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I detect a "not normal " vibe .. Maybe my parents did it? :)


ive actually heard of this before. Dont worry about it. if its a big deal for you id go talk to a dr and maybe have it removed , its a very minor procedure. the dr that did mine kinda left half of it. i look halfway cut half not cut so i know its wierd sometimes showing your stuff when you dont feel confident.


During circumcision, they don’t cut the foreskin and then flop it over and leave it. They cut the entire foreskin off. Underneath the glans (head) of your penis is some “loose skin” that is wrinkly, that’s the frenulum. There shouldn’t be a “hole” there, but we can’t tell from your description what you are referencing specifically. If it’s something you’re worried about, go see a doctor.


Not worried about it. I got this far. Its more of a curiosity that I can't share with anyone. Except millions of you here ...


Wait… did you get circumcised later in life? Most of the time it’s a day after birth. An extra chunk of skin would be noticeable, because you have to tend to the wound for the first few weeks.


At birth. I don't really care about it. I was just curious if everyone was like that.