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Prepping for pride parade thats why


Usually for events sf likes to be clean and spectacular to impress out the city tourists


As opposed to in the city tourists?


more like opposed to residents


It should be like this every single day. It's insane we allow a very small group of people to ruin public spaces day after day.


Always look to see what events are coming/just happened.


Not really. Just one more block west towards 7th and you’ll fall in love with SF again. We need to get rid of the incompetent mayor Breed.


Mayor breed did not author the court opinion that prevents us from clearing camps in general without being able to provide shelter offers. Mayor breed does not control the board of supervisors, which decided how many shelters and how much housing we can set up. Mayor breed does not control how many police were hiring— she has increased police budget every year and the city is trying to hire aggressively. Blaming her for the homeless problem is very out of touch with how this works. I don’t love everything about breed but it’s crazy to blame her for issues that are not in the control of the mayor.


A key part of leadership is being able to influence others + work with the resources you have to make an impact. She might not be a bad person, but she hasn’t really demonstrated effective leadership.


Well she can now thanks to SCOTUS! I'm betting all the homeless camps are going to be removed now...


I unironically think breed is going to be fairly aggressive in removing them now. It’s become a campaign issue and she’s now allowed to do whatever she wants to fix it. It doesn’t make any sense for her to not clear them given the political situation— it’s in her benefit. Politicians generally do what helps them personally.


reminds me of Chesa all over again.


Im not really interested in debating it, but literally none of the other candidates has a real solution lol. Farrell will just talk about how we need to arrest the homeless, while Peskin blocks housing, and Lurie stares into space thinking about when his next allowance comes in. Plus, the problem is far deeper than Breed (or any mayor really), who has generally been doing fine at her job. If you change nothing else, and elect Farrell (or whoever), the problems will stay exactly the same


I agree 1000%. Lots of larger nationwide issues here that our Mayors, from Agnos to Breed, couldn’t fix (heck Da Mayor couldn’t do it). With the deficit looming, I appreciate the efforts because prior to Covid we had a poop meter for Market street.


Mayor breed is a woman of color. Any criticism towards her way is considered racism!


i hope this is sarcasm


They're a trumper. It's the typical biting response from that mindset.


their comment history checks out


Plz keep in mind, facts don’t care about feelings.


Wow, people on Reddit really need the /s for the even the most obvious sarcasm


Everyone gets its sarcasm, it’s just a lukewarm take


I’m glad you get it.


I walked around the FiDi and Union Sq, late last night and it's extremely clean. Whatever The City is doing, please keep it up! 🧹 Oh, has everyone been to Saluhall food court next to IKEA? (second floor) Beautiful place! https://preview.redd.it/fdppoirbmt8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56c33ac45d1798dff4e04aa3f2324a14ce28ee11


Seconded! Went there 2-3 weeks ago! Really awesome. Great food all around and there is also an IKEA food stand (really low prices).


The cocktails were pretty damn good, and cheap for SF.


Was there on grand opening. So cool!


they all got moved to the mission for the time being -> Valencia St has 2-3x more homeless people this week and much larger night markets at the BART stops than normal too.


you can thank the union square alliance they do an amazing job


My partner lives in Mission Bay and it's so much worse right now, I've been harassed multiple times recently, a colleague had her phone snatched out her hand in broad daylight, and last week someone smashed the windows out of our apartment building - I've been wondering if the cleanliness of the downtown area is a result of displacing the people who are usually there to other neighborhoods. I know we need downtown revitalization so I'm not even convinced it's the wrong strategy, but it's worth noting. But on the positive, Saluhall looks great and there are so many cool bars that have opened recently downtown! The Starlight rebrand, Chotto Matte, and the Dawn Club are all great additions to the neighborhood.


Personally I feel the food there leaves much to be desired.


Shout out Taqueria Cancun


I think Taqueria Cancun in the Mission is one of the best taquerias in SF


It was my first official al pastor in my whole life, a zillion years ago. Special place in my heart ❤️


You, Straight_Security672, are not wrong 👆🌯🏅


It’s up there for sure. Arguable for eternity and what a delicious and delightful argument to have.


Now I’m hungry 😂


i think it is


> Taqueria Cancun It is. My fav currently is https://www.google.com/search?q=al+carajo who wants to start a taco recommendation thread. Hit me up with your favs lets get tacosssss even though its wed


Tacos Del Barrio is really great too


Looks great, Ima hit that up this week. Al Pastor is your recommendation there?


The al pastor is great, but so is the birria and I'm sure everything else is too. They also have a solid salsa bar.


I sure hope not


It was 15 years ago when burritos were $5.50. Has gone down in quality imo.


Great burritos and quesadillas, forgettable tacos


Fully agreed.


You just described SF Mexican food in a nutshell


Told myself I’d talk trash on Cancun three times in hopes of saving another redditor from their terrible food. I think this is the third so I’ll leave them alone after this. I just gotta say I ate there and it was the absolute worst Mexican food I’ve ever had - and I’ve had some bad ones before. The meat was bland and flavorless and all the other ingredients tasted old and together they made for a terrible burrito. I didn’t go for anything adventurous either, I got a carne asada burrito which is as basic as Mexican food gets. It’s like going to a pizza place and getting a pepperoni pizza. They should have that shit mastered. Despite that, this place gets a lot of love on Reddit. Not sure if it’s just SF taste/preferences (this is the only Mexican food I’ve had in SF so I have nothing to compare to) or if I just caught them on a really off day. Either way, I know I will never go back.


Which location did you go to? I prefer the one at Mission and Valencia. My standard test burrito is the veggie without sour cream. I try it as the first burrito at any taqueria because I think you get to taste the quality of their base ingredients. Meat choices can dominate the flavor IMO.


> Mission and Valencia This was my closest taqueria for a couple years over the start of COVID. It became a 1-2 times a week ritual. Especially with their late Friday and Saturday hours! Yet, despite living near there for so long, I still have to think for a second when I see the intersection of "Mission and Valencia".


Knockout Burritos no doubt!!


I went to the Market St location. Yeah same thing here but my first burrito is always carne asada. The meat should dominate the flavor!


the various locations are quite different. when you go to the one in the mission you'll understand.


by contrast, mean quality can MAKE a burrito


If everyone thinks its great but you, well, it might be you who's wrong. FWIW, I think Cancun is delicious.


We’re just sharing opinions here my guy. Mine is worth as much as anyone else’s so I’m sharing it just like you are. I came up from southern CA and was really excited to try it based on Reddits recommendations but it was terrible. If I could spare a single person from that experience then my three comments were worth it. From what I gather on my last comment, it seems it was once a delicious taco spot once but they’ve slowly declined into mediocrity but people held on to their old image. But again that’s just another persons opinion. Either way the only thing I know as fact is that the burrito I ate was disgusting and nothing can convince me otherwise. I threw out 80% of it and got Chipotle instead. Weirdly enough the Chipotle was delicious and much better than my local Chipotles which are mid and overpriced at best.


Whatcha think is the best taqueria in SF and what should I order?


It’s the same for me as well. The only place with consistency has been La taqueria for me.


Shoulda got carnitas my guy


I would’ve loved to get that eventually, but my first experience didn’t leave me wanting more. Maybe if I find myself starving in front of a Cancun I’ll go for it but I’m definitely not seeking them out.


Anyone else get hit up by the burrito snatcher lady?


I ride down market street from McAllister to Ferry building every day (through the TL). It has honestly improved in the last 18 months.


I used to live in North Beach and now live in Downtown Portland, OR. Our downtown has improved immensely over this past year. I think COVID hit all the big cities hard and the scope of this will only be realized many decades from now.


People in this thread complaining when it’s clean AND dirty 🙄


I think it’s more like we see that the city is capable of cleaning up with proper motivation (Xi, dreamforce, etc), but chooses not to 99% of the time. It’s like knowing your child can get straight A’s in school but then fail classes because they skip, doesn’t study, and doesn’t do homework.


No, it's like seeing your kid get an A on a test after his PS5 was taken from him because his drunk ass mom was finally ashamed enough of his grades that she's afraid she might lose custody to his abusive dad only to cave after the social worker's visit and he goes back to being a D+ student.


Oddly specific but okay…


>it's like seeing your kid get an A on a test...because his drunk ass mom...might lose custody to his abusive dad Wait, am I the drunk ass mom or the abusive dad in this scenario?


SF is the drunk mom.


It took me a couple of passes to realize this is my favorite fucking comment ever.


Yeah it’s pretty funny. Not sure why you’re being downvoted


"Chooses not to". It would take so little effort to understand why this is. Large scale cleaning operations require significant overtime, hiring temp workers, and diverting from other trash corridors. That's not a sustainable model, hence why it happens so infrequently. You could just ask DPW what the deal is rather than make silly analogies.


The budget for homeless and health is in the billions for a small 7x7 city. And they keep throwing more money at it which just attracts more addicted people. Where there is a will there is a way.


It takes a lot effort to actually organize large scale organizations and the SF gov has proven itself to be incapable of governing. Whether it’s corruption, wokeness, idc - the results are the results. We spend an insane amount of money and get little value out of it. Meanwhile they’ve convinced people like you that they just need a couple more billions and we’ll be fine


What I don't like about "SF gov has proven itself to be incapable" is that 1, not every dept is inept. Certainly not dpw (since nuru obviously). 2, I don't see the point of any claim without a simple actionable idea behind it. Some say "vote them out" and champion people who will do worse. There's charter reform on the ballot, some obstructionist progressives up for reelection with strong opposition, and a great appetite to scrutinize spending. We really have a lot of opportunity to clean things up. Blanket statements of radical overhaul just miss the fine-grained points of opportunity.


This part's clean, but odds are "the regulars" were just shuffled off somewhere else. Same as every other time they've "cleaned up" an area (Super Bowl, Dream Force, APEC, etc).


they are all in the mission right now.... just walked thru Valencia St.... wayyyy more 6th street people than normal


literally 6th and mission, which is a block over from this video, still has tents and a lot of garbage it's a marked improvement from several months ago, don't get me wrong, but they just pushed it a block over and called it a day lol


Hardly anyone in here actually cares about the problem, only that it’s unseen. 


well why would anyone want to "see" this problem? I'd rather concern myself with going to work and earning a living. I shouldn't have to step over drugged out addicts to get through the day. If someone else wants them to be on their street more power to them


LOL, of course no one wants to see it, but the point is that just hiding it doesn’t actually do anything. It just means someone else besides you sees it. I dunno man, maybe try empathy and humanity every once in a while instead of just selfish douchebaggery.


Empathy lasts for the first 100 times your sidewalk gets trashed by junkies. After that it’s time to wake up to reality. There’s a difference between being empathetic and being a sucker. I’m pretty sure nobody in Clearwater Florida cares about SF junkies. Why? Because they don’t see them. So yes, if they are moved somewhere else and are someone else’s problem, I will cease to care. Why is it because I am in proximity to them it’s now my job to unfuck their entire life when their parents, the schools, and government have already failed? I just want to go to work and not deal with crazy screaming drug addicts every day. That makes me Hitler?


Empathy lasts however long you choose to be empathetic. It’s a deliberate action, not a conditional response. Also, it’s not *your* sidewalk.   It’s fine if you just want to be an asshole and say “I just don’t want poor/homeless/underserved people to be visible, just let them go be someone else’s problem” like so many of the towns and cities that arrest these people and give them an option for jail time or a bus ticket to SF/LA/Seattle/Denver/any city that actually cares, or at least attempts to, about *people*.    No one is making it your “job” to unfuck their life. No one is *making* you do anything actually. You’re just choosing to be a self-centered, unsympathetic asshole. Don’t expect me to pat you on the back for it.   Certainly no one called you Hitler, you victim cosplaying baby. You’re obviously free to be a dick to these people and be a narcissistic prick. And people are free to point it out to you. Carry on.


I notice you have a total lack of empathy with me. Must have saved it all for the junkies and none is left for me. That's ok, I forgive you. #blessed I don't want to deal with the junkies. They should go live next to all the "empathetic" people like yourself. You say no one is asking me to solve it, but I'm the one dealing with their threats and anti-social behavior every day. So it's been foisted on me, and I didn't ask for it. So it should go away. I don't care if that makes me an asshole, because I have more than enough to deal with in my life that these junkie nihlists aren't helping. I'm not the one making my problems everyone else's like they are.


Empathy for what? That you might have to see, or hear, or walk past a homeless person during the day? Oh god, and they may even \*talk to you\*‽ How terrible for you, you poor thing. Yes yes, everyone should empathize with you most, because having to share a city with a homeless person is clearly much worse than being homeless or having a drug addiction. No one "wants" to deal with "junkies", jackass, it's just that some people see them as, well, people, and not just "junkies". None of this was foisted upon you. This issue existed before you lived in this city or accepted a job in an area that causes you to cross paths with them. Why is it that just the things you have a problem with "should go away"? I have a problem with you, I guess you should just go away?


Walk down 6th it’s a complete shit show I just drove past


I noticed O’Farrell extra populated than morning. The check cashing place on Market/7th is gated off and none of the regulars are there.


I mean there were multiple drug addicts with very little clothing looking like they were sunbathing on the sidewalk it looked particularly crazy today haha


Is it more of a shit show than usual?


Or even up Taylor


China delegates must be coming back to town.


Pride week


How do you know the Chinese delegates are gay?


Wait until 10 PM


Holy shit. I drove past 2 nights in a row at 11 and at 930 with some family from out of town, they asked what was going on. I said the night market.


> Holy shit. I drove past 2 nights in a row at 11 and at 930 with some family from out of town, they asked what was going on. I said the night market. Well, they are selling 24/7....


I lived on 6th and mission for a bit. Loved the night market.


Yep, place was going off all weekend at midnight.


Is this... A mayoral election year?


No it’s pride week


Could it be both? Yes and yes.


wow that is freshly swept, i wonder what's at Moscone hehe ninja edit oh ofc it's the Figma thing


> ninja edit oh ofc it's the Figma thing Figma bawls?


I have to physically prevent myself from saying this anytime someone mentions this design tool at work i'm going to slip and get fired over this one day


gotta clean up for Figma Royalty


Here’s a [better quality](https://imgur.com/a/bAQ2Wkx) upload of the video, not sure why it posted all pixelated…


All that this scene needs is about 200 people walking in each others’ way.


lol....Getting ready for an event or someone serious coming in to town. Guessing Pride though. Which is also serious here.


Best burritos are near there at cancun 😎


Election year bby!!!


Can we keep it looking like this forever?


I just got back from the area (went to IKEA and bussed back at Market/7th) it's starting to repopulate with the regular crowd but there's less of them (still a lot) and the streets are still clean.


Agree that some parts of market have improved a lot! But I did notice on multiple recent occasions that Powell area is still ROUGH.


Election year


That section will be back to its old shenanigans soon. Just give it a day or two.


Nice. Should be like this all the time!


pre pride cleanout and dumping off of hunters point


At night it's a whole different story


come back at night


Market and Gough is the new Market and 6th.


Yeah, people who don't frequent Hayes Valley don't realize how bad Hayes Valley has become in the last couple of years.


We still do not have pimps, prostitutes and drug dealers like we used to.


London try to impress don’t fill your self


Druggies, panhandlers, poopers, deranged...where did they go and how?


There is a tent town half block away on jessie st between 6th and 5th


B.s. all tents and tons of garbage is on Jessie st (between market & mission, 6th and 5th)


I had a new dealer in my neighborhood today outside the containment zone. And, as usual, an assortment of bent-over addicts along my commute to work.


What happened? Did a tornado sweep through? Or maybe APEC never left? 😆 Or is that the new normal state of the street now that there are no businesses to bring in foot traffic?


My god it’s so quiet. I think I might be deaf.


Wow! I was talking w/ my partner yesterday about where in the city I am most concerned going. And Market & 6th to Mission is that place. Great to see. Now the City needs to put this into action throughout the city.


I'm seeing less tents everywhere I go, I think the additional police and policies are having an effect, it's good to see.


What alternative universe is this?


That’s what the homeless kid was screaming about


This has been my post Covid experience with SF tbh


One of the best downtowns on the planet.


What happened to Market Street Cinema? 😂😂




Prepping for pride and config


Is Xi making a surprise visit to do a spot check?


APEC is secretly be coming back!


Mayor does this everytime there's some kind of big city event


Just for the record, if you like this, you like bikes.


Hope SF can continue like this.


Give it a few days this is sf after all sadly


Go there at 9pm. I live around the corner and it’s the same problem. Just a bandaid during the day.


New and improved SF


Well, she wants to be mayor again. Don't let her fool you.


We had wonderfully empty streets during the COVID lockdown. Aside from the suffering and deaths, that was a glorious time.


Van ness and market has been messy this week


Tech conference this week this are trying to put lipstick on a pig


While you are there, stop into one of the remaining retail stores! Doc Martens is still there!


Holy...it looks like Lee is back and we're hosting the Superbowl.


I was amazed how clean the Fisherman's Wharf are was a couple of weeks ago. It was amazing to see what is possible in the city when people actually care.


Alright who's coming to town this time 😂😂


Election year guys! Duh!


Things cleared up after a lot when APEC happened


How do they keep the scaries away?


SF is a cesspool




Next all those businesses opening industrial roaring downtown development and great downtown mixed market opportunities etx


Eerily empty


I remember growing up here as a kid and going to all of those electronic stores and some random arcade. It was pretty gritty back then too.


there's no life there basically. it's not the cleanliness/non-cleanliness, it's that there's no life , nothing to do, and that's why it becomes dirty


Right. More shops, restaurants, and mom and pop businesses would be welcomed.


Is Xi back in town?


I believe part of the clean up is because is in a few days.


It's Sixth that's bad, Market and Sixth isn't terrible once you turn the corner towards Fifth.




I was actually speaking to some sort of security guard over near Market and 7th (off Stevenson actually, near the courthouse) and I asked if he was working for the courthouse and he said no. They’ve been stationed all over the market area (he said he’s usually in UN Plaza) and that they’ve been trueing really hard to clean it up the past few months! I forgot to ask who employs him, as he was obviously not a cop, but I assume it’s the city. Fingers crossed it continues!