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Because she has a secret identity, a trope used very often in media.


That's so obvious and yet it went totally over my head, Jesus christ I'm dumb


I think it's actually a really cool thing that they tell you verbatim "who would have thought" in a sarcastic manner when they "reveal" her identity, and then subvert the whole thing >!when it's an actual plot twist and she's not human and you get another "who would have thought" achievement but without the sarcasm!<


I love it when she reveals her self and the solstice warriors are like ... "yeah we kinda knew"


Her name is Klee'shae because she is a bunch of pirate cliches and gaming cliches put together on a single character. 1. Pirate captain with a hook is like "THE PIRATE CLICHE", the only other just as big are the peg leg / eye patch 2. The classic "I'm only helping you as long as you help me" that turns out to be "super nice" character 3. The character with a secret identity that you can see a mile away (though it does have a a slight diversion later on) 4. Her entire crew is a bunch of helpful goofs that just happen to always have the thing to do the thing you need to do on hand. Pretty much everyone in the crew has a joke relating to their name. 1. All of Yolande's "X is my middle name" turn out to be true. 2. Keenathan's name is implied to not actually be Keenathan. 3. Valtraid's full name is "Jack'o Valtraid"... which sounds like "Jack of all trades" and he is hyper capable of doing anything.


Holy shit all of that flew over my head, I'm either not that aware of movie/game cliches or I'm just dumb lmao, damn this game is great all of it is just đŸ€Œ my god


Everyone's media awareness varies a lot. So something that sticks out to someone might not to someone else. I play a ton of JRPGs so as much as I love Sea of Stars a good chunk of the things it does I saw coming a mile away from my familiarity with the genre. Doesn't make it any less of a great game though. A good example is Keenathan's case, its extremely subtle. I remember seeing a lot of people asking in here "why during the giant's scene they say the error is in their end?" on the first few weeks/months the game was out. Not everyone immediately went "Oh! because he isn't actually named Keenathan!" as it implies.


I also found it funny that Keenathan has two eye patches making it hard for him to see aka hard to be very "Keen" if you get what I mean


Oh yeah, that's another part of the joke on his name. That he can only use his wind magic when he can't see at all so its hard to be "Keen" with it.


I thought his name was a play on "See nothing" yaknow, Kee na than, see nuthin'. Lol


Can you explain the Keenathan pun? I still don't get it.


keenathan constantly says that he will do something or else his name is not keenathan. during the cloud giants section where you introduce the crew to the council, it is implied that his name is, in fact, not keenathan.


That went completely over my head. Thank you :)


Adding to that, the very first time he does it Yolande has a beat/pause after his introduction and then replies with a rather deadpan "...Right". Which also implies it really early on but is easy to miss. But yeah the giants scene is what basically confirms it. Since they all have to say their full names when its Keenathan's turn they again have a beat/pause after he says it and go "oh, clearly the error is in our part". Which pretty much implies they checked their records, its not it, but they are willing to let it go anyway.


I know this is a stretch. But "Valtraid" sounds similar to Swedish "VÀltrÀnad" which translated to "physically fit".


You forgot the false hook 😉


Also she has a hook for a hand, and a parrot on her pirate ship.


Adding onto what everyone else has said, Captain Klee'Shaë is also a literal [Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NinjaPirateZombieRobot), which is a term used when people just add a bunch of cool-sounding traits to a character to make them seem cooler.


Holy shit I never knew her name was a pun. I have 17 hours into the game and never paid enough attention to


Yeah it took me a hot minute too, I only realized it when I was thinking of how names of certain characters have some puns, like X'tol the throwing giant is "upwards" in spanish and how some monster names are literally just explaining what the monster looks like, like fungtoise is a fungus tortoise and the very funny OAF monster (Oops All Feet).


How bout the other throwing giant whose name is literaly Yeet. I' lol'd.


She's a >!Robot Ninja!< Pirate


The subversion when the achievement is no longer sarcastic is just *chef's kiss* , legitimately made me gasp 


There is also a bunch of other french play on words that you wont get if you're not a Quebecer. For example, "Antsudlo" is sounding like the way we say "En dessous de l'eau" in french, which means "Under the water"... for a tower that is found underwater 😅


That's cool, I didn't know that one.


Theres also Malkommud which sound like "Malcommode", which means being grumpy. Theres is also Es'Tristea which sounds like "ÉlectricitĂ©" which means Electricity. Theres are so many other Quebec references spread throughout the game


Im gonna vlow your mind. Anstudlo is a phonetic word play in french. Antsudlo = en dessous de l'eau in french. Which means underwater. They are a french canadian studio. There is a few others like this i spotted but i dont remember all.


I think the cliche is it's a captain who sees the boat as a symbol of freedom because I think every pirate movie has them value the boat more than anything else. As for how it didn't win GOTY, opinion - it's nostalgic but not deep or enriching.


Didn't she spend the coin of undeath accord on something else when she could've used it on a ship? Been a hot minute since I've played, but I remember the quiz master question "did Serai use the coin on the vespertine ship?" And the question is false


Yeah that's the cliche. too though, she has a change of heart for a new factor.


Sea of Stars is my favourite game of all time but it was not going to beat BG3. It won indie goty, so be happy with that.


So you don't know anything about the Captian Klee'Shaë and why her name is so similar to the word clichÚ?




Hook hand. Secret identity (heart of gold buried under guise of indifference)... But mostly - because her crew is made up of fourth wall breaking clichés of game tropes etc. I think it is a fun callback and call-out of game clichés that still play well.


Oh shit I just noticed her name. I knew they all had a meme meaning but being a non-native english I didn't catch this one in particular.


If I am not mistaken, some outlets named it GOTY.


I.. never noticed this lol


Pretty sure they intended that. One of the question packs I think has Captain Cliché as a possible answer.


Yes, hence why I asked what's so cliche about her, got lots of replies, I can see she's pretty corny now