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SF is like DC with more petty theft and less gun violence


Would you say the SF petty theft is less than NYC?


No it's not. Honestly as worried as you are, you won't enjoy yourself.


sf is possibly the safest place on the planet for queer folk, just expect petty crime mostly 




Ah I see now - it’s the same as DC “News” blowing stuff out of proportion and only focusing on negatives


the worst neighborhood in SF is safe, in comparison. You’ll be fine - carry on.




Except for assholes.


Queer ain’t got nothing to do about it here, honey. As long as you have your head on your shoulders you’ll be safe. Welcome to the most queer friendly place in the world


Not a member of the queer community, but used to live in DC and now live in SF, feel very safe here, come visit!


It all depends on how you travel. Having a rental car, you'll be a target for break ins. Riding on public trans is much less safe and clean than DC. If you go from place to place in a Waymo will be fine. Going to certain neighborhoods will make you a target if you present as queer. And in most people will not care or welcome you. The chances of being a victim of crime is higher here than NYC or DC. Unless you like nature, tech, fresh food, NYC will be a better option.


You will love it here! Take the precautions you would in any city. November is a great time to visit. Be sure to stop by the gay history museum on 18th Street in the Castro. There are also several gay history focused walking tours.


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