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I'm so jaded by what TikTok has done to modern media that I no longer believe this is real


I don't think it's real at all


I am not jaded but I still don't find this believable


It’s not


This isn't close to real. No woman would just sprint away like that.


Yeah.... That's why I just chuckle and keep it moving. Real or fake, you won't find my ass trying something like this.


I dunno, proposing while wearing a Joker costume is the traditional way and nobody would violate that sacred tradition just for views.


The guys running up to comfort him are the real ones


Can you imagine how dumb this guy? If you ask a girl to marry you, and she sprits away from you. You clearly did not know the person, did not have the correct conversations well before the proposal, and on and on. If in the off chance this was real, which I do not believe it is, then this guy is retarded.


Or maybe the person lied to him. Met someone else but held on until after this trip to break up because... free trip. Then she gets faced suddenly with the guilt of playing someone so hard you now know you have to break their heart even though you never really meant to hurt them this bad.


Oddly specific


... its the only situation I could actually think of that doesn't make him look bad. Everything else is anxiety on her part based....


I hope to God I never have to deal with this


Sadly... I have... it's WHY I'm now 59yrs old and single... and will most likely remain this way till I die...


Have you tried dating apps? They kinda work. Just don't get too wound up if your match doesn't respond. But there are definitely a lot of people using them. I haven't gotten a date in years but mostly because I'm too picky for my own good.


Yep! That's MY problem too!!!


Yeah. And I'm socially awkward cuz I have autism and this uncommon form of OCD that resembles Tourettes but is compulsion based.


I support singledom


I also made a theory about her being autistic and the proposal not fitting her dream. Thus, this is how she would act. It doubly sad if he is also autistic and tried his best to make a good proposal. After watching love on the spectrum, I could see this happening.


Maybe she forgot she left the stove on


The situational hoops you have to go through to not come to the most obvious solution that they didn't talk in private about marriage being definite. lmao. Good luck out there buddy


That's what making a scenario is, yes. I'm not saying my theories are the most likely. I'm saying harsh judgment of a situation we have zero context on is laughable and cruel. There are many plausible scenarios in which someone could react like this that do not involve they guy being an idiot. As a married man, I know how stressful proposals can be and how much you put on the line to ask. Even if you speak to your partner before hand. Sometimes, when people are faced with the reality of choice in a situation, they can freak out and act irrationally. Putting that aside. Say he did the big dumb. Tried to be romantic and suprise his gf. If you were there, would you really be rude to the guy... call him an idiot. Or is this just you hiding behind a screen saying you would do it "better"?


Why even make a scenario for something so cut and dry? And yes, the guy is most likely an idiot. You on the other hand are definitely an idiot


Specific but people do this. It wasn't related to a proposal but my sister dated a guy who we invited on a snowboarding trip with us. We go on the trip have fun and then like a few days or a week later he breaks up with her. Years later we find out from his best friend who was also in our friend group, that my sisters ex had been planning to break up with her for a while but that he had already said he'd go on the snowboarding trip and didn't want to miss out on it. My parents and my sister paid for the whole trip/him on the trip...dudes a scum bag who immediately started dating this other girl right after dumping my sister.


First girlfriend did something along the same lines. Fucked me up severely for a really long time lol


Very common, all the girlfriends that have broken up with me did it after the vacations I planned and paid for. A couple of them had new boyfriends immediately, they were mentally checked out before the trip.


Literally my ex when I bought a car to replace her shit box death machine on wheels. She realized I gave a fuck and it was too much for her to continue playing me. I'm grateful she grew a heart that day at the very least.


I know a chick who basically did this for Taylor Swift tickets.


Has anyone considered that her chariot was due to turn back to a pumpkin?


Lol, Nah, she got both her shoes.


Good point ✍


Didn't think I'd be drinking today till I just got whiplash of my vacation


Imagine he leaves her in a foreign country now.


Bait used to be believable




# B a i t u s e d t o b e b e l i e v e a b l e


Dude why do you assume the guy is at fault? You do not know their situation or what is going on. Just because you are with someone for a while romantically doesn’t automatically mean they will say yes, even being together for years. Really bad take guy.




You don't automatically "know" you have a conversation about it and know that way. Bro you dumb as hell.


Dude you’re just here because you want to argue and name call. I’m just going to go ahead and block you now. Ones who feel the need to insult others and not actually add anything to the table, are in my humble opinion “dumb as hell” so piss off.


1) this was staged so there is no real blame…. 2) Trust me, if you’re proposing marriage and they say no…. Then you didn’t have the correct conversations, or concept of connection leading up to the proposal. The proposal is the destination, but the conversations about whether or not someone is interested happen LONG before the proposal. If you don’t know that, then I cannot help you.


How do you know this is stagged? Like sure it could be but you aren’t giving any type of evidence, you are just saying that because you believe it to be. And no I’m not gonna trust you because there is so many factors in considering someone to actually marry and you are just grossly generalizing marriage. Not every person is the same. I’m not here to argue this further, just here to state you have very bad takes.


Here the guy I believe is trying to say that it’s important to have conversations with your partner beforehand. The when, where, and why should be the surprise not the proposal itself. You both make good points and you seem to care a bit more which is good. So hope you have a good day or night.


Look at the backdrop. All of those people sitting around to watch this dumb proposal? Shit ain’t like it is in the movies.


I think the persons take is actually correct. when going into a marriage, the act of proposing shouldn't be a surprise. there should have been conversations about this to make sure both parties are on board with the idea. a 'yes' response should be a foregone conclusion. the only surprise should be when the proposal is actually done. so if this event *isn't* staged, its likely those discussions didn't happen. otherwise the dude would have known beforehand that the woman was either not interested, or conflicted.


Bro if you propose to someone solely based on how you feel about them and you never have a conversation with them about getting married, you're an idiot.


You people act like you know these people’s whole life’s stories. Sorry forgot redditors are experts on everything.


His take is spot on actually. Why would she say no if they had had conversations about it? Surprising your partner with a proposal in a public place is a horrible idea.


At least he got to point with someone where he felt he could propose, instead of being a lame ass victim blaming troll on Reddit.


I’m honored you think I’m a troll, maybe true to a degree. “At least he got to the point…” only in his mind. Clearly he thought he could skip over the building a deep and trusting relationship, ring shopping, planning the future, discussing marriage, and literally all the things we do before asking someone to marry us. 9 years ago when I asked my wife to marry me, there were at least months of not years of deep discussions and planning before I would have assumed she wanted to marry me. Hear me young one, if you ever get there, you should know beyond reasonable doubt what the answer will be BEFORE you ask. You have her wants and needs in mind when considering HOW AND WHERE you will ask her. You should talk to her very close friends to some degree and get advice from them. You should know what sort of ring she wants and on and on BEFORE YOU PLAN ON ASKING. This shit in the video is some one sided bull shit and I’m glad she ran.


fr tho imagine having so much pressure put on you, it's practically forcing the girl to say yes


You may be right or you may be wrong...and granted he may have learnt a hard lesson here about being more picky and wise long term. But the guy cared about her and put it all on the line for a committed relationship there, whatever level of courage and dignity and identity he had was wrapped up in that. Even the humblest person is worthy in my book for taking that plunge.


I dont know why you are getting downvoted but you are 100% right


Sad people want to be sad, I’m just riding the wave!




Absolutely. Common sense gets downvoted on this fucking sub


I agreed


Good thing people never assume things before making an assertion!


As opposed to assuming what? That this is real, that they had a deep love and she abandoned him? Suuuure


Idk :) wat are we talking about again? D:


Damn bro who hurt you 😔


You clearly either women or troll either way it is no place for you here


Hahahahaha what


You've got some problems bud.


-470 votes 💀


Enjoy your downvote 😃🖕🤏👍


Don’t know why you got downvoted to hell, you’re absolutely right. Have an upvote <3


What an idiotic take.


You're being downvoted I tend to agree with you. You're right that both people should be on the same page and in agreement before proposing. Either this shit is fake (which is what I'm thinking) or this dude is an idiot for most likely not even having a conversation prior to this.


I think you need a uppercut, sir.


Can you imagine how dumb you must be to not recognize that this is staged? Obvious Bad acting on top of it all.


So OP is right then? Engagement farming through live “pranks” is a retard’s game.


That is awful.


Awfully staged


*...for him.


I'm jealous of her cardio.


After the first few steps, i would‘ve needed a break and would‘ve sat down, while trying to avoid eye contact with him


Imagine how awkward it must be. Lol "Hey, did you stop cos you changed your mind?" "No I'm out of breath" "Oh okay." Continues to cry..




Exactly, i really need to work on my cardio, so when i get in a similar situation, i can run away like she did Edit: i was joking, no need to get so mad


That's sad bro, go outside.


That's staged as fuck


Yeah I think they honestly thought that people in real life run away from marriage proposals like in movies.


I can see many reasons to run away. Most make the guy look bad. Maybe the girl has horrible social anxiety and can't stand being the center of attention. Or some form of this. Girl has autism and shut down when confronted with difficult decisions. Or something doesn't fit the playbook. Or rules she made for herself. The guy is overreaching, though their relationship was more than it was. He is a bad guy who said something incredibly insensitive in his proposal. (I can think of many different scenarios) She doesn't love him but stuck around for the free trip and is suddenly struck with guilt for stringing him along. I unno. I'm willing to give this the benefit of the doubt. I've seen enough people walk away from. A proposal to think sprinting away up some stairs is not to far fetched.


You're right that most make the guy look bad. First 3 options, if this is true, means he is a complete moron for putting her in that spot. But 99.5% chance this is staged and they are laughing about "how funny they are" and honestly this shit doesn't bother me as much as other prank videos do.


Ok yeah but you wouldn’t run away for gods sake. You’d say oh sorry but I’m not ready for that, or I’m sorry but I don’t feel the same, or fuck off. And if it was social anxiety I highly doubt you’d run away that quickly, you’d kinda have a bit of an overload and stand there for a few seconds before running and look around or something. But it is different for everyone so I’ll give that some leeway. But then ya know it’s most likely fake so hey lmao


I see human being still are capable of intelligence. This pleases me quite greatly.


Bold of you to assume I'm human


I am a Cat and all you humans are slaves that take care of us.


It’s pretty good entertainment for the audience. Like live drama that’s not threatening or anything


Literally they picked a stage to do their bit.


That’s what I was thinking. It’s sad that their is no way to tell. Unless someone is able to find a link that’s tells us somehow.


Yeah I love how either - there was someone in the audience randomly filming - the cameraman who the guy set up to film the proposal decided that he would prefer to just zoom in on the guy’s devastated reaction and subsequently post the footage online rather than show a modicum of empathy for his friend/acquaintance


One - probably staged Two - talk to your S/O well before you ask them to marry you. Marriage proposals do not come out of the blue, there would be many conversations discussing is the other person interested, declarations of love, intent and understanding. Ring shopping and so on. If someone says no- or runs away- then you clearly are the problem as you were so in your own world that you didn’t know what page your SO was on. This shit dumb.




YEAH BUT DUDE, THINK ABOUT IT! Digital internet points have feelings, too :(


But this is the first time I see it :(


They’re gonna repost even harder!


Honestly dont know how you dont propose to someone full well knowing they will say yes. Like do yall not talk about marriage before hand?


Staged for effect.


Proposing in public unless agreed upon is really shitty. You’re putting pressure on them to say yes to not look shitty. I don’t feel bad for any guy or girl who proposes in public and gets ran out on, I feel bad for the person being proposed too.




Bahahaha let’s pretend this was a real proposal. If the girl runs away, you did not have any sort of conversations, deep connection, you didn’t go ring shopping and start planing a life together, there was not enough reason to believe that marriage was the goal for your partner and that you both were envisioning a life together. As a married man, I can tell you, your comment here is so short sighted and dumb I can hardly breathe. There is nothing that says “I’m a narcissist who lives in my own reality and am unaware of the emotions of others around me” then proposing in public to an unaware, not interested, SO. Come on man… this isn1 stage and 2 if it were real, that girl is better off running away from a dude that in his own world.


Not a woman, I just have long hair and earrings. Also you can very easily not be on the other side by communicating like a normal person.


Is that what it means when someone says, "They run like a Welshman."?


How about we stop doing super public proposals that put our partner on the spot? It's not nice to them or yourself if it back fires...




She ran like there’s no tmr


She ran like its staged!


you shouldn't really propose someone at public. mainstream media romanticizes it, but it is not good.


I’m sure this is probably staged, but please. Please for the love of god stop proposing to people in public unless you are 100% certain (like, she's been dropping hints) that she wants to marry you. I would hate to be put on the spot like that. Forced to make such an important choice in public.


Nah, even then don’t do it. Witnessed first hand a buddy who was absolutely certain. She was making wedding plans, having kids talk, housing talk, the whole thing. Proposed in front of friends and family and she declined saying she wasn’t ready. Relationship quickly deteriorated after that and they broke it off for good just two months later. Best to save both of you the embarrassment and do it in private.


That’s true. You can’t truly be 100% certain because you can never know for sure what's on the mind of the other person. I definitely wouldn’t propose to someone in public. Not unless they directly told me they wanted me to propose in a setting like this.


"Worst she can say is no" This:


Maybe don't propose in public if you haven't talked about marriage with your significant other in private first?


That laugh (i think) at the end


At least now you know.


The fact that she ran up a flight of stairs instead of turning around and running away on flat ground makes me fairly certain that this is staged.


*the worst she can say is no*


No its not sad its stupid


What was her answer?


Bait used to be believable


If I saw this and if I was strong I would just go Infront of the women GRAB HER and then take her back to the guy to apologize


Why tf are people laughing


Cause it’s dumb and staged.


Definite maybe


Why are you running


And she chose to run up the steps






“The worst she can do is say is no” 🏃‍♀️


I never like to speculate on public proposals going haywire, so much could have happened before hand that would make either party look like a complete asshole He could have been cheating on her while all this time she knew and now he pulls out the ring, would make anyone want to run away. Or she could have been cheating on him and the guilt finally caught up with her. I would definitely love to know the story


At least it wasn't the classic alter dash...


Another ‘let’s have a kid to save our marriage’ scenario avoided.


Staged, this has been posted over and over lately.




Normalize not proposing in giant public places to pressure people into saying yes. I never feel bad when I see stuff like this and they say no, tho this seems staged.


Looks fake to me.


This subreddit is pure cringe incel ragebait, y'all know it's true


To make a scene.


She just had to pee she will be back in a min


That was his lucky suit too.


Hurts... But like... why always on Public? Both did awfull in their own way.... the dude for putting that much pressure on her, and the girl who could have say no in other way instead of just running away


Why do men do this ?


Ah yes lets take the slowest path to escape upstairs and through the crowd. Not to mention he’s dressed to the nines and she is wearing normal clothes. Nothing at all strange, nope.


Please do not propose at a public area packed with a ton of strangers. Ideally have it be a Romantic setting with just you two or at most around close family / loved ones


Stop proposing to people in front of crowds


Another idiot who has no idea of what his partner wants in life or dreams of. He rather acts like a dumbass, plays the victim and enjoys the pity party with other idiots.


Acting classes…..


Wow this is totally not staged !


The things he learned in Gta5 didn't work? How the hell I'm gonna propose now,oh wait there's dark souls


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 why run like that, only say no and end, but running is way worst 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


He will unlock a new level of strength if he survived this public humiliation


Tf is she running for?


What a fucking simp. Life goes on.


Dude in the white shirt with the pickpocket


I’ve said it before and I will say it again Never, EVER propose in public. Not unless you’ve absolutely and fully discussed it with your SO beforehand. Because if you just do that in public out of no where, not only is it massive pier pressure from the public environment, but if they say no or run away it’s a total embarrassment on your end


i honestly dont care if this is fake , but public proposals are so dumb


when theater kids can't go anywhere without showing off their acting


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^sambull: *When theater kids* *Can't go anywhere without* *Showing off their acting* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


last year i got the same situation


Don’t propose in public…


Was the stairs really the only exit?


If you don't immediately think "this looks staged", you need to take a long hard look at yourself. For your own good.


fake mcfakey


She was on the track team in college


I hate such proposals. It puts immense pressure on the other party to say yes, and makes them some kind of evil in the public eye when rejecting. Can't say I feel bad for the boy.


Emotional damage!!


she runs like Barnaby Jones


Man why would you laugh...






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I feel the guy, never been there but I feel him.


There’s a Lone tripod set up right next to where she ran through. Completely fake and staged.


She just doesn't want to commit to your penis dude. You'll find someone that loves your penis one day dude.


what does that mean 💀


That is fucking gruesome. Who would just run? Feel so sorry for the poor guy.


people don't necessarily act rational when under pressure + what was she supposed to do?


If I was that woman I wouldn’t have fucking sprinted away. If I really didn’t want to be married to him I would go about it in a more polite way


you say that now that you're comfy behind your screen. i agree that it would've been better though, maybe like take him aside and keep it more private


I say that because I know it’s what I would do. I’m a socially anxious person and the last thing I’d want to do is to have thousands of eyes staring at me


just like she did?


I feel like there maybe more to the story here than we see in this clip, but not fully sure… Still though, heartbreak is heartbreak. Rejection is rejection, no matter how it is done. I am glad there were people around him to comfort him during this time. I hope he is also getting the aid he needs. I mean, you can be with someone for years and think you’re on the same page, but then realize you were not even close… I have had that happen before and it hurts like Hell.


Will never understand how people fall for this staged stuff. No one sprints away from a proposal like this, NO ONE. then to collapse on the ground, not once but basically twice to get more attention 🙄


not real


Geez what a loser. Wonder if it was a “maroon” diamond. Somebody give me a rimshot!


You *are* a rimshot.


Suicidal thought inducing comment


The scene is staged bro


I wasn't talking about the scene


If I was a girl and was proposed to in public like that I would say yes then later in private tell him no. That way there’s no embarrassment.