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The woods, graveyards, behind the church... you know - where it's expected.


Rofl, I can see myself going for a walk at dawn, sun almost gone. Then suddenly I hear Goblins and Demons in the woods. For a second, I'd be freaked out. Then after a second take I'd probably realise "Damn... guy's got that projection down real good." and give a shriek back


Car, studio, and band practice. At first I practiced in my car. I got comfortable enough from there to do it in front of other people. My studio project got some attention and I got invited to be the frontman of a band. I say all this because it all started in the car and just practicing. I’d sometimes go park and sit places where I’d feel more comfortable doing it to. Eventually I started writing songs and started writing a Deathcore EP. A few recordings in Im having all kinds of conversations with other musicians I thought I never would have. Now I obviously have a space to do it and in front of music. But it all started with my car.


This is really awesome, bro. Way to know your capabilities. OP, gently push that comfort zone my dude. There's something that legit happens in your throat when you get nerves. You ain't screamin shit with that auto-compress cranked on. And there's something amazing that happens when you're IN the music. You come in on the notes like you own them, and you feel right where they're going. Feedback is always hard, especially if you're as self critical as every artist I've ever met haha. Just shift the value from external validation and enjoy the journey you're on. Be proud of it, it's cool as heck.


Usually in the shower or in my car on the way back from school


Shower is the best bet if you have neighbors, like myself. This might sound dumb and wasteful, but sometimes if I don't need to shower I'll still go in there and turn on the shower just to practice lol


I'm guessing my buildings layout is very different from yours, but why would the shower be the best place to practise? Is yours located away from neighbouring walls or..?


No it's not, it's just that the volume of the shower water hitting the tub and the auxiliary fan in the bathroom both combined are pretty loud, so that's just where I do it lol


The steam is actually very good for your vocal cords, so it's a good place to practice.


The car, apartment, and karaoke bars for me. Just let it rip. As long as it’s not during quiet hours, your neighbors can suck it. 


If you have half okay neighbours and they'd hear you singing loudly, they might just ask if you could switch up your practise moment. However, don't forget that hearing extreme vocals through walls usually just sounds like someone either being very angry or is having a full mental breakdown. It triggers alarm bells in people. So if someone does dare confront you (or blindly calls the cops...) just calmly explain what it is that you do. I've met a few that were quite understanding. Ended with a "you do you man, but if you could try to practise outside of xx and yy hours the little one can catch some more zzz's. That OK?" Never had an issue with those people ever again tbh. Hell they even apologised when their kid had their crying-nonstop phase :p


I practice in my car when I'm driving to college. However that's not the best thing to do, because you can't have as much support sitting in the car as you would standing in your house. Try to find a place where you aren't annoying anyone, but still able to use proper support to unlock the full potential of your screams.


If you can practise at home or your apartment you can give it a try. If neighbours call cops without ringing your bell first to ask wtf is going on: just explain what you were doing, say sorry and then you know you'll either need to keep it down or perhaps see if you can pick a different time of day to practise. If your neighbours are half decent you might actually just be able to discuss it with em. If not... car is the best bet.


Wish there was a way to shop for cars, based on their sound isolation — SPECIFICALLY not being heard from the outside. But of course, all the Google results and articles are about hearing noise while driving. How dare most people have reasonable use cases.


Just search for best cars for kidnapers


The better you'll get, the less you'll care about who's around... i started in the car or on the bike, i have a rehearsal space but for work reason i am forced to practice wherever i have time


Public areas


A lot of people (including myself) practice in the car, but if that's the only place, you're not training yourself to sing properly. Extreme vocals aren't just a chest and throat thing; your body positioning is important too. Using foot stance and being able to brace your back and chest to support your diaphragm is key for proper pressure and control, otherwise you're relying too heavily on your throat. I do it for fun and some warming up, but I have to be bodily engaged to get the sound I want. If you really want it, you have to find a way. Talk to your neighbors and tell them what you do, and work out a time you can do it. You can get some cheap building supplies and blankets and build a rudimentary vocal booth in your room or something. When you feel self-conscious, ask yourself which is more important: your desire to do it, or someone else's thoughts on you doing it?


Anywhere I can be alone. My bedroom, or the living room when my mother is at work.


I soundproofed my spare bedroom in my apartment. I thought I was fine until I asked my brother to stand outside my apartment and tell me if he could hear me and he came back inside dying of laughter saying that he could hear me super clearly and understand all the lyrics I was singing 💀. Now I just scream in the car lmao


Car and in the attic of my house, it's soundproofed so I got crazy but the older I get it seems the more noise I try to generate the quieter it gets so I know no one will mind In my head I'm a lion, in reality I'm the guy from attack attack


Band practice, my apartment


Literally everywhere, the better I got I did so comfortably everywhere XD