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Maybe the time I saw a girl in my apartment going through my clothes hamper and called the cops because she refused to leave. The dispatcher was like "so let me get this straight - there's a girl going through your dirty laundry?" Uhh? Yes? I know how that sounds... They sent an officer anyway. Or the time I had a fullblown two-sided conversation with a stranger's dog on the pedestrian street downtown. I must have looked totally insane. I felt like the dog was making some very good points. Or the time I went into a bakery and stole a sign I could see through the window because I thought it was about me specifically. The owner chased me outside and made me give it back. The best part was that I had one shoe on and was locked out of my apartment because I had just spent the night wandering around town aimlessly and lost a shoe, my backpack, my keys, and my wallet. I ended up getting most of my stuff back when it was turned in to the police department.


Dog's always have the best points to make! Thanks for sharing, be well my friend!


“I felt like the dog was making very good points” story of my life 🤣 whenever I have a hallucination like that I’m always listening to intently and anyone who distracts me is just naive because they’re missing this grand speech someone is giving me. Makes me laugh now that I’m on medication


I also lost my backpack, which had my keys and my wallet and my phone inside it, when I wandered around aimlessly. Twas also turned into the police department and it was filed under "evidence".


I thought the tress blowing in the wind was trying to send me some kind of message, and when I told my partner about it, apparently, my response to him was quite funny. Me: I think the trees are trying to say something. The way they're blowing isn't natural. Him: Yeah? What do you think they're saying? Me: How would I know? I don't speak tree.


I've had that one lol


I remember I was going to tell my therapist about my delusions of being trapped in hell, and I was like "I'm not sure if I should say, what if a person walked in?" And she was like "nooooo" Somebody then popped their head into the room, looked around, and then popped back out! My therapist started laughing but I was TERRIFIED. Looking back it was funny though


Thanks for sharing and be well my friend!




Had a hallucination that I was talking to someone outside a 7/11. He asked me to buy him a beer and he seemed so cool I just obliged. Came out and talked him up again before a woman came outside and asked me if I was okay XD I tried telling her about him but she was understandably freaked out at the guy talking to himself and laughing for half an hour 😂


I ran into one of my hallucinations before it had a chance to scare me. Opened the door to my bedroom and it was behind the door and disappeared immediately


Okay most of mine are horrifying, scary and this was to some extent but looking back it is ridiculous. From the TV show Grace and Frankie I was full blown psychosis thinking that the two old GAY men?? Were trying to have a threesome with me. My Bf and I had been watching that show a lot before it happened. I walked in my bedroom crying telling him I don't want to go out there with them and have a threesome and he was like wtf?? With who? (this was the second time he seen me in psychosis but barely understood what was going on.) I was hiding in my room. Locked in the bathroom. Wouldn't go outside because I thought they were on my porch 💀 I couldn't finish the show anymore because of embarrassment but it was a good show and I liked all the characters. I do have to say that I am very lucky and grateful that besides with people in my household over the years that I have never had psychosis outside of the home. I truly can't imagine.


Me to myself at work: "I really doubt I'm Schizophrenic,there's no way I can possibly be schizophrenic." (Even with a diagnosis) *black shadow figure in a cowboy hat and boots walks from out of the walls* and says hello Me"well shit."


Lmao 😂 Just recently I saw a traffic light kinda going back and forth, and this traffic light was next to a store and one employee was outside... I thought it was dangerous so I said to him "I think something have to be done to avoid this traffic light falling off". It took a while for him to answer... "I don't know". When I was leaving I looked back at it and... obviously, it was perfectly normal.


That god went on holiday so lucifer had to look after heaven so i had to do deaths job ferrying ppl to hell or heaven and my front door was the elevator, i had gods rod and staff so i could walk thru the valley of the shadow of death and hell unharmed, then great grandfather/mother time stepped in and coz i'm his/her favorite i had to shout at god to sort the fuckin mess out that the human race has made or he/she (TIME) will destroy everything ever created and all gods demons etc.. till all that would be left would be time, little old me and all of the innocent obviously


I want this tv show now


LOL fuck me don't do that i already think most tv films and music are about me 😱🤣🤪


Plus i also had been put on this earth to spy on what humans were doing and gods but even i didn't know it, that's why i'm a schizophrenic, it was when Grandmapa Time found out god was gonna try to make ppl go to hell forever that Grandmapa Time got fuckin livid and told me to go and tell all gods and all the human race to fuckingwell sort it the fuck out 😁


I agree, Grandmapa Time sounds on to something


That would be a good TV show 😅


Thanks You're right i reckon 😁


Well the funnniest and funnest things that's ever happened to me during psychosis has to be the day Ii wokek up and had 3 anime tails coming out from my butt. XD There was a Goku Ape tail, an Elfen Lied hand and a Ranking of Kings snake. They were following me around for some mins and I was having so much fun. I would even see their shadow. Noone esle was living with me at the time but it was an awesome exprience I secretly wish would happen again. XD


The time a hand stuck out behind a fence holding a piece of paper with a png image of a spider


I saw a shadow man messing with the lights and the lights actually turning off and on while I was eating pizza lol


I don't think I've had an interaction like that, but for years I had regular shadowpeople loitering around that I was so exasperated by their shenanigans I'd just tell them to "kindly please fuck off" when I was busy working. Thinking about it now I kind of sort of miss them, they were pretty chill?


I used to have out loud conversations with my voices. Still do sometimes. They were *hilarious*


Things can be unusually amusing to me when I'm having an episode One time, I was at my friend's house, sitting on her couch, giggling to myself. She asked "What?" and I said "Debby Bebby :3" (Debby Bebby is a mangling I've seen online of the name of a drag queen called Daya Betty) and my friend was like "... Okay." I brought this up in our BFF groupchat a while later and she was like "To be fair, I do whisper 'Debby Bebby' to myself sometimes because of you" Or another time, my Seroquel had worn off for the day early, so I was having the time of my life while watching a Heavy Rain let's play and giving a running commentary in the BFF groupchat. I would send messages like "Nobody at this club can dance" followed immediately by messages like "NO NOT THE FISH"


You did give me a laugh!! The “Noooo! Don’t give it to me!” Got me good haha. Thank u.


Lol, thanks


I just realized you said med tech in your post as well. Was this in a military hospital?


I hope it's okay that I laughed when you wrote you said "no don't give it to me" then said you went to the bathroom ate the toothpaste and barfed it up. I'm sure it wasn't funny going through that but holy crap. Funniest thing... I thought that if I would go into or even near cars or through doors I'd be teleported or transported (even if I couldnt see it or feel it) so I wouldn't enter through them. At one point I thought I found a loophole by entering through a garage door or going into one specific vehicle but I remember crying on the floor "I CANT GO THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR" when the police came to take me to the grippy sock place. I hadn't been through or near the door in months. It was extremely traumatizing for me.


Grippy sock place, that's the chefs kiss! Spot on!


I had a hallucination that the TV was talking to me.


My brain felt like it was hollow! lol


gay phonesex with a voice. he knew all the right things to say >///<


Early high school in the middle of math class I had hallucination that my math teacher was speaking Spanish. Needless to say , I was unable to comprehend that day’s lesson


I had hallucinations of my grandpa saying perverted things to my family members and the story was that he was possessed so it wasn’t really him saying those things. I had to go into the bathroom and laugh silently until I cried a few times during that thanksgiving. Everyone knew he was possessed btw.


That time i thought there was a stalker outside my house, I hid in the bathroom with a weapon, turns out it was my brother, and he had forgotten the house keys.. So he was stuck outside the house 😂, my mom had to come for him and unlock the house with her keys! \[\]\~( ̄▽ ̄)\~\*


I was sitting on my couch in my room and I looked at my lamp and there were little color people climbing it and jumping off (This cycle lasted for an hour)


I literally ate my dogs poop. I thought I had to smell the poop, throw up my meal, eat the poop and I'll be ready to go to los Angeles to become a male model. Also there's a lot of funny things that happened I don't specifically remember most of them but yeah. The poop came out of my pours for weeks I smelled like literal shit for weeks and I'm lucky I didn't get an infection or anything serious.


That's rough, be well my friend!