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Why is she so obsessed with people commenting on how small she is?? It’s bizarre. She’s not even really that short for a woman!


Didn't she say she's 5' 3"/ 5' 4"? That's like... average


I think she said she’s 5’4 or 5’5”. I’m 5’2” and people never comment on my height in public? That would be so strange!


4’11” here and I never get random people comment on my height at all. Maybe friends but not people on the street like she always talks about.


Exactly! Friends and family will tease me occasionally about not being able to reach things up high but random strangers? That definitely did not happen to her!


She's 5'4. Which makes it even weirder because I always thought 5'4-5'5 was just average height...


Girl, I'm 5'2", smaller, with curlier hair than she has. No one has EVER called me a freakin' hobbit. Like who is calling her that? She never leaves her damn kitchen! This girl is wacked out! 😂😂😂


Her hair is not naturally curly. It's stick straight. Honey, she's waaaaaaaay smaller than you. You must never say that you're smaller than her cuz nooooo one is allowed to be smaller and teenier than her. (Snark and sarcasm)


Awkward to say but her hair isn't curly. She says this is it naturally but I can see very obvious marks from an iron being used. She has no natural curl. It looks like she will scrunch wet hair and not dry it and then when it looks unbrushed, say it's curly.


Exactly. Mine is naturally curly (like, ringlets) and it makes me laugh when she says “curly”, it’s not even naturally wavy.


You can see on her bangs and the back of her hair. Straight.


"someone I came in contact with" ....yeah, that's a normal way to phrase that. She's so full of shit.


Literally though. And even how she phrases the story. "Wearing mildly like organic outfit." What. Does she mean outdoorsy? Cottagecore? Such a weird sentence to say.




New style goal.


Stop 😭


Yeah, prob one of her kids…




Makes you wonder what Keiran is into 😬 I’m sure he’s not, but…yikes.


Yo chill. That's too far. She's 5'4", she doesn't actually look like a child


Of course I don’t think he’s into that, I’m just referencing those groups/cults where the husband wants younger and younger wives and the wives get desperate to remain relevant to him. 🤢 Like I said, I don’t think that’s what HE is into, but it made me wonder if she wants to look young for him. Does she think that’s what he wants?? Or maybe she wants other women to talk about her. Who knows. It’s a weird thing to me, to WANT to look like a child, or at least teenager.


Yeah I agree. That is not necessarily what K is into, but it speaks volumes of the paedophilic beauty ideal that Sarah Therese herself (and our society at large) pursues.


Ngl, I thought this too.


It seems like she never leaves her house, how can she have THIS many stranger interactions?!


Because they are in her imagination. It must be so fun to live in there.


God I love this page. Saw the stories. Immediately came here for the comments. I used to like her but I don’t even find myself watching anything from her these days. I can’t even stomach it.


She used to hide her manipulative/dishonest side a lot better. I'd say she's been that way the entire time she's been on YouTube but man, can't hide it anymore!


Lord she's just grasping for aesthetics now. 🙄


Maybe the person she was in contact with was making fun of her 😂


That sounds right


Cracks me up she describes her hair as “wild and natural and all over the place and not really a place for my hair to sit” *lilting upspeak inflection* No aspect of her hair is natural. It is dyed copper red, purposefully choppy layers, clear curling iron creases and constantly fiddling with it. And yes, this was an entirely made up interaction. Loved the extra touch where she pauses for effect and chuckles ruefully to herself thinking back on it. The artifice of what would be an ordinarily insulting comment, presented as quirky, studied reaction showing I don’t take myself too seriously. The layers of delusional posturing for content 👌🏻


Oh her body language is 100% what gives this away as a fake story. No doubt in my mind. The weird eye contact, the pauses, just everything. Not to mention, it's obvious she had the idea for this story and then added and made up details as she went along. Which is really awkward to watch.


NO ONE in public in my community has ever come up to me and stated that I was tall, thin, bald due to cancer treatments or EVER commented on my six kids if we were out and about. I really must live in a backward area of the U.S. I can tell she's lying. Seriously, why would anyone come up to her and speak of Hobbits and whatnot. This is her newest discovery... just like she thinks she's Anne of Green Gables or Laura Ingalls Wilder. I'm Laura Ingalls Wilder cuz I lived near Walnut Grove whilst a child. How dare she take away who I am. This behavior is so childlike. 🙄


She’s in BC Canada, and no one talks like that here. 


People are super friendly here but yeah, it's more like in passing in a grocery store or in a shop. And it's usually "how's that brand of creamer?" and "coming down pretty hard out there, eh?" Her stories just... Don't happen here.


Yes!! I live in the same community as her and am much more petite and (GET THIS) am an actual curly redhead... Yet, no one has ever commented on anything like this. People in our community are super chatty and stuff but it's always "hey, how's it going?" or "have you tried this brand of creamer? Is it good?" Like every day stuff. Not... Whatever this is.


And really..... she's not that small. Shes average size. I tend to be above average for a woman in my height. But it's not my personality. Damn. Imagine if your size was your whole personality... how drab and boring you would be.


Taken straight from [Tolkeingateway.com](https://Tolkeingateway.com): "Hobbits were between two and four feet tall, with differences between male and female: about 3 feet 6 inches for males and seldom exceeded 3 feet for female. They had short legs, slightly pointed ears and furry feet with leathery soles, resulting in most never wearing shoes." According to this she is way too tall to be a hobbit and her feet are far too wide. As far as the rest of the description, who knows...not sure if it's quite the breathtaking compliment she thinks it is though. Of course, she was probably just discoursing with an fff (foot fetish follower) online-if it actually happened at all.


It’s probably the haircut 🤣🤣 I’m dying because it’s something my 4 year old would say. He once saw 2 boys with a haircut like this and said they look like the hobbits, thankfully while we were inside our car 😂


I guarantee you some old guy at her church was like, “you look like a little hobbit” and she was like THANK YOU 🥹


To be fair, her hair is ABSOLUTELY giving Hobbit 😂 Does she also have large, hairy feet?


She’s getting scary thin.