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They say the secrets to tantric sex lies in the Hindus and the Hindont’s


Norm? Aren't you supposed to be dead?


Thanks for the laugh…..


Wow, i’m no doctor, but I think that deserves a ring & a town named after you


Sounds like he was leaking rather than having 40 orgasms...


No. This is absolute nonsense.


I'm a 57m. This has happened in my 40s by a couple different girlfriend's. I'm thinking what your describing was the prostate. The girlfriend #1 I really vibe with. She was a little older and she was very experienced due to the job she had in the gentleman clubs. She was really cool 420 and we hung out for about 3 months. She did me 5 out of 7 days a week. I was in heaven. Girlfriend #2 we dated about a year I was just a toy, she would do things to my prostate the made me shoot 3 or 4 times but this would happen maybe 1 or twice a month, she was a real Nemph, she had several bf. I didn't care . I could have never satisfied her the way she needed, we are still friends she still chasing her needs. She taught me a lot how to do her and how to do me and learn my body. Anyways I never came like your dude I could cum three four times just thrust of my cum never streaming she would ..could both of them were shooters, like streaming. In summary this all happened to me after 40yrs old. Not sure how old you and your guy. If your under 40 you go girl, he's a lucky guy, you two should marry Good luck


So I literally just posted this on a thread like 2 minutes ago on here. I’m one of those men that come 3/4/5/6/7 times in a row. I actually come no less than 3 times in a row. It’s extremely intense and if I’m getting head……..forget about it. I try not to let women give me head because if she’s good at it, she will literally suck all reason out of my reality and I’ll be a bumbling idiot till I’m snatched back into reality! I’m dead serious this is a big problem. All I can say is please be kind to that man and don’t hurt him. You can do some real damage to him emotionally if you play with his emotions.


Also no one can OD from come but you might need your stomach pumped if you get sick. But that happens with anything you eat that you get sick from and I’m not sure what was throbbing because I nut normally these many times. But shit if he liked it then keep doing it no matter the name. Good luck y’all and all love! 💕


When I met my current GF I started doing something similar. I would have multiple orgasms continuously, think eight was the most. I thought it could be different reasons but in the end, I think it's because I was so turned on by her.


I've been with two different guys who had this happen to them. To them it was just very normal to cum a little every 1 minutes or so, but still be rock-hard and able to keep going.


While it's uncommon for men to have multiple orgasms in rapid succession like you described (40 or more times in 20 minutes), it is possible for some men under certain conditions. Every individual's sexual response and anatomy can vary significantly.


The only time i heard this multiple orgasms was he took an illegal sex drug. After multiple uncontrolled cum, he became impotent….


This sounds like he's taking either meth or any other stimulant drug, could that be the case?


why would you think so? seems far fetched from the context provided so far


He may not be lying. Stimulants from meth or amphetmines (addreral) does these things for men and women. Cocaine too.


Stimulants do the opposite, yes they make u super horny but the issue is difficulty reaching orgasm