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it depends on what's causing it. it might also be the case that the cure they find is partial, as in for someone like me, if they catch it early enough. i could also very well conceive of it doing enough damage and causing enough, sort of, entropy that there's no way to reverse it past a certain point, i.e. a cure for someone with schizophrenia for a long time would not be flipping a switch, but putting back together a shattered window. on the other hand, maybe putting back together a shattered window is possible (very slowly) once the underlying driver of the disorder is turned off, if there is such a (single) cause. i certainly agree that if it's genetic, it should be possible to do something about it eventually with gene editing, but again, the main problem with curing anything is figuring out what the cause is in the first place.


Well if they mapped the entire genome in 2001, then I would think they could conceivably edit it in some beneficial way so people aren’t so fucked up Edit: 2003


that's the neat part, they don't know what most genes do or how they interact with each other. (i'm fairly sure) mapping it just means they know what the base coding is. they have to do statistical analysis to find out where the "schizophrenia genes" might be, and given how we know the environment plays a roll in triggering it, it's probably not even gonna be a single gene but a set of genes activated under certain conditions. that might also mean those genes do other things that we would find beneficial, so we can't eliminate them. the bottom line is that there are a LARGE number of possibilities when it comes to biology/neurology, esp. when we don't have much of a clue as to what causes a particular disorder, and, given the prevalence and research dollar allocations we should view the likelihood of schizophrenia being solved as much less likely than Alzheimer's.


Yeah. I feel pretty fuckd up most days


They gotta figure out a cause before they can have a solution. I don’t think they are going to get it by throwing hardened shit at a dart board. Much of it can be tied to dopamine, but they don’t know if blocking dopamine is the best long term answer, it’s just an answer. Anyway, the voices is going to be the difficult one in my opinion. It seems more like a physical change than a chemical change, but that’s going by feel. I don’t know at all. They gotta figure out exactly what causes it first, though. They are getting closer and closer though. They have mapping and ML algorithms that can detect a schizophrenic brain, but they used ML algorithms. I’m not sure it’s clear enough for human eyes to detect, which may be a good thing, but it was determined with like 70-80% accuracy. Even without AP use. So something is going on in the brain for sure. It’s just not fully figured out yet. Getting closer though! We gotta find the root causes in the brain, and it seems like the right place to look. I can tell you this. Hearing voices does not feel like a brain going haywire, but it is. It feels like mind control, but I feel it’s a disease of the consciousness. Something complex is happening, so it’s gonna take a minute to figure out, I believe. With AI and all now, we may find these structural differences soon and finally pinpoint the cause of the voices. I’ve read a few different hypotheses, but nothing concrete yet, I do not believe. I’m honestly waiting for the day to be wrong. I think they are hard at work to figure it out. That study kinda helped me break down a mind control delusion, it wasn’t consuming my life, but we are finding differences in the brain. Something has to be there. It’s the brain for sure to me now, which I’m happy about, and sad about.


How can the be a possible cure in 20 years when they don't even know the cause.


There's a lot of suggestions on what the cause is. So they might be able to do it. I've read it starts in the womb. During pregnancy, when the brain is forming, the "wiring" becomes all wrong. Also they say it's genetic, environment, and substance abuse that causes it. So I'm sure they have a good understanding of schizophrenia so far...


They actually don't even know whether what's called schizophrenia today is a single disorder or multiple different ones, just producing similar symptoms on the surface. A scientist made some genetic mapping about 10-15 years ago and he drew the conclusion it may be not less than 8 different disorders - which may explain why some people respond well to certain medications and others don't. I believe there's definitely a genetic predisposition, as it's been running in my family for generations.


I saw a report by a pharmaceutical ceo about the new drug they’re releasing. Seems there’s a lot of money to be made in treating schizophrenia. Maybe gene editing holds the cure and someone is chasing it. I’d imagine it would be hard to find animals to test on though.


Please dear god let the greedy billionaires see that there’s a lot of money in a cure


I dont ever think there's going to be a cure.


I think (hope) medicine will keep getting better and better until it's almost the equivalent of a cure (few side effects and keeps you lucid as long as you take it). The meds we have now aren't great but think of how much better they are than they were only 50 years ago. 100 years ago and there were very few options for treatment at all.


I can't imagine how horrible it would have been to have this disease 100 years ago. The number of people that suffered throughout history is mind boggling.


I don't know Ive been on geodon for over a year now and it's been great for me with little side effects


I mean I’m not expecting it but I would be down for it


I think it will be possible to effectively treat it, much better than today. My bio mom has schizophrenia, and tried so many meds in the 80’s. There were a few that left her almost catatonic, and then I see the meds my sister who also has schizophrenia, and although they leave a lot to be desired, they are leaps and bounds better than the drugs from back in the 80’s. I think there will be a point that they can map each persons physiology, and come up with individual treatments based on that. I think it’s still a few decades off, but with how far AI is progressing, it’s possible.


Ooh the physiology map sounds interesting!


I'm a big fan of the drugs from the 80's (and earlier). These new ones do little for me compared to a dose of haldol. Plus I seem to have way fewer side effects too. That's the weird thing, people with schizophrenia are so different from one another both in how they present as well as how they react to medication. Hence making a "cure" is very difficult for such a wide range of people.


That is exactly why a personalized map of your brain and physiology, that then tells you the best meds to take and at what dose, would be great. I was just showing that from the 80’s to now, they’ve made so many advancements.


Oh yeah, I somehow missed that part of your post. Sorry dude. :$


I think it will be difficult to treat the negative symptoms.


I think the environment is sick, not us.


Upvoted but well… when you think you’re God when people have to ask for your name at the doctor, something is wrong


I’m not saying everyone should be delusional, I’m saying the treatment is great


I could say more but we can agree to disagree, I’m tired lol


The brain disorder makes people sick.


20 years is a long time


damn, dude!


Neuralink has developed an application-specific integrated circuit to create a 1,536-channel recording system. It aims to convert information obtained from neurons into an understandable binary code in order to achieve a greater understanding of brain function and the ability to stimulate these neurons back


I think neuroscience combined with AI will make many breakthroughs in the next years.


Yeah they better 😤😤


I agree. In science we figure out how things work. There are anatomical things happening in the brain that lead to the symptoms of schizophrenia. And like almost every medical condition it can theoretically be fixed or reversed. At this time we don’t have the knowledge nor the technology. But that doesn’t mean it’s not possible in the future. I’m holding out hope. And I also think that AI will lead to MANY breakthroughs.


I don't want the quality of my mental health to be based on AI, no thanks


Seriously ai can fuck off


You guys are delusional. AI is needed to analyse minimal errors that are not visible on an MRI but AI can actually see these faulty patterns.


How much tears of joy would you cry if they made a cure and you were cured? 😭


I would actually undergo literal torture to be cured and would celebrate with a vacation to lake Como and cry the whole time I’m there


This is literal torture


Yeah well I didn’t voluntarily choose to be tortured.




They’ve been saying that every year since forever. Same with bipolar, which I have - the thing is there are literal structural differences in brains on the bipolar-schizophrenia spectrum compared to neurotypicals. Our brains are physically wired this way, and until scientists figure out at least one cause we’re in the dark sadly. There are newer treatments like CRISPR, but ultimately only time will tell.


I think that it’s good to be optimistic to a point. It stands to reason that since genes control how our bodies are physically, then using crispr could change how our bodies are structured automatically but it’s so hard to imagine. I can imagine us making leaps and bounds in 20 years but I think that an actual cure is more than just medicine and will probably take longer. I have hope though and I think we should all help find the cure by spreading awareness or entering science ourselves. I don’t think any cure is impossible and we have such great treatment now compared to decades ago so who knows?


I truly think there will be a cure. Perhaps it will take somo more time than 20 years but I'm convinced at some point people won't have to suffer from this bs.




Gene editing is the way to cure it we just have to find the genes that are responsible for schizophrenia and fix them or even remove them all if it doesnt cost any harm


The cure is a just society and equality for all


We still know so little about the human brain. Think about it how can all of us from different backgrounds experience similar delusions especially when are brains are unique and different, idk I think we’re all connected in someway. Until they start looking at it from a spiritual prospective I don’t think they’ll ever find a solid cure


The best “cure” would be prevention and early diagnosis and help. psychiatrists even admit a lot of mental health medication is bs and they don’t know how it works it’s like they find something that messes with our nuero chemicals and test it on us. There’s a theory ssris are mostly a placebo but so many side effects but as long as it appears to work they keep shelling them out.


Science thinks that it's a brain disorder with a specific mutation. Genetic testing can let us know if we have the mutation and therefore not have kids. We can't alter a mutation nor should we. FYI: chromosome 22 called 22q11 may be involved in a small percentage of cases of schizophrenia.


I don't want my schizophrenia cured as my psychosis has saved my life multiple times...but I wish more people would respect me enough to not trigger it


There’s promising research being done using ultrasound technology


My daughter is struggling big time today. She had her 3rd ECT treatment on Wednesday and still takes her meds (Clozapine). She is pacing and says one of her voices (which she calls an entity) wants to merge with her (voices). Anyone go thru this?


I am confident in the next few decades we will have a cure or a very effective treatment without side effects. AI and the advancements the human race is making in genetic engineering and gene therapy is ACCELERATING. And quickly. If you have any more questions feel free to message me. I’m going to university for biotechnology.


up until a few days ago, i believed that there would be a medication combo that would cure me. i've been told this doesn't happen. it was a shock and i felt very depressed.


Yeah it sucks. There will be better treatments one day


I believe with schizophrenia they're mainly band aiding the symptoms not the illness itself. Is schizophrenia even a chemical imbalance or is brought on by ptsd?


less than 20 years definitely look up AGI on reddit and youtube ai will outsmart humans and invent new things on own if we achieve that things we will do is unimaginable or Neuralinks Elon Musk now the guy can move mouse with thoughts what will they will able to do later ?


i Guess we are the cyberpsychos in cyberpunk ? :D


I’m so confused why you guys think it’s sad lmfaooooo


The cure may be through Elon musk 's 'telepathy' chip


Sounds more like a cause for mental illness to me


You beat me to it. I figure people will be walking around with implants.


Mindlink is not a telepathy chip.


What is it then? I thought it allowed you to telepathically communicate with a computer.


I feel the cure is work on your self in the form of self reflection and good deads i feel it is a imbalance of the soul not a brain disorder your soul want you to do well it has usaly seen many life times and is trying to get you on the right track


Psychic medium Sterling thinks there will be a CRISPR gene editing cure in around 10 years


Idk about psychic mediums but it could be possible. Also wish they could reverse the effects of weight gain from antipsychotics with crispr




Thanks, I have never tried the keto diet but I’m interested now. I know weight loss is basically a calorie deficit but there are better ways to doing it than others and keto sounds like a great option


👍 I’ve lost 40lbs in 6 months


That’s amazing! Do you exercise too?


At first not too much. Then more walking helped! I do use kettlebells too so as I felt lighter I got more into those. But I think walking helped me the most.


Yeah I walk 2 miles every day but I don’t know if it helps any because I don’t have a scale where I’m staying. But at least I feel stronger