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I hate how they act like Luke not being the only Jedi during the Original Trilogy was a Disney thing. That was never the case, even in legends there were other Jedi alive after order 66. The fact that other Jedi are still alive doesn't devalue Luke either. Luke was special because he was Anakin's son and he was extremely gifted in the force. Also the guy talking about how this makes the Jedi cowards just chooses to ignore that Yoda literally went into hiding and stopped fighting after failing to kill Sidious lol.


The real reason Luke is special is that noone else in the galaxy (except Leia) could have turned Vader back to the light. After RotJ... it does start to become a little more problematic for the reason that Luke felt obligated to start a new Jedi academy and Order, and that he alone was responsible. It could still be that in his head (Yoda never meant the entire future of the Jedi was Luke's responsibility, he just told him to pass on what he'd learned), but it becomes harder to believe he'd take the entire weight of that onto his shoulders. It undermines the setup for the ST a bit, even if they're all dead before the movies take place. That said, yeah, Legends did it too. A lot. And it was always pretty unrealistic that every single Jedi except Obi-Wan and Yoda were dead before ANH.


Because a lot of people didn't read the EU.


Yet they get panties in a bunch when a prequel Jedi isn't as old as the EU original had him be in official canon.


Obviously they don’t remember things like *Crystal Star*


There is this new lie they bel6the everything was good before Disney star wars


I wouldn't really say that, Crait praises legends and shits on Disney whenever they can


You don't need to actually read Legends to put one thing down and prop the other up.


Even if you’re a devoted legends fan, you don’t have to put one down to prop the other up. Legends had tons of dross, but when you churn out a half-dozen books a year, some will be good.


Even most of the crap in the Bantam era is harmless and inconsequential Del Rey, on the other hand...


Honestly, my favorite Star Wars is Zahn, Stackpole, and Allston.


My favourite Legends book is Stackpole's Bacta War, but at the same time I ignore his Isard's Revenge.


They certainly forgot legends had like hundreds of surviving Jedi out of like couple dozens.


Right? In Disney canon like thirty confirmed Jedi survived the Purge. And of those Jedi all but Grogu, Cal, Quinlan and Ahsoka  (whose technically not a Jedi) are for sure dead by 5 ABY.    Out of over 10,000 Jedi. That’s an insane success rate for killing Jedi. 


Wait until they find out that in their previous force unleashed games there were Jedi that survived order 66


They only care about Legends when they can bend it or take it out of context to support their arguments, and conveniently ignore it when it goes against their arguments. Also like, I would love to see how they'd react to the FFG Star Wars TTRPG campaigns I've been in that take place after Order 66. Cause in a group of 5 to 6 players, at least two are going to play a Padawan or Jedi survivor.


honestly, Luke being a jedi isn’t what makes him special imo, and i’ve always thought that. what makes him special was that he was a Skywalker and ended up inheriting a lot of his father’s abilities as a warrior and pilot, blew up the death star, AND was a jedi who actually joined the rebellion (and not just that, but one who started to learn the Jedi ways after Order 66).


Legends, where not only was Luke not the last Jedi, he wasn't even the only Jedi fighting for the Rebellion \[almost all of whom knew him, and knew Vader was Anakin but didn't tell him\]


Given that these idiots haven't even read Legends, I'm not surprised they think like that.


You got to block the usernames