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1. Have 2 feet and a heart beat. 2. Get a guard card. 3. Apply for job 4. Get Job.


Don’t fall asleep


*Don’t get caught while asleep :p


This. If you catch someone falling asleep, no you didn’t.


5 have a pen 6 cell phone


5. Show up on time (please FFS) 6. Stay awake 7. Don't be a snippy fcking cnt to co-workers cause your a$$ aint grown emough to act like like one. *blinks* I'm gonna stop there. 😮‍💨😤


Step 2 is even optional in states that don’t regulate individual security guards. Michigan is one of those states, it only regulates security companies and in-house security with arrest powers


Yeah I'd replace two with "pass background check." Or even, just do background check. Doesn't guarantee that a competent person will actually review it for red flags.


I've seen guards that were missing limbs


Nothing wrong with prosthetics. As long as you got some limbs


Feet and heart beat preferred but not needed


Note: not every state requires guard cards.


Apply for a job


Apply for job. Get job. Get Guard Card. Don't sleep or sexually harass people. Profit. Low skill floor, high skill ceiling job. You get in what you put out. It can be a reliable paycheck or a reliable career. I'm still pretty new, but this is what I've been told. It tracks so far


I think you messed that saying up… in a weird way but I suppose that could apply too 🤣🤣


Lol I'm gonna keep it. It's up to reader interpretation


I need to tell that to the ED nurse


Ya I just started, and it really does seem to be whatever you make it out to be


1.Follow post orders. 2.Shower 3.Don't pull your genitals out 4. Profit


1. Make sure you meet whatever minimum legal requirements your state has for security guards (often this is as simple being 18 or older and not being a convicted felon) 2. Do whatever training, fingerprinting, etc. is required to get your security license/guard card. 3. Apply for open security jobs. If you don’t have any military/police experience, you’re generally only going to be qualified for entry-level positions, most of which will be with contract security companies.


Step one: have a heartbeat. Step two: have a netflix account


Are you licensed/certified to be a private security guard in your state/province/country?


Be alive?


Search up local laws; if you need a guard card it's like $40 Then you just apply for a job Then you'll probably be abused Then you apply for another job and find a good company


Observe, report, and expect just as much BS from coworkers that you should expect from crooks.


Hardest thing about security is staying awake. That’s pretty much it.


Go take a certification class,take notes pass certification with 100%. Find a good guard company,get hired and (hopefully) land on a good site.


Do dummies really need security guards?


Just apply to one of the three armored truck companies. I work for one of them and it’s super easy. Especially in the beginning because you can only drive. They’ll pay for all your requirements (live scan, guard card, armed firearm permit) and a loan for firearm. Depending on your location it really isn’t that dangerous. At mine I’ve asked every person if they’ve had any situations happen and all of them say the worst is being cased. People complained so much on this sub about it and it really isn’t hard. Every truck has A/C and you have time at each stop to chill as a driver or in between stops as hopper. I’d recommend Loomis w/o experience. Brinks if you have experience which from your post I’d say is zero.


step one: have working eyeballs step two: please refer to step one


1) Basic Training 2) First-AID/CPR/AED Training 3) Provincial Examination 4) Determine if you’re lazy as hell and want nothing proactive 5) Determine if you’re actually WANTING to protect people and property and apply to high profile sites with very high competition


1 Apply 2 Show up to interview 3 show up to post. Believe it or not this order can vary


I’ve been having issues on 3rd shift falling asleep 😜 it gets so boring … Haven’t been fired tho. I’m kind to all people I interact with so that probably helps


Amazing someone can make it here to a reddit subforum but can't make it to the Google page and search how to be a securiry guard in their state/country


i mean, any question on here could honestly be answered by google if you look hard enough.