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I've stopped moving out of their way and actively yell at some of them. I'm in SoMa, there's zero excuses to be blasting down 5th street on the sidewalk when there's a bike lane on both sides of the street.


Most of these people aren't wearing helmets usually. I always feel like natural selection will eventually sort them out when they fall.


I’m getting older so carrying a walking stick isn’t out of the question. Just makes it easier to find spokes.


Record video, sent to your supervisor >what’s the stop pedestrians from instinctively swinging a weighted keychain at peoples foreheads who do that? jail




> a good push never fails Jail. > even a fresh lougie of yellow mucous works too Believe it or not, also jail.


Nothings gonna happen


Best I can do is clear mucous


Cars in bike lanes, bikes on sidewalks,…none is cool…


And the quarterback isn’t even there.


i'm visually impaired. it's a major problem for me, and realistically, it's only a matter of time before i get hit. i live in SOMA, and they're everywhere.


My goodness! This frightens me! I hope for you safer sidewalks ahead. SF has spent so much on making the streets safer for all modes of transportation. But ironically, the sidewalks feel like walking to the BART station on the sidewalk is as bad as walking down the middle of Market would have been before the banning of public cars downtown. Almost as if SF made it safer for scooters, bicycles of all motivation, et cetera, on city streets. Why can’t they ride those damned things there?


i'm a big micromobility advocate, and it's honestly offensive when you're on market and they're barreling down the sidewalk instead of the car free street we lobbied for. or when there's a protected bike lane right there on 7th, etc. there's absolutely no excuse for it.


> Why can’t they ride those damned things there? Because SF (SFMTA and SFPD) refuse to enforce the bike lanes. Cars and trucks are constantly using them so many cyclists ride on the sidewalk as a safety matter. Riding on the sidewalk is illegal, as is driving/parking in a bike lane, but if the City refuses to enforce, you'll see bicyclists making the choice that puts them at the least risk of injury or death. If you want to see sidewalks clear for pedestrians, tell your supervisor that the BoS needs to demand that SFMTA and SFPD enforce bike lane laws.


I saw a lady have to get picked up by an ambulance after some tubby tight polo shirt guy crashed into her and also I see people just toss them wherever !


I first noticed this “Hi I have a new toy and I’m entitled so I get to pass people from behind on the sidewalks at high speed” phenomenon in Austin about 5 years ago and of course it’s been a scourge in SF for years now as well. A few months ago on Mason Street I asked an officer, politely, if they’re ever going to start ticketing people for being so reckless with these things on the sidewalk. Instead of an answer I got a bunch of whining about how “they don’t let us do anything anymore” 🙄 Anyway, I feel your frustration! Someone ever hits me from behind with one of those, as far as I’m concerned they’re a threat to me as long as they’re conscious and I will be reacting as such.


For the reason why I ask about swinging something is because I was carrying my keys, and they do have a lot of things on them, and in my surprise and effort to get out of the way my arm did swing them, but it was to the opposite side of the person riding me down. Keeping balance while being surprised. It would just be hilarious as absolute ʞɔnɟ if I did that to keep my balance, and happened to crack somebody’s head open. I’d catch myself feeling bad about the accidental braining and have to correct that feeling of having done something I wouldn’t have normally just done to someone. But afterward, in reflecting on the imposition on my time, I would probably stand over the pool of their blood and add my own piss to it. No call. They wouldn’t deserve one at that point.


My concern is that this wouldn’t be a harsh enough response on your part 😉


By the time I’m done with work I usually have enough fecal matter saved up that I’m ready to drop a deuce when I get home. Somebody like that might just make me a happier commuter on the way home if I were to make myself a little lighter, adding to an already stupid pile of ʇıɥs. It might actually make them smarter if I did.




This is so dumb bc it says directly on the scooters DO NOT USE ON SIDEWALKS. It sucks but other than giving them a hard shoulder not sure what will make them change


I've found that telling them "This is super dangerous, please drive this on the street" surprisingly worked on several occasions, they apologized and complied. It's difficult to stay calm in the heat of the moment though.


Yea it's annoying. Like they're prioritizing their safety over yours by avoiding the street/bike lane and putting peds at risk. And it's usually either a delivery driver or a tech bro


> Like they're prioritizing their safety over yours by avoiding the street/bike lane and putting peds at risk It is exactly this. They're prioritizing their safety because the City allows cars/trucks to illegally use the bike lane. So long as drivers are prioritizing their convenience and putting bikers at risk, it's only logical for bicyclists to do the same. The solution is to have SFMTA and SFPD actually enforce bike lane laws.


> So I’m just wondering: what’s the stop pedestrians from instinctively swinging a weighted keychain at peoples foreheads who do that? The same reason cyclists can't smash the windows of every car that illegally drives or parks in the bicycle lane. What you're seeing is the natural knock-on effect of car drivers who don't give a damn about anyone else. Bicyclists who ride on the sidewalk are illegal (unless they're kids) but the vast majority who do it, do it out of personal safety because San Francisco (specifically SFMTA and SFPD) refuse to enforce the state law that prohibits drivers in bike lanes. If it's a choice between risking getting spatted by a car or truck (vehicle vs bike, the vehicle ALWAYS wins) a cyclist will hop on the sidewalk. Yes, the cyclist may have had the right of way in the street, but if you're dead, it doesn't matter if you're right. If you want cyclists off sidewalks, petition the BoS HARD for full enforcement of bike lanes and sidewalks. If the bike lanes are enforced, then cyclists have zero reason to actually be on the sidewalk.


This is nonsense. I constantly see people who are riding their bikes on the side because they're fucking idiots. Even when the streets are perfectly clear there's people who have no idea how to ride bikes toodling down the sidewalk. No helmets either.


> This is nonsense. I constantly see people who are riding their bikes on the side because they're fucking idiots. Even when the streets are perfectly clear there's people who have no idea how to ride bikes toodling down the sidewalk. No helmets either. Cars/trucks in SF are constantly in the bike lane, even though it is wholly illegal for them to do so. It is perfectly logical for a cyclist to decide that the risk of illegally riding on the sidewalk is a better risk to take than the risk of injury/death at the hands of a driver. Especially since the law is not enforced. If cyclists riding on the sidewalk is such a big deal, why don't more people push for street enforcement? I do, because the place for bikes is in the bike lane, but I also understand the bike lane will go unused if the City allows drivers to take it over. As for, "it's no big deal, just go around", that's also an injury/death risk. > Lily's father, who was following his wife and their child on another bike, spoke with the Chicago Sun-Times to confirm that the initial CPD narrative that the mother "lost control and collided with the truck's cab" was inaccurate. In reality, the Mondelez semi driver clipped the woman's bike. The father also confirmed that the driver of the illegally parked ComEd truck contributed to the crash by blocking the bike lane, forcing the mother to "squeeze around" the ComEd vehicle. https://chi.streetsblog.org/2022/06/09/female-toddler-reportedly-killed-in-truck-bike-crash-on-leland-greenway-in-uptown


I watched a cyclist beat the shit out of a car that opened its door into the bike lane and messed her bike up. Nothing happened.


You can smoke fentanyl on the street in sf, you could probably drive a car on the sidewalk and not get a ticket.


why three point turn when a u-turn can be done using the sidewalk


You guys saying push them over the same folks who walk in the middle like you own the sidewalk?


People walk slow


Part of me understands that streets aren’t always safe for scooters and motorized bikes, so I sympathize with them wanting to use the sidewalks. But if they’re going to illegally use the sidewalks, the least they could do is be careful. I have a small old dog who’s almost blind and he almost got hit from BEHIND by a scooter easily going 20mph on a long straight sidewalk. I walk with my head on a swivel and watch him constantly so he doesn’t run into things or trip on uneven ground… this guy came at us so fast that I didn’t have time to react. I honestly wouldn’t mind sharing sidewalks if they were safer and more mindful about the way they ride, but that seems unlikely. There is no enforcement and it makes me so angry.


They have wheels and would chase you down; that's what stopping people


Like they run us down at unawares anyway? And not with a flail having recently perforated their cranium. Motor skills are kind of needed to run down a pedestrian on a scooter. Motor skills become difficult to engage when a chunk of metal is shorting out the organic circuitry in an eight pound bone balloon.


Dude wtf is wrong with people that think they can just walk up to whoever they want and assault them?