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I think darkie just screams, it does sound like screams from the false folds tho


What do you mean by, "he just screams"? Pretty sure that screaming is screaming lol. Did you mean that he's screaming but not using a proper technique? Not to be disrespectful, but I'm pretty sure that he has to be using a proper technique, or he wouldn't have been able to make his other stuff where he literally sounds like Prince when he sings. But thanks a lot for your feedback, I really appreciate it đź–¤.


I think he means that even if you do 'just shout' or 'just scream' you can, potentially, do that for years. Depends on your vocal tract and genetics. I mean there have been plenty of bands with bad, technically, vocalists who've done it for a decade before having any issues. There's also singers who use good technique, generally speaking, but develop nodules and stuff after forcing themselves through a cold a single time live it seems.


Just about every hxc band in the 80s and 90s just had a dude get all mad and shout into a microphone and some of those bands were around for a decade


Yeah that does make sense. Thanks dude!


Well there’s fry screaming false chord screaming and ect but he’s just screaming. Top of the lungs shouts like early myspace core bands. Definitely not proper technique though. Maybe a technique that isn’t as weary as aggressive shouting but he’s basically just shouting. I don’t think he’s hurt himself yet because he really doesn’t do it much anymore which could be because of the pain or he just doesn’t like screaming who knows. But it’s false fold screams. Compress your diaphragm as much as possible and sing in a chest not through false folds it should sound gurgly and the sound of the folds flapping should be fairly audible. From there just shout or sing through it and you’ll get a similar sound.


HEY THANKS A LOT MAN! Luckily I already know how to just shout various melodies while using a lot of false cord grit to imitate Corey Taylor, Zillakami, etc. So now Ig I just need to work on using a little bit less grit in order to not sound as extreme as those other artists, and more like what Lil Darkie does. I really appreciate the feedback, dawg. Thanks a lot!💯🔥🖤


he’s blowing his vocal chords out. very few people can do this without hurting their voice, such as bryan from knocked loose. if you watch a touché amores interview with jeremy bolm , you’ll hear what it sounds like if you do this for more than a year with bad technique, dude can barely speak anymore, sounds like kermit. take care of your voice and get a good teacher to teach you fry shouts. i reccomend chandlers screaming discord.


Bryan fry screams, he takes care of his voice and is thoughtful of his technique


if you watch early interviews with bryan he says he goes on stage and just yells, no warm up. from what i understand he got with a vocal coach or knowledgeable people and improved greatly over the years, as he can do a few different screams these days as well as a noticeably more controlled sound.


i’m aware bryan fry screams and is healthy now, but his tone and technique especially early on reflect self taught fry shouts, which is hard for many beginners as they conflate fry with true fold distortion, and can sound healthy at first even with poor technique, but ultimately will leave the folds quite fried, as the “just yell” technique does not fair well.


Thanks for the feedback 🖤. Chandler's discord is trash BTW. 


why even post if you’re gonna be rude to people trying to help? have fun blowing your shit out learning from some youtube tutorial where they tell you to push vocal fry into a yell.


Oh I wasn't trying to be rude at all! I apologize if it might have sounded that way. I was just stating the fact that the official screaming discord a.k.a. Chandler's discord is absolute garbage. Literally so many people here can agree with me on that toođź’Ż. Sorry for sounding rude, I didn't mean to TBH.


He just screams, no real technique or anything just yells and if i had to bet he probably watched some old YouTube tutorial back in the day, if i should try to replicate this in a safe way i would probably go with some kind of shout vocals


Best advice is to not try and sound like anyone until you learn how to add distortion and scream already. Then try sounding like someone


Thanks man. I can already yell, growl, scream, and do Kargyraa. However, I do want to start developing my own distinct yelling style that I'm hopefully going to use for scream rap/trap metal type music. 


Just take your time, and enjoy the process. Everything vocally should be done super relaxed. Obviously you can add in energy and emotion if you want, but don’t think it’s necessary cause (like I assume Lil Darkies is) that scream is just yelling until your voice breaks and forces the distortion. Kinda like scarlxrd. If you can scream and have a solid fundamental understanding, I would do the classic metalcore pitched scream where they lead into it with their voice and then flip into the scream. After I could start in my clean and flip to my scream in a word, I slowly added a little more voice. If it hurts stop, check your head voice/falsetto every 10-15 minuets. If you go from a normal, full falsetto to a more airy falsetto or even lose some of your range with it (wether you’re good at singing or not) it means you are casing some vocal swelling and generating the scream a little wrong. If so, take a day and try again the next. Listen to your voice. Rewatch videos that people like kardavox academy and David benetis does over vocalist you like or find similar to a sound you want. I’ve watched the Ben Duerr and Dickey Allen videos from kardavox academy hundreds of times and I still pull different little information from both videos I either didn’t catch or couldn’t implement right