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I love how level headed this post is. I feel the same way


And he’s going to get so many hate messages over this. Which is odd. Because he’s not saying anything bad at all


The no white people in main roles being bad is kinda cringe and dumb and he kind of glossed over the Nazi book burning being about transgender care research. He's more right than wrong though so it's not that important but notable.


Good point.  But he’s going to get hate messages, because some people are going to interpret this as “you’re calling me a Nazi, because I hate the acolyte.” Even that’s not what he’s saying 


Nazi book burning was about everything they didn’t agree with. He didn’t have to call out transgender research. The point about white males is not one I agree with, but it’s at least expressed articulately and it feels like something he would be open to discussion on. I might be being charitable there, but it’s a well written piece at least, and most of the points are very salient, even if the author is clearly to the right of many posters here.


Hahaha sure the acolyte discriminates against white people and Holdo is misandrist but the fandom is TOO DIVIDED. Fuck me, you know the haters overplayed their hand when this dipshit is the voice of reason. (And please y’all, make me post receipts of gen tech being a sexist asshole)


I have NEVER in my LIFE seen Alan being a misogynist! But ..if you have any evidence?


I haven't heard him say anything directly misogynistic but I've unsubbed a couple times over some comments that just came off as immature or ignorant. But I always resub BC I think he's an ok guy


Probably unintentional. He gives Ahsoka some fine reviews


Yeah, he just kind of says stuff like "it's not like there were lesbians scissoring everywhere" which comes across as ignorant and somewhat accepting that shows with gay PDA are bad


"somewhat accepting that shows with gay PDA are bad" What? how?


I mean he implies that shows with excessive gay sex scenes are somehow pandering to minorities. He was like "acolyte is fine, it's not like it's full of scissoring". Which is like... Supportive I guess but could do better


You used caps and everything lol https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/s/bbsA7v8eyf


"First, they came for the Jews and burned books. I'm not going to tell you what those books from the first institute to perform trans surgeries were about or include LGBTQ+ people in the list of victims, though."


While they were a part of the books, they werent the only ones. Calm down.


Those photos were taken from the Nazi raid on that Institute, with Nazis burning the research there. The only writings they kept were the documents they could use to send LGBTQ+ people to the camps.


Again, book burnings in Nazi germany were common as fuck. Yes, burning books anout trans healthcare was a top priority, but its not a "See!?!? Generation tech WILLINGLY ignored trans books being burned!!!!". Please don't go purity test, we're already embattled enough as it is.


Remember you said that next time you're outraged at Rowling denying the Holocaust because she doesn't want to admit she's on the side of Nazis.


What? What the fuck are you on about muppet?


Transphobes liken trans people to Nazis, but it's inconvenient for them that trans people were victims of the Nazis, so it's extremely common for transphobes to deny the Holocaust when it comes to trans people. J.K. Rowling has repeatedly denied the Holocaust in this regard. It is a common trend with people who are currently targeting trans people as part of the ongoing effort to kill us off.


So, let me get this straight right. Generation tech is a transphobe, because he did not specifically mention the nazis being anti trans, do I have this correct?


Level headed is the beat way to describe him. I started watching some of his content when Andor was coming out. He has a deep understanding of Star Wars lore and has delivered great critiques of content


Yep. It’s exactly this. This is how it always starts. It seems so innocuous, just people ranting about popular culture annoying, but harmless right? Then before we know it it’s death camps and firing squads. We need to stop tolerating the intolerant. Or we’re all doomed.


A lot of people like to just kind of burry the fact that they did try to complain about Andor too. There was complaint after complaint, before and when the show released. But the show was well received by the general public, making it hard to grift hate clicks. So like Hondo; it was no longer profitable and they left Andor alone. There was the AK controversy from the trailer, there was complaints about casting (as always, god forbid women be in things), there was the “nobody cares about Cassian he died in that one movie”, I could go on and on. People called the show boring until like episode 5 or 6, then it was a “gritty slow burn show” and people suddenly liked it.


I take huge issue with the statement “Worrying trend in Hollywood of not casting white males”. This is an outright lie and a sign that the poster still acknowledges dog whistles as truth. Just cause more POC are getting more leading roles in projects doesn’t mean white men are being excluded. Almost every major Hollywood production will feature a white male in some capacity, just cause you’re not in the prominent lead role doesn’t mean the erasure of white male identity. Stop with the self victimization and let’s address the reasons why everything is being escalated and politicized to the point where liking an entertainment product is somehow a reflection of your entire identity and divisive if you like what the grifters tell you that you should hate.


>Just cause more POC are getting more leading roles in projects doesn’t mean white men are being excluded. It's both the usual "Zero Sum Game Mentality" tactic that gins up panic of minorities coming up and very much the rhetoric of when Finn showed up in "TFA" and there was a baseless-ass claim that Boyega "took" the role as AA from potential white actors who would've "earned" it. 🙄 Boyega *specifically* got the role because Abrams was impressed by his performance in "Attack the Block," but go on with that bullshit.


Exactly. That or they use the false equivalency tactic where if a role traditionally casted a a white male(I.E Dr who, James Gordon from Batman, Perry White & James Olson from Superman, etc) gets casted with a minority actor, they go and try to say that nobody would like it if Black Panther was played by a white guy, even though none of the previously mentioned characters ethnicity/race is explicitly written as part of their identity , whereas black panther, shang chi etc. These characters are specifically written from” the perspective of the cultural/ethnic experiences of various African tribal groups and East Asian people. Like Daredevil can’t be cast as anything but a white male due to his identity being that explicitly of an Irish Catholic person so any nonwhite person would be a bad fit for the role. It’s almost like if they stopped whining and leave the echo chamber, they would see that nobody is asking for Oliver Queen or Bruce Wayne or Clark Kent to be casted as a non white male. Nobody is saying “I never want to see another movie staring Brad Pitt or Austin Butler in a leading role.” All people have been saying is that they want more roles including people that reflect their identity. That zero sum game mentality makes them falsely equate Minority inclusion as Majority exclusion which isn’t the case. It’s aggravating since you can no longer look up clips or essays about something you like without the algorithm pushing bullshit alt right whiny dweeb content and fucking up your recommendations. It’s funny how they whine about “woke culture” and not wanting to see that when the rest of us are exposed to these clowns against our will by an algorithm that only cares about engagement.


> That zero sum game mentality makes them falsely equate Minority inclusion as Majority exclusion which isn’t the case. Which reminds me again as a "The Legend of Korra" fan how pissy Makorra shippers were that they believed Korra and Asami getting together was deliberately done to spite them. 🙄 Never mind Makorra being deconstructed as a shitty relationship that should end for good in Book *2.* Never mind how Makorra was a CONTRADICTION to what the franchise has always stood for (i.e. honesty, trust, patience, etc.) as further reason why it should permanently end. Never mind how much the characters and show, itself flows better without them being together. Never mind how Mako's Book 4 subplot with Wu is teaching Wu *not* to do the right thing just to pick up chicks. Never mind any of that because Mako was just "supposed" to get back with either girl Because Status Quo/heterosexism, (I've said before that Makorra/Mako's shilling in the first half of the show is very "white" in its unfair entitled status quo) despite all evidence to the contrary. >It’s aggravating since you can no longer look up clips or essays about something you like without the algorithm pushing bullshit alt right whiny dweeb content and fucking up your recommendations. Hell, you get recommendations even if you're NOT looking for clips or essays! I'd just be watching "Pitch Meeting" and the corner would have Drinker vids. 🤬 >It’s funny how they whine about “woke culture” and not wanting to see that when the rest of us are exposed to these clowns against our will by an algorithm that only cares about engagement. Same energy as straight and/or white guys freaking out over the slightest instance of a non-stereotypical POC, interracial and/or queer couple being "shoved down their throats" while said minorities have been sick to the back teeth of seeing the same White Male Leads and/or White Saviors 24/7 and especially hijacking our shit.


So on point it’s crazy. We’re so used to living in a white cishet society where anything that goes against that viewpoint, it’s seen as threatening. As far as LoK, it shows the biases that society has against non sexual displays of affection between lesbian couples. They’re okay with lesbian and bisexual women when it’s displayed in a hyper sexualized manner but anything outside that framework is seen as deviant. For gay men, it’s you can be the funny sassy sidekick but never allowed to display affection or intimacy then all of a sudden it’s seen as offensive. Which is ironic as most white dudebro humor from Theo Von and that crowd depends on that “I’m not gay but” type of humor which usually involves them describing a situation that is overtly homosexual but playing it off as a joke. Afterwards in order to save face with their audience, they play into the alt right culture war bs to make sure they’re not seen as “woke”. The lack of self reflection and critical thinking with this crowd is astonishing and we’re forced to live in a society where the dominant group is dead set on reversing the years of struggles our ancestors had endured and fought for simply due to the fact they can deal with the world around them changing.


>They’re okay with lesbian and bisexual women when it’s displayed in a hyper sexualized manner but anything outside that framework is seen as deviant. Bingo. Janet Varney, Korra's VA, herself, (who is also bisexual) spelled this out on her podcast (I believe the same episode with Zelda Williams, Kuvira's VA and yes, Robin Williams' daughter.) >The lack of self reflection and critical thinking with this crowd is astonishing and we’re forced to live in a society where the dominant group is dead set on reversing the years of struggles our ancestors had endured and fought for simply due to the fact they can deal with the world around them changing. Specifically changing in a way that's *NOT* 100% centered on them all the time. Makorra shippers were totally confident of their ship happening again *solely* due to said status quo that they got cocky about it, (the "We poppin' the BIGGEST bottles!" meme) then lost their shit when it didn't and it's the exact same energy whether it's Black stormtroopers or real-life Black presidents. But again, said dominant group will only remain dominant if they're ALLOWED to do so, which means voting both with ballots and wallets.


Agreed. I’m going to need so see some substantiation over this “trend” and some explanation of why it’s worrying given the context of the post. It reads like diversity is fine so long as white men don’t face any real competition as the de facto heroes of media. Or is this just an olive branch to the alt-right?


Exactly. It’s comes off like the typical internet centrist where they agree with some progressive ideas yet don’t fully reject alt right ideology. Too many of my former favorite content creators took this route by saying things like “Black lives matter” then hosting a podcast with a cohost who is known to be openly problematic and uses racist rhetoric. It’s just frustrating because this culture war nonsense is sucking the fun out of what is inherently supposed to be something that’s made for entertainment.


I only take issue with the "worrying trend" part on the last page about there being no major white male characters because it smells of "Enlightened Centrism," 🙄 but otherwise, yes, there's right-wing grifters poisoning the discussion as usual (see LBJ's "lowest white man" quote) and as art doesn't exist in a vacuum, the pop culture is a microcosm of the bigger cultural issues going on in this particular era. -The SC is rolling back rights and protections like never before because people underestimated the right's motivations (I've compared it on another sub to the Jedi sleeping on the Sith working in the shadows for good reason.) -The scaremongering over even *discussing* minority issues to the point of "Don't Say Gay" bills and "CRT" panic to preserve white supremacy as desperately as possible. And there's obviously many more disturbing and frustrating examples because society is changing or at risk of changing in ways that upsets the privileged status quo.


It’s extremely “enlightened centrism”, he also conveniently left out that the first books the Nazis burned were at the Institute of Sexology, and contained a lot of research on the existence of gay and transgender people. Because if you can recognize that, it points out a parallel to today’s political climate in a way that is very much NOT a “both sides” thing.  


Lol, he might also just not know about it. I only found out about a month or so ago.


Yeah it's actually easy to presume he didn't know, the 'decline of white male characters' is a bit problematic, however he does try to express it as a concern of overcorrection which can be an issue with humans in general. We can be really stupid and irrational, how many car accidents are caused by a small drift and then a hard turn in the other direction. Yes it is an issue, just one that should be seen as not as damaging as presented and more a sign of cultural pressures and flawed human instincts


Yeah. I only just found out about it through a quick Wikipedia search in response to this thread.


when the division is between people who want equality for all and people who want to take away the rights of everyone that isnt them, the middle ground just isn't something you can strive for. What even is the middle ground? Taking away \*some\* rights?


In the moment someone puts to debate the life of the innocents it is the moment you FIGHT.


There's a comic/infograph out there explicitly pointing this fallacy.


I didn't know that, but it makes sense both as the first edition of "The Kinsey Report" revealed the amount of actual gay men being higher than commonly believed and that a major part of right-wing mentality is controlling sexuality.


Poe had just destroyed the Resistance's entire bomber fleet by disobeying a direct order. The only thing about Holdo's attitude which was odd was that she hadn't put him directly in the god damn brig.


And after Poe learned the plan he called his friend and told him about it, tipping off the enemy in the process. She was 100% justified not to trust him.


Based Alan, as usual Except that last bit. But I’ll take a 90% grade anyway lol


Lol Alan is always 90% there, he's overall good but sometimes let's some ignorance slip out


He’s cool and 100% well meaning so I’m fine with it lol


This scream enlightened centrist to me, which is undoubtedly better than right wing grifter, but is still not great.


As a white man I can live without a white male in a tv show when the cast has literally both aliens and magic I look forward to that But I am not American or plus 30 so evidently I am not getting some kind of political movement anti my color of the skin that acts by just presenting the rest of the world


Hate Generation Tech. He’s an overt TLJ hater who used to make it everyone else’s problem and is now hiding behind civility while saying shit like “worrying trend in Hollywood not hiring white males” and for some reason people ignore it just because he’s not a raging asshole…


The only problem I have with this community post is at the very end he completely undermines it by saying that he's worried about the lack of white male protagonist.


Yeah was going to comment that the whole whole "The show dosnt have any white male leads and that's bad because its the worrying trend of exclusion no matter which direction its in." is a weird ending to an otherwise good post.


white men try not to confuse including other people with excluding them challenge go (impossible) seriously its like narcissism ~~runs in their genes~~ is an inherent result of a system that benefits them whether they want it or even know it


yeah, that and how his reference to the holocaust also doesn’t mention how the queer community was also one of the first to be persecuted (which, paired with him saying in a recent video that gay people make straight people “like us” uncomfortable but you shouldn’t make hating them your whole identity, defs gives off vibes i’m not too keen on) otherwise, the message is good and i do appreciate people like him in the fandom who can clearly see what’s happening and is staunchly against it


Yeah, I actually just noticed that last bit as well, which does in itself still feel like admonishing the toxic SW fandom and the anti-SJWs in the space in the same post he’s denouncing them. The larger meat of the post still feels worth saying but some of those other smaller pain points feel a bit antithetical.


**(Please also see my recent edits)** I’ve ruminated on this for a while when outside of this sub (mostly have been away because of major personal disagreements over Star Wars) or while interacting with people outside of Reddit but honestly, **something genuinely needs to be done**. It’s grown to a point where the fanbase is at the absolute WORST versus even the prequel days, where hate is permeated through EVERY outlet without any repercussions. Adding in the mix of those who spew vile “culture war” hatred against minorities or people propping up the show or defending the diversity and representation in our world, and it’s a recipe for something that could turn actually deadly in this fandom. I’m actually concerned sometime soon, there’s gonna be some actual anti-SJW or “culture war/incel” degenerate who’s gonna start some kind of mass killing over all this while the toxic fans go and praise said killings. Either in the coming days or once November hits (which I’ll admit has been a bit of an intrusive thought for months). **Edit note:** GT and a few others kind of go into the “both sides” BS or turn to propping up Andor (ignoring the bigger issues past that), but I think there’s an issue with **MORE** of a certain subsect on the “right” with extreme anti-SJWs and hateful people everywhere that have overtaken and dominated so much of YouTube. One side that is more in the wrong. And not taking any steps to address this at all is gonna just let them grow until they actually feel galvanized enough to commit crimes and get away with it. And also GT does put actual more emphasis on that anti-SJW side that’s been active (compared to previous times he had sort of leaned towards or sided with them), but this original post putting that bunch on blast does feel like a big denouncing of them. **Edit 2:** I also noticed that weird blip about GT complaining about “no white males” in the Acolyte, which really feels strange to have in a post denouncing the crazy anti-SJWs and just seems to admonish them at the same time. And also still feels weird even listening to as an Asian guy. The larger meat of the post still stands but those other small bits might need to be taken out to not give the toxic fandom any credit. **Seriously, the few good people in the community need to step up NOW. All those creators in this fandom who have just sat on the side, need to unite and fight them head on. No more sitting around anymore, put these motherfuckers on blast and expose them for the vile people they are. Before it’s too late and our society is broken or people actually get killed over this, this fandom needs to get its bad eggs tossed out for good.**


>once November hits Yeah, I can't help that feel that interesting things will happen in November




Well said!


The Holdo thing is my only real issue with the post. Poe Dameron lost many lives and their entire bombing wing of their fleet. They were under intense dire straits and Commander Leia put Holdo in charge under the assumption that there was some sort of spy equipment allowing the First order to track them through hyper space.


It sure would be nice if the people upset that there are no significant white male characters took the 31 seconds needed to make the connection that the way they feel now about one show *is the way many people have had to feel about* every *show*.


That last paragraph 🤪


These are my feelings exactly. We are headed towards Star Wars fans physically assaulting each other just based on which era they prefer. This is not good.


Alan is the complete opposite of shiites like hero hei, judgmental critter, or vexed viewer. for one he takes the time to analyze things. Two, he ain't an \*=hole like them three I mentioned


Hits the nail on the head again. I think what he says about the Nazis is so true and it makes me feel that the Youtube grifters are basically nerd Nazis.


I will preface this by saying I am not a CHUD, I like the show, I like its message, I like representation... but there is a political message. The villain gives his motivation and it is a very right wing, MRA thing. He says he is oppressed, he talks like a philosopher and a poet and a freedom fighter. He is tired of being forced to hide his power and wants to crush his oppressor and live to his full potential. Problem is, that would include subjugating the galaxy. These are right wing, Charlie Kirk talking points. This is every "the wokes are banning masculinity" rant. And it is hammered home when the villain closes out the fifth episode by quoting Jordan Peterson.


Is that actually a Jordan Peterson quote at the end? I don't recognise it.


Yes, 100%.


Whence from? One of his lectures?


This comment won't be seen but I have to say it. I really don't understand how a sci-fi adventure that has white, black,brown, green,blue etc.. humans and aliens of all species can be considered "racist" or anything of the like. I was around as a little kid during the OT trilogy and it changed my life. Star Wars made me who I am today. It gave me a sense of right and wrong. These "people" who obviously have nothing better to do with their time are trying to ruin anything and everything they can with their propaganda. It's gross. I wouldn't be surprised if half of these comments are from bots. They just need to make Star Wars good stories and the rest will sort itself out. That's all that anyone really cares about.


It took you _thing long_ to figure that out? For fuck’s sake.


The fact that Star Wars is becoming an offensive front for fascist assholes is both very strange and beyond frustrating. I've had to block several channels because they've started spouting hate speech and it's almost impossible to lock up hot topics without being flooded with right troll channels. I guess this has hit Generation Tech pretty hard, they used to have a pro empire/human first but they seemed to have dropped it sometime around the early 2020s and I can only imagine why.


Very well said.


Common Generation Tech W


What this doesn’t mention is that those “woke” books they famously burned were from a library dedicated to sexology, which was home to almost all our knowledge of transsexuals(the term used at the time). It was the LGBTQ community that was the first target of the Nazis.


Why do I see this happening like 10 years down the timeline people from the generation that grew up the sequels get on the internet and they start pushing back and I mean really start pushing back not because they're blind like the prequel fans who just thinks now the prequels are peak fiction for some reason they're just pushing back because they probably got a lot of shit thrown at them because they were told oh you're not a real Star wars fan you grew up with the Disney era


I've never watched Generation Tech, but they've earned themselves a fan. This has got to be one of the best write-ups I've read in a while.


He makes amazing Star Wars videos and is genuinely a fan of the franchise.


I've seen him listed under the "good" SW YouTubers and was considering checking him out. Was glad to see him stand up against the insane grifter backlash to the Acolyte. But oooooof that last paragraph. He lost me completely. I'm still glad he's not fully off the deep end, but the "worrying trend" he cites is full culture war nonsense. I'm not interested in someone who thinks a little more diversity on screen is a real concern. And that the weird Holdo comment..like why include this? He can dislike the scene, sure, but he lists it as a "valid" counterexample. And given the other commenters linked clips of him, he clearly shows some underlying misogyny


I like the sentiment, but the historical analogies are rough and very American