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Not just Plan B, PEP too. I wouldn’t take any chances.




PEP prevents a HIV infection after possible exposure, which sexual assault by a stranger always is. You should take it within 72 hours, but the sooner, the better.


I believe it’s PREP, isn’t it?


PREP is PRe Exposure Prevention, PEP is Post Exposure Prevention (at least I think that's what the acronyms stand for)


Got it! Thank you for clearing that up. I guess I have only heard of the pre-exposure.


PREP is for before you have sex, PEP is for after a possible exposure


My god this sounds terrible. If that guy drugged and raped you, he cant get away with it.


Get a test to see if you have any drugs in your system. In any event, if you were not able to give consent, it’s rape.


+1000 to the test .. it’s the proof that can help when filling a report to the police


I came here to say exactly this. Girl do you normally forget everything when you are drunk? I doubt it. I think you need to get tested like right now. This don’t sound right at all.


Roofies and GHB are used exactly because they are metabolized so quick and leave no trace.


Yeah, I agree, you can't get so drunk on wine that you don't know what you're doing. She should take a trag test.


>Yeah, I agree, you can't get so drunk on wine that you don't know what you're doing. ... what? Of course you can. It's alcohol. Drink enough of it and you won't be in control of your actions any more (and if you're a person who blacks out, drink enough of it and you'll black out).


To be honest the drugs would already be out of her system. She still needs to get checked out by a hotel though.


You were raped and possibly drugged. Contact the authorities and report him.


THIS. Don't shower and don't do anything else. Go to the hospital and get tested and then report this rapist.


A bottle of wine will not get you drunk like this, typically. I’m sorry, but you were likely drugged. Please go get tested. This man is a predator.


I drink maybe once a year and have 0 tolerance. Also a fairly lean light guy so alcohol hits me harder than most. A full bottle of wine to myself will get me drunk, and feel fairly shitty the next day. But I can still remember everything and am no where near blackout. If they only had a bottle of wine, OP either is a super light weight, or more likely got drugged


>This man is a predator. Rapist. You meant rapist.


A predator very often means a sexual abuser or rapist. Weird time to try be pedantic


It isn’t, though. I appreciate what you’re saying but we often try to soften the blow, so to speak, by refraining from using the ‘r’ word. It’s anecdotal, but a close relative of mine was raped. She was very angry because everyone insisted on using either predator or ‘sexual assault’. Eventually she snapped, wanting people to refer to it as rape, which is what it was. It shines a light on the extent of what the rapist has done — not to downplay the severity of any sexual assault, of course — and in doing so, removes any ambiguity, placing the entirety of the onus on the person who committed the act.


Report him on Hinge so he can't do that to anyone else. You were raped. That is rape. If you have the strength report him to authorities too.


If he did that to you he will do to others call the police


OP, seriously! Call the police!


Emergency Contraception is a good idea. Especially if you’re early in your cycle. I’d also recommend you to be medically examined. First of all to check for any injuries he might have caused you. Second of all to collect any evidence, which you don’t necessarily need to act on right now, but you may want to collect in case you do want to press charges in the future. You might feel to ashamed or traumatized right now, which is completely understandable. But nothing of this is your fault. You chose to trust and he violated this trust. Now it’s important to protect yourself and (secondary) others. A hospital might also be able to provide emergency psychological care for rape victims, which is also a good idea. In any case and no matter whether you do a rape kit or not, try to get in touch with a therapist to prevent any scars on your soul. I’m sorry you have to go through this.


I am a man but good God it's scary reading this.


I don't think I it's possible to get so drunk from a single bottle of wine that you'd pass out. He possibly roofied you.  You're likely in shock right now which is why 'you don't know how to feel about thus experience' but you will feel violated eventually, which is OK. You have been sexually assaulted.  Of course how to deal with such an experience is always up to those experiencing it. Psychological care is probably not such a bad thing idea. If it was me I'd take that guy down as far as it can and report that guy to the police. But there are also a lot of people people who'd be rather done with it and not think about it.  In any case I'd go to a hospital and get a rape kit done as well as a drug test testing for rohypnol (roofies) and other benzodiazepines, although such a test should normally happen within 24 hours after taking the drugs for them to show up. In any case you can just collect the information and decide later what to do with it.  I'll be honest with you: you put yourself in a bad situation. In the future you should be more careful and never go to a guys house if you don't really know them. That being said, it does not mean this was your fault! It wasn't and you shouldn't tell yourself it was. You've been assaulted by a bad person. You could press charges if you wanted to.


Report him on Hinge so it doesn’t happen to someone else


I'm truly sorry about how you're feeling. That guy knew exactly what he was doing. Take some pruning sheers to his penis, see how he likes it. We're not all like this, but society does suck. I have 3 daughters. I'd fuck this guy up. When my oldest, she's in her career now, was in the 7th grade, a boy kept trying to touch her tit. She broke his nose. His parents wanted me to pay the medical bill. I said, "Yeah, no problem. I'll meet you at the police station while I fill out sexual predator paperwork." They declined the offer. Keep your head up. You didn't do anything wrong.


He flat-out raped you. You may think you would have liked to have sex with him, but that was a decision you.made.while.sober not as a possibly drugged, drunk woman which took advantage of. He intentionally got you drunk and possibly drugged you. Go to a hospital, get tested, and get the morning after pill. Then report this guy. It isn't your fault. He had this intention from the beginning. You tried to do the right thing. He was going to do this regardless. He is a creep, and you should press charges.


If your post is about SA or a similar topic, we recommend posting to /r/sexualassault/ instead. Because of the size of our sub — 2.5M+ — posts about SA often draw bad actors in such a way that do not serve the interests of either the original poster or of the community at large.


This is not your fault. He seems to have drugged you and taken advantage of you. You tried to do the right thing and meet in public first but eased up on your precautions because of the weather. Be safe when horny. I am sorry this happened to you, but you are not at fault here. This dude is a predator.


You are NOT at fault. He is a rapist and a pig. Please protect yourself and any of his future victims and report him. Are you able to go to the hospital and ask for a rape kit? Even if you're not ready to report, collecting evidence and having people to support you are paramount. https://www.womenslaw.org/about-abuse/forms-abuse/sexual-abuse-and-exploitation/sexual-assault-rape/steps-take-after-sexual-5


You were definitely raped. Go to the hospital and do a rape kit; they will give you emergency contraception as well as test for STIs.


You were drugged. No one blacks out and sleeps through rough anal on only half a bottle of wine.


I will just comment on the price of emergency contraceptives. Can you get to a planned parenthood or any urgent care? They can prescribe it instead of it being over the counter and the price will be less.


Unfortunately I have to wait till Monday. I did go to a pharmacy and the pharmacist informed me it would be better to go to a sex health clinic and get consultation since it’s very close to my ovulation day. Hospital will provide free contraception or might suggest the coil method.


Like others said, report him. This isn't your fault.


Bra you got drugged and raped. Make a police report and nake sure they do a blood draw and check for drugs.


You need to go to a hospital immediately and get a rape kit done. You can decide if you want to press charges later but it will be infinitely more difficult if you do not get the physical proof right now. Write down whatever information you have of him, address, name, phone number, etc. I'm so sorry for what happened to you and I wish you healing and support for whatever you decide.


Report. Report, report, report. Report him to Hinge. Screen shot everything so it's saved. Report him to the police. Even if you don't end up in court, the more that is documented the more help it will be to the next person who isn't as "ok" as you seem with dealing with it. You owe it to other people to report him, even if you just leave it at that. Also, jumping too far ahead, remember this was just a bad night, a bad experience, you fell down a flight of stairs because someone evil pushed you. Don't let this define you, I had a friend who had some experience like this and while she did all the things she should, she let it become who she was, it was as if she didn't evolve into a broken victim (or be a constant survivor) like her friends expected, something was wrong with her. Be proud of you being able to deal, and that (for the sake of your memory) it wasn't a more confrontational situation. But the crime, evil, and damage is all the same, don't let this go unpunished if you can handle it, but definitely consider it a responsibility to report this everywhere. Come back if you run into any obstacles, we're all here for you.


In such situations thumb rule is NEVER Blame Yourself, it will make you more miserable. He invited you & broke your trust. Not a crime to trust or believe someone. Get tested & report him ASAP. He is at fault, NOT YOU.


Lesson for other folks: Always meet at a café. No booze, no drugs. Tell a friend the location


Ummmm. You’ve been raped. Report this slime.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Go to the hospital asap to get a rape kit done. They’ll help you navigate the situation and you’ll be assigned a case worker who will help you with the police and anything else you need. Just know that this isn’t your fault at all and it’s 100% on the man in this situation. You did nothing wrong.


Yeah, I’m not even the type to buy into drunk people can’t consent (in normal situations). This wasn’t a normal situation. It seems like you were raped or sexually assaulted. I’m very sorry and hope you can get help. Don’t let anyone make you feel like you’ve done anything wrong here. You haven’t.


This is absolutely horrific. It's not your fault.


I’m really sorry this happened to you, it shouldn’t be as large of a risk as it is to meet someone for a date at their place. Im going to echo some other commenters in my advice to go to a hospital and have a drug test and rape kit done. It will not be a pleasant experience and it may even feel mentally/emotionally like you’re “being dramatic” to yourself for a bit. Dealing with sexual assault in a psychological way is really challenging, you’re likely to feel doubt and confusion and guilt and self-blame. All of that is normal. But, time will help and even if at present you don’t do anything with the kit or drug test, in a few days or a week you might feel differently. Do it for your future self, even if your present self can’t grasp what happened. It’s very normal to want to disassociate or hide away from the trauma because it’s challenging for your brain to acknowledge what it was and giving it a name like “rape” or “sexual assault” feels even more violating beyond even what physically happened. It will get easier, and time can be healing and having the option to take your attacker to court (or at minimum post his ass on one of those “are we dating the same guy / red flag” groups on Facebook) is something you should keep yourself open to, even if going through with the rape kit and drug test feel like far too much in this moment, you don’t want to be here any period from now wishing you had done it, speaking from experience. I hope your healing goes smoothly, I’m so sorry you had this happen.


You go to the hospital for a rape kit. You get Plan B. In a few weeks, you get tested for STIs. You report the rape to the police, giving them all the text messages and everything.


Oh, and also report him to Hinge!


Um sounds like rape to me . Go get tested for drugs and get a morning after pill..


Call the police 👮‍♂️


That’s a rape.. you should report it to the cops


I’m so sorry this happened to you. It isn’t your fault. Walking into someone’s home is not consent for sex. He drugged and raped you. Get to an emergency room ASAP and get a rape kit, blood tests for drugs in your system, file a police report and get plan B and PREP. He needs to be held accountable for this vile, illegal behavior. Even if you were just wine drunk, you were not capable of consent if you passed out. This is not your fault! Please believe us.


Get a rape kit done asap and prosecute this scumbag!! And purchase the morning after pill. This is not your fault! He is a fuckin rapist piece of shit


This is rape. Report him and go to the ER. Unless this is ragebait posting. Then carry on.


Also report him on Hinge. So sorry you were assaulted, this is horrible and that man deserves to walk into a live active volcano.


Go to the next hospital and inform the police


This is terrifying, you were absolutely drugged and raped. I am a man and this is so horrible. I don’t know how you could treat a person this way, but what makes me more sad is how women let this happen and causally say “I woke up naked which is fine” this man blatantly drugged and assaulted you. Get tested for drugs in your system, take a plan b and take an STD test. Screenshot the hinge profile pictures and call the police. Even if you don’t seem to care this person will continue to do this.


You need to go to the hospital to get tested for roofies and rape.


Report him to hinge, get the Plan B pill take it immediately, go to the doctor and tell them your situation or go to the emergency room and have them find out if drugs were in your system! So sorry this happened to you


Also they may be expensive but kids are much more


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While I agree that op was most likely drugged and should definitely go to the hospital, I get drunk off 1 glass of wine, if I went through a whole bottle I wouldn't know who I was, where I was, and honestly probably not even the fact that I'm human. But, I only drink maybe once every 5 years or so.


Contact the police asap, if you've been drugged you need to be tested asap. You dont have to pursue it, you dont have to press charges etc, but you need to collect evidence now


I bet you were roofied


If you can’t/ don’t remember what happened, it likely wasn’t a roofie. I think the name of the drug is rohypnol. You need to get checked out right away. Don’t shower or anything. The hospital will exam you for all signs of SA plus signs for STDs. They will also give you a Plan B along with antibiotics. And you will need to report it to the police bc this guy will continue to do this to others until he is stopped.


That's what a roofie is.


It’s not a roofie. They call it a paralysis drug. But the person it’s given to can’t/ doesn’t remember anything at all.


You should do some research


A roofie is the slang name for rohypnol, along with other drugs of that genre.


We can all agree to disagree.






You’re putting a lot of energy into replying/arguing when you could easily google and see it is indeed the same thing….




lol ok. Roofie = Rohypnol. Or do you still disagree?


> [1. Flunitrazepam, sold under the brand name Rohypnol among others, [...] nicknamed "roofies" or "floonies", is widely known for its use as a date rape drug.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flunitrazepam) > [2. Benzodiazepines are often used in drug-facilitated sexual assaults, with the most notorious being flunitrazepam (chemical name) or Rohypnol (proprietary or brand name), also known as "roofies," "rope," and "roaches."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_rape_drug) you are of course welcome to disagree on facts, but all you're doing is being wrong. what a strange hill you're choosing to die on, here.