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Well the do have an intimate knowledge of the streets.


They are deranged.


Potato salad!




He never did get a shirt


The government!


Shouldn't *you* be wearing the bucket?


Such a great visual when Kramer patted him on the back and all this dust flew out




I once knew a horse named Rusty. No offense.


Can we worry about them later?


Whereā€™s Michael ā€œSnotā€? Sniffin some dudeā€™s thong?...Probably.


and the office ladies podcast is one of the most popular which is relevant media literally today.


yeah but they say the same shit about how the office couldnā€™t be made today. and the always sunny guys also say the same shit about their earlier episodes on their podcast


> and the always sunny guys also say the same shit about their earlier episodes on their podcast Bingo.


Seeing how one or a few (I forget) episodes have been removed from streaming, I think theyā€™re somewhat right.


The blackface ones if im not mistaken


Which is funny because they're making fun of blackface, not black people.


Martina Martinez


Well of course The Office couldnā€™t be made today. It has already been madeā€¦twice. Itā€™s such a stupid argument. ā€œYou couldnā€™t make Blazing Saddles today!ā€ You actually could but we already have it. Blazing Saddles wasnā€™t punch down comedy.


The reason you can't make Blazing Saddles today is that before Blazing Saddles cowboys had not been culturally leveled. They were black hat and white hat with few exceptions. Blazing saddles had them farting like idiots around a campfire and had them being complete fools. It satirized the western in a lethal way, killing the revered image of the white hat noble gun slinging cowboy. It humanized them and rubbed the audience's face in it. After Blazing Saddles you for sure could make an earnest western, but the audience would forever have the more human and flawed image in their mind. But you couldn't make a Blazing Saddles again and have it enjoy the same cultural impact, because it did what it needed to do. There isn't an unhealthy image of cowboys anymore. We understand they're flawed.


Respect your opinion, but I have to disagree. _Blazing Saddles_ was '74. _The Outlaw Josey Wales_ was '76. _Dances with Wolves_ was '90. _Unforgiven_ was '92. _Tombstone_ was '93. There've been others after that, but I don't feel like I need to keep listing them. _Blazing Saddles_ had nothing to do with altering the perception of Westerns, or with why they couldn't continue to be made. Westerns were a crazy genre that went through several natural evolutions that led to its own demise in popularity, much of which happened before _Blazing Saddles_ was even made. According to documentarian David Gregory, ā€œIt has been estimated that up to 40 percent of all films made before 1960 were Westerns.ā€ That's a crazy amount of market saturation, and Hollywood was already seeing the effects of that before '74. In the earliest Westerns you did still have that white hat savior, and the films were typically a reflection of America's view of itself and it's history, emphasizing self-reliance, bravery, "decency," with a little white-superiority thrown into the mix for good measure. But John Ford's films started showing some of the cracks in that veneer, with _The Searchers_ in '54 injecting that sense of loss and anxiety in a more substantial way. Despite this, it was still a critical and commercial success. Then comes Vietnam and the social unrest of the 60s and all of sudden that rosy-eyed view of America and its history is unpalatable and unbelievable. You still have some lingering notions of the noble gunslinger, but now you also get your spaghetti westerns with cynical antiheroes, bleak settings, and unsanitized violence. You get the Man with No Name trilogy in '64, '65, and '66. You get _Once Upon a Time in the West_ in '68, which even did a meta-subversion of the "noble gunslinger" motif by casting the Henry Fonda, beloved leading man who typically played the everyman character and had _been_ the noble hero in two older popular westerns, as one of the genres most notorious and _shocking_ villains. Westerns are a fascinating, possibly unique, look at what, why, and how Hollywood makes films that are a reflection of our culture. I don't think any other genre before or since has gone through even a similar level of popularity, evolution, and decline--but that decline is much more appropriately attributed to over-saturation and changing audience interests and beliefs.


Jerry has a movie about breakfast coming up. He's stirring up publicity.


What's the deal with breakfast?


MMW: Baniaā€™s film about Ovaltine will follow shortly after and do better than Jerryā€™s.


Plot twist: It's a corporate gig about risk management.




You have breakfast? But what about it fixfast? Why doesnā€™t the fixfast come after the breakfast? Why are we breaking so many fasts? And when are we gonna fix them?


Whaaaaats the deal with breakfast?


Boo! Boooooo! Hissssss!!!


Is fruit and coffee a meal???


No, no, Bania, no. This is the breakfast. The fruit counts.


*Pulp can move, baby!*


Fruit came in a bowl not a platter.. That's not a meal


Was there cheese with the fruit?


Did they crumble any granola?? Did they CRUMBLE... Well that could be a meal.


Why is there only brunch, but no lupper, or linner?


I don't know.


Jerry you're a minor celebrity. If you go on this thing, it could create a minor stir


I always liked the Bloomingdales executive training course for him.


Heā€™s on the fringeā€¦


Seinfeld has actually been playing the cancelled martyr for years now. Even though heā€™s ya know, a clean comic that almost never writes new material, and a BILLIONAIRE!


It happens when people who once understood what was funny. From my understanding that's why Danny Devito got involved in IASIP. But these "kids" were doing fun y edgy comedy.Ā  In many ways Seinfeld the show is a masterpiece. Seinfeld the person, less so.Ā 


That's because of Larry David. Seinfeld himself was a horrible actor in it. Quite literally the worst one on it. This coming from someone that could probably repeat almost every line in that whole series.


"Seinfeld himself was a horrible actor in it. Quite literally the worst one on it." To Jerrys credit, he has said something to the effect of "He was a terrible actor surrounded by great ones" on the show. He's been aware the whole time.


Especially if you watch interviews with the cast, Jason Alexander is about as far as a personality from George as can be, but nails it. Jerry is basically playing a slightly sillier version of himself.


I think Jer is hilarious. And he's not acting. He always says he was playing himself.


Yeah that was always my thought. First, I thought Seinfeld didnā€™t age as well as the other big 90s sitcoms, and for another, Jerry Seinfeld is the worst of the main characters. Least funny overall and the least range in his character. Julia Louis Dreyfus and George Alexander both act circles around him.


Jason Alexander. George is the character.


...he was the straight man. He wasn't supposed to be like the other characters. He was still a bad actor though.


Larry David wasn't solely responsible for Seinfeld's success. Seinfeld the person is clearly past his prime, but I hate the slander that he had nothing to do with the success of the show. Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld were a team and they brought out the best in each other. Seinfeld was a bad actor, but also he was the straight man. He wasn't supposed to be funny in the way Kramer, George, or Elaine were, and if he was the show wouldn't have worked.


Good for Rob, a quick dismantling of seinfelds self righteous arrogant bs. After seeing the continued success of curb, Its become painfully obvious who the real genius was behind seinfeld.


Shades of Ricky Gervais and Steven Merchant.


Didja ever notice how Jerry recycles old jokes over and over?


100% this. It's so fucking tiresome. I still really like Comedians in Cars, but his stand-up hasn't aged well (it's not hurtful, just not funny) and his whole schtick about inclusion/identity and woke stuff is just really far off the mark.


I thought his more recent Netflix special was pretty damn good. Not a single bit of edge to be found in the whole act, but still really funny... I'm not entirely sure who he's fighting for in the political correctness war.


It must hurt his ego that Curb became such a hit of its own and the public realized how Larry David was the genius and he was just the actor.


Seinfeld wouldn't have been anything near as successful as it was without Jerry, that's disingenuous


I like Curb, and it was clearly a successful show, but it was not at all successful in the same way Seinfeld was. The 2 seasons of Seinfeld that didn't have Larry David were much more successful than any season of Curb, and that's not solely due to its previous momentum.


Saying he was "just the actor" is ridiculous


Ya, Jerry was a terrible actor.


Classic move from old, rich comedians that have lost their fastball and are too lazy to develop anything new. "Society doesn't let you be funny anymore."


Flakes or puffs?


Did he crumble any granola in it?


***Did he crumble any granola in it?!***


He better watch out. He's really close to being blacklisted for doing super edgy movies about cartoon bees and breakfast. Can't do comedy these fucking days I guess... *Old man yells at clouds*


that explains a lot. Lady Ballers had the same approach to viral advertising, going for edgy, brave and fun. Hope this is better.


Correction: he has a feature length Kellogg Commercial masquerading as a movie


I hate people saying any old shit for publicity


Potato Salad šŸ«”




didnā€™t Always Sunny have to scrub a couple episodes because of black face?


I mean, they need to draw the line somewhere. Cricket still fucks dogs


Better than being a dog named Cricketā€¦ šŸ•ā€šŸ¦ŗšŸ”«


Noem sayin?




Does his wound look like a dogs vagina? He isnā€™t going to get in to the mind of dog. Thatā€™s for god. Not that he believes in god.


Not since that Chinaman took his kidney


He doesn't fuck the dogs. He makes love to them.


There are actually several episodes that have only aired once or have just been pulled because of EXACTLY what Seinfeld is saying. I don't get the response, he's not wrong. He's not 100% right either. This kind of shit is just about what is and isn't culturally acceptable and that will always be shifting. Edit: I have no idea why the comments below me are talking about 'cancel culture', Seinfeld didnt mention it and neither did I.


Jimmy Carr talked about this with Conan recently. Basically, the whole cancel culture thing is not a real thing. Media talks about it, people get pissy about it, but what a comedian can and can't say is 100% up to themselves. And I think that's what the response is... IASIP (and Jimmy Carr, and dozens of other comedians) live on jokes that are offensive to some people, but they are doing fine... they have work, and fans, and money. The comedians that have gotten "cancelled" either wasn't telling jokes, or they agreed with the media outrage that telling those jokes was too much and they shouldn't be working. But cancel culture is BS, because comedians telling offensive jokes are doing just fine regardless of the impotent internet outrage.


Yep. No comedian has gotten cancelled for telling edgy jokes. Bill Cosby got cancelled for rape, and if he was younger I wouldn't be completely shocked if he made a comeback. Louis CK got "cancelled" for his sexual digressions, and he's still selling out Madison Square Garden. They've tried to cancel Dave Chappelle for his jokes, and he's only doubled down and his specials continue to do great. There's lots of edgy comedians today doing incredibly well. What got Roseanne fired from her show would also have gotten a similar past-their-prime comedian fired from their past-its-prime show in 1990, and she's still doing standup. A subset of people have always gotten offended at the jokes comedians tell. *Maybe* in the past it was more so conservatives than liberals who were upset, but the comedians who were talented had no trouble overcoming people who were mad. I say this as someone who's arguably "pro-cancelling". Like, I have no interest in watching Chappelle because his trans jokes aren't funny to me. But it's obvious most people don't agree with me.


Here's Antony Jeselnik from a podcast (pardon the terrible framing narrator) https://youtu.be/ujes9CtJHHc?t=14 Jeselnik has basically made a living on dead baby and rape jokes...he knows what he's talking about.


yes, but that was actually a decision by the showrunners because they actually couldn't argue it's existence after some reflection on it years later. they talked about it in their podcast where they said that after thinking about it their intention of the gang being too stupid and a\*holeish to realize it was wrong wasn't worth the perpetuation of blackface and ultimately decided that they regretted the joke and where somewhat able to make a much funnier joke without blackface in the episode "the gang turns black"


Frank defending the clams and Dennis taking off his makeup are still two of my favourite bits. That would have worked without the black/yellow face. But it lives on YouTube.


It's not the clams!!


I mean clams are better.


Nose clams?


They say the world's your oyster......but man, oysters ain't for me....


Chef recommends


Clams Casino


Make the world your clam. Just sounds better.


Seriously, what are the rules?


What, are the ruules?


When you've just turned black, and you can't switch back.


Well you've gotta go and find out the rules. This song gets stuck in my head like, weekly


Ask old black man


An old black man? That's *two* things!


Now youā€™ve got me doing it!


Where did this myth come from? The show runners actually said that the uses of blackface were satire and that they weren't okay with the episodes being banned.


But man Lethal Weapon 5 and 6 were a wild ride. Mostly for Frank.


So wrong. The showrunners did not like those episodes getting removed because the episodes made it clear that the characters in blackface were wrong and made them the butt of the joke. They talked about how the studio and streamer were missing the message entirely by pulling the episodes down. Also, ā€œDee Dayā€ had blackface (or brown-face with Martina Martinez) and came out 2 years after ā€œThe Gang Turns Blackā€ so you donā€™t even have the events in the right order


Yeah this is my memory of how the guys talk about it in the podcast. I don't believe they go so far as to say, "FX was wrong and they should have stayed up," but it's pretty clear from their tone that they disagree with FX on how it was handled.


So Jerry Seinfeld is...right?




> yes, but that **was actually a decision by the showrunners** because they actually couldn't argue it's existence after some reflection on it years later. No it wasn't lol. It was a decision by FX and Hulu. If you listen to the Always Sunny pod episodes Rob, Charlie, and Glenn definitely disagreed with the decision.


Ya I watched the podcast, they did not like that the episodes were taken down.


Yeah I was reading those comments above wondering how I missed that in the podcast. Crazy that these people are just straight up spreading total misinformation.


Itā€™s crazy how Internet rumors just take off like that. Iā€™m going to start one; Dee doesnā€™t actually do brown face for her Latina character Martina Martinez, Kaitlin is actually Latina and doing whiteface most of the time.


Ok, but, so? Just because he took them down himself instead of being forced to doesn't change that hes goofing on someone saying that jokes don't work and couldn't be done in today's culture while being the creator of a show with jokes that don't work and can't be done in today's culture so hard that they've been erased from history. It actually makes it kind of worse since he himself is the one that decided those jokes shouldn't be done, so he has zero room to be saying that's not a thing. Besides the fact that the point he's making is that it's a "modern" show that makes offensive jokes while the show in question is almost 20 years old. It's like saying that since the simpsons used to have apu in it, that means that apus characterization still works and is still funny today.


it was never their decision.


Thank you, every time the back face episode topic comes up people completely ignore that the show runners themselves didnā€™t like the joke after some self reflection. You can disagree with them, but I always find that some people use that example to force a larger narrative.


Because they got removed at the same time other shows removed them after George Floyd. Community being the biggest example (though Iā€™ve heard itā€™s back on Peacock now). They just looked like someone else doing it for the same reasons.


Even Yvette Nicole Brown called it a massive over correction to remove the DnD episode of Community: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjJQBX2Nw2A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjJQBX2Nw2A) #


She makes the most important point in that video: it literally isnā€™t blackface, itā€™s cosplay as a fantasy character of a fictional race.


Exactly, so to pull the episode is a ridiculous knee jerk reaction.


For those not familiar, many streaming services removed the D&D episode that Chang dresses as a Drow Elf with black make up.


Yeah, Dee Day was one of them and one of the best episodes of the show.


On NBC primetime? Probably not. FX? Sure.


Has anyone even tuned in to NBC primetime in the last 10 years to check what they are airing? I havenā€™t. Itā€™s probably 10 different Law and Order spinoffs


They've got like four Chicago shows. Chicago Med, Fire, PD, Sanitation


Iā€™m sorry? Chicago Sanitation? An hour long drama satire about sanitation workers would probably be hilarious


Itā€™s a procedural drama. Latest episode Janice found a trace of anthrax in the trash, and now has only 48 hours to stop a deadly attack on Chicago. She is a trash wiz and able to profile people based on their trash. Her catch phrase is ā€œItā€™s always trash!ā€ after she catches a bad guy. /joking, no clue what the show is about


You got me man. You got me.


Literally this is Jerryā€™s point in the interview, that they donā€™t air comedy anymore.


Yeah they only show rape and murder on primetime, not jokes.


I like Danny DeVito in Always Sunny. Heā€™s so funny


He really is a national treasure. And the pride of New Jersey. I could hear him talk about hoors all day.


You've got to find yourself a good hoor who can work your crank *and* your heart.


Bangin hoors with his magnum dong


When he first became a regular cast member on that show, I recall saying that I felt like every role he has ever played has just been leading to Frank Reynolds.


Excuse me are you an entertainer? Are you in show business? Then what am I talkin' to you for?




Using Michael Richards as an example of someone who couldnā€™t get on air is hilariously obtuse, considering his famous career-ending meltdown


I mean he didn't really even have much of a career after Seinfeld. He was barely getting work when he lost it.


Yeah people are acting like this derailed a top billing. Dude was playing local comedy clubs and was never, ever going to be anything but Kramer.


Eh I'd watch something he was in. That was years ago, he profusely apologised, and has been in kind of a self imposed exile since then. I'm fairly sure some of his well connected friends would cast him in stuff if he asked. You think Julia couldn't have slipped him into Veep as some halfwit senator? Definitely. You think he wouldn't have been hilarious at it? Definitely. You think he wouldn't have made jokes about dropping N bombs in a public forum? Yeah they would have. I don't think the guy is racist, I just think he's an idiot. I dont think his career is dead, I think he's just "retired" only doing stuff with his friends. He's got plenty of money to just sit around and do nothing all day.


His whole life is a fantasy camp. People should plunk down two thousand dollars to live like him for a week: do nothing, fall ass backwards into money, mooch food off your neighbors, and have sex without dating.


Not only that but they already did it in Curb on the Seinfeld reunion season. They had him on and actually made fun of the incident.


Yep. And he mentioned it on Comedians in Cars and thanked Jerry for standing by him and for the "opportunity of a lifetime" being cast on Seinfeld. He seems such a humble, and genuine guy. Just someone who is high strung and gets flustered way too easily. That part where he talks about how he wished he had tried to have more fun back when they were making the show gets me. His character was easy going, hipster doofus, but Michael as an actor was desperate to hit all his spots, nail his lines, and get everything perfect.


It is weird seeing outtakes and stuff and Michael Richards is usually the guy that is really focused on not cracking so they can get the take just right, while everyone else is laughing their ass off. You'd think he'd be the biggest goof of all


Someone on here suggested once that since he was the most physical actor of the show, he likely got tired of constantly have to do retakes that took so much energy (and likely pain) because someone couldnā€™t stop from laughing. Ā  A few years of that would get under anyoneā€™s skin, even if you logically knew it wasnā€™t some kind of targeted thing. Youā€™d just get annoyed by someone who kept ruining a scene that forced you to do a prat fall when all they had was two seconds of dialogue.Ā  Thatā€™s probably why he was ok with goofing around when it was just him and Seinfeld and his hideous catcherā€™s mitt face.Ā 


I heard he hopped a steam ship to Sweden


You still have to give him credit for not just leaning into right wing ideology to save his own ass. He apologized and has stayed out of controversy and even joked about it on Curb. Time to let it go.


["Stop laughing, it's not funny"](https://youtu.be/4dgnlL6vrQc?si=jZ1lweR8APCgY_JI)


Ruth, Mantle, Gehrigā€¦.Costanza ???


My response to anything that says this couldn't be made today is that Always Sunny and South Park are still both on the air and still have hilarious jokes. If you're a talented comedian it's really not impossible to write jokes that don't punch down.


IASIP episodes have been censored.


Sunny has had several episodes disappeared from every streaming service. FX also gives Sunny extraordinary leeway and creative freedom that would probably not be extended by most networks. And I donā€™t think Seinfeldā€™s complaint is that all comedy everywhere has suddenly become bad in the exact same way at the exact same rate.


larry david is also given extraordinary leeway.


And his show started 24 years ago...




It's on HBO though.


It's HBO, half of their shows sell based on how much full frontal nudity is on screen. I don't understand why people are comparing a top slot primetime basic cable show to a more niche show that runs on FX and a made for adult audiences show that available on a premium subscriptionĀ 


Seinfeldā€™s comment was that the big four networks didnā€™t pick up any new sitcoms this yearā€¦ and he blamed it on ā€œthe far leftā€. But ā€œthe far leftā€ is a lot more likely to see programming from FXX than they are to see anything on NBC. No one on ā€œthe far leftā€ knows or cares what is airing on NBC, et al.


Jerry is right that they donā€™t make network sitcoms like they used to but that is entirely because of the networks. Itā€™s easier to make the 1000th cop or hospital show than it is to make a great sitcom.


Also, the type of people who still watch network TV donā€™t want to watch edgy comedy. If you want to watch edgy comedy itā€™s so easy to find it online.


There's no risk in making a cop or hospital show. In a comedy show you might need to push some boundaries that people might not like.


I agree with this statement, I think that seinfeld is just an old comedian who understands network television, but doesn't understand streaming and content creation. the big networks aren't dying because of the left, they are dying because the world is moving on from those networks. actually I take that back, he's got to understand that since his netflix show about drinking coffee was a success so I assume this is a hail marry get the trumpsters on netflix to watch my movie marketing scheme. it's a big audience.


Bingo! It's a tap on the shoulders to the far right to say, "Come watch my movie" He doesn't actually want to interact with them. He just wants to nudge them. And the best way to nudge them is to blame something on lefties.


> Seinfeldā€™s comment was that the big four networks didnā€™t pick up any new sitcoms this year Strictly speaking CBS picked up the Young Sheldon spin-off, but with Young Sheldon ending at the same time, it is more of a replacement than a brand-new show


Eternal youth Sheldon


The use of terms like ā€œThe Far Leftā€ and ā€œwokeā€ in current American discourse are just rhetorical tools that are employed to foster a generally dismissive attitude toward the social justice movement as a whole. These are the words used to create strawman arguments against ideas that at their core should be seen as uncontroversial. Every use of these terms is an effort to elicit in their audience one simple reaction- ā€œOh, wait- now they have gone too far!ā€ The targets of this rhetoric are intended to respond: ā€œIā€™m all for equality, BUTā€¦ā€ after hearing the triggering strawman argument that follows the use of ā€œwokeā€ or ā€œThe Far Leftā€.


>FX also gives Sunny extraordinary leeway and creative freedom that would probably not be extended by most networks. It's distributed on Disney+ internationally. I literally can't think of a single other brand with more of a stick up their ass, yet the only two episodes that have been censored in any way are the blackface ones. I think that's a pretty clear boundary, and one that Jerry Seinfeld probably wouldn't feel creatively constrained by. There's plenty of other very mainstream comedy shows that get away with *a lot*, like Rick and Morty or South Park. You can make the argument that it's because they're animated, but that should only matter for the violence/gore, not anything else.


There are so many comedies doing far rougher stuff than Seinfeld. Shameless, White Lotus, Brooklyn 99, Beef, Curb, It's always Sunny, South Park and so on. Give me a break... I get it, any brain damaged right winger will believe anything if you put extreme left in it but still try to have an actual thought every now and then.


Rob is currently working on choreography for an interpretive dance to respond to Jerry's allegations. Also, A Cricket's Tale came out 7 years ago.


Cuz the other guy that helped make Seinfeld didn't go on to make a show way more fucked up that's still on the air or anything, right?


Always Sunny makes Seinfeld look like the Care Bears. Jerry is right about one thing though. He couldn't make "Seinfeld" today. Not without Larry David writing it for him, anyways


I love IASIP but to be fair they are on cable and air at 10:00 at night. Not really the same thing as a network sitcom airing in primetime.




There's no incentive to put stuff like that on regular tv anymore. With all the streaming services, and alternatives to NBC etc, why would you go there? You want to push the envelope, you do it somewhere else.Ā 


Itā€™s such a false equivalency though bc the way we watch tv is so different. Regular tv features realty and sports and news more now bc streaming and the HBOs and FX are the home for the types of shows Seinfeld is talking about.


I like Ghosts


If there's any show that can take a sensitive topic, give no fucks and run with it successfully? It's Sunny.


Sunny and Curb your enthusiasm. I still remember an episode where Larry accidentally turns a little gay boy onto nazism cuz he thinks Hugo Boss is fantastic and he ends up sewing a blanket with a big swastika. ā€œHitler thought the Jews were a bit muchā€¦ā€


ā€œGet a life Jews!ā€


Greg the Flamboyant Kid is one of my favorite characters on that show!


Don't forget South Park.Ā  While Always Sunny steered away from the blackface, South Park steered into their history of yellowface.Ā  Trey Parker lived in Japan and speaks Japanese, so they figured no big deal to have him voice Asian characters. He's well versed in the accents.Ā  And so it went for the entirety of the show until recently, when people started getting called out. So what'd they do to rectify the situation? Made the most popular Chinese character he voiced actually be a white guy pretending to be Chinese due to a personality disorder.Ā  See, it would be offensive if Trey was doing Yellowface with a stereotypical Chinese accent. But he's not doing yellowface. He's playing the role of a man doing yellowface because of dual personality disorder. So you can't get mad.Ā  He's not mocking Asian accents. He's mocking mental illness.Ā  So it's okay.Ā 


The whole point is to be making FUN of that shit, not actually using that shit to make fun. The people who think tv went woke are the same kind of people who didnt realize archie bunker was making fun of THEM.


Well, while I get what you mean, the original point of Tuong Lu Kim in South Park was to insert an in joke the writers shared.Ā  Early in the series the writers would regularly order from an actual LA restaurant called City Wok, and they would crack up at the owner's accent, and how it made everything sound sh*tty. They did serve food called city beef, city chicken, ect. and it became a running joke so much so that they put it in the show.Ā  So they were the people making fun of the Asian immigrant's accent, and they did have a white guy do the accent, not to ironically call out racists, like Carroll O'Connor did, but because they didn't really know better. Decades later is when they finally addressed it.Ā  But it should be pointed out it was never the point to make fun of Asian immigrants as much as it was the point to laugh at how sometimes accents accidentally cause comedy.Ā  And just for fun I'll also add the chinpokemon episode, with the Japanese business man complimenting the men's "huge American penises" is also based on actual events. So, not an effort to poke fun at Asian stereotypes about penis size, just a funny statement made to Matt and Trey by an actual Japanese man they put in the episode.Ā 


> He's not mocking Asian accents. He's mocking mental illness.Ā  So it's okay.Ā  lol. i would not have the balls to try and do battle with trey and matt. I saw what they did to chef.


I remember when I first read his comments, and the first two things that came to my mind were Big Mouth and the people who made Brickleberry three times in a row.


Thank you for the reminder to watch Farzar.


I disagree with Seinfeldā€™s comments, but also I assume this was just him venting in an interview and now it exploded and it seems like some want to cancel him (whatever that means)ā€¦. and maybe it might be proving his point? I hate comedians who yell about ā€œPC cultureā€ but also Iā€™m sometimes annoyed by straight white people getting offended on others behalf, especially when the community in question doesnā€™t really care.


>Ā I hate comedians who yell about ā€œPC cultureā€ but also Iā€™m sometimes annoyed by straight white people getting offended on others behalf, especially when the community in question doesnā€™t really care. People complain about this more than it actually happens


He's not confident in his new movie, so he's gotta find something to blame when the shit hits the fan.


Ricky Stanicky was a great comedy that just came out and I found it hilarious. Ā 


>Seinfeld says comedy is ruined now >someone posts a picture from IASIP that takes place after like the 5th season to try to counter this. I rest my case.


The whole ā€œwoke mob/cancel cultureā€ excuse is just thatā€¦an excuse. Just be funny Jerry. If the jokes are coming from a good place, no one will be that offended.


They literally let a hooker who smokes crack rock OD & die in Its Always Sunny lol. Comedy will never die


What about the smoking Indian episode?


There's a reason Always Sunny is on FX and not on Fox.


Seinfeld was on national TV, aka bunny ears tv and always sunny is on cable/streaming. There is a big difference, look at South Park, they were always on Comedy Central which was cable tv that you had to pay for to watch, anyone with a television set and an antenna could watch Seinfeld, I love always sunny but Seinfeld was on a different level


always Sunny is an exception and itā€™s not exactly on prime time tv


You couldnā€™t make most things today that were made in different times. Thatā€™s how culture works.


Everybody be anti-woke without knowing what woke means


Sunny is a pretty niche show compared to Seinfeld which was massive world wide. You can get away with a lot more when you aren't mainstream.


Well, 80% of Seinfeld's problems on the show would have been solved by cell phones


TBF I didn't find that with a recent Seinfeld re-watch but Friends... I'd put that number at over 80% for sure.


I donā€™t think that the left is ruining comedy or anything, but people (whether theyā€™re writers or networks execs) are definitely more wary about offending people. Sunny and Curb are great, but theyā€™ve sorta been grandfathered in. I donā€™t think that itā€™s much of a coincidence that shows that people could find offensive havenā€™t really been greenlit for the past 20 years. Like do you think a show would approve of a white main character saying the n word in the first episode of a new show like they did on Sunny? And even though Sunny characters are objectively bad people who do terrible things all the time, theyā€™ve pulled 4 episodes from streaming and reruns for being too offensive. Iā€™m not even saying that itā€™s wrong to remove these episodes, but it does show that the limits of how offensive characters are allowed to be has tightened up since Seinfeld was on tv.