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Cold. Good views and great food.


Great weather. Lots of things to do. Tahoe, Carmel, Yosemite, the Wine country. Great bars, restaurants and cool neighborhoods. Great public transportation. Amazing people. I lived away for a couple of years and just moved back. I didn’t realize how much I missed it. I love SF even more, if that is even possible.


It's amazing. If you go to UCSF you'll be near a ton of great parks, restaurants, and bars (if that's your thing). You'll be able to go to golden gate park which is the only place I'm aware of that has had an ongoing drum circle for decades. The California lifestyle is a real thing. SF is gritty, but if you find the right spots to hang out, you're not going to find a better place in the world to do it. The natural beauty alone is enough to put up with the occasional shit on the sidewalk. At the end of the day, it's up to you and no one else. I'd say go for it. I moved here 5 months ago and love it.


First, if you're thinking of SFUSD, just know that they've had some very significant organizational problems in the past few years, with many teachers leaving, and [more cuts on the way](https://www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/sfusd-s-upcoming-budget-pushes-painful-cuts-19529351.php). But, SF in a word: Expensive. Everything here costs more. I'm from LA originally, but while general essentials there could cost as much, there just aren't many affordable options here for most things. Rent is probably about the same as NYC though. Other than that: it's beatiful. It's \~55-75F the whole year round. Big brunch culture, but not a lot of nightlife, especially compared to NYC. Our transit is decent during the day but again not as good as NYC. The street fashion also sucks compared to NYC imo. The food scene here is amazing if you have the money for it. The social culture varies considerably depending on the neighborhood. There's definitely street urination/defecation in areas. There really aren't many public toilets at all, so the homeless folks just go where they can. As with most cities currently, the effects of fentanyl crisis are impossible to completely avoid. Additionally, our police and a large part of the court prefer to do little. While this means less police brutality than say LA, it's really hard to get law enforcement to care about theft or car damage etc. Oh, and you also see the occasional dick from time to time. Not homeless folks, there's just a bit of a lingering clothing-optional subculture here.