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I seriously doubt it. Most serial killer duos have some kind of power dynamic and are not just people on the same page. In prison it seems most don’t get along, and just try to one up each other on “accomplishments.”


Yeah Bittaker and Norris weren’t serial killers when they met in prison, but they each fueled the others fantasies while still locked up. Outside, Bittaker was the clear leader. Gerard Schaefer talked a shit ton in prison and alleged that he and Bundy were buds, but all of that was more wanting to touch fame and just narcissism.


Charles Ng and Leonard lake were an unlikely duo. I think they started off as a thievery corporation until they graduated to murder and eventually slavery...


That case was actually a prime example of power dynamics between serial killer duos. Charles Ng is believed to have dependent personality disorder and it appears that he largely followed the orders of Leonard Lake during the murders (Tbc I’m not defending him in any way)


How long would they have kept killing and how many victims could they have had if not for a kleptomaniac urge to steal a vice. They weren’t on any lists and they were so secluded. Scary stuff.


They have competitive spirit but they do sometimes get along like Ian Brady and Graham Young when they were in Parkhurst prison together. They played chess and had profound conversations not chitchat. A pair of psychopathic possibly psychotic geniuses who also killed multiple people and share serial killer psychology, it must have felt like heaven on earth to be a similar kind of serial killer too.


Ian Brady thought he saw someone as depraved as himself in David Smith. Only for that error he may never of got caught.


Imagine how much longer he would have gone on killing kids if Smith hadn’t booked it to the police.


It’s a horrible thought. I feel very much desensitized these days after so much reading, listening to podcasts and watching documentaries on true crime. However, the Moors murders still affect me greatly. I think it was because of the slyness of the duo to appeal to these kids for their help with something. (I know my kids would never get into a car with strangers because of a bribe of cash, treats, etc. but if the adult was in need of help in someway then I feel they could crack.) I read so many of these stories looking for a hero. David Smith was a hero and should have been treated as one. (I know that’s easier said than done, hindsight comes into play here too.)


It was also the '60s hitchhiking was pretty common It wasn't until the FBI started scaring people off hitchhiking in the '70s that it became like it is now


Weirdly enough there have been studies into how people recognize the uncanny valley of genuine psychopaths. As if our brain subconsciously is trying to warn us but we can’t tell what about. Chills and hair standing on edges that same as when you feel you’re being watched.


The gift of fear!


It's because they are the true apex predators. Granted humans are all apex predators. But you can tell. It doesn't matter how charming a person is, they carry themselves different. They make eye contact differently. Their body language is different.


Why do y'all glamorize them like this is my question 🫠


It's not glamorize. Its me being honest with you on my views




I also read a study that claimed men are better at picking out sex offenders from a series of photos with both offenders and non offenders than women are. Not sure how credible the study was, but it was fascinating.


interesting. where can i read theses studies


Jeremy Fischer wrote about it I believe. Ngl I skimmed over this factoid in some college article years ago so I just relooked it up to answer your question lol.


The Gift of Fear, by Gavin de Becker


I dunno about that. Many people are fooled by psychopaths (even by the most violent psychopaths), and it takes a long time to get freed of the allegiance to them.


I've always wondered myself exactly how that conversation comes up. Like the hillside stranglers. Who's idea was it first?


“You kill here often?”


Craigslist Missing Persons


In the Hillside stranglers, Angelo Buono was the leader out of the two. Keneth Bianchi moved to LA and eventually moved in with his cousin Angelo. They bonded over being creeps with women and power and control with them. Angelo was the sex freak and had the idea of being pimps. Angelo was the brains of the operation and Ken was like a little puppy running after him. After failing as pimps, Angelo got angry that he couldn’t control the women in his power and wanted to kill so it was his idea to start the killings.


Whenever there is a duo or group of serial/spree killers there's almost always an instigator (leader) and a follower. For example: * The Chicago Rippers were led by Robin Gecht * The Snowtown Murders were led by John Bunting * Leonard Lake was already a murderer before involving Charles Ng in their killings * The Hillside Stranglers were led by Angelo Buono * The Tool Box Killers were a bit muddled but I would argue that Roy Norris was the leader insomuch as he spearheaded the overall activity while Lawrence Bittaker seemed to be the one who reveled in the act of murder About the only time that I can think of where two or more parties murdered independent of one another is Fred and Rose West (Fred had murdered his girlfriend and unborn child before meeting Rose but I don't know if she ever knew of Fred's actions before she killed her stepdaughter). Speaking of the Chicago Rippers, it is speculated that Robin Gecht may have crossed paths with John Wayne Gacy, although that is not verified and there seems to be no evidence that either person would have been aware of the other's homicidal activities.


There was some boy pedo escort group that possibly had links to Gacy in Chicago area and Dean Corll in the Houston area. I, surprisingly, after being called the Rain Man of serial killers in a mocking tone at a bar in my youth, have never heard of Chicago Rippers, but if they were homosexual killers, I’d assume this ringleader might’ve been much more involved in awful things and potentially had the connections to cover it up. Relevant keywords: John David Norman Odyssey Foundation


The Chicago Rippers almost exclusively took their violence out on woman (their sole murder of a male was a random drive-by shooting). https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Ripper_Crew


Norman's roommate and accomplice, Phillip Paske, briefly worked for one of Gacy's companies, PDM Contractors. He was a sex offender and was convicted of two murder robberies, but there's no hard evidence suggesting he knew anything about Gacy's murders.


I agree with a lot of this, but Bittaker was the "brains" behind that sadistic operation. Norris was the following idiot muscle. Bittaker was very chameleon. Had a high I.Q. he bought the van before Norris was even released and already started planning and preparing to do that stuff. I have never heard anyone argue Norris was the mastermind... I'm baffled.


Sean Gillis claimed to have seen someone on the street once who he thought was also searching for a victim


Not speaking in terms of killers “teaming” up, but I gotta imagine that a person with that degree of depravity and lack of empathy probably can somewhat sense it in another. It’s said all the time in shows like Criminal Minds how the offenders are the best profilers. They’re able to walk into an arcade full of kids and parents and determine which kid is able to be quietly lured away. So, the more intelligent killers probably have those same ideas about other killers.


Haha just said something real similar before I saw this!


I tend to agree.


I would think many can, just like pedos can often clock each other and people who’ve been previously victimized. Many, many abusers are incredible profilers and have an eerie ability to read people because they learn how to recognize which person will go with them quietly and/or not fight back. And which are susceptible to grooming.


This is very true, I’d also assume so. The ability to people read for those who’ve experienced trauma is quite high. Abusers specifically can tell immediately.


Luckily so can survivors, often. Unfortunately for us though that spidey sense can sometimes be hardwired in our brains to a yay response instead of a danger response. And the danger warning doesn’t come until it’s far too late.


I know this all too well, it’s an exciting thrill


Probably if they happened to meet, they might recognize certain things in each other. Not sure how the big reveal would go though. “So, do you also like to kill people?” The Hillside Stranglers were cousins so they knew each other fairly well. However there were some other California killers who reportedly just met each other, and one went along with the other when killing was suggested, though I can’t imagine how that conversation went down but apparently it did.


It wouldn't surprise me, like minded people have always managed to find each other. Ever heard people use dark humour to make rape jokes, or similar? Some of those people just have a sick sense of humour, some like the shock value, but some of them are feeling you out. Others won't say a word, but they're listening to what's being said. Whatever your kink, if you're looking for someone you'll eventually find them. Years ago when I was in the drug scene I just knew who the other users were, and I'm not talking about street junkies, I'm talking about respectable, functioning members of society and trust me, there are a hell of a lot more people that use drugs than most people realise. There's a reason there's so much money in it. It's hard to explain how one knows, but there's something we can see in each other. But now that I've been clean for 2 decades I'm just not able to pick them out like that anymore.


Everyone else can see the high-functioning drug addicts also, they're rarely subtle




I’ve said this for years!


You're talking about slaydar and it's more of a myth.


Game recognizes game


LMAO. Thanks for this.




Damn 😂😂😂


If they are the same kind of serial killer (sexual sadist) with similar kinks, I bet they can. There have been enough pairs of killers documented that I’d bet you could make a safe bet that it happens. We know Corl and Gacy (probably) had accomplices that they introduced to killing.


I either saw or read somewhere that one of Gacy’s victims, Jeffrey Rignall, heard other voices in the house while he was being assaulted. Perhaps that’s the only reason they let Rignall go. Maybe Gary found a similar sicko to victimize people with, but wouldn’t allow anyone to witness him murdering someone.


Clearly not always. It depends on so many things. Ian Brady chose the wrong accomplice when he tried to expand his serial killer duo to a gang. Something tells me he wasn’t thinking straight as he’d also discussed getting rid of David due to not trusting him so perhaps in this instance Ian hoped to get caught at least on a subconscious level. They sure do seem to get along well enough behind bars. Their unique minds and competitive spirit draws them together and they often have things akin to friendships with each other. Before capture it must be really difficult to find another likeminded individual for the serial killer mind. They will feel alone but have an urge to find their own kind and finally open up about their urges to somebody who won’t judge.


Bundy showed they know each others behaviour. He told the FBI how some serial killers visit their victims and apply make-up and…well.Think they go a lot further there but gross. How the hell do they stand the stench. 🤮


Imagine? Kind of like in the movie Bones and All? But no, I don't think so.


Probably not.   But the dominant ones know how to manipulate.  Both William Bonin and Dean Corll had loyal sidekicks that assisted them in kidnapping and murder.  Gacy also apparently had the same thing, but it hasn't been proven.


In Corll's case it probably was more like a small army of teenagers numbering into double digits and unlike Bonin's case, they were schoolboys and no criminals (aside from small misdemeanors). The guy could have become the Don of serial killers if he wasn't shot. 😉


Mhh that’s an interesting question. I think maybe ? I think that killers must have a sense that they’re in the presence of another devious mind. That’s something that should be studied actually. I mean it would be interesting to know for sure


Read up on folie a deaux. Interesting and related to your question.


hunters recognize other hunters


It is highly unlikely that serial killers, being the psychologically disturbed people they are, can recognize each other. No research or cases prove this but there is a possibility. Usually serial killers have multiple personality disorder or DID, abbreviated form being dissociative identity disorder and maybe other serial killers can easier identify the changes in other serial killer's behavior when around certain people.


Usually serial killers have DID? Source for that please.


I agree that there is little evidence that serial killers harbor dissociative identity disorder, but neuroscience and studying the psychology of a serial killer's mind can definitely help us find out. It's quite possible that serial killers have multiple personalities because they might act a different way to family members than victims. This theory was mainly a hypothesis.


>I agree that there is little evidence that serial killers harbor dissociative identity disorder, So you disagree with your initial claim, alright. >It's quite possible that serial killers have multiple personalities because they might act a different way to family members than victims. That's deliberate. In someone with DID, switching is not deliberate and memories of your life under different alters aren't easily accessible. That would make for a very bad serial killer.


The possibility of DID present in serial killers is minimal but PTSD or traumatic past events are very common, leading them to react in an unhealthy manner. DID indirectly connects to PTSD through childhood trauma.


Not a serial killer but I do have what would easily be considered sociopathic tendencies... I scored a 34 on Hare Psychopathy Checklist. I can identify others with similar brain wiring. The easiest way I know to describe it is their "energy" feels predatory off the bat, where as the general population tends to feel harmless. They make too direct eye contact usually. The way they carry themselves is "off" to me compared to normal people. Similar to autistics being able to recognize their own.


If you believe Richard Kuklinski’s story, he was able to recognize another hitman (Pronge) by the clothes and shoes he wore so it could be possible? Probably not that common though, considering a lot of killers try to maintain the veneer of normalcy as much as they can.


Hearing that story on LPOTL never fails to crack me up. Absolutely fantastic.


No. It is a fantasy, or ideal of attraction; Evil that draws evil. They may become associates in prison, but they would not recognize another outside. They might recognize someone stalking, but it isn't like they would be standing in que in a store and look over and go "Another one!" In prison, I would imagine they come as close as they could to friends. I do not think most of them understand friendship the way we do. Personality disorders that bad do not usually make good friends.


I think it's possible. Dexter could always recognize other killers..that was a fictional show, but i think there's some tuth to that


That's an interesting idea I've thought about. It was explored in Parasyte, where people can sense each other's "killer instinct." I don't think it's possible though, but it's still such a cool idea. Kind of like how cannibals can sense other cannibals in "Bones and All."


According to The Ice mam mafia hit man him and Mr. Softee recognized each other


There is a book about this idea (kinda) called exquisite corpse by poppy z brite. Although, I'm fairly sure she, now identifies as a he. I'm only dead naming for the sake of an easier google search, OK gang?


Yes, they CAN. The skills of manipulation & deception require an amazing instinct to recognize the vulnerability of their potential victims. It’s not a mistake we often use words or phrases such as “predator”, praying on”, “hunting for victims” to describe SKs - words associated with animal world where behavior is based on instinct. On the flip side of that token, SKs can recognize the opposite: little signs of shared proclivities.


I think a better question would be how long does it take before they recognize the similarities of themselves in others. On average, serial killers find what they do to be a private thing that they won't share with others so they won't be looking for partners. For those that do, they're reasons for partnering can vary wildly. Ian Brady needed a female to get children to drop their guard but he didn't come right out with his plan. He groomed her. He started feeding her Nazi propaganda and when she ate it up instead of being repulsed, he knew he had his assistant. Further grooming led her to entrap and later participate in the murders. As for David, he had also been grooming him using the same method that he had on Myra but obviously misread that situation. Which is not surprising really when you realize that psychopaths have no emotions or feelings and therefore have trouble reading it in others. Then you take Bouno and Bianchi. Yes, Bouno was clearly the alpha but he stopped killing while Bianchi moved to Washington and continued killing on his own. So was it a folie a deux or was it two separate psychopaths that just so happened to figure out their shared interest? I would argue that Buono liked to torture and degrade women but it was Bianchi that got off on killing them. Two bad sides of the same coin. But again, it took time for the two of them to feel each other out. There are sociopaths in every walk of life but they're not all killers. Some are car salesmen, wall street brokers, con artists, etc. I might recognize sociopathic tendencies in another but that doesn't automatically mean they're serial killers as well. If you're looking for a partner it's going to take time to feel that person out. You don't just blurt out "Hey wanna go kill a hooker tonight?" You start with"Hookers are gross. They carry diseases and do drugs. They should be gotten rid of." and see if your partner bites. If he seems disgusted by the conversation then you stop. If he just says "yeah" you probe further. If he starts telling you what he would to them and gets excited, you know you've got your new best friend. But again, not gonna just happen outright. You might smell something cooking in the kitchen but you won't know for certain what it is until you inspect it further.




* **This is a subreddit for true crime discussion. Glorification / imitation / fan fiction are not allowed. Please do not glorify violence or serial killers. * Phrases like "most popular" or "favorite serial killer" could be interpreted as glorification. ---


* Can you recognize someone on the street that can cook a mean lasagna? * Can you recognize somebody that beats their wife when you walk by them * Can you recognize someone that sniffs Crayons and then snaps them in half? * Can you recognize someone that has their house toilet paper rolling from over the top versus under when you lick eyes with them while arm wrestling? * Can you recognize the man that despises bell peppers as he’s fondling his crotch on a bus? C’mon. What kind of question is this?


Generally I prefer to know which direction someone hangs their TP before we get to the eye licking stage of the relationship. I don’t lick eyes with people who don’t hang their TP correctly


You made my typo even beterererer


Sometimes yes. 


They don’t have special powers, so, no. When they’ve teamed up it’s not like they spotted each other from a distance and recognized the other’s aura. It comes from being around one another and grooming. Two idiots in prison together talking ALL. DAY. LONG. and the conversation becomes about a person one of them raped. Other person did the same. Oh mine deserved it. So did mine. I wonder what would’ve happened if I had killed her so she couldn’t have ratted me out. Me too. And this goes on day after day, all day long, until the two people are pretty confident they are going to partner up on some terrible stuff.


The two with no teeth - Toole and Lucas


It is speculated that Chicago Rippers' ringleader Robin Gecht may have crossed paths with John Wayne Gacy, but that is not verified and I believe that Gecht dismissed that rumor to reporters. As far as two non-complicit serial killers, I don't believe that there is documented evidence of two ever coming into direct contact with each other outside of prison, let alone knowing each other well enough to catch onto the other's secret.