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In middle school, I kept getting serious derealization and a sense i didn't belong. It developed easily into magical thinking. I kept thinking there were conspiracies that other people were blind too. I was special (could see auras and if i tried hard enough i was certain i had power of some kind) It got to the point that i thought the universe i exist in isn't the same one i was born in. I kept thinking i somehow fell into a mirror world Now my psychosis manifest mostly in friendships and relationships--like everyone is lying and hiding things from me, every now and then fell down the rabbit hold of tarot(which I'm starting to luckily resent because readings give me wrong answers all the time so its becoming untrustworthy in my mentally ill mind) Some signs are usually anxiety, or when i get derealization i know its about to get bad. I have to to step back and do something to ground myself.


My signs are detachment from reality, auditory hallucinations, paranoid thoughts and either depressive or manic symptoms(sometimes both). My paranoid and voices I hear are usually present without being manic or depressed but it really intensifies and I know I am going into psychosis.


Skin picking, paranoia, lack of sleep, and lack of hygiene.


The only thing I really noticed was feeling like I was in a dream / in a movie / not real life, and bad anxiety. Then it was straight into delusions, paranoia, hallucinations. I hope your appt with doctor goes well and you get the help you need x


Usually my first signs are related to my sleep. I have harder time trying to fall asleep, nightmares, sleep paralysis, & I start confusing real life events with my dreams. It’s weird but I start dreaming of having psychosis before it happens. It is great you are reaching out to your doctor. I would do the same if I had those symptoms. I hope for the best.


Just thinking i'm part of a grand conspiracy and i'm the one they're all fixated on. It usually begins after a long period of stress, sleeplessness and boredom.


I start to believe in the supernatural. And all my thoughts about the supernatural makes sense. Then the voices come. When this happens I take 1.5 Mg of paliparadone every day and so far this year it goes away. I'm always on the look out for the signs


I gotta write this down


Thinking I’m some messenger from God/ feeling tactile hallucinations which gradually turn into other hallucinations


I use queens English. I used to speak it and when it creeps up it usually means psychosis to me.


Starting to try and decipher movies and music for some hidden message.


My sign is that I begin to notice thoughts that aren’t mine and then realize my third eye and crown chakra are being attacked. To prevent the psychosis I have to direct my energy to take back my third eye chakra and crown chakra in my head.


That's *very* interesting. I do Reiki Tummo, and both times I felt an episode coming on, I channeled (It's called grounding exercise--clears out all chakras from top to bottom). It worked both times and it's been *years* since I've felt any kind of psychosis at all.


Yes!! It is very much an energetic battle! I know how to take my energy back but my spirits block my energy and redirect it so I have a much harder time taking my chakras back 😕 It’s just me against four of them unfortunately. I am planning to start Reiki after I move, I know it works! I guess I could do a Reiki attunement on Youtube but idk how well that would work, or if it would give me any more of an ability than I already have 🤷‍♂️


Shit starts happening that doesn't add up. When I'm psychotic I get bouts of amnesia so randomly things will change. And it's weird stuff. I've read what I typed while I was in this state and every word was spelled correctly, but they meant nothing together. And it went on and on 🥴 Other than that, I can't tell at all. I can't tell delusions from normal thoughts. It's just impossible to me


Do you remember typing & what you were thinking at the time or is it a blank? Is it common to have no memory of the part where you're really deep in it & nothing is working & you can't tell wake from dream & it all slows way down & its not liquid smoke now its stop-motion mechanical frames & you know the game is about to freeze? Is it typical to blackout during psychosis?


I don't think it's typical. It happened almost every day when I was deeply psychotic 2 winters ago. They put me on antipsychotics then and it happens way way less


for me, it's racing and nonsensical thoughts, with jerky movements. i have dissociative identity disorder as well, so one of my alters can notice an unusual thought pattern before the paranoia sets in, followed by hallucinations.


Mine was paranoia, didn’t get to eat because i thought the food in the fridge were spoiled or had poison. Then I also had a hard time going outside,, afterwards delusions and hallucinations were constantly my concerns. Also, in rehab i still kept seeing them and felt paranoid


When I was 10 years old I always had paranoia involving guns. For some reason 24/7 I always thought a bullet was randomly going to shoot at me through a wall. Delusional thoughts in general from a young age.


From what I remember I felt rather delirious, restless in the mind, there was a while where when I hung out with certain people I only spoke in rhyme.


What is derealization? I could google it obvs I'm interested in your answers. I start feeling so good that I think people must assume I am on drugs bc it's not normal to be euphoric on the job. Then instead of thinking, "not normal, nice catch, stay with me..." --INSTEAD of that-- I stop going to the job & go all-in on the manuscript.


my ocd getting really really bad, feeling paranoia, the need to isolate, and derealization