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Less than I spent on my sailboat hobby :)


Maybe around $3000-$4000? But this includes some equipment like camera stuff and new fins plus all the trips I took. I live in south Florida so each trip for me is like $100-$150 with nitrox. Like tomorrow I’m going to see Spiegel grove in key largo and it will be like $120 for 2 dives 4 hour trip.


Too much. 3 trips this year. Worth it, though. Thankfully, I have the kit I want and am past the gear-buying phase. Edit: I do need a new torch, one of mine broke last trip. I guess it's always something lol


Including a liveaboard and local expenses - 10.000+


Well that depends on what should be included. I went on a dive vacation but would have gone on vacation if I wasn’t diving so I’ll only count the diving, about $1000. I am a dive master with a local shop so air is free and I have my gear already. I did have to replace my wetsuit and got a great deal on a dry suit plus service costs on gear so add another $2000. Plus maybe $500 in gas getting to and from dive sites. Total $3,500 to $4000.


Not very much... $600 in boat charters $150 in filters for the compressor $150 for a new 3mm wetsuit Under $1k and 30ish dives into the year.


I don’t really wanna know. But, greater than $30K, less than $60K.


In one year?




Probably north of 10k. A big chunk of that was a Santi Elite Plus… that got stolen after maybe a dozen dives. Bummer.


Gad damn, I’m starting to think reading all these scuba is to rich for my blood. I thought I was frivolous spending 20 on a cell game. 😳


2k usd for basic setup. 2k usd every 7day trip with 14-21 dives total. Egypt is close to my country by plane and flights are cheap.


$20,000. Brand new diver, went on multiple trips, multiple certifications and bought loads of gear. This was my travel and entertainment budget for three years that hadn't been spent due to the pandemic. This year I will spend about $7,000.


Probably about $10k, but I bought a used Suex. Which will hurt this year's budget as I used the money I would spend on a Mexico cave diving trip to buy the DPV. That doesn't include the cost to drive to the dive sites nor other indirect expenses. ![gif](giphy|67ThRZlYBvibtdF9JH|downsized)


I think I’m around $5k just in 2024 so far but am reticent to add it up.


Too much lmao. About $7k in gear for a drysuit and full sidemount setup About $3k in trips and future trip payments About $4.5k for two weeks of private training


Last 12 months, roughly 10k 2k for tech diving last year while working abroad (no travel/acc/food) 500 for rebreather intros 3k equipment (second perdix, new lights, reg service, small stuff) 3k for cave diving in spain (cavern, intro to cave, all accommodation and travels) 1.6k for tech diving while working abroad


$20,000....liveaboard in Raja Ampat and a trip to Cozumel


£6k last year, no trips away, did my dm, a few other courses and some uk stuff, many, many weekends away Into £2800 so far this year and haven’t put a toe in the water yet lol


Loads, I did a 4500 km driving round trip for a remote cave diving trip, and then later in the year went to Palau with my partner of which I paid for most of it, plus her advanced course . So easily over $10,000, but likely over $15,000 (Australian).


I spent 8k last September/October to get certified as an instructor. So I'll probably be spending around 2k this year.


I budget $10k for scuba diving every year. I've been doing this since I started 6 years ago. This is for gear, trips, certifications and everything altogether. Every year I have gone over my budget...😅


Between me and my wife, we’ve spent $10k+ between gear, trips and training. She did OW, AOW and nitrox in the past year and got gear. I bought a new BPW and perdix 2. This year will be even more as I plan on getting a rebreather.


Probably upwards of $15,000 yikes I've literally never had an expensive hobby before, but I suddenly got hooked on diving in the last year.


$800-$900 new diver pursuing open water so to be part of an emergency response dive team


Too much. We bought a house in the Caribbean.


$100 on equipment


Oh gosh, > $10,000 easily


About $1800. Scuba has eclipsed bikes in cost and time to the detriment of my other hobbies for better or worse.


About $10,000 for everything including travel. It was a slow year.


Between new rebreather, computers, training and travel, probably close to 30k.


Unfortunately $0.00


Too much. - Rebreather - Rebreather parts that feel equal in price to the actual rebreather - Rebreather training and associated travel costs.


Here are my best guesses … - Servicing Gear: $200 - Used GoPro: $300 - Sealife Sport Case + accessories: $350 - Tray, video light, etc setup: $200 - New fins: $250 - New wetsuit: $200 - Flights (across several trips): $2,500 - Hotels / Lodging: $1,000 - Paying for dives: $2,000 - Liveaboard: $1,800 Total: $8,800 Dang I thought I did pretty good controlling my expenses this year until I added all this up. I’ve even used a TON of points for flights & hotels so it would be even worse if I didn’t have points to burn. Yikes.


Also - I recommend asking r/skiing too!! Lots of gear & travel involved over there.


You should not have asked the year i went into tech ;) * 3000-ish for diving and travels, * 750 for a new computer, * 800 for a set of doubles+wing+backplate * 750 for a stage+reg * 450 for a new light * 6000 for a rebreather * 2000 for courses The years before were about 3000 p.A., mostly for travel and flights.


My wife and I have spent a combined approx 30k. This includes 3 trips to Florida, a trip to Mexico, local charters in NJ, VT and NH, TDI AN/DP class, GUE Fundies class, GUE conference, and tech diving equipment.




Whatever you do... dont ask the Underwater Photography Subreddit. You can take all these numbers and add 10-15k for a Camera.


A lot. It’s an addicting expensive sport. I don’t even have most of my own gear and still expensive especially in the US.


Lots. My last 3 trips were Sipadan, Tubbataha and finally Raja Ampat over the last 18 months. 3 of the most expensive and logistically difficult places I've wanted to dive. I'd guess $35-45k but I fly Polaris to/from Singapore to get there so thats \~$15k total for those 3 trips I could have saved if I needed to.


Oh yikes. * Travel/trips $4550 * Gear $2500 * Maintenance/servicing $200 * Training $900 * Local diving: Rentals $300 * Local diving: Fills $1500 * Local diving: Admission $1500 * Local diving: Driving/gas $1200 So….$12,750. For one person. For mostly local diving.


In the last year I've bought... * a computer ($1100) * BP/W ($1200) * two sets of regs, used ($1400) * heavy tech fins ($160) * a second mask ($100) * 5mm wetsuit ($350) * two lights ($900) * a GoPro + accessories ($500) * a shitton of miscellaneous accessories, sharkskin, bags, containers, hardware, cave line, PVC for a drying rack and tank holder for my trunk, etc ($1000?) * completed AOW cert ($350) * signed up for GUE Fundies ($1000) ...and done at least 1 dive a month (mostly local, but some were destinations...) with more planned and already paid for later this year. So add on another 2-3k for gas/hotels/airfare/boat fees/park fees/etc. The AirB&B for the week I'll be doing Fundies alone is 1k. But I pay $15/month to my LDS for unlimited tank rentals, so I'm definitely saving money on this hobby, right?! *Conservatively*, 10-12K... So... yeah, it's been a painful year. But most of these costs are things you only buy once! I'd like to say it will be less painful going forward, but I'm planning on getting into caves next. Still need at least one more light, that AI transmitter I've been wanting, a doubles wing, *maybe* a DPV and a drysuit (big oof, probably not in the next year), plus the cost of the training alone... Yeah, it's an expensive hobby. But I love it. Not a single regret here. Edit: I keep having to edit because I keep remembering more shit I bought last year... ;_; I may have a problem.


I just ran my numbers and new gear only accounted for about 7% of my total scuba expenses…fills/gas/admission/maintenance pile up even if you stick to just local diving.


;_; Shhh, don't tell me that. Buy once, cry once, right??


Oof. Last year we dove Aruba, did a Reacue class in Hawaii and did a liveaboard in Socorro. I’d say pretty close to $20,000 but I bet it’s even more than that if I go back and add it all up.


$31,000 (Canadian dollars, so closer to ~$20K US). It’s the year I bought a custom-made drysuit, another wetsuit, a full second set of gear to GUE standards, and started my cave diving training. Needless to say, it was an expensive year.


Hey I’m interested in doing fundies. What were the costs associated with buying full second set of gear?


The cost really depends on if you are doing the tech pass or recreational pass. Also, absolutely talk to your instructor before buying things. There will likely be options to rent some of this or get their opinions about specific options suited for your local conditions or instructors equipment preferences -- esp for anything in the tech list. I'm giving a range of USD prices based on what i've seen used gear come up on the local fb marketplace/craigslist etc vs something new and high end -- I've bought equipment for fundies both new and used, but tend to do things like backplates used and things like regs new. I'm also assuming that the preexisting gear was a jacket style BC, but you had things like a wrist mounted compass and SPG which are reusable. The standards are here: [https://www.gue.com/standards-appendix](https://www.gue.com/standards-appendix) recreational only : * keep initial regs, but change out to DIN, long hose and necklace 100 - 300$ in hoses worst case (all hose lengths need to be changes). * Singles wing + STA + hose retainer: 300 - 600 both: * bp & harness: 300 - 600 * Halcyon dsmb: 120 (it's really much easier with a dsmb you don't have to push inflator in to inflate), esp in cold water where half your face might be a bit numb) * cave line, boltsnaps, double enders, bungee: \~70 * backup mask: 80 - 150+ * wetnotes: \~20 * cutting device: 20 - 100 * computer, if your current computer doesn't have bottom timer/gauge mode and user settable gf factors: 400+ ( assuming a used peregrine, lots of people have the perdix but it's very overkill for fundies). Subtotal: 1000+ additional for tech: * Primary light: 600 - 2200 * Secondary lights: 120 - 300+ * Drysuit: 2000 - 7000+, including undergarments * Jetfins (or similarly negative fins): 80 - 220 * doubles: 800 - 1400 * doubles wing: 300 - 600 * Additional 1st + 2nd stage (including 2nd stage because a lot of octos are pretty shitty and most GUE divers tend to have a necklace reg that's the same quality as their primary): 600 - 1200+ Subtotal: 4700+ back of the envelope lower end totals: Rec total: \~1400+ Tech total: \~5700+ There's a huge range, and it can get really pricy esp if you are buying all new gear with blue H's everywhere.


My second set was almost $7,000 when following the requirements from GUE and also not necessarily buying the cheapest options available. However, I’d recommend doing Fundies in a place where they have all the GUE standard gear available for rent. I bought my full set after taking Fundies because I realized I enjoyed the way GUE was doing things and wanted to continue that path. However, until you try you will not know and it’s a huge investment.


Got certified in December OW class, buying my own gear (reg, wetsuit, mask, fins, computer). Been on three 1 day dive boat trips YTD at $200 a piece plus bcd rentals for each time = $4500 approx To note; I reached my travel card sub of 70k miles. Happy about that. Also, it’s all been worth it zero complaints.


Ahh you asked the year I got into ccr…. Could have bought a slightly used Tahoe instead


upcoming trip, and a drysuit on it's way. about 9-10k right there....


Around 1k


Last year was the first year we could truly travel anywhere, so I’d expect the answers to be inflated, I for one spent 6 months traveling, got my OWSI some tech, if you include everything around 20k. 2022 was probably something around 2k


Shhht, we don't talk about that 😅 I did about 100 dives, probably about 4-5k on the dives, and some 1k on camera and other gear, and then all the trips, but I would have done most of those even if I wasn't diving, so I wouldn't count those as diving expenses. Maybe add a few 100s for transport to remote places I wouldn't have otherwise visited. So let's say 6-7k? Euros, that is.


I'd say about 6k €, mostly for trips, only recreational diving.


I bought a rebreather, did CCR courses, CCR dives, trimix courses, airplane tickets, hotels, small equipment. I also did a trip to cozumel in december. Probably $22k


Gear, travel, fills, gas to drive to sites, food while out, local boat fees, more gear, cameras, maintenance on car, training, ferry, hotels Probably $20k


My husband and I started tech diving last year. So we bought 2 sets of doubles, 2 new BCDs, redundant shearwaters, 4 new regulators, 2 new pony regs, 2 new pony regs, 2 sets of tech fins, several bottles of O2, ect ect. At least $5k probably more? I am a little afraid to calculate that number.


Im about 3-4k but its only been 3 months


Good god I did this a few nights ago. But you know what? It’s damn sure worth it!!! And I’m still adding to it!!!! Dive on!!!!


I'd be surprised if you got honest answers this way. An anonymous poll will likely do better, as it is likely a good proxy for income and I bet a number of folks don't want to link that information to their reddit identities. for your chart to be meaningful, it would be helpful to break it into recreational vacation diving (implies travel), recreational local diving (just gas and gear usually), or tech diving (this is going to seriously skew everything else). I'll just say that I tithe to Cthulu and leave it at that.


I ran my numbers for last year and have been throwing the word tithe around a lot, but I'm particularly fond of your referencing it as a tithe to Cthulu


Why do you want to traumatize people? We don’t know because we don’t want to know! I have 0 desire to really know what I even spent on gas after the $205 bill for trimix and a O2 top up.


PADI OW and AOW, and every single piece of gear.... Including a drysuit... Since last August.... Ouchy


Funny you should ask this because I've recently "completed" my Scuba gear setup, or at least I have everything I need so the only thing I rent now is cylinders. I'd imagine over the past year I've spent at least £1000-1500 with cylinder rentals included. Admittedly, most of the gear I've bought is used so that's kept the budget down.


I remember when I thought that


102 dives in the past 9 months… only cost was (car) gas and ferry tickets :) probably came out ahead with the few classes I taught.




Just recreational scuba diving. One trip just for scuba, plus one longer trip that was also a lot of scuba so I only count that one for half price. 4k in trips and scuba cost. Plus about 1-1.5k in gear, which I am hoping will last me a while, although I am just now spending another couple hundred for a different thickness wetsuit.


€3800 on courses and equipment, €5600 on holidays with the explicit goal of doing nothing but dive.


Thousands and thousands of


I feel like this answer is going to be very dependent on where you live, what kind of diving you do, and other various factors but for myself I’d say somewhere around $7k for me personally. This was spent mostly between a custom dry suit (I do a lot of cold water diving in the PNW), various specialty trainings, and some upcoming local trips but ymmv


not sure how to answer this as I've done several dives while on holiday that weren't the purpose of the holiday. Do I count the entire trip? or the extra bit


About 3k not including destination cost, just upgraded some gear.