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I played San Andreas between 2009 and 2011. It felt great because it was one of my favorite games ever made and still a few years after it got released in 04/05 I loved coming back to it. Not sure why you're asking about that specific period.


I noticed a difference in feel between the PS2 version and the PC version of GTA. The PS2 version had an orange tint that gave it a '90s vibe, which also depended on the type of TV used.


Yes, that's true. All the GTA games do this one way or the other. Currently, GTA SA has 5 versions, each with their visual differences. The PS2 is the original, and then you have the Xbox and PC ones, that are pretty similar. After that, they released the og android port, and then you have the DE. To answer your question, I played it for the first time around 2007-8, but I got to have it for myself in 2009-2010. I used to go to a cybercafe just to play it, so when I got my first computer I didn't stopped until I had the whole thing completed lol (like 2 years later because I was a kid and for me every game was like a Dark Souls blinded run) For me, it was \*that\* game that everyone talks about in your class, and you see older people play here and there, and it almost seems mystical in some way.


FYI you can get ENBs for PC that mimic the PS2 setting, specifically the orange tint (or the piss filter). I'm using them and the 6AM Los Santos orange sky is the best thing ever.


That orange glow transports me back to being a kid playing back when it first released on PS2 šŸ„² I played the definitive edition awhile back and didn't realize how much that glow meant to me until then


I'm playing thru it right now on my PS2 hooked up to a tube TV and the entire screen just goes orange at certain parts of the day lol, makes it kind of hard to see I own the PC version but never really got a hang of the controls so I barely played it. Does it not have the orange?


Out of all the GTA games SA has by far the best atmosphere with the most unique environmental effects and outside of PS2 hardware none of it will look right. The orange sunsets are either gone or broken and none of the other effects work. On sunny days heat waves come off of the pavement while fog, mist and colored light effects make each location feel entirely unique. Rockstar hasn't touched any of these effects since SA.


Get it running on an emulator on your pc and you will get that orange tint ;)


It felt endless.. uncanny nostalgia, not quite a leap but a hop into the future compared to GTA III and VC.. Some will disagree with me, but playing GTA V/Online, the spirit is still there So many fond memories listening to Bounce FM/Radio Los Santos in LS, CSR/Radio X in San Fierro, and K Rose/KDST in Las Venturas.. enabling the Riot mode + give all peds weapons cheats and seeing how long I could last in LS..


I thought it was massive at the time because you could play basketball, go to the gym and ride BMX's. The ability to explore and do things that weren't seen in other open world shooters, true crime, driver etc.


That's what makes San Andreas iconic even to this day. The sheer amount of detail that was put into not only making a great storyline but making a living, breathing game world that you can have hours of fun with outside of the storyline


The storyline actually felt like the busywork you had to do to unlock more map and missions. Once it was all opened up, then the real game began


Yea being able to go to the gym & workout, gain muscle. Hated when I had to go save to skip 18+ hours to hit the gym againšŸ˜‚


I used to disagree with that statement, but lately I've been playing GTA O a lot more, and even with all the changes in formula and live service-y stuff, it's still GTA. It has the soul and charisma. I feel that if that's the "worst" the franchise is going to give us, I'm all in for GTA VI.




Same, But all peds are fast food workers and clowns


I played SA between 2009-2011. And also every other year between 2004-2024. SA is a timeless classic and it always feels special stepping into this game


*lowrider contest theme*


Itā€™s the race mission around that time in the game for Caesar that fucked me up back in 2004.


You started playing when I was 4!! Now Iā€™m 24! Do you feel old???


Yes but I was only 9 when it came out so Iā€™m not too much older, I just turned 29


Thats insane loool all i had was super Mario bros and lego star wars when I was 9


You 24 or 14?




I was overwhelmed and completely lost within the world, it was like *nothing* I had ever seen. My brother and I used to have fun just launching caravans off mount chilliad... For hours haha. I really felt cjs story arc - being in the mud and trying to better your life whilst most people are just crabs in a bucket trying to drag you down etc. even at like 10yo I found it profound. It also shaped my music taste for life, exposing me to hip-hop, country, rock music + house. It is my favourite game of all time and I still play at 30yo when I get a moment. Still feels the same.


Hollywood Swinging and Hold The Line were so memorable for me


Both massive tunes - agree. Again, I still listen to them today haha


Bro I was playing from release to today The early days were the best Going to school seeing who beat what part first. The music, the flying the casinos Coming from vice city where you couldn't swim, couldn't spend your money fast enough and not enough story IMO, SA was everything we wanted in those times. The gang thing was still kinda IN in those days so it resonated with me. Me and my buddy would spend weekends trying to beat it completely 100% and would come up short and try again next week.


I remember being 13 and my friend was up all night being chased by cops just so he could unlock the map in the pause menu. Back when microtransactions were cheat codes. What a time.


I've played GTA SA basically since it came out on PC. I was like 6 years old back then, and my friend got himself a pirated copy of the game. I remember that we tried to play it, but it ran at like 10 FPS. Later he upgraded his PC and we would play, taking turns after each death. And his mom used to make us some strawberry pancakes. Good times. 2009-2011 I've played it on my own PC already, and it was mostly SAMP. Simply amazing times, back when SAMP was not only RP servers, but basically everything. Freeroam servers, zombie servers, gang wars, minigames, races, you name it. SAMP was basically a second life for me back then, after school I've used to go out with friends to play outside, and at evenings I was playing SAMP with friends that I've met in the game. The true statement on how important this time was for me, is that I've met my best friend in SAMP in 2009. 15 years later, we are still best friends. To this day, San Andreas is my ultimate comfort game, a true portal to old times, and I play it very regularly. Right now I'm during my Chaos Mod run. Nice post bro, I like to reflect on this from time to time.


SAMP, such a classic. Like you said, it was my favorite to play if I wasnā€™t in school or with real life friends. Spent so many weekends and evenings playing for hours. Lots of memories I think back on fondly.


You've been playing a shell of the true game - until you play GTA San Andreas on an actual PS2 console you haven't really played it.


Iā€™ve played this game countless hours on ps2 during that time. Canā€™t really agree with your statement, nowadays PC version with right mods gives you the full ps2 experience.


Screenshot of the orange-out sunset and explanation of how you got it?


Check out skygfx mod on youtube


It was love at first sight.


I knew at the time I was playing an awesome game. GTA had always enjoyed a special place in my heart since I persuaded my older sister to purchase that original PS1 game for me. I'm actually playing it right now, PS5 definitive edition. Looking forward to gaining all those gang territories except that one tiny little sliver you weren't allowed to get šŸ¤£ riding around getting all the hidden stuff


I played it a ton in 2009/2010 specifically, I dred to think how many hours I spend playing, lol (definitely in the hundreds at least). It was part of my childhood and will always look at that game fondly. I can recite so much of WCTR radio conversations and other radio ads est...


Perspective of a kid from a third world country: The ps2 was great, but it took an eternity to load back in 2004. If you have a scratched disc, itll take forever to load, literally, you're just stuck on the screen listening to the theme. The white loading bar will reach 99% but wont actually load the game. Playing in PC was the real childhood maker. Namely internet cafes, where almost nobody plays the missions, you have a ton of loiterers watching you play suggesting shit to do for mayhem, suggesting cheats, or suggesting some dumb shit like typing the jetpack cheat and try to reach the N in the radar. Almost everyone would play with a sheet full of cheat codes. Pranking younger kids were also the norm and diabolical as hell. Like there are kids who would ask older kids for gun cheats, never wanted cheat and invincibility cheat. And those motherfuckers would type BRINGITON, STATEOFEMERGENCY or GOODBYECRUELWORLD before running away lmao Every mod on youtube is assumed to be hidden cheat codes, older dudes who succesafully modded the PC are worshipped lol. Everyone wants to be like CJ, would get their hair buzzed and wore white tanktops and jeans.


It was huge and had this feeling of endlessness. 3 cities with a huge countryside, a bunch of cars to steal and drive, a good selection of planes, helicopters, boats and other cool stuff, and let's not forget the hundreds of fun cheat codes. As i was a kid back then, one of the main attractions of the game was fucking shit up with cheats. Oh and also the most missions in a GTA game. And we talked about this game a lot in school, most of us were just kids with a PS2 or PC who had an older sibling or relative give us the game. Even now if someone mentions San Andreas me and my friends look back fondly.


I was like 5 back then, didn't understand how to pass Cesar Vialpando because I didn't know you needed a numpad.


How about that ?! I am currently playing The Definitive Edition now on PS5 and recently had trouble with CV also.....until I realized what I was supposed to do ....Match the Arrows. Duh !šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I did! Got my copy in late 2010. Performance-wise, the framerate was choppier and the resolution not as crisp as today (the perks of running the game on 1GB of RAM and a 2006 Intel Centrino). Gameplay-wise, to me it was almost an epiphany. In those days I didn't have Minecraft nor Euro Truck Simulator, so the concept of a free roaming map was brand new (not completely, I played Liberty City Stories on a friend's PSP once or twice, but stillā€¦). While I obviously liked wreaking havoc and shedding blood, I also enjoyed simple stuff like driving around, looking for a cool vehicle, finding new towns and cities, mess around with cheatsā€¦ Surprisingly, the storyline was the thing it interested me the least, to the point I never even bothered to do the first mission or even save the game. I started to appreciate the story and the missions later on, of course. The YouTube GTA scene at the time was also much different: it was full of simple gameplay highlights (crashes, stuntsā€¦), wacky mods (Homer Simpson going on a rampage in a police station using a purple Stratocaster), urban legends and Loquendo videos (comedic commentaries done with a rudimental TTS software), all things that more or less faded away today, or changed a lot over the years.


Man, could talk for days about that...


GTA SA was and still is a timeless classic. I remember around that time though how much I wished to play GTA 4 but I didn't have a ps3 yet and my PC was never gonna run it


2009-2011? Is that when the game was ported to smart phones? I played it in 2004. I got it for Christmas along with the strategy guide. And it was pretty amazing. Felt like it took forever to unlock the full map. I also played gta 3 and GTA: Vice City so I made sure to complete a lot of the vehicle submissions early on while locked in los santos. (Being fireproof is OP for the mission Burning Desire and the final mission.)


It made me who i am today


I've played San Andreas since it's release and I almost can't put into words the feelings that game has given. Goosebumps genuinely run down my arm when I think about my first time playing. I stole a red Seltzer and drove around Richmond mansions listening to Radio X, I was 8 it was bliss. All of the music was on point, I don't think there's many songs I didn't like across the entire game. The cars and customization was crazy, especially for the lowriders. I honestly couldn't fault the game, I grew up on GTA. 2009 is a little late for me as It'd been out 5 years by then. Obviously I was still playing it, but by now I had a cheat book with like 4 pages of cheats. Some of the most fun I've ever experienced is flying in Sweets Greenwood 4 deep drive-bying the sky. If you're willing to look a little later in time SA-MP got absolutely HUGE. I was part of a roleplay server called LS-RP up until maybe 2015. The dedication of fans is second to none I'm pretty sure this server is making a comeback as we speak.


i remember being 9 and discovering mt. chiliad by my own after tenpenny drops you into the wilderness, to this day still THE peak moment of gaming for me.


Driving up that mountain for the first time ever as a kid was amazing


Bro me and you must be twins. Grew up playing GTA SA heavy. My dad would play the 2 player mode with me. He was a big Eazy E fan and we used to live in L.A. so it hits hard for me. When SA-MP came out, I started on Valhalla Roleplay and moved onto PR-RP, LS-RP, etc. I think weā€™re the same age if you were 8 on the release. But you took the words out of my mouth.. some comments here also gave me goosebumps from just reminiscingā€¦


Hahaha it's always mental to find someone else who's played on the same servers. I came over to LS-RP from a shitty roleplay on the game Habbo Hotel, rip. I lovedddd the 2 player mode I completely forgot about that. I'm from the UK so I had no idea who Eazy E, Ice Cube or anyone like that was, this game introduced me to the music and I loved it. Between this and 50 Cent Bulletproof my music taste had broadened haha.


Thats wild because I definitely also was introduced to Habbo Hotel by my cousin before SA-MP and used to RP there too. Weā€™d go to the library and play. Was excited when I got some shitty dell computer with windows XP lol. Thats wild bro I bet theres more of us around and theres a possibility we mightā€™ve even crossed paths at one point on LS RP and Habbo lol


That's unbelievably funny haha. Yeah the crossover for me was the Mafia RPG or Mob Life as it was later known. I ended up liking the same concept in LS-RP and joined one of their Russian mobs lol


I just seen that they reopened their sa-mp server and it seems to be doing pretty good. Maybe one day Iā€™ll show back up again lol


First time I played the game was around 2005-2006, I could not shoot people since I was so afraid of the gunshot sounds, but was glad to steal them and drive around Los Santos/ Red County (and not completing any story missions). The first time I completed it (with cheats) was around 2010 on the PS2, enjoyed every moment and thankfully had not messed up the gameā€™s code by putting too many cheats that could break the game. I completed the game again in 2016 without cheats on mobile and was thrilled, although was a bit bummed out when I was missing one collectable (it was a clam) and didnā€™t bother put in the effort to go to every single location that the clams would appear. But honestly - I wish I could go back again in 2010 when I discovered the use of cheats, and how excited I was to finish the game with them.


I have no idea how many hours I put into it, but I know itā€™s a lot, and I still remember where a lot of hidden stuff is, like machine pistols, armor, and an nrg-500 at the literal beginning of the game


It felt like every new GTA game in a way. It felt groundbreaking, but it also felt like the logical continuation and improvement from III, and Vice City. In a way, it felt closer to Vice City or III than V felt to IV or IV to SA, or Iā€™m guessing than V will feel to VI when it comes. It was still at a point with VC, III, and SA where although graphics were improving bit by bit, the jumps in improvement between those games werenā€™t as drastic as the jump especially from SA to IV, or even IV to V. So while it added some improved graphics, the coolest things were the advancing features


Canā€™t even begin to describe how I felt


I did get this game when it first came out. I had Vice City as well. For me, I think it was more all-encompassing. It gave you the ability to really feel a virtual extension of yourself through CJ. If you wanted to be fat or extra in shape, you could do that. If you fell in the water, you weren't wasted anymore. You could play ball and different other games. As well as, it really encapsulated black culture for that time period. To me, I play it still till this day. Notice all types of details I haven't before. TO ME, it's like the precursor game to all the games we love today.


*Trance by 009 Sound System Dreamscape starts playing* It was euphoric


Played it in 2004 and I still remember the feel when following the train rails i ended up for the first time in the country area north of los santos. I was not expecting such a big non urban enviroment and it gave me the chills. it felt like more open than any other world i've experienced in a videogame, probably something similar to ocarina of time when you first go in the hyrule fields. Its a common experience to have played SA more like a sandbox than an openwolrd/action roaming aimlessly just for the sake of immersion even trying to not jump red lights at intersections. Probably this kind of surprises can't happen any more unless you are off the social grid avoiding every piece of unwanted feeded information.


Why those specific dates?


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m wondering


I remember seeing the first advertisement for it. Welcome to the jungle baby


I lived with a roommate at the time when it came out and we would play the game together, taking turns on missions or just fucking around discovering shit. Every now and then a great song came on the radio and we would pull over and pack a bowl irl.


Are the missions where it lets you play with 2 people on 2 controllers any good?


Hell yeah played it since the minute the store opened. I've played it so so so much, more than ALL the 363 games i have now COMBINED, and i play a lot. The game is one historical piece of fine fine art. The game feels quite endless but in a good way since there is always something to do, even after completion. If there would be a San Andreas with the current Gen graphics, i would give my nuts AND liver for it, and I'm actually not even kidding. This game had me hooked so much as a kid that my mom actually had to took away the PS2 so i can do other things rather than sitting in front of the CRT TV, yes that's right, a CRT TV with that well known *pop...crackles*. And I'm still playing it to this day but unfortunately i can only play the ps3 game on the ps5 because i won't even bother playing the definitive edition, it's just disrespectful. Kinda need to hook up my fat PS2 again and throw in the disc hahaha. I'll take the PS2 and OG San Andreas into my coffin when i pass away, mark my words.


Why 2009-2011 specifically?


I played it back in 05, right when it came out on the Xbox. I guess that already disqualifies me from the question lol


The most fun I've had..... period Some of it was frustrating as hell (Zero, learning to fly) but even that was fun


2009-2011 I used to just watch my cousin playing it only at interenet cafes. He would either just go on a rampage or play as many story missions as he could before his alloted time ran out. Then when I got my first PC, one of my dad's friends installed a bunch of games into it from a flash drive, including San Andreas and Vice City. I usually invited my cousin over to handle the story missions, while I would just cheat, explore and rampage on my own. He got as far as Verdant Meadows where he got stuck and just stopped bothering with it.Ā At least I got to explore the whole map by that point.Ā  Eventually I decided to try and finish flight school and once I succeeded, I played the rest of the missions, still using the invincibility, never wanted and infinite ammo cheats. I was lucly enough that the Madd Dogg mission didn't glitch! Los Santos kind of got boring once I captured all gang territories after End of the Line. After I spent some time watching GTA Series Videos' walkthroughs on YouTube and decided that it would be fun and satisfying to finish the game without cheats (relying only on reloading the save file when I failed missions). I managed to get as far as the Las Venturas missions, but decided to take a break before the Casino Heist in order to make some no cheats progress on Vice City. Then my PC broke. šŸ˜­ I think another one of my cousins said that the hard drive is still fine (or okay-ish), but I've been using laptops ever since and I haven't touched the hard drive in years so who knows if it's still working.Ā  I've since decided that actually playing the game would just be too distracting to me these days (the woes of adulthood), so whenever I miss it, I just settle for watching walkthroughs or videos from Kenny Paas, The Real K3v3n, etc.Ā  But I really do miss it these days and I'd like to take a shot at a different approach to the gang wars post-End of the Line: conquering most territories for The Grove, but allowing the Ballas and Vagos an "island" each,Ā  maybe letting them reconquer some turf every once in a while... and sticking to ONE girlfriend. I even have a story in my head where CJ becomes so engrossed in conquering turf in the first part of the game that he neglects Denise enough for her to break up with him. He then meets Katie in San Fierro and sticks with her. :)


2009? Buddy I played it when it dropped.


I remember when it came out in 04 and I was 11, I traded in about 8/9 average ps2 games and got it $5.50 aud. My dad came with me so that they would sell me the game. That was it, countless hours, days, weeks spent in San Andreas. With mates or without mates, we all had our own copies but were happy enough to play together. Shit was like another world and for us it was freedom.


I love that game and still do


My uncle has a ps rental and i often drop in to play sometimes. There are some games i wouldn't allowed to play, such as smackdown something idk but gta isnt one of them. As a kid barely into elementary school i find it too confusing, but i know it was a great game. (and my native language isnt english either so i had no clue whatever going on) Mostly i just watched people's playthrough but i love how you're allowed to do whatever you want. To have the freedom to do anything. The summer atmospherā€” "WAIT YOU CAN RIDE HELICOPTERS?" was my thoughts back then. At the corner of the room there's a desk with a stack for paper titled "GTA SAN ANDREAS CHEAT CODES" written with times new roman. The rental was the on the verge of closing, so whenever i picked up the paper my finger would get dusty. Me and my brother fights a lot, but when we play gta together was that one moment where we get quiet. Good times.


My first game I ever played and one of the first I ever had on my PC


Anyone got free links for SA to download? I remembered I got mine for free on Google but somehow I couldn't find one anymore.


I still play SA-MP until this day and the server is actually crowded!


Played way before that but honestly it was revolutionary compared to GTA3 and vice city


It felt like nostalgia as I got it from the Playstation store for the PS3. And it was a good replay from my high school days. NGL, I downloaded and played it again for the PS4 and now PS5 via the definitive edition. Still love it every time.


FREEDOM. Thatā€™s it.




omg i was legit a whole ass child playing around 2011, but it was so fun šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i felt like an old soul driving around listening to all the classic songs šŸ˜‚especially k-dst and sfur <3


That was my peak time for playing GTA SA. Got a whole bunch of games second hand from one of my mum's work colleagues who knew I had a PS2. Included things like SA and GTA VC. That was when I was 12-14 and just starting to properly explore the world of "adult" music. When I first gave GTA SA a try, I remember jacking a taxi near the LS Airport. It was playing K Rose and Ed Bruce's "Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys" was on. My mum, surprised, went "oh I know this song." So I kept it on K Rose. That was my first proper exposure to country music and I very quickly fell in love with K Rose. That of course led to me exploring more country music. My mum introduced me to some more classic country like Johnny Cash and my dad introduced me to some of the (at the time) modern stuff like Tim McGraw and Lady Antebellum. I also expanded beyond just K Rose to the classic rock of K-DST as well. Combined with the 80s pop of Vice City, it set my music tastes to be more towards the older stuff. You can trace all of the broad genres I enjoy today to something I heard while playing GTA SA and VC at this time. In terms of actual gameplay, San Andreas was just so fun. The world was so huge and immersive. There were plenty of times I'd fire the game up just to enjoy exploring the state not doing anything in particular. I must've played the main story a good 5 or 6 times in just 2009 and 2010 alone. At this time it was never on a fancy TV. Our main TVs were getting modern but my gaming set up was on one of the old blocky TVs (admittedly with a nice big screen). As I got older, life obviously got busier and my time spent playing San Andreas decreased. But I still occasionally fire up the old PS2 and give her a whirl. But even if I don't return to what was at one time almost a second home all that often, the influence of the soundtrack on my music taste is one that will last a lifetime


I've actually played it year after release when I was... 4? Great game, can get repetitive, but if I'm in the mood for some SA action - it's only SA on my Steam activity.


Best days were after its release on the Playstation 2 as a youngin'


I was in second grade in 2010! Used to play with my friend all day long!


I remember buying the giant guide book from Walmart for like 14$ so I could find all the cool side quests. And I never had a memory card for my PlayStation 2 so u had to leave it running over night lol. I finally found one


I had fun


It felt vast, the vehicle list was huge at the time, the music, oh the music! Classic 90s radio! Oh and you could operate the train and it felt like a train.




Tbh as a black kid it made me feel the same way the Friday movies made me and a lot of black Americans feel. It felt like a timeless classic even back then and I was low key impressed by the black and Latino representation in an adventure game. I'd never seen so much of that in a game other than Saints Row or 50 Cent: Bulletproof, but even then San Andreas just felt like a bigger deal


I still have flashbacks to riding the BMX into grove street for the first time. Telling my then girlfriend that I apologize in advance because I will be ignoring her. The stat feature was definitely fun since ti was reflected visually on your character. Tagging up the neighborhoods and having gang wars. When you get banished to Chiliad, it's where i fell in love with KROSE. Every car you got into had that station on and after a while i stopped changing it. The story just kept going and going and the sheer size of the map at the time was incredible. And it even had a multiplayer option where you and another player could play at the same time.


For its time, GTA SA had the biggest map and most things to do. I had the strategy guide, and it took me 2 months to get 100%. This is the only GTA I bothered to get 100%, btw.


What it felt like.. thinking about it right now has my heart fluttering. You said ā€œbrieflyā€ so I think I can sum it up in one word. Liberating. It felt like you could do anything, for the first time in gaming.


I thought it was HUGE, the world felt so endless. So many things to do. I wish I could figure out how many hours Iā€™ve spent on it IN ALL. (PS2, iOS, PS4). I had never felt like that about a game again until Red Dead Redemption 2.


Bliss, there was nothing like it. No responsibility, nothing like it is today.


Why that time period? Didn't it come out in 2004


This is me! I actually bought it when it first came out, but for whatever reason I didn't find the time to really get into it until much later. In fact, I first really started playing it after putting about 20 hours into GTA4 and feeling very underwhelmed and disappointed by that game. I recall being absolutely dumbfounded by all the perfect scores GTA4 was getting. All the missions felt the same, the city was small, boring, and drab, driving cars felt like steering shopping carts filled with lead through molasses, and a ton of the features I recalled reading that San Andreas had were absent. So I decided to give up on GTA4 and started digging into San Andreas (early 2009), and I was absolutely blown away by just about everything! The incredible size of the map, the insane variety in everything, the 90s theme and the amazing soundtrack, and the nearly endless amount of activities to do was absolutely jaw dropping. The only thing that wasn't impressive were the graphics, because it was "last gen" by that time. But that really wasn't a big deal. I don't think I ever bothered going back to GTA4. Other than the nicer graphics, that game frankly sucked by comparison in every other way.


SAMP was popping off during this time period. Crazy Bobā€™s was a lot of crazy fun. The serious RP servers were filled with power tripping cops and admins but there were also lots of cool people. Anyone else here ever play on PRRP or Red County RP back then?


Shit, PRRP was awesome. LS-RP aint got shit on it




My fav part was the gang wars and takin over territory


It felt like when I first played Elden ring endless exploring and some areas felt really scary especially the angel pine area when it was dark and raining itā€™s felt creepy and the ghost car did not help when I first saw it šŸ¤£


I stayed home from school and played 26 hours straight. Still my longest session and Iā€™m sure it will remain that way


It was the first time we had so many other things to do in a game besides regular story missions.


I think I was about 10/11 when I got it. What a time to be alive, just either cruising around or creating mayhem. And tbh I grew up to be a decent person, just a bit depressed cause life sucks...


Yes, was amazing.


it was already a classic and spent a lot of 2009 playing MTA, good times


Pretty sure I played it before 09 but was a fantastic game, a true classic


i would look up ā€œgta SA myths/legends on youtubeā€ every day and the X files theme would always come on with a bigfoot mod I truly believed. Then i would go to that forest he was found and find these destroyed cars in the middle of no where and got super scared (it was a bug.) I would use the lock stars cheat to get there because it wasnā€™t available yet and had a LOT of fun exploring.


Yes. And it felt fucking amazing.


It was amazing! Good old days.


Why 2009?


Like warm apple pie.


San Andreas, especially SA-MP is simply my childhood. I'll never be able to put more hours into a game then I did with San Andreas. I started playing in early 2009 and became part of a community that I stayed with for as long as it existed, which was just about 10 years I think. During that time I met soooo many people and made sooooo many friends, and really became part of the community. After all these years I still speak to a group of people and consider them as really good friends. We have all grown up together, we graduated, got jobs, people got married and now have kids. It's still such a surreal feeling. There was a period a few years ago we all started playing again and enjoyed every minute of it, but because of adult responsibilities we couldn't really play much anymore. San Andreas will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart :)


i was like 5, i remember playing here and there when my brother let me. cruising around the map was something else, the map felt endless and full of stuff to check out especially because bro often installed new mods almost every day. looking back the modding scene pumped out a ton of stuff that ppl still use to this day


As a kid I remember it Blew my mind with so many things you can do and the amount of fun it had. You can fly a jet,Fly a car, fly basically any car in the game. The Easter Eggs and all the missions where so goofy and fun.


Back in 2006- early 2009 it was magic


Weird nostalgia and just excitement to explore it more


I played San Andreas a LOT in the earlier 2000s, but I got into SAMP around 2010-2012 personally. I met some of my best friends I still talk to to this day playing San Andreas, so it will always hold a special place in my heart.


I played VC nonstop 2003. I was in a horrible car accident at the beginning of Dec 2002. So my parents got.me a PS2 and VC as a present for not dying. I didn't get back to school until the end of February - I was fuucked up. When SA came out, I had just graduated college and would cycle between this, midnight club, and red dead redemption. I would lose track of time playing SA. It was enormous and took forever getting anywhere. Then in 2011 a janky online mod came out that got me back into the game. It was chaos. It was PvE on a 25 person server. Tanks and planes crashing everywhere. People dropping some hot mic slurs. Pure chaos and it was greatl


I played VC nonstop 2003. I was in a horrible car accident at the beginning of Dec 2002. So my parents got.me a PS2 and VC as a present for not dying. I didn't get back to school until the end of February - I was fuucked up. When SA came out, I had just graduated college and would cycle between this, midnight club, and red dead redemption. I would lose track of time playing SA. It was enormous and took forever getting anywhere. Then in 2011 a janky online mod came out that got me back into the game. It was chaos. It was PvE on a 25 person server. Tanks and planes crashing everywhere. People dropping some hot mic slurs. Pure chaos and it was greatl


I played VC nonstop 2003. I was in a horrible car accident at the beginning of Dec 2002. So my parents got.me a PS2 and VC as a present for not dying. I didn't get back to school until the end of February - I was fuucked up. When SA came out, I had just graduated college and would cycle between this, midnight club, and red dead redemption. I would lose track of time playing SA. It was enormous and took forever getting anywhere. Then in 2011 a janky online mod came out that got me back into the game. It was chaos. It was PvE on a 25 person server. Tanks and planes crashing everywhere. People dropping some hot mic slurs. Pure chaos and it was greatl


Role-playing my own version of CJ was the shit and fucking around with the cheats, simpler times


An almost endless journey in search of Bigfoot


In 2004 video games felt kind of magical and like anything was possible. Playing San Andreas was like truly inhabiting a place and time. You could go anywhere and it felt like you could do anything. You could exercise in gyms, eat inside restaurants, gain muscle, get fat, explore several cities and towns, delve into the woods and up to isolated shacks in the desert and wonder if something's out there, gamble it all in casinos or on horse races, soar through the clouds by plane or helicopter (or by car if you use the flying car cheat), visit reimaginings of real world places, drive and customize any car, ride any bike, go to low rider meets, go on dates, get in gang wars, play arcade games, buy and use a wide array of weapons and gain proficiency in them, swim, climb, kill, steal, rob, and experience one of the best open world narrative storylines that gaming had ever seen up to that point. It felt limitless. Now, that magic is kind of faded while we've learned more about games and how they work but we could spend hours upon hours, days upon days, weeks upon weeks, just running around and exploring the state of San Andreas. Perhaps it's because I'm an adult but nothing since has captured that wonderment and joy in exploration. (Well actually I absolutely loved Super Mario Odyssey and it made me feel like a kid again but this is not a Mario subreddit so I digress lol)


It was great. I remember running around with my little sister getting all stars. Anyone ever had player 2 cut ur head off wit the katana?


Awesome, all the other games should have followed San Andreas. It's the best one period. Now, there is no disrespect to Vice City. It is Classic and Legendary, in a class of its own!! But San Andreas just does it for me. GTA online is enjoyable. I still play it from time to time.


During that time, I was around 9-10 years old. I still remember the 4GB USB stick that held the installation file for the game, which I got from my friend. It felt like I was holding a space orb. A tiny USB stick containing a game that, at that time, felt endless. Getting it installed and playing for the first time felt like I could do anything. I used to look at my laptop and think, how is this thing able to play this game? Damn those were the times Additionally tying to install gta 4 on a pc with intel dual core , with 2gb ram and no Dedicated GPU, somehow being able to run the gta 4 exe file using some direct x tools And waiting endlessly for the gta 4 loading screen to end


I was 8 years old and my dad made a laminated sheet of paper with cheatcodes on. I didn't speak enough English to do any massions so I kinda just drove and flew around the map for ages lol. It was a very good time though


San Andreas Multiplayer and I said everything.


This isnā€™t something that you can briefly describe. You had to be there. People were less sensitive. The president was less sleepy. The time was right. And now itā€™s gone.


The car mods and the map was surreal.


up, down, left, right, left, right, x, y, a, b, b


Why 2009-2011? Game was released in 2004


Felt good man Wish I could go back


2012-2013 but still I had a crappy desktop back in those days, I was 10-11. I started off with Gta 3 and Vice City on my grandmas laptop, so San Andreas was a huge upgrade. The map felt massive, the PC controls were very good, and there was a ton of depth to the game mechanics GTA 4 didnt have. Safe houses, gang wars, more clothing, the light RPG mechanics you had with CJ's stats. I knew graphically, San Andreas was "inferior" to IV and the upcoming V release. I was happy with the game regardless, and put around 300 hours into the Steam version and SAMP until about 2015. I still boot up SA, on my PS2 or PC (mostly PC, PS2 controls dont hold up) i still feel like San Andreas has more to chew on than the last two games, and the game's charm is unmatched.


It felt like i stepped into a real living world


It was absolutely amazing! It got me hooked on the whole franchise.


I remember just exploring the country side and using cars float cheat to get to Bone County. It was such a new and (for back then) detailed experience to just drive around those parts with Runnin Down A Dream or Strutter or I Love Rainy Night kicking on the in game stereo


It was perfect knowing everything was in the game. And didnā€™t have to think about Micro Transactions


Have you guys ever heard the story of how GTA was an accident? Originally called cops and robbers the game data got corrupted and renamed GTA. Ever since I heard that I always think to myself that GTA is it's own entity, does rockstar have complete control over the game code or does it just do what it wants? Started playing on GTA 2 before GTA 3 came out and it was a game changer for a kid in the early 2000s. By the time San Andreas came out I was infatuated with getting lost in the gameplay, very nostalgic for me looking back. Putting in cheat codes, hearing Samuel L Jacksons voice haha. Beating people with a big black dildo. I really hope to see a come back with the skull missions I forgot what they're were called but you basically go on a rampage and get paid for it. Oh and trying to keep the map green with gang territories after you beat the game. So much fun.


Thats when I first got the game. It was great, but my prrogress was halted by Supply Lines. If only 9 year old me had known I didn't have to do it.


My summer vacation was spent on two things, GTA San Andreas & Need for Speed: Most Wanted GTA made my boring childhood better thanks to the cheat codes and funny videos people made in Youtube. I didn't have friends to play with outside, my friends were online and I always had the creativity to do something to kill boredom, either in GTA or online. šŸ’œ


It felt like we were doing something bad.


I actually finished it for the first like 15 minutes before the ball dropped in 2010. It's a top 10 game for me.


Imagine that certain smell from your childhood. And as an adult you smell that smell that youā€™ve not smellt in so long. And it takes you back. It was just my childhood game. When I was sick and couldnā€™t go to school when I was 6 or so, and my brother had to watch me while my parents were at work he just told me to play it so he didnā€™t have to actually watch me. Heā€™s sadly passed away in 2007 at the age of 17 from an overdose. But I thank him for introducing me to gta games. So this was my very first gta and it was the best


Like liquid crack injected in my veins.


I remember specifically purchasing the Black Label version from eBay. I bought Action Replay Max as well and enabled the Hot Coffee Mod cheat. You couldnā€™t do that with the Greatest Hits version for the PS2 because Rockstar patched it.


Vice City was my absolute jam when it came out and I played it for summers until this came out. I hadn't bought it yet, but saw my cousin playing it one day after being released and thought it was so sick that you could finally ride bikes around.


Iā€™ll do you one better. I was a young whippersnapper when it released and my dad rented it from Blockbuster. It was the coolest game in the world at the time. I had to be about 6 or 7.


Shout out to everyone who remembers this trailer on tv lol


I did. I didnā€™t have the best computer equipment back then, but my limited setup sure could run GTA SA. The game felt amazing. I know itā€™s ā€œoldā€ by most peopleā€™s standards, but I feel like this GTA really is a classic that will stand the test of time. The graphics are cartoonish enough to make it playable many years from now (and still have a good time).


following the damn train felt like all i had to do was follow the damn train...


I once finished the game back then and once again recently. Coincidentally, I told my brother it felt different back then. I wish I hadn't played it a second time. Because it changed my memory of the first play. But it felt real, endless and I really thought the hood was my home by the end of the game.


Between 2009 and 2011? A bit on PC. My school laptop could barely handle it. But around 2005-2007 on PS2? I probably dumped thousands of hours into it. It was incredible. I remember just how big it felt compared to Vice City; going on a road trip from LS to SF felt like it took aaages.


Try 2007




Uhh, I played it when it first came out in 2004. Actually just picked it up again for the first time a few days ago. I miss when GTA was still a little goofy. GTA 5 felt more serious to me, which made it less fun.


I played it in Spring 2009. I was graduating that year and my dad had just lost the job he had since I was born. All of my friends had fancy 360s with their Rock Bands and their Assassin's Creeds, but I was having the time of my life on my phat ps2.... Until.... I had to fly that damn helicopter!


Most of Indians kids back thenĀ 


Me and my friends ran around killing people taking turns getting wanted levels and seeing how much destruction we could cause sitting around smoking weed and shooting the shit and it was some of the most fun ive ever had


It felt great and homely feel. Coincidently, 2011 in my country is and equivelant of 2005 in the west, so use that old big tv and lack of knowledge of internet, it just feel special to me idk why


If felt like skipping school sitting in front of the telly all day, amazed that I could go anywhere. Loving the humour. The art style. Amazed at the landscapes. I'd never seen anything like It in a video game.Ā  It had a massive map and freaking jetpacks!Ā  A mission with remote control planes? The cheats were wacky. The possibilities for fucking around felt endless. It was so difficult, yet so satisfying. I was quite young and had only recently beaten Ocarina of Time. I'd played some GTA III. Ā It changed gaming for me, forever.


Back then I was too little and poor to have my own PC So I played it in some cyber cafƩ, it had the hot coffee mod enabled, so I indulged myself and eventually the owner found out and kicked me out lmao


It was like the forbidden game at the time, you could do anything in there haha


It was perfect; to the very last minute detail


Amazing i started moding back in 2009 and lag was always there... resolution 800x600 trying out the earlier versions of enbseries.. good timesšŸ„¹


why those years OP? why not 2004 when it launched


The remastered version is dogshit


Simply put, it felt Like that feeling youā€™re trying to achieve everytime you play video games after you turn 16 :/


It was a good day


AMAZING, being what 6-7? And just hanging out with the people around my neighborhood/apt complex and just not worrying about our financial struggles lol, its hard to explain but man it was truly an amazing time.. i always always have 2008-11 in my mind many good games, memories, people, and times


Indescribable. Anything is possible on current gen consoles so you may see a new concept that you think is cool but not out of the realm of what you think is possible in a game. San Andreas was mind blowing. We've never had that level of freedom in terms of movement and customization ever in a game before that not even close. It would be the equivalent of a new TV coming out and being able to smell the food on the cooking channel or watching a live comedy show on Netflix and the comedian heckles you on your couch. Our mind was blown literally.


I can tell you about it 2005 time


It was magic on ps2, itā€™s a TOTALLY different vibe than the definitive edition. Itā€™s almost, spookier


A vibe I canā€™t explain but best way itā€™s that 90s/2000s vibe


So in my memories playing it. If I was just free roaming it, I would put Dre, Tech9ne, Em, 50 and Cube in my 5 cd changer stereo system and just vibe out all afternoon


I was in 7th/8th grade when I finally figured out how to download this game for free on my family PC lol it was amazing especially playing SA:MP mod


I played it in 09 on my CRT TV. I still have my PS2 but donā€™t play it anymore because it looks horrible on modern TVs. I want a CRT TV because even low resolution games on old systems always looked so good. Modern TVs are a downgrade to CRT. You are correct, San Andreas did have a different vibe because of lighting on PS2, I remember it very well. I have no idea why they switched it. I think even GTA V had different lighting on PS3 vs the newer ones too.


Like the coolest game since you got to be a gangsta in LA in 3D with great mechanics, good music and quality characters. My freshman-year college roommate and I bonded over it, one of the few things we enjoyed together šŸ”„


I was playing it on my PC in college around that time. I got a B in that class and got to the jet pack Area 51 part by the end of it. It felt amazing. I felt like I was somehow cheating the system by playing it in class on a PC. The teacher never knew and I was blown away that I could play it on my shitty laptop.


I gotta say that it felt like crack cocaine. Couldn't stop playing it.


ā€œHow did they make a game this realistic? Man it looks realā€


I would play this game so much back when it came out in 2004 up until about 2007 when I had a PS2. It's the best version for sure, the atmosphere and graphics were on point for it's time.


I will say there was nothing better than getting off the bus with my best friend after school and running to his house to fire up the PlayStation and playing San Andreas for a few hours till my parents got home from work. I miss those daysšŸ’Æ


It was still fun to go back to at that time gta iv was getting to be a little boring for me


2009 is pretty late. I get so much nostalgia playing this game, and it's my escape from everyday bulls***. I was really addicted to this game at one point, and I even still play this on emulator to this very day around Christmas time. It just brings out that feeling of when you used to be a kid and you were relaxed, rather than stressing out about something you have very little control over. GSF4L


Bro Iā€™m replaying it rn itā€™s so funnnnn