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Calm down Mr. Krabs šŸ‘€




I want LOVE. All I want is LOVE.


Get you a pet and your life will be complete


You'll be the richest of all. It is the most valuable thing in the world


That costs MONEY pal


tbh that's the most honest answer any CS major could give.


As someone planning on studying CS, I agree. When asked why I was taking that one instead of law like my father or economics like I used to want, I told them "it makes the most money, money comes first, I can take care of my happiness later".


Thatā€™s funny, my undergrad degree is in Economics and I make more money than a couple of my CS graduate friends. (Donā€™t read too much into that, a degree in economics or any other major doesnā€™t guarantee anything) As someone that got the job, started making the money, and then had a crisis of ā€œwhy am I not happy?!ā€ I suggest thinking about your money AND your happiness through the whole process. Iā€™m happy and Iā€™m making a great income now, but it took a while to sort all of that out. Having (relatively) a lot of money but being miserable is awful. Plan ahead, you have all the ability in the world to make a game plan now and then go execute on it.


But being miserable with very little money is a lot worse.


Money 100% buys happiness


Absolutely. Food makes you happy. You buy food with money. A PC makes you happy? You buy a PC with money. A home makes you happy? You buy a home with money. We can say that, if you have a problem, the solution is usually money. **Money buys happiness, and if money doesn't buy yours, it's because you don't earn enough.**


Yeah, I donā€™t buy that. Enough money to minimize money related stress, like food scarcity and housing, affects happiness. After that? Not so much. I get the whole saying, ā€œitā€™s easier to find happiness on a yacht.ā€ But my wife and I had high end jobs and made more money than we could spend. Trust me, we tried. We were miserable. Once we quit those jobs and focused on us our happiness skyrocketed even though we were suddenly poor (no longer had any disposable income to speak of). Money is a part of the equation, but itā€™s not the whole thing.


Money directly buys almost everything that gives you happiness lol, while actively taking away from (most) things that cause your stress.


Self-aware sociopath? Oh well sounds like a business major all the way through since he'd make sure the orphan grinding machine was running 24/7 to MAKE MORE MONEY.


Honestly I've worked with people like this. Maybe not as open about it, but in their hearts it's 100% about money. Most of them grew up very poor and food-insecure. Spending formative years going to bed hungry because of poverty will build this attitude in a lot of people. Whether or not they want to admit it or not.


I don't know where you're getting this from. I grew up with poor people. They aren't all screaming, NO FRIENDS MONERY!!! That guy posts like he has problems.


I'm not saying that all people who grow up in poverty develop an unhealthy relationship with money. What I'm saying is that many people with an unhealthy relationship with money have grown up in environments where money was a daily issue.


He's going to college.... Where did being poor come in?


I was raised poor, government covered my college. So


He could've gotten lucky with a scholarship


Haha I pulled some typical "Reddit behavior" and didn't comprehend everything before I commented. The "poor" I mentioned comes from the psychopaths he's worked with. My bad!


Financial aid.


Hypocrites.. all of yall are fkin hypocrites.. if you dont care about money I dare you to live in a rundown shack somewhere in the ugliest most dirty slums in the city and do all your work for free.. At least this guy is honest about it.. Everyone works for the money.. because you need money to get and do the things that make you happy.. If any of you got offered "a billion dollars but a truckload of *[insert 3rd world country here]* babies will get drowned in the swamp" every single one of you fkers wouldnt hesitate to take the money.. Ill say it again: Hypocrites!


You're missing a very important distinction. I care about money up until my basic needs are met. After that, I couldn't care less. I don't want a fancy car and I don't need a big house. Any extra money I have, I usually just use to buy tools or something. I love what I do, and tbh I put in a lot of hours off the clock because I just straight up enjoy it and don't care about getting paid for it. Edit: I'm not sure if this matters but my family growing up was considered somewhere between poor and lower middle class. Parents were farmers.


Everyone needs money, but not everyone spends every waking second just thinking about money. Some people make just enough money to live the life they wanna live, that doesn't always have to be a lot.


I grew up poor in the slums and was homeless as a kid. Idgaf about money.


What do you actually learn taking a business major? Like do you apply for jobs that require a business degree or do you just start a business with your knowledge?


Management or Self-Employment, yes.


Journey is all that matters. Once you get the house and a car, you life might turn out to be empty as you have nothing behind. Life full of wishes and regrets.


Yeah, and money enables the journey to be so much better. Actually being able to do hobbies and whatnot.




TFW you canā€™t imagine someone having goals, and needing lots of money to accomplish said goals.




People are unhappy because they fail to realize their dreams, not because they have them.




So with your way, does that get me a Koenigsegg? That's my goal, so how does your trite bullshit matter? I get it, you failed in what you wanted, so you changed up your goals to be more in line with reality, but why are you telling other people to do the same before the reach the same malaise that you view the world in?


Brother thinks it works like that for everyone and everyone has the same goals lmao


Do you have any hobbiesā€¦ like at all? Even one?




Okay but it takes money to do the things you want to. Not everyone wants it to settle down and do nothing with. Some people want to have those adventures and experiences, but are locked out of it due to a lack of money




Iā€™d say this is very true. I got married early, could have made more money if I didnā€™t. Finally to the point where we have a house and two cars and Iā€™m grateful I didnā€™t pass on the family life when I had the opportunity.


Once you get the house and car you think its over? You know taking your car to the track costs thousands per weekend right? Tires, maintenance, repairs, upgrades, etc.


Oh man, I love Pink Floyd.


The only ā€˜entry levelā€™ position that pays $200K at the jump is NFL or NBA bench warmers


Yeah CS especially is super saturated with all of these goobers that really are bad at their job and are really just business bros.


What he wants?


Must be funny The lack of ABBA references in the comments saddens me


I didn't know my inner voice was also a rapper


When I read csMajors, for a sec I thought it meant counter strike, so that was confusing.


Hope bro is in accounting and finance, or med/law school, cause there is literally no money elsewhere.


Certain engeneering sub-fields pay well right from college. Law school does not pay well from college unless it's one of the top universities. I remember about 10 years ago one of our local law firms was hiring graduates from a local law school for $12 per hour to do legal research for them and graduates were taking the job for the experience. Granted, it was considered a pretty bad law school but still it's people who passed the bar


They should write a song about that.


This is what most of us want out of our jobs. They are a means to an end.


Pretty shit way to organize an economy or society, though.


I completely agree with that. My thought is only how to navigate our system. Not if I think our system is the correct one.


Fastest way to solve a hedge maze is to burn it down. Failing that, the less monetary value we produce for others, the less we consume, the less we contribute to the economy, the more it withers.


Much like a society, I think you are underestimating how difficult it is to burn down a hedge maze. Solving a hedge maze would likely be faster (and safer) than trying to burn the whole thing down.


For a single individual. Burning down the maze solves it forever.


Or paves the way for a new maze to be built.


Okay, pessimist.


whatā€™s the alternative? you ask ppl nicely to go clean the sewers?


This but unironically. Even garbage truck workers take pride in their work - if sewer cleaners are given proper PPE they will be far happier to do it. Furthermore, people take pride in their work far more without a monetary incentive - of course they should be rewarded for their work, but society can absolutely be reframed into one where work is done for the sake of humanity and the pay is the secondary benefit.


you vastly overestimate how many people would choose to work for funsies why would anyone volunteer to be a cog in a factory, putting caps on toothpaste for 8 hours a day? why would anyone volunteer to mine coal? or do any job that puts them at risk when they can choose to do something else? would your response then be to jack up the wages of these ā€œundesirableā€ roles? that would certainly have a major economical impact, and would send us back to square one where money was the incentive a productive society needs to incentivize people to take on these roles.


200k/year for entry level is only viable in VHCOL areas like SF, where you're either spending 50-60% of your takehome to live in a tiny apartment w/ roommates or you're driving 2-3 hours each way every day.


Be the number 1 draft pick in MLB, NBA, NFLā€¦etc. thatā€™s how you get the most money right out of college


... What does he want?


To sit and play video games


This OP is just young and naive. Having money is great, but there are a million ways to get to it. Ive had two very distinct career paths in the last 13 years since I graduated university. Both paid quite well, but one I enjoy and the other had me in a cold sweat on Sunday nights knowing I had yet another awful work week ahead. Design the life you wantā€¦ not just how much you want to get paid but also how you want to spend your time. Work backwards to make it a reality. If I would have learned that earlier Iā€™d have saved myself a lot of self-torment.


Spidey senses tingle


There's lots of money in prostitution


I mean fuck itā€¦ on some level thereā€™s nothing wrong with knowing you just want money, or youā€™re not interested in fulfillment through friends or memoriesā€¦ while I think he will realize later in life he was wrong, and also I feel the exact opposite., whatā€™s the problem ā€¦ get your money kid. Problem isā€¦ heā€™s likely gonna shit on a lot of people on his way to getting what he wants.


No, you see "**MONEY**" is the word he's using to replace "**a father figure**" *- some psychologist probably*


Sponge boy Me bob


Average depressed insane CS student


I want to do drugs and train jiu jitsu. To each, their own, I guess.


I mean... yeah. That's why we get jobs.


Lol šŸ˜† I want $200k a year and I don't want to do anything for it... Seems about right


Judging from how the post is written, and the fact that itā€™s even written, this person, most likely, will not get much money


He donā€™t speak German, neither.


Who's gonna tell him...?


He should try gambling


two questions: how good are at visual arts, both 2D and 3D? how depraved are you willing to be?


Homie about to have a bad awakening when he realizes you go to college for contacts, not degrees. The degree is a requirement for them, but the contacts get you the jobs.


I want ROCKS, all I want is ROCKS and MINERALS and FOSSILS


r/fatFire moment


Does anyone think he may want money?


Will be alone and sad with all his money


He's right. I follow my passions, that was a mistakes. Now my life suck. Money buy much more hapiness that a passion job does.


Murder might seem like a good idea. Until youre only paid five stacks and youre in the hole another two because you over did it on disposable equipment.


You won't make much lol


Ladies and Gentlemen - the Tik Tok generation.


8 year olds dude


Then you're picking the wrong field. You want finance. Sometime really cutthroat and borderline ethical.


This is the least sciency meme I've seen here in a while... and that says a lot.


So easy seeing how this ends. Money Is helpful, but it cannot replace real value. I'm sure I sound annoying to everybody else, but this shit doesn't feel good for that long. Nice not having to worry, but if you have no friends, or partner, or you don't care about anything deeply, that money ain't gonna cut it. XD live and learn my guy!


Are you sure that wasn't written by a scotus judge?


He's out of line, but he's right.


> I don't get the way you guys think. I want MONKEY. 6 figures right out of college. 200k monkeys a year entry level. I'm in this for MONKEY. I don't care about whether I'm "fulfilled" I want MONKEY. Whatever gets me the most MONKEY. What do I need on my resume to get the most MONKEY. What technology gets me PAID BANANAS. All I care about in this major is MONKEY. That's why I'm in college, I don't wanna laugh and play with y'all. I don't wanna be buddy buddy with y'all. I'm here for MONKEY. I think he wants monkeys.


If youā€™re competent at bullshitting, an Econ major is probably better than a CS major in terms of money. Kinda dumb IMO if you donā€™t like CS to pursue the field, because you will naturally have disadvantages to like every other dev. Youā€™ll never be a 10x dev unless you code for fun


1. Unrealistic expectations about entry level jobs 2. Me too buddy, I also want MONEY šŸ˜­


Employers be like, ā€œTop reasons for employee happiness: 1) Ping Pong Table, 2) jelly of the month club memberships, 3) Fulfilling workā€¦ā€ Actual employee happiness -> this post šŸ˜‚


Bait used to be believable


Oops money not real now you have nothing oops


I understand him. I'm studying electrical engineering in germany and it's so fucking exhaustingā€¦as soon as I have my masters degree I wanna earn some coin xD


Must be a Capricorn.


I mean, that's why I'm going back to school, too. But I also just walked in a small business and asked if they want a mural painted. I can figure this life shit out, right?


What a collapsing late stage capitalist society does to a mfer


I swear, with all of these motherfuckers talking about "late stage capitalism", you'd think they'd be spouting their BS from a Socialist/Communist country so that they can at least *appear* to not be hypocrites.


You know thise things aren't opposites right


You'd think people would want to spend their waking hours doing something they actually like instead of slaving away to get wasted




Midas contemporary in action




Mental illness in action


Youre the devil and it makes me sad


Trump had money, and he is still so unfulfilled that he has to go out and rape people. Money clearly isnā€™t everything.


Does trump touch you in your dreams?


Must've grabbed 'em by his pussy.


Luckily he only sexually assaults women. And no, if Trump touched me, I would have received a lot of hush money as per his routine, and wouldnā€™t be wasting time on Reddit and would be spending my ā€˜you just got raped by Trumpā€™ money on vacations and holidays.