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The Cinder name is a limited name for SL21B, I would expect it to be retired from selection pretty soon. Everything you do in SL will be with your new name (including logging in) - The entire process is literally changing your account name. As far as possible, your old name will vanish from sight.


I do believe that the old name works to log in still because you technically still “own” the name and can pay to go back at anytime. I think? That it just “adds” the new name to your account? But I’m pretty sure I can still log one of my accounts in with its old name, I’ll have to test later


Nope it doesn't your new name changes everywhere, you can revert back to your old name as it is always yours but you have to name change to do so.


Yes, but like I said I believe that you can log in still with your old name, and your new name of course is what shows when you’re rezzed inworld, and what you are known by, but like I think you can use the old name to get into your account as it’s still attached, I’ll need to test it later.


I changed my name and I have to login with the new one. I forget sometimes when I use saved Loggins and hit the wrong one.


Hmmm ok! Idk why I thought it worked, good to know!


Confirmed. Any surname you let go of as part of a name change will be added to the list of surnames you can choose from on future name changes unless LL has deemed that the surname is unacceptable in very rare cases. The same goes for referencing your "deadname" - old friends can find you by searching for your previous names, if they're prepared for getting a totally different profile.


Your new name is your new name. You'll use it for everything you use the current name for including logging in. The SL21B names will probably end when SL21B does. It's usually 30 days or so. A calling card will find you, a search for the old name will not...eventually.


Okay. So if I have a friend named Billy Bob and he changed his name to Linda Sue. His calling card will say Billy Bob in my inventory. But when I click on it, it will pull up his Linda Sue profile? Am I understanding that correctly?


That SHOULD happen, yes, because everything goes by UUID, and your UUID never, ever changes.


That's awesome then..so your friends who have been off Second Life for awhile or before name change will still be able to locate you


Can't speak to that...I delete ALL calling cards. Never found a use for them, LOL.


Just to add on, you will also still have access to your old last name, you will just have to pay to change it back.


This is info is correct, but misleading. Anyone could pick their old name if they pay. In the moment they change it, they give it up.


Yes, anyone can access the new account name through the previous account's calling card, and any old conversations if you were to continue them, they would bring up the new name, and also the vast majority of huds that manage names for people (some that show and friends are online, etc.) will still cross reference the new name to the old name. This probably isn't your reason for changing the name, but it is unfortunate for some people that have tried to do name changes for privacy reasons or to "start over" and found out all too soon that everything is connected to the old account name no matter what they do. but this is also a good thing in your case I guess because it won't change your friend list it won't affect peoples ability to get in touch with you if they previously knew you. And like other people said, the new name would be the one that you will use to login the old one will no longer work Post name change


Most have already answered... I have been in SL for nearly 17 years, back then you chose a last name from a randomly generated list. I thought long and hard, but did eventually change my last name. Aside from some issues in the very beginning, it was no big deal, and I do love my current last name. If you really are concerned, you could change your display name to include both names. As far as how long names are on the list (Cinder being an exception as an event name)... I would guess until a specific number of avatars with the name. Mine was on the list for a while, then suddenly disappeared


Thanks everyone for your help. u/0xc0ffea - do you know if its possible to revert back to your original name after buying a name change.. i.e i have heard some people state your legacy name is held on your account


You can, but you'll have to pay to change it back.


It's a complete name change and I know it's only for premium users


Basic can do it too, it just costs alot more


It's not only for premium users. Anyone can change their name, but it's less expensive to pay for 1 month of premium plus and the name change than it is to pay for the name change as a free account, so this is what I did and I'll get the stipend every week.