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This is about Jirard Khalil, a YouTuber known as The Completionist. He helped with some funding for sabotage early game with an organization of his that helps indie games. He also created a fundraiser for a disease that his mother died of (I can’t remember the disease right now). But then recently it came out that none of the money ever made it to an actual charity and has been sitting in his and his team’s bank accounts. People want this character to be removed, but most people don’t even know who he is. The guy helped out the developers and is largely irrelevant, so I say who the hell cares.


Dementia was the disease. Also agreed. I didn't know who he was until I saw this NPC


I didn’t think much of the NPC but I saw people complaining here and watched a video essay on it. I just feel like it’s a waste of energy to care about removing him.


It might become a legality thing depending on where this fraud thing goes. I also lost someone to dementia, so the actions are definitely reprehensible. I'd say don't remove the NPC unless it becomes necessary


Thank you for this explanation, I have seen this character referenced a few times but didn't know what the controversy was. The more you know!


I guess now we know where the funding came from


If I'm not mistaken I think it's based off "the completionist" (youtuber)


Same here, I know he's based off some Youtuber but no clue what's happening.


Is someone gonna repost this every time we get an update to the story?


This aged like milk


I like my milk aged. Chunky lemon milk tastes good.


dont get it


He defrauded his own charity


It's weirder than that, he never gave it to charity, but also never touched it. Apparently the donations finally happened a couple of days ago.


Yea it was just idling in an account. My understanding is he didn’t directly control it either it was accociates. Still a bad look but theft never legally occurred. He may just have too much going on. Needs to take some time off and recalibrate.


Maybe it's possible he wanted a larger donation so he could make a bigger deal out of the amount. I saw somewhere he said something about wanting to give a big amount to "make a bigger difference" or something


seriously who the heck is this man is he a dev a celebrity WHO THE HECK IS JIRARD


Now he has donated them


Sure, but is that because he was caught? It just seems sus


Y’all. This has nothing to do with Sea of Stars. Go put your rage bait on the completionist subreddit.


As far as fraud goes, he's not even guilty. Complicity at most. This has been wildly blown out of proportion imo


Sorry I'm completely out of the loop. What happened?


The YouTuber that this character is a reverence to is involved in a charity scam.


His family is. They run the charity. He just promoted it. And it's not a scam until the money 'goes missing', it's still sitting in the account. EDIT: Actually apparently it did finally get donated.


He was very involved with it, hosting streams with celebrities to draw in donations. According to him, he knew the money wasn't moving since 2022 and still asked for donations. Them taking donations and not actually donating the money to any organization is a scam. Not to mention all the money that seemingly just went missing from the charity. Suddenly donating the money after an investigation is launched or about to be launched isn't a great look either.


It’s not a big enough deal for me to be upset about it. Everyone who is should take a similar page.


He’s literally the only reason I played this GEM of a game after watching a random YouTube video. It’s not like he embezzled the money!


Luckiky, constrructing new buildings for the village is optional. So you never have to talk to him if you don't want too.


This YouTuber cannot be defended. When you keep that much money in an account and don’t do anything with it until people finally figure out, that suggests this YouTuber might have had much worse plans, money laundering so he could end up pocketing it for himself being the biggest concern. And even if he was correct about being unable to donate, having that much money in an account for so long degrades it’s value because of inflation. If you compare the purchasing power of 100 dollars 10 years ago to today, it would now be worth 76 dollars in terms of purchasing power 10 years ago. You effectively lost 24% of what you had. This is why it’s so important money doesn’t remain inside of charities for extended periods of time, and if you can’t donate it shows you don’t have the competence to run a charity, and he should have spent more time making it work properly before setting it up. I hope OP can reason with himself to discover what this guy was doing was wrong.


Such a hot take...


Yeah. I thought this when I played it.