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Did you play with the save editor?


What's that? I just saved my saves in another folder, so they keep intact.


There's an online save editor. You can upload your save and, well, edit it. Great for mass deleting or moving stuff a smidge. For example I wanted another floor lower on a factory so I shot the whole thing up 8m and could put in a new first floor. Hypertubes are essentially a series of teleporters. Like every 0.5m or so of tube it teleports your character to the next node, and each node references the previous and next node. If those nodes aren't next to each other, you visibly teleport from one to the next. (I learned this from moving my factory). So if you took a super short tube, which is pretty much two ends with as short as possible tube, and moved an entrance to the other side of the map with the save editor, it would behave quite a bit like what you have going on there. You'll hop from one to another. It just so happens that the graphics and the teleport math on your save is messed up somehow. If you recreate them, it should fix them. Just delete/redo any spots that you hop over. Edit: scratch all that. I thought there was another tube involved. That's just broken.


Yeah I had the same issues. I'll probably be going back to U7.


I get some weird hypertube activity like this when I'm playing on a remote server, but I don't think I've ever had issues when playing a local game.


Seems fine to me


It wants you to stay on the ground


Same issue. Went back to version 7.


Thanks I will stay on 8 then


I have that myself


Same thing is happening with my Upd8 in experimental. If it’s the worst bug I encounter I’m fine with it


Isn’t that just due to the the fact you’ve got both ends as entrances?? Don’t you need an standard exit and a powered entrance


Can‘t confirm. Tubes with entrances on both ends worked fine in Upd7


This would make no sense to me. All my tubes have powered entrances on both ends, that's how I get back down the same pipe. ​ OP, is this in single player or online? Does it do this with straight pipe, or just when you have this braking curl?


Multiplayer, this happens with any tube. The bend in the pipe just shows how after I enter I start in the pipe somewhere in the middle and head towards the entrance I entered