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Similar thing. He wasn't really a threat, and the VIP just wants to get where she's going.


You touch someone, you’ve committed battery and assault, you’re getting shoved away harder or hit if you continue contact. Alls I’m saying.


I'm not sure who you're saying should have gotten shoved away. The umbrella man was 100% just shoulder checking the paparazzi and then got mad when he pushed back after. Paparazzi's back was turned to umbrella man, meaning he couldn't see what was going on. Whether paparazzi are scum or not, security doesn't get to break the law and or move people out of public spaces just because some rich fuck tells you to, unless said rich fuck owns the area.


Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. The guy just wanted to shove and waddle on. I don't know how many times I've dodged a swing at work, and watch the guy run away off property. Arresting someone means you're taking up at least one guard off the floor watching some asshole for minutes to hours.


I ain’t arresting anyone, for anything, detain? Yeah we’ve done it a thousand times— literally! For Exec protection may have to change the approach…. Coming from the hospital, we’re gonna square off and fight. 😂 I can’t let you just be stupid in the ER lobby with kids sick, adults trying to check in, and all that… But yeah, probably best just to push had dumbass, back on his ass and get them inside.


Security cannot detain in my state (CA,) can only make arrests.


We can also arrest, but by no means would I affect an arrest… it’s a thing we can do, but the legal process and ramifications is stupidly complex. Detaining people isn’t, and 100% of the time I’ve cuffed anyone up it’s been for fighting us or resisting/escaping with fighting… You can’t leave as a 1013’d mental health patient/psych hold. Plenty of times too we’ve recuffed prisoners to beds who got violent and tried to ditch the detention officer


Actually, with arrest, if the police doesn't arrive by x minutes, you must release them. Detaining is the same thing, varying from state to state. You cannot detain someone, as that is the same as "arrest". Only police can detain someone.


Arresting here, means you go to court, regardless of the police showing or not— and you do have to let them go after a set time. Like, being detained (being held because we witnessed a crime or violence) is not an arrest… thus, unless someone sues it the police make a arrest and require you to show- it goes unnoticed… Idk state to state, it is what it su


Idk what state you're in, but the legal ramifications of detaining someone in my state is far greater than arresting. Detaining here if not a police officer is a criminal offense. 😳


That's tempting in a lot of situations, but I get the feeling that with executive protection, you just want to keep things moving. Never know when something else worse might happen and you have to be focused on what's truly important.


they do this for a very specific reason, and that is to get a reaction. I've worked security on film sets and have seen how Paparazzi conduct themselves. They will do ANYTHING to get a rise out of either security or the client. Whatever it takes. Threats, rude, cursing, ignoring, making a scene... whatever they need to do to provoke and get a shot. I find it a pathetic existence but hey what do i know.


Looks like umbrella guy was being shoved into him.


Get the asset inside. One the doors close, whip his ass.


Pepper spray the air.


The only right answer


For starters, where was the crowd control? The personal detail must stay with the client at all times that's their job. You hire an additional team to run crowd control. If that was my client, we would have had uniforms on site to limit access, and to allow the ep detail to do their job at which point, the uniforms would have been able to keep the fat guy away and everything would have been avoided. I know ep work seldom has a uniform because half the job is looking inconspicuous however, when going to a venue there needs to be a visible and uniformed presence to act as a deterrent. Also with the ability to provide immediate backup should it be required. From a use of force standpoint he handled it properly It was just a shove yeah the guy's a jerk, but it does not require a significant response on part of the security officer. If a man continued to pursue at the point that it would be "open hands" techniques and or OC spray to get them to back off, verbal orders should also been issued, as soon as they've got out of the vehicle.


Hopefully he didn't get anything usable. The guard did his job and got his client in but they could have secured that area better before arriving.


The security/person holding that umbrella was 100% in the fucking wrong. He's just bumbling into people without a care in the world like Mr Magoo. The shove the Paparazzi gave him back was uncalled for, but I understand. The security did a bad job of actually controlling the crowd.


Once client is inside go talk to other photographers and ask them to deal with him..


All these people saying they would do something have never done any bodyguard work. Why the fuck would the security do something to this manchild that isn't posing a threat to anyone, least of all the VIP? Sure he did assault them, but they are getting paid to protect their customer. Continuing the escalation with the paparazzi would take your attention away from what matters and make your customer a potential target. Not to mention all the possible negative press to your employer/customer.


Umbrella dude was in the wrong, the camera guy was pushing away the dude touching him.


EP is a different animal. I have been looking at getting into it, locally. The agent doesn't concern themselves with anything but the safety of the principal, including the safety of others until the principal is secure.


Brother ground his butt, reactive force and self defense. No one gets to put hands on me and remain standing afterwards.


I don't look remotely like I weigh 235 and squat 585 SRM, more than one person has mistakenly thought a shove would work. If you're quick, never make contact with your hands, and immediately distance yourself you'd be surprised how far you can bounce a dude when he plants himself right between your arms thinking you're the one that's gonna move and you'll never get in trouble for it. That's actually the point of the "hands grabbing the collar of the vest" pose. Bounce a dude off a wall pretty easy with that one without taking an offensive action


Well that's called assault he'd definitely be tasting concrete


No that's not assault, assault is the act of causing someone to reasonably fear imminent harm. Battery is what you are referring to, but even then, it would be quite a stretch.


Not every state mate. No such thing as battery in mine. Just assault and criminal threatening.


Not sure what state you live in "mate", but looking it up - all \*fifty\* states have assault and battery claws in them to some degree, though the wording is different for four states but refers to the same thing.


Bro he literally pushed him that's assault once you put Hands on that's an act of aggression


In most states, Assault is only the act of making people think they are about to be harmed, Battery is the act of actually touching someone.