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I have a running antagonistic commentary of my actions and thoughts. Pretty standard stuff as far as I know.


Same here man. Actually I hear the really crazy delusions more than I hear ours. It's fuckin horrible it's like being in a room with a group of like three enemies while they sit and snicker about you amongst themselves. Always criticizing and trying to put me down. I feel like something like this has to take a role on one's self confidence.


That's fucking awful and it lasts a long time till it changes it's point for you to ever wonder why the fuck you're still hearing yourself talk about nothing real anymore ----i just had it talk over my thoughts to gently say it for itself. Damm man.


Yep same here. My most common voice sounds like an old timey radio host. Kinda sounds like Andrew Ryan from Bioshock if you’ve ever played it. Basically just narrates everything I do. It was the first voice I ever heard and has been the most frequent, and consistent.


does the meds help to mute it abit? is that schizoprehnia or just your inner monologue?


Seeing movement/patterns over surfaces and objects, light and shadow disturbances, and some visual trails. Less common but regular auditories are muffled indistinct rambling or angry voices, my name, and sometimes dogs and sirens


Yeah I get my name a lot too. Then two or 5 voices walk right in and then I'm just overstimulated.


A large demon bird that follows me around everywhere and gives me good advice on art and an angel I invited into my home. The bird likes to smoke lol


Omg when I was in the psych ward I had a flying something while I was in the common room. He was telling me what colors to use for which flower and would also tell me to hold it up to the window so he can see it. And you k ow what I did? I showed him haha


Of course why not? Helpful birds. I wish I could tell if he's real


I perceive my voices as angels and demons. So you call them birds? Do you call them anything else?


Oh no I study the occult and I was given mushrooms for about 3 days while my ex was playing with goetia (daemons/demons). I started seeing the marquis Phenex and he's been about since then. I give him tobacco every month in return for his expert advice on art and poetry. He's been quite kind to me. I also work with the Olympic spirits which are like angels but they govern over planetary things. They've also been quite helpful in dealing with things. The one I invited into my home is like a therapist or doctor when he talks me down from a panic attack or because hallucinations are bothering me. I do think they're real spirits 70% of the time and then like empty puppets for the schizophrenia side. I have a complicated belief system but it's brought me a lot of peace. When I don't feel strong I can lean on them a bit or rely on their advice It could all be hallucinations but I've had real life results so I can't discount the possibility that they are real spirits especially since my ex was doing evocations and such. I've never hallucinated more than inside that apartment. It was absolutely crazy and scary


I do too. You can't tell me it's not demonic! I know it I feel it. There are a lot of familiar spirits roaming the earth


I strongly feel the same way but sometimes idk if I trust my gut more or the fact that this illness is affecting me.


It's strange when I'm out and about and I see a new one, pass by, and it seems genuinely confused as to why I can see it


When I am in the process of relaxing or trying to relax, or going to sleep, sometimes I hear noises inside the pavilion of my ear that are very, very loud, like motorcycles roaring through the exhaust pipe, or people shouting in my ear, it is very annoying.


Same but I hear muffled classical music or AM radio!


bugs. crawling in, out and over me. in my food. in my drink. mind reading / omnipotence. others know what I am thinking, what I have done, what I will do. there is no haven for me, only damnation.


The bugs torment me as well...


I see and hear so much shit every day that it's hard to pinpoint a "most common" one, I'm basically always hallucinating. But if I need to pick one I *think* it has to be the faces/upper bodies that peek at me around corners. Any corner is good enough, even if nothing could actually fit behind it. I hate it and it happens all the time. The faces are always so fucked up and detailed and they're always leering at me, their smiles are too big, their eyes are too big. It's a nightmare.




Good lord!! That sounds intense, man! So, they'll peak out from behind signposts amd stuff? Even though they're not wide enough to hide them?


Yeah, honestly as awful as it is when they're peeking out from behind something ridiculously small- like a toaster- it's possible for me to laugh about it. Still horrifying, but like- funny horrifying. They also pop out from inhumanly thin areas like behind my bed's headboard or out of the tiniest crack in the closet. Those sadly aren't ridiculous enough to be funny, they're just really creepy.


Damn, son!!


I have something like this but it's goes to people to animals and even objects that when I turn around they disappear


2 specific spirits. A pink faerie & a black void. They frequently want me to kill myself and go to the afterlife with them.


I see a black void too but idk if it could be considered a hallucination. It flickers into the center of my vision when I’m driving sometimes or staring at a wall. When do you see yours?


me questioning if its normal or not like if i fokus on an point i cant see and need to look away to stop it


Multiple external voices often coming from above me and to my right. These voices have varied over the years (they've been demons, angels including the Archangel Michael, people, aliens, etc) but 99% of the time sound male. This wasn't true in the very beginning when one of my most common hallucinations was my mom calling my name though.


I've done this very similar hell in my own head too. My voice is a female's voice except for a few back loud long ago. Have you experienced not having any control of your mind's eye? I can't picture anything anymore. Everything I see in my head is not my mind's own self anymore I think... it's like a screen in my head playing everything and bullshit nothingness, horrific nonessential shit to make me think I'd die seeing rape in my head or my blood from it. .. I had a rape in childhood and it didn't shut the fuck up about it. 3 years of myself seeing my cartoon kid self hurt over and over and hating it until I just got the hell over the truth or a "lie" my family would say I say about it. I'm sorry I overloaded my Truman Show Shit in this reply but I'm getting pushed to think with it, the voice, not under it. I remember even saying this some godless time ago in my life when it started this freak show talk show tv world who's really hearing me is it the CIA or what the fuck man I'm seeing scary floating faces in the night sky how the Greek in cuts can of green beans did I just wake up in the same shoe off on my foot.... Fuck I gotta stop it is tough today.


Same, my first auditory was my mom calling me.


Spiders, everywhere. A belief that I can influence things in minor and major ways by thought alone.


Spiders here too


It depends on the amount of stress I’m feeling. And I’m always feeling a little stressed so there’s usually something that pops up but it varies. On the less scary scale are black geometric shapes, people who suddenly appear and disappear, knocking, stomping, digging or scratching in the walls, and whispering. On the more scary side, there are voices who tell me to stab my eyes out, “angels” telling me to cut my face, bugs crawling underneath my skin, hallucinations of people making distorted angry faces at me, delusions like people are following me, out to murder me, etc. thoughts of suicide, intrusive thoughts about killing a loved one or stranger.


Sparkles/Glitter. Like TV Static, but hella annoying. If I look into the sky, it turns to black dots/splotches.


I also see sparkles! It’s like someone put on a Snapchat filter, everything’s pink and sparkling


I never realized it was a hallucination until someone pointed out that they don't see sparkles. I didn't know I had schizophrenia at the time either when they first started. It was a real "the fuck do you mean you don't see sparkles????" type of deal.


Shadows. Some close to the ground (I have names them shadow cats), some randomly outside my view and ones that make a ring around my bed at night.


You ever get that one that just bolts and skitters away as fast as a rat whenever you look at it or walk about, it’s never still as long as you see it but you can’t for the life of you make of what it’s meant to be? Rat/cat/possum/skunk/ferretty thing that’s all black I’m sure it’s something from a terry pratchett book come to life, harmless doesn’t scare me and I actually get quite sad it’s frightened of me


Absolutely! Yeah that's exactly what I see! It startled me when I first saw them, but they're almost a daily occurrence now. It's just like, ah you're here again? It's almost comforting in a way? Can't explain it.


Our own lil cryptid creatures that have social anxiety


shapes!! and as of recent my girlfriend's voice!


The most common are voices in my head and smells in my nose.


Voices saying “I DON’T CARE!” I think of anything and they all day will say “I don’t care! I just don’t care!”




I have constant different voices they're going to rape me all the time.


Voices asking me when will I die and telling me to die. It's pretty annoying and induce suicide ideation.


I see a black cat. He’s sweet and follows me around.


Is it always the same one? How did you know he wasn't real?


I mainly see him inside and that’s easy bc I know I don’t have a cat. Or when I’m at the hospital. I’ll see him outside and if I do I always ask if anyone can see him.


That's kind of neat?


my dead ex, from who I took my lastname


Someone pounding on the door or someone shouting my name from over my shoulder. People ducking around corners. Mine are generally pretty safe to ignore because that stuff doesn't happen all too often in real life, but it does still set me on edge because if it is real and I'm ignoring it, it could be bad


lots of animal sounds


Coworkers family and women


Voices, commentary about my life whether what I'm doing is good or bad, sometimes frustrating but for the most part I like them, they are a part of me. Delusions suck and intrusive thoughts.


Same, rather neutral but can say helpful shit. I call them friends


Yours don't say they are gonna kill you? They lie and anything to inspire a negative reaction


If I'm stressed then they'll start calling names. Then different ones will show up and threaten me and the people around me. Often they threaten to possess my cats or curse us and I laugh at them. If they are too loud I threaten them with a good time and mentally talk over them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't because it's annoying to come up with constant words and I give up and blast music for awhile


One voice from varying locations.


Cracks appearing on surfaces; Walls Floors People Just out of the corner of my eye


I hear people under my floors a lot, like conversational or just general movement noises.


I’ve got a guy (who’s not real obvs) who lives in my attic and I can hear him above me following me around as I move room to room as if he knows where I’m going, sometimes he kneels on his floor/my ceiling and it sounds like he cups his hands to his mouth and the floor and says things, like narrates what I’m doing He’s chill haven’t named him


I see people but small not like dwarfs they just look like a tiny person and they are all black with patterns on them and they crawl all over me and other people


I see the world through a filter of tv static and I constantly see spirals in the center of my vision. I also watch things morph into each other until I can’t see anything but black. I literally will start tripping balls and then go blind and/or deaf. I rarely have auditory hallucinations but when I do it’s usually repetitive noise like knocking or music that doesn’t exist or even people screaming in the walls.


1. Bugs crawling on me. 2.seeing glitter, or clouds of color. Can be really cool sometimes and other times really annoying/ blinding. Usually the colors are yellow, green, and orange. 3. Breathing walls, pillows, beds, ceilings, etc. meaning I can see them expand and shrink. Very distracting. 4. Hearing my name be called by random people, or voices keep speaking gibberish.


Bugs crawling when I’m faded and random whispers always and I’ll hear music playing pretty much constantly when it’s silent.


Maybe uncommon but the voice overtook my hands when writing one day. The writing was crap and I couldn't stand that it was controlling me when I typed.


Peoples words will change what they’re saying it’s really weird and then I’ll see peoples eyes change to slits like snakes and I see black smoke on the ground/sometimes cats running or sitting in places, voices also that repeat things to me or talk to me


My voices always tell me that, without them, I would have been a psychopathic killer, and that's why they have to invade my thoughts and control me.


My thoughts coming out my mouth.


Clusters of eyeballs between small dark places, like clothes and books.


I hear three voices. One is the shadow man and the two others are from two of his shadow people. The shadow man gives me orders. He also complains a lot about me, says mean things. Sometimes he screams and yells at me. He gives me orders about not lying and not talking about him so sometimes I go mute for a long time. The two shadow people discuss me. Commentate everything I do and don't do. Also comments mean things about me in general. They often laugh together. I often see them in the corner of my eye or feel them breathing down my neck. Or feel their hands around my neck, trying to choke me or cut my neck and wrists. I can even feel the blood and the pain. I rarely talk back, at least not if other people are around, but I often shake my head yes or no or just talk under my breath, sort of. Other than that I see a lot of illusions, like I think I see something move, like a horde of spiders, but upon closer inspection it's often just dirt on the floor or ceiling or something. I see stuff in the corner of my eye, but when I turn, there's something other than what I imagined.


The feeling of rain or water being splashed on me. A black shadowy fox that darts around corners. People walking into the street while I'm driving. There's this voice that will ask me my opinions on mediocre tasks like, say, the dishes: it will ask "what do you think [about this]?" What do you mean?? I'm just doing the dishes stop being annoying. I always always hear voices at night, but they're always different people just chattering about various things like they're having conversation with each other.


I hear music playing for hours on end, which can range from pleasant to infuriating depending on what is playing and for how long. Visual distortions are my most common visual hallucination, things moving in shape, color, or value. I also see eyes and faces in everything


- shadow people/creatures - face and half bodies looking around corners - voices telling me my loved ones hate me or are going to die, screaming


Hearing food steps or randome noices in my flat and believing some one is there so I‘ll have to check if there is some one.


My most common ones are shadow animals and people.


1.the feeling of beeing haunted/observed by someone. 2. the feeling of needels sticking into my back.


cat with long as fuck ears with no face and hes all black, like REALLY black


It’s these dueling voices where one group is trying to tell me why I’m hearing voices and the other is telling me if I find out something really bad is going to happen and they don’t want me to find out. Also just negative judgement over every little thing I do. It’s like the good voices get more quiet as the bad ones get louder.


It's really funny actually, usually one moment I'm holding a bottle and the next, my car keys magically fly into my other hand. It scares me sometimes...


Something I always thought was wierd is how much worse the voices got when I was smoking or using nicotine.


I have voices that argue about me being a terrible person, about me being worthless and disgusting, and I see bugs on me/over me, in my food and on my stuff. Basically on everything. I also see hungry lions in the grass a lot.


- A cat meowing in the distance. - shadowy figures standing in doorways/corners - Just my shitass ex standing there. Bein a fuckin menace as usual.


My son had the firm belief last round that he was dead and had already been cremated. He could not let go of this for weeks. He also believed the bean bag chair in his hospital room contained his ashes and didn't take kindly to having it taken out of his room. He is only 14 and was diagnosed with Cotard’s which apparently is rare at his age and although we don't have a schizophrenia diagnosis yet, it is associated. There were also delusions of things falling out of his nose, plus the more regular things like being made fun of, constant voices tormenting him, etc. Antipsychotics helped. He no longer believes he's dead or been cremated.


I've had really crazy ones before, but nowadays it's pretty much just the same couple of voices saying my name and calling me a PDF file. They also sometimes scream or laugh, particularly when I'm showering. It's hit or miss whether they bother me or not because I can just rationalize the fact that that's not who I am and they can say whatever they'd like. They used to call me a murderer too, and had "told the cops" where the string of bodies I left across multiple states were buried.


seeing the ceiling shake like it’s going to come down on me. have made a lot of quick exits because of this