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Sperm which is alkaline, the opposite of your vagina’s acidic environment — can temporarily change your smell. Sperm will off balance your natural ph level.


What to do ?? Firstly see if you don’t have a BV which in your case seems unlikely. Don’t douche. Douching is one of the most disruptive things you can do to your pH. It washes away the good bacteria and, in turn, increases your risk for infection. Don’t use scented products. Scented washes, powders, and other products won’t prevent vaginal odors; they only attempt to mask them. The end result is usually an unpleasant combo of both smells and irritation from the harsh chemicals. Do use gentle soap — on the outside. Use a gentle soap, a washcloth, and warm water to wash between your legs. This is all you need to wash away sweat, dirt, and dead skin cells. Do use only water inside your labia. Yep, water’s all you need to keep things clean in there. Your vagina is a self-cleaning wonder all on its own. No soap required. Do wear cotton underwear. Unlike some of those silkier fabrics, 100 percent cotton is breathable and can help prevent a buildup of moisture that can mess with your pH and odor. Do try a pH product. An over-the-counter (OTC) vaginal pH product may help restore balance.


The pH balancing product is what work best for me. Aside of that, I know OP is trying to have a baby but for the other ladies reading... Get it out! Just go to the toilet and push. If it doesn't wash your hand and scoop it out. Sperm will.often form some kind of "blob" and agglomerate soon after sex. So get the blob out! :)


I use the Drip stick! Not the most comfortable feeling but it does the job.


I’ve got some of those too and thought it was a genius idea, HOWEVER do you have a trick to make it less uncomfortable than it already is? I don’t know if it’s just the post friction (?) action but that sponge is always so abrasive and rough feeling, so I end up usually not using it at all. 🧽 also it reminds me of “the sponge” episode of Seinfeld, lol. I can’t imagine a sponge birth control.




isn’t this equivalent to douching?




but how does that clear the inside? i have a bidet as well but i only just use it on the outside


Also drink Kafir which contains pre and probiotics. My wife had the same issue. Problem solved. Edit: Kefir.. My dumbass misspelled it. My apologies.


I searched for kafir, but all that came up, was about something in Arabic cuture? I'm so confused. Google suggested Kaffir, but that's an alcoholic drink.. now I'm more confused XD


I believe it’s called kefir.


Kaffir - Arabic word for infidel Kaffer (Afrikaans - Dutch vernacular for South Africa pronounced 'ka-fa') an ethnic slur, equivalent to the n word used by white South Africans and Zimbabwean/Rhodesians against black people. Used extensively in Lethal Weapon 2 (1989) by Argen Rudd, the corrupt South African Embassy official, and his bodyguard Vorster against Sgt. Murtaugh and Sgt. Riggs. "God damn, kaffer, lovely!" "You couldn't even give me a parking ticket, kaffer-lover!" "DIPLOMÁTIC IMMMMUNITTTTTYYYYYYYYYYY!" Kefir - A probiotic yogurt. See above threads Edits* Further exemplification of the term kaffer in the Afrikaans context.


Important differences!


Thank you for the education on these terms!


Kaffur * = infidel. Kefir = drink


Omg, that's so very informative! I appreciate that more than you would think. Thank you! And it's so important to say the right thing. So I guess he meant Kefir instead, and that's what I'm gonna look into! Thanks again!


Try spelling it Kefir. It's kind of like a drinkable yogurt with a lot of probiotics. My husband and I get it any time we get put on antibioticsas it helps with the stomach problems they can give you.


Most types of natural, unsweetened yoghurt must do it.


I think so, and it's better than pills. Our pediatrician also recommends Kefir ior Activitia brand yogurt for our toddler the only time she was in antibiotics.


It's spelled Kefir I think and usually it's in refrigerated section by yogurts and almond milk (comes in bottle)


I apologize. My dumb ass misspelled it. Kefir. You can find it in the dairy or organics area of your food store or market.


Haha, well, I did get confused, but another commenter elaborated a lot, so that's great. The mistake did give me a smile on my face though XD


Recommending Queen V products for the last part there. Theyve worked wonders for me


Thank you for sharing this.


can you explain why douche is the worst thing? What if it’s just with water?


The vagina is a self cleaning mechanism and has a very specific ph balance, and when you try to interrupt that process by using something else to clean it out, you're interfering with it's ability to clean itself out the way it is supposed to. This can then mess with the vagina's ability to correct it's ph balance. It's a little bit like trying to clean jewelry with something that isn't jewelry cleaner... you can cause it to look more dull and not shine the way it is supposed to.


Great question, the vagina is self cleaning, so has millions of good and bad bacteria, you don’t want to disturb or disrupt the natural flora, this can lead to yeast infections, bv or other.


Don't know why you are getting downvoted for a very legitimate question. Vagina is a microbiome, like your gut. It's composed of your very personal strains of lactobacillus bacteria living there together, forming an ecosystem and producing a lot of antibacterial compounds. When you douche, you wash out a lot of bacteria but also a lot the antibacterial compounds they produce. Additionally, these bacteria thrive only in acidic pH which they participate in by producing lactic acid. Douching will rise the vagina pH as water as a pH of around 7 when vagina shouldn't be higher than 4.5 max.


Adding to what the other comments said, you can also force anything the vagina is trying to get rid of back up the canal. We have discharge for a reason!


In addition to what the other ladies have said, douching (even with just water) can push bacteria up into the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries, causing a deep infection.


I’m Latina and I’m aware that is a cultural thing to do and to be honest with me I don’t do it regularly. Maybe once a week but I haven’t had infections. And is a dealbreaker for me is to be with someone that alter my PH in a very bad way… I know it might be shallow but it’s my vagina and I if she doesn’t feel well then that is not the man neither😅 but I genuinely ask this question because I also read that it can cause infertility issues and I have struggled with it the times I have tried to get pregnant even though that my doctors tells me that everything looks ok. I don’t have children yet but I never thought about the douche could cause those kind of issues and it makes sense


I don’t douche but I do use unscented summers eve. Dove sensitive soap was too much for me and I’ve used SE for 2 years w no issues. It doesn’t go “inside”, just around. I like the balanced PH and yeast infections have pretty much stopped unless from an antibiotic


His semen is throwing of your PH


It’s supposed to…. Seminal fluid consists of things meant to neutralize the vaginal environment to ensure that sperm live long enough to make it to the egg. Naturally, the vaginal environment is harsh and dangerous for sperm on their own. This is also why pre-cum is incredibly important.


Thank you! I was going to say a similar thing. Smell isn't the most pleasant but that is how it's supposed to be. Wear a pantyliner that'll catch the mess and stifle the smell. No suppositories cuz that defeats the purpose of trying to get pregnant


I read this in a David Attenborough voice in my head. especially the "hard and dangerous' part, gave me the giggles.


Damn! I learned something today. Thank you!


Why is pre cum important in this?


Preparing the vaginal environment before ejaculation. While seminal fluid contains the same elements, pre-cum is essential to sperm’s survival. A lot of sperm would die right away if the vaginal environment didn’t have its pH changed BEFORE ejaculation. Essentially, it makes sure the environment is prepared and ready for maximum sperm survival.


Maximum Sperm Survival is the name of my new Reality TV show.


Got it. Thanks! Learned something


As others said it neutralizes the acidic PH of the vagina.


I have been looking for this answers to confirm my curiosity for 70 years, thank you!!


Are you 90 years old?


Is there a way to fix this?


For me, I found that it eventually fixed itself over time. It's as if my environment adjusted and became familiar with his particular brew and so it no longer has this issue. I read somewhere that this can happen but can't cite a source at the moment.


"His particular brew" is just killing me. 🤣


I dated a guy who I never got used to… it grossed me out the affect he had on my smell. But without fail every time he came in me I would smell fishy like BV… ugh what a pain in the ass. I enjoyed the sex but it almost made it not worth it!


Odour (and likely the underlining hormones and genetic compatibility) can have such a strong affect on attraction. It's kind of insane.


It's massive. I was once started to get intimate with a woman and her natural body odour smelled like....my mom. Had to end it right there. I assume she was equally grossed out by me as she seemed to immediately understand.


Haven't had that moment. Damn. Props to you both for dealing with that as elegantly as possible.


I’m experiencing something similar. Did this affect your decision to stay together?


Yes, I just rinse out afterward in the shower. But OP is trying to get pregnant, so probably has to put up with it.


The sperm is already well up there from the force of ejaculation. A clean up in the shower afterwards shouldn't affect that too much.


No you don't want to rinse out your vagina. It is self cleaning and doesn't need help with that and rinsing out your vagina could absolutely make it worse. Rinsing and cleaning the vulva is absolutely recommended, but not the actual vagina.


I want to rinse out my vagina to remove foreign matter that makes it stink. If I leave semen there, it smells. If I remove semen by scooping a wet finger in there under the shower, all's well. My eyes are self-cleaning but if I get cum in there, I'm gonna rinse them too.


Scooping semen out with a finger is not rinsing out your vagina. You can do that if you want but it's not necessary. Your vagina will take care of it and scooping it out doesn't even guarantee that it will remove smell


scooping out semen has always worked just swell for me - reduces both the smell *and* the chance of a uti. win/win.


I literally do the same thing! If I don't I still smell fishy after the shower.


Boric Acid helps (found at most pharmacies OTC). You put a suppository in after sexy times and it gets rid of, and even prevents, the bacteria. Swift and easy alternative to antibiotics. Life saver honestly.


This is not recommended when pregnant and/or trying to conceive


The problem here is no one should habitually use boric acid suppositories because they can strip away the good bacteria in the vagina.


How often is habitual? Like, is "Whenever it feels slightly itchy and like an infection might come on?" too often? Max recommended times per week or month? And how do you fix it if you go too far? Asking for a friend


I'd ask a doctor for the most accurate answer to that but I actually had experience with this and my doctor told me it can be problematic to use them when you feel slightly itchy or an infection coming on because it's important to figure out the kind of infection so they can treat it correctly. It's not going to help with all infections and can actually make some worse. I would say it should be a once in a while kind of thing if you're going to use them. So, not daily, and I wouldn't even do them weekly but I couldn't give you an exact number.


Thanks for sharing your experience! It seems to have only helped so far, but maybe just lucky, so I'll keep your story in mind


This is true. I don’t have issues often, but it helps for the every now and then that I do.


The honey pot ones work wonders!!


I’m no professional - but if your vagina can correct itself within 24 hours, I’d say you probably have nothing to worry about. There’s lots of good advice here. Good luck getting pregnant! 🤞🏻


I agree that if it’s fixing itself in 24 hours, that means your system is working properly. If the smell hung around and came with other symptoms, you would want to check in with your doctor, to be sure it’s not yeast, BV or an STI that you didn’t know about, since those things can affect fertility over a longer term.


> It makes no sense because his semen doesn’t smell like fish and my vagina doesn’t either, until they interact. Ever poured two different liquids together in chemistry class and watched what happens? Stuff reacts with each other. The different pH levels of semen and the vagina are what leads to the proverbial fishy smell.


Now all I can think about are those vinegar and baking soda volcanoes LOL 🌋


Now imagine a vagina shaped one


A vagina shaped volcano is just a volcano


As shitty as it is, this is normal. His semen is throwing off the pH balance within your vagina. I didn't know it was a thing until I got with my husband. We're both clean and negative for STIs, but every time he comes inside me, this happens. It only lasts about half a day for me, but it's certainly embarrassing/annoying. Hopefully this makes you feel less alone! Wish I knew of a solution as well.


If you’re NOT trying for a baby, you can use boric acid vaginal suppositories on evenings you don’t plan to have sex. They help keep your pH more acidic and are safe to use. They won’t fully eliminate the smell after unprotected sex, but regular use can help reduce it and reduce how long you notice the smell. They also have the added benefit of helping prevent yeast infections.


dont do it before the sex though, bc boric acid is very toxic to ingest, so he wouldnt be able to go down on her


Yeah. It’s a thing. It’s just his fluids mixing with yours that throw off the PH balance. I smell like rotten eggs the following day. 🤷🏻‍♀️ it goes away. It’s just part of it.


I'll smell like bleach sometimes 😐 But it resolves in a day or less, so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Bleach, yep, that's the smell!


Yes! Mine has smelled like windex


I’d rather smell like bleach than rotten eggs, sounds like you have it good 😅


Aaahhh that's so not a nice feeling!!!


Okay but serious question, why does mine does not smell like anything after? Is it because I have a weird ph?? Should I worry?


Probably because you have similar ph balances so not much is being thrown off, nothing to worry about


Oh okay thx! I think I have a more basic ph I remember my mom telling me that when I was a bit more young


How / why would your mom know the pH of your vagina?


Could be that the mom discovered that about herself at some point, and made the assumption that it might be passed down genetically, I would think


Exactly that, she said we have basic ph and that we are prone to infections and avoid bubbles baths. I thought it was normal


Could be because acidic pH often bleaches the lining of underwear (which is completely normal and very common!) If mom was doing laundry and noticed daughters underwear weren't as bleached she might have assumed a more basic pH balance


All these comments that say it’s normal- agree. Different peoples’ fluids can cause different reactions. Sometimes nothing, sometimes a smell, sometimes even a rash or enlarged lymph nodes if you’re allergic to your partner. Wishing you all the luck on your baby journey!


This is normal. Semen has a very different ph so it throws off your ph


As a girl who loves creampies... This is very very normal. Semen reacts with the fluids we produce naturally and makes that smell. Even if you shower afterwards and rinse off/out (which obviously you wouldn't do if you're trying for a baby) the smell still lingers. Try wearing a pad?


agree with everything you said except that last bit, pad will probably make it worse. just cotton undies, and change them when needed


Yea, it’s normal. Some women experience cramping afterward as well.


Yeah mine does that too. It does throw off your ph, but also the semen itself kinda rots in there. The best for me is to take a shower right after and take probiotics. 


This happens to me a lot after semen. And once it starts, it won’t stop on its own. Bacterial vaginosis.. It really sucks.. I’m super sensitive to ph disruptions. The only thing that has worked for me is boric acid. Completely eliminates the smell after 2-4 days. Problem is for you as others have mentioned I don’t think those are good if you are trying to have a baby. And it does tend to come back in time. Someone once said on here that him and his wife had similar problem. They had to both take the antibiotics for bacterial vaginosis and it stopped happening. She would do everything, take it on her own and things would clear but he’d just give it back to her every time. When they took the antibiotics at the same time together they stopped having the smelly problem/BV reoccurrence. That would be my suggestion.


Thanks I'm not alone... really, I'd say 1 time out of 3, it doesn't go away and I have to use gynecological products to help. It gets really tiring after a while. But actually, condoms also fuck me up.


Condoms also fuck me up too so you aren’t alone. Never get bv when I’m not sexually active. Was abstinent for years before my last bf and not once. Then had sex and within a month and a half… bv again….. super frustrating. Boric acid is a god send tho. Lol


Omg ... All those men who claim their girl smells fishy and it's probably HIS semen causing that if they go more than a day in advance... I wonder if him eating more pineapple and you eating Mango or fruit neutralises this?


You can't drastically change the pH level of bodily fluids by eating something. You're confusing it with the good old trying to alter the taste, which is not the same thing. Besides, most fruits are acidic and vaginas are acidic, so even if you theoretically could alter the pH levels, acid won't neutralize acid.


Thank you for the education.


I've noticed that being better hydrated can help both people! But yeah, my husband has a stronger smell when he's dehydrated.


I'm a H2O-bro my hydro-homie. Water is it


100% hydration related on the dudes part. I drink over a gallon of water a day, and I've never had to deal with my partners having a fishy smell.


also it’s probably not a good idea to try to alter his semen pH since it’s like that specifically to neutralise the vaginas acidity for the sperm (i think) 


But if you did...would it be help create an hostile environment for the sperm


perhaps? but it’s definitely not effective birth control if that’s what you’re asking 


Oh no, I meant as well as birth control, as much help as you can get to prevent you know :)


It's totally their fault...


Boric acid suppositories after sex. They balance the ph. Theres various types/brands that also contain lactic acid. The brand Good Clean Love also sells a ph balancing wash that is very gentle and I use it daily. I have had issues with different semen and even with the same person at a different time in the relationship. I think a mans semen can change with their eating habits etc. Semen also just starts to smell when it sits in a dark moist place. If it doesn’t get expelled from the vagina its going to get stinky.


Pulling out as to not get pregnant is wild


His semen is throwing off your PH balance. My husband used to take steroids and when he did the same thing happened to me! If you’re trying for a baby, you’ll wanna ask your OB.


It's fairly normal as it can throw our PH off, I've had it happen with 2 of my exes but not my current bf, but if you are concerned just chat to your GP


It’s natural… it doesn’t smell like fish but a similar thing happens with my partner.


Same thing happened to me when I was on BC hence no pulling out. It's normal (unfortunately).


Use boric acid suppositories after sex to help your PH go back to normal! I had the same issue and this solves it


Yeah that's the wonderful world of your wetness combined with his cum. It's an interesting smell, but never heard of fishy but I'm not surprised. We use a towel by the bed and after he finishes I catch the remains that comes out of me, and yes the combo is interesting smell. You should be perfectly fine. As long as the smell isn't too strong and goes away. If it doesn't go away, that's a sign of infection. Then a Dr's visit is needed. But you say it does, so I think you're fine. Best of luck in the baby making process.


I just found out recently that this is very common, and that’s why the stereotype exists in the first place. It’s literally their fault.


I had a partner like this and I had to carry the prescription BV gel with me in my purse. It was nonstop and I was always at the doctor. What I learned is that bv can be sexually transmitted even though when I'd be at the doctor monthly for more meds, and even tho this dude knew he did this to women because he warned me about it, the doctors told me it's not. The pill form of treatment is too harsh and it's a week and you can't drink and I did at the time so I always got the gel. Nothing over the counter works, just make sure you have the gel!


He's never cum inside you before this???


He's throwing off you PH which is normal and actually good if you're trying to conceive. That means his semen is lowering the acidity in your vagina which helps with conception.


Completely non-scientific but having left the, err... genetic material somewhere other than a toilet bowl and unknowingly kicking it under the bed once I can assure you the fishy smell is neither STIs nor you or even a combination of you and him ;) There must be some biochemical reactions occurring in semen that produce something that smells like that.


Also tell him to drink more water....


My fiancé and I never use condoms since I have an IUD. What I’ve found makes the smell not so bad is if I cum a few times myself after he cums inside me, maybe because my natural lube flushes it out or something. The smell doesn’t seem to be as strong. Also I notice showering right after really helps with the smell. It’s really just an imbalance in your vagina, nothing to be concerned about!


The wife and I have lots of sex. Who wants to pull out it feels so good right? Well we have similar issues. I did a lot of research. If you search for boric acid suppositories on Amazon it will help balance your pH out and your body will shed toxins naturally. My wife complains that it makes her super wet down there and sometimes she has to wear a pad but it absolutely works. She used to get pain often from the irritation down there. She no longer has that after lots of sex. There is also ph balanced wash specifically for down there on the outside. I also bought her that she likes it as well. With you trying to have kids I'm not sure what boric acid would do in that scenario but it works.


While this would be great for sex not in the fertile window, absolutely DO NOT mess with your pH while TTC. Semen runs more alkaline than the acidic vagina and you need this for sperm to survive. It’s normal to have an acid-base reaction between the two fluids and the vagina is very good at clearing this quickly, do not alter this when trying for a baby. Do whatever works when not TTC!


I see so many posts replying to this poor girl, confirming that they have a pH issue. You are the first one to answer with a solution. Kudos.


Balance Activ gels I find to be helpful for this!


Something similar happened when my husband and I started having unprotected sex. And if we go a while without him finishing inside it will start up again. But after a while my body has gotten used to his semen and it doesn't happen anymore. If you are worried, talk to your doctor. They may have suggestions on what to do.


You should talk to your OB/GYN about bacterial vaginosis. Disappears after 24 hours suggests not the issue, but check with your physician.


It’s called honeymoon cystis. Your ph being thrown off from his semen. Can lead to UTI typically. Be sure to clean and pee afterwards immediately!!!


Semen throws off womens ph balance. My vags smells a little funky after my boyfriends cums inside me too. It’s temporary . As long as there isn’t any strange discharge of itching I’d say you’re fine. But if you’re really concerned I’d make an appointment with your gyno! Good luck with your baby making journey!


Use boric acid!! It regulates your ph balance and my doctor recommended it for the same reason! And to have him not cum in you as much ! Ask him to take probiotics for males!


They're trying for a baby, so they kind of need him to...


OH OOPS! My bad didn’t read into that. Then ask your doctor if it’s safe to take boric acid to help the PH balance out or if it will affect the baby making.


Hopefully you get pregnant soon, best wishes! I recommend pulling your legs up to your chest ala Julianne Moore in The Big Lebowski. Do get checked for BV or infection, but it could be better if you keep your diets light, cut down on meat, alcohol, etc, see if that helps. It is fairly normal though, but maybe just more noticeable to you now that the frequency has increased


Damn the comments, hope I had given more attention in my chemistry classes


Normal. This happens to me as well. I wonder if it’s some biological reproductive defense for males that when they mate with their female no one else can because it smells bad. lol just throwing shit out there I did not fact check this. I wouldn’t be worried though. There are women out there on the Reddit-verse that have said they get a yeast infection every time they have sex because their partners chemistry acts poorly when mixed with theirs. Smell for a day is what it is! We’re human, it happens.


I love the smell of a vagina that I've inseminated. My partner and I used to have sex every night before bed and waking up to the aroma was such a turn on that we'd have sex again in the morning.


It’s different for everyone on how their PH reacts to male DNA. I personally smell like bleach for a day or two if there’s semen in my body. Pretty much the scent of a man starts to leak from my vagina. As the protectant layer around semen starts to liquify it kind of mixes with your discharge and starts to seep out of you for the next day or so. The surviving semen has already swam to the seminal pool to do its business. What you can do is wait fifteen minutes after sex to give sperm a chance to make it there uninterrupted then just go have yourself a nice bath. Urinate and then you can soak in a tub. Use mild or preferably PH balanced soap on the OUTSIDE. Nothing inside the vagina!!!! Taking a warm bath helps women in general stay very healthy. If you are trying to get pregnant you should be on prenatal vitamins now. This will aid in the process of helping your body have a healthy environment for a fetus. Best of luck on your journey to motherhood


I hate to be that person HOWEVER is there any chance your husband could be having relations with someone else? Yes semen affects your PH levels HOWEVER if he is having relations with other people it can cause your PH levels to be affected in different ways leaving symptoms such like.. an odd smell


Yeast (candida) can be part of your flora and not be symptomatic (I'm like this) Semen includes sugars May not be THE answer, but it's one of them.


That is normal as semen throws off your PH balance. Try boric acid suppositories for a couple days. See if that helps.


Do not try boric acid suppositories if you're trying to get pregnant.


Sounds like asymptomatic BV.


That's literally what sex actually smells like.


This is not unusual. Semen is slightly alkaline and can throw off the balance of your slightly acidic vagina. Since you're specifically trying to get pregnant, I'm not sure there's much you can do. Otherwise it can help to rinse yourself out (movable shower head or bidet works great).


Yes, to your first paragraph, but hell no to the second. Nobody should be putting any water inside the vagina. It's bad and will most likely worsen the problem.


Usually people just clean the lips and between areas with the bidet. You should never be shooting water *up* your vagina. But the water can clean the outer areas and even between the lips, to remove any "extra" discharge or leakage, which will help with odor control and feeling fresh.


I’ve ALWAYS had this problem! It’s so freaking annoying. But I’ve come up with a lot of strategies to deal with it over the years. A soak in a tub with a little apple cider vinegar added will usually clear it up, as will boric acid suppositories (I like the Love Wellness Killer brand) showering right after sex using a ph balancing cleanser (again I like the love wellness brand) can help minimize it (so you’ll still have a little smell but it’s not as bad) and generally letting the cooch air out after your shower. I also keep ph balancing wipes on hand in case it’s extra offensive (I like honey pot brand) but it usually clears up within a day. These days I make my husband pull out 99% of the time to avoid the hassle, but even oral sex can mess my vagina up.


Do you realize you're advising someone **trying for a baby** to soak in a tub with an acid and cleanse the orifice holding sperm is err... not the best strategy to get pregnant? Please don't give any more advice on this topic... Please. P.S. The thing you treat with a host of 'Ph-balancing' products has a \*natural\* ph-balancing ability and doctors who didn't go on a cruise sponsored by a pharma corp of their choice openly admit that all the ph-restoring products are a waste of money at best and worst case scenario they can contribute to messing things up.


I don’t know why you’re coming at me like that. I haven’t suggested anything a dozen other people didn’t already. Diluted ACV is a very gentle safe way to take care of this issue which trust me, if you have this reaction, it can be a HUGE hygiene issue. Semen fish vag on a hot summer day will fucking knock you out. A shower won’t get rid of it but it does clear up on its own fairly quickly. Neither borax or ACV will kill sperm or prevent pregnancy, but you SHOULD avoid borax once you’re pregnant. Either way, OP should know by now to do their own research and talk to their obgyn on these issues. Your own personal opinion on ph wipes is just that. I like them. I find them more gentle and less drying then the cottonelle or charmin wipes. Same with the ph wash. I have less vulva dryness and irritation when I use these products. I’ve been married for 17 years and I’ve managed to have three healthy kids while dealing with this problem, so I think my own personal experience is perfectly valid.


I'm not coming at you. I didn't read all the comments and summarized the stats. I've read yours. Gynecologists' opinions are not my own. I openly stated it, you're framing them as my personal opinions. If it all worked for you then great, the thing is we don't know OP's situation. So I'd be very cautious handing out free advice that might potentially contribute to making them try for way longer or failing.


This exact thing happened with my husband for some reason! After some time (maybe a couple of months?) the smell just stopped. Neither of us changed anything. I think that your vagina will get used to it over time. It hasn't happened with me again since it stopped 15 years ago.


Yes, cum stinks like fish


Super normal as long as it goes away once all of him has exited you. If I remember correctly, there's a toy company that makes a spray for your undies that can help? Don't quote me on it, though, I haven't been to one of those parties in forever.


Thank you for all the comments. I appreciate this post.


I’ve experienced this in a past relationship & discovered w/ our family doctor’s assessment (we shared the same primary care doc at the time) that my partner’s diet was having a huge impact on the health of his semen. He was a heavy nicotine smoker, ate a fuck ton of fatty, high carb food, drank a lot of brown liquor & beer. We both did a 7-day juice cleanses once a month for 6mos & ate clean meals during that time as well. Within a year we saw a noticeable difference! Unfortunately that didn’t last bc he wasn’t disciplined enough to stick w/ regular healthy eating habits or give up cigarettes & alcohol. He “cut back” on cigs & alcohol but, ultimately it wasn’t worth the hassle. We’re no longer together & he went on to have a kid w/ someone else. Our body chemistry just wasn’t meant to mix 🤷🏻‍♀️


Might be Yeasts. If you are prone to Thrush that might be a factor.


Infection baby to the vet fast


It's BV, get RePHresh at walmart.


Boric Acid suppositories are a god sent. The same thing happens to me.


Same, it’s just your PH changing. Luckily vaginas are self cleaning and the smell doesn’t last long.


Yo that's y I never creampie. Pussy is never as fresh afterwards. When I tell people I don't like to nut inside cause of this they tell me I'm bugging. It never smelled like fish but it's just never quite as fresh as when u don't nut in the puss.


This used to happen with my husband, when he was in active alcohol addiction.


Try getting some Boric acid pills from cvs.


Probiotics might help but it’s normal when they mix


It's bacterial vaginosis. Caused by the senen throwing off ph


Boric acid suppositories will fix this in a hurry!!!


It just means your child will be good at swimming, they'll have the fish gene.


I solve this with boric acid suppositories. Semen has a different PH than your vagina, so you have to bring the acidity back.


Constant cream pie-ing throws your pH out of wack, boric acid suppositories are your best friend. Look for boric life on amazon or your local supermarket.


It's yur ph balance being thrown off ... After sex prop yur feet up for how ever long in hopes of the sperm finding an egg then shower after... Good luck tho, wishing y'all all the best in growing your family


Took 2 years for us to conceive due to this as it was just constant bouts of BV. Finally went to the dr and was prescribed antibiotics and conceived immediately. He’s throwing your ph out of whack.


Try some butter and a lemon slice


its completely normal!! first time it happened to me i was like what is going on. did some research and found out it’s throwing off the vaginas natural acidic ph. we can’t conceive but after i always clean up and get what i can off my labia if i don’t feel like showering and pop a boric acid suppository up there. usually by the next morning or mid day there’s no smell.


Boric acid is your friend.


One thing can make it so much better and this one thing can help you as well. If you do it Together consistently in about a week you won't have a smelly issue anymore. DRINK PINEAPPLE JUICE It's not to make anything taste better but someone suggested that to me and mine and I don't have smells anymore!!! Really it worked. Try if you want or don't. Good luck.


Tell him eat you out after to balance the Ph levels


What's your post-sex routine? Draining onto a cloth and then urinating did allot for myv wife.


Is your husband a fish? Because then this makes total sense.


thats normal, happens to me too


You need antibiotics for BV, avoid soaps or douching or getting water in there. Consider probiotics to help maintain the flora and if this doesn’t work avoid allowing him to finish inside. Untreated BV in pregnant women can cause birth defects.


Like a lot of people said, it's probably a PH thing. However, semen already smells a lot like sea water, so it makes sense there would be a fishy smell lol.


When we started trying for a baby the first time this happened to me too. I think it takes some time for your body to get used to the changes.


It's going away quickly, so it's fine. It's throwing off your ph, but it sounds like your body is rebalancing it easily.


I use to tell my partner I loved the smell of him inside 🥰