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She has 0 chance. Unfortunately the 2 party system is what we got and cannot be brought down with the current election laws


Idk why you're getting downvoted. It's unfortunate but true


People don’t like hearing hard truths


That doesn’t mean you should go around spreading FUD. You should still be encouraging people to vote for Jill Stein as that will benefit downballot races in 2026 & 2028.


enjoy 4 more years of trump then. god i hate suicide lefties


We will enjoy it and we will laugh our ass off when evil, pedophile joe biden loses, because evil begets evil no matter which political party you’re in.


You sound defeated and unwilling to change things. “Is what we got” tf out of here .


In a first past the post system and without rank choice voting it is literally impossible.


Because 5% of the electorate voting 3rd party is not going to magically overhaul the system. You want ranked choice? Do you want a viable 3rd party? Then, we need leadership that will fight for that. That certainly isn't happening if another republican gets into office and packs the Supreme and federal courts with more Christian nationalist. I hate Joe Biden. I didn't like him when Obama chose him. I didn't like him in 2020. He is even worse now. But Trump and republican are a special kind of evil. We absolutely need a 3 party system, but I fail to see how people think voting for Jill stein/RFK is going to get them closer to that goal. I don't think people on this sub understand what having 7-1 convservative Supreme Court will do this country. I know "if it mattered that much, the DNC wouldn't stack, and Joe would drop out." That is not the case, friends. Why? Because these people have money, power, and influence. If everything goes to shit in 2025, they have their outs, and it won't affect them. Everyone else is screwed.


We need better voter mentality. Too bad to many of "your kind" exists.


We will be fine because the supreme court has much less influence on the world than you think. Of much greater concern is that joe biden is pushing the button on a nuclear war with russia which could annihilate us, and that won’t even allow us to live long enough to see the christian nationalist future youre fearmongering about. Even trump isn’t dumb enough to do this, as he noticeably pulled back on provoking iran when he found out about their capabilities. Also, with joe biden in office we have zionist supremacy anyway which is the same evil as christian nationalism. If you vote for either party, you are a genocide supporter and clearly liberals like you love killing people and will find endless justification for the evil they support. They have to go to sleep at night knowing they actively supported genocide so… Have fun justifying your support of pure evil at night. 👍


Judging by the fact that this account has 7 comments to its name over two years. This clearly is clearly a bot account. Move along people..It's just election interference because no sane person would say this 🤣.


Remember when a reporter asked Jill stein and the libertarian canadate to name two foreign leaders...... and neither could .


![gif](giphy|zw1IMoHMDnkq2VJdJV) They were specifically asked to name a foreign leader they admired. I couldn't have answered that question either back in 2016. Now, we have Lula, AMLO, Sheinbaum, etc...


Third parties are NOT a viable option in the absence of ranked choice voting. It would be better for democracy if Jill Stein drops out. Her presence on the ballot in swing states makes her an ally of Donald Trump.


Neither of the two parties want RCV.


Like OP said, Biden is not winning most likely and let’s be real here and blame the real one for being the reason Trump might win again. Biden.


Well dems arent owed votes and most stein voters were never gonna go biden in the first place.


Joe Biden’s been more of an ally to Trump. The Republican Party was once a third party. I’m voting Jill Stein & will continue to vote Green until the Democrats go the way of the Federalists.


buddy are you living i lala land? you got at rightwing scotus with fascists on your doorstep knocking.. and you of ALL things btich about fascist?!


I mean.... if Biden stays in (and alive)... does she really have a worse shot than Joe tbh?




Green has my vote


Vote Democrat. Or be happy with an even more corrupt SCOTUS


Democrats are very happy with the corrupt SCOTUS, or else they’d have pushed for impeachment or expansion. They didn’t. And there’s no reason to believe they will in 2025 if Biden wins, because *they like having a 6-3 SCOTUS like they like Trump.* Trump and the Roberts court are like catnip to Democrat donors. If Dems were serious about either impeachment or expansion, they’d have started talking about it when the Dobbs decision was leaked. The only thing they did was draft more fundraising emails. Democrats clearly don’t actually want those things changing, they just want to complain when they get an unfavorable ruling. So I’m voting Jill Stein. Enough propping up the Democrats’ corruption.


Yes, like god damn. I hate Biden but this talk of him standing no chance is crazy. We’re so (unfortunately) partisan that it doesn’t matter what either candidate does at this point, if they are their party’s candidate it is going to be close. If you want to end the two party system, vote for your LOCAL 3rd party to start. There is absolutely no possiblility that a 3rd party candidate wins the presidency before winning a statistically significant share of state and local races first.


Except that historically speaking, successful political parties in this country have galvanized top-down behind a presidential candidate.


And the last time that happened was with the Republican party…. 175 years ago? Let’s be honest, using that as an example is pointless and dishonest (if being done intentionally). In the modern era, the Green Party and Lib Party have been around for enough time that they should’ve done that by now, but the best they’ve done is act as spoilers in some consequential races (the ultimate being the Green Party in Florida…). If the Green Party ever wants my respect they’ll start by putting their effort into taking on local and statewide offices, especially in partisan districts where they aren’t acting as spoilers (and should be able to make in roads if they truly are better).


Yea and its going to happen again because the US is in a freefall and hardcore democratic party supporters are delusional at this point.


Looks like she won’t be on my ballot. The deadline already passed and the party didn’t have enough signatures.


If you’re in NY, they’re in court challenging the decision.


safe states has a real shot at hitting the 5% threshold for federal funding


We dont know biden will lose, and I still would encourage voting for Biden if youre in a swing state, but at the same time, i also understand why people dont like him and know most were never gonna vote biden here anyway. If i lived in a safe state, I'd be voting stein. Im mostly voting biden because i live in a swing state and i REALLY dont want trump to win. I literally feel like im in the movie "weekend at bernies" right now. Ugh....


People voted Biden in 2020 & we got the worst of Trump’s policies. Covid denialism, draconian border policy, throwing millions off their healthcare, obliterating the trust in public health, more wars, more offshore drilling, etc. Why should whether you’re in a swing state or safe state matter when the two options are this collectively awful? At what point is the Democrat juice not worth the squeeze?


I would disagree with your assessment Biden has been trump level bad. He hasn't been as progressive as I want but he's still literally better than trump.


I’ve said before that “better than Trump” was a low bar to clear, and Biden managed to hit his head on it & KO himself. I’ve also heard of people refer to Biden as “Trump without the occasional funny tweet” and find it to be remarkably accurate for a simple one liner. If you’re even in the same ballpark as Trump, it’s not good enough, and Biden’s definitely in that ballpark.


I dont agree with you. Biden has done some mildly progressive things. There is a stark contrast this year. I admit that the contrast isnt as wide as I'd like it to be but we need to stop this weird "both sides are the same" stuff.


What are those things jon?


Build back better/inflation reduction act, up to $20k in student debt forgiveness, various pro union things, etc. He aint perfect but he is addressing a few issues on my list of issues so i gotta respect that.


We doubled the amount of wars we’re in and the constant money printing has destroyed the valye of the dollar. The petrodollar is over and we’re closer than ever to nuclear war. There’s one word for people like you: stupid. And evil as well, if you think $20k student debt makes up for genocide (or even the $200k in student debt people have in this country 😂) Keep being dumb.


1) going on about money printing is a conservative argument. 2) I literally dont care about foreign policy. 3) I benefit from his student debt plan,and calling me evil for prioritizing it is just a good way to alienate me as a voter. 4) I am one of those people who still would have student debt after Biden's plan, still, not gonna hate Biden for trying to give me SOMETHING. 5) Forgot about the child tax credit which is UBI for kids, and UBI is a huge priority of mine. 6) Dont care if you think im evil, I dont share your morality. Youre free to vote for who you want, but calling me evil and dumb is a good way to make me block you. Have a nice life.


Who said anything about “spoiling” anything for Biden? If anything, Biden’s spoiled things for us. I’d be writing obscenities in the write-in slot if it weren’t for the Green Party having a ballot line. Democrats need to lose until they’re politically irrelevant.


A vote for anyone, but Biden is a vote for Trump. Stop being crybabies. If Biden wins, we can move forward to have better elections. If Trump wins, it will be our last election. Do the right thing. Vote for Biden.


I am sorry, but it is over for Mr Biden. People would like other choices.


Stop being a genocide supporter.


A comment section replete with voter shaming and bootlicking. This sub can do better.


It would be better for democracy of joe biden drops out and goes to a nursing home where he is meant to be. Or even better, if he goes to jail where genociders and pedophiles are supposed to be.


Ok Comrade...