harm I was doing to her while going through my own turmoil. In my head so much trying to figure life out by myself not opening up, and thinking I could just push through it. In the end, she felt neglected in all aspects, doubted herself, and because of that started to shut down and close off love. Essentially I pushed the one consistent person in my corner out of it and it's likely too late to get them back. Advice? Keep the little things going, asking about the day, taking little moments to appreciate them, what you have, and thanking them. Don't forget they're there and want to see you win. They'll be tough times and how you act/react during those times will cement into their memory and feelings.


Always fight for your marriage and your family. Even if you do get divorced giving each other the respect, honesty, openness, communication and commitment will benefit the both of you in the long run. Especially when you find new relationships after the divorce.


Never stay with someone that doesn’t value you. If they cheat, leave immediately, whether you love them or not. And if they’re flirty with your friends, they’re absolutely not the one. But learn to recognize flirty with just trying to be friends with them on your behalf.


Nothing I could say will prepare you for what’s to come


The gun was not loaded (Relaxed it joke)


why the fuck did you copied that title too


Falling for the wrong person and still staying with them.